Associated Students of Cabrillo College

Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Total on Roster: 9
Votes needed for simple
majority vote: 50% + 1 = 6
Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 7
Aptos Campus
6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA
SAC East Room 225
Date and Time:
Thursday, May 24th, 2012
4:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Student Senate Minutes
Notable Motions
Approve $2,500 from the Programs account for senate meeting food.
Approve $6,000 from the Student Rep Account for the senate retreat.
Approve $2000 from the Student Center Fee Account to purchase supplies.
Approve $150 from Student Rep Fee to pay for advisors going to CCCSAA.
Approve $1,100 from the Student Rep Fee to fund the regional meeting attendance.
Approve $8000 from the Student Rep Fee to attend CCCSAA.
Approve $3000 from Programs for Welcome Week.
Approve 6K from Student Rep Fee for General Assembly conferences.
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
B. President: Charlotte Achen Present
C. Vice President: Laura Hunerberg Present
D. Treasurer: Darwin Constantino Present
E. Legislative Representative: Steven Culver Present
F. Student Trustee: Cedar Green
G. Inter-Club Council Chair: Joseph Gomez Present
H. Watsonville Representative: Abbygale González Present
I. Scotts Valley Representative: (Vacant)
J. Devin Monahan Present
K. Carter Frost Present
Adoption of the Agenda
Treasurer Costantino moves to approve the agenda, Chair Gomez seconds, 8 yea, unanimous.
Public Comments
Chuiko: Congratulations, you guys are looking great. Without further adieu, move on.
Presidents Announcements Students in school expect nothing but the best from us. We need to come together over the
summer. Is this want we want? Let me see hands for those who can come at least 4 times during the summer – 8 hands.
The college does not take breaks over the summer. The college had 1 million dollars to still reduce. During the summer
we will create our visions and goals. Doing this before the retreat will open up more time during the retreat. Dennis
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
would like to see a voting registration campaign on campus. We need to encourage other students to vote for this
measure. Our students are looking for us to be their leaders. Let us go above and beyond.
New Business:
A. Appointment of New Senators:
1. Scotts Valley Representative
2. 10 Senators-at-Large
A. Sharon O’Connor: Hello, I don’t know why I feel nervous now! I would like to be reappointed. I
enjoyed the last year and a half. I still have goals I want to achieve. I have ideas about getting more
faculty involved. I’m dedicated, I’m committed, I’ve never missed a meeting. I would like to work on
Welcome Week, and keep in contact with what is happening in Sacramento. Vote to appoint: 8 yea, 0
nay; appointed.
B. Joseph Watkins: A majority of you know me. I want to continue working on various projects. I have a
lot of experience. Vote to appoint: 8 yea, 0 nay; appointed.
C. Aimee Cornett: Hi everyone, I am petitioning to be reappointed. I joined the senate this semester and
learned so much about responsibility and accountability. I have experienced a lot of good events, and I
want to continue being involved. I was involved in the SAC Committee, and I want to continue
working on that. I tried to be the student representative for Borrow-A-Book, and hope to be able to do
that in the future. Vote to appoint: 8 yea, 0 nay; appointed.
D. Tana Desandres: My whole life I have been involved in leadership and student government. This real
I have really missed being a part of student government. I love being in a leadership role. I had the
opportunity to work with senators on various projects and I would love to join the team. Vote to
appoint: 8 yea, 0 nay; appointed.
E. Ivan Sumano-Vargas: I was the ICC Chair, any questions? Vote to appoint: 8 yea, 0 nay; appointed.
F. Kyle Logan: I will continue to provide my skills to the senate, I will support others, voice my own
concerns, I want to keep our priorities in check. I am a student interested in the well-being of students.
I hope you want me to come back. I am the president of AGS, and stepped down from the Business
Club. When it comes to voting, I think it is best to remain unbiased. I will always vote in the favor of
my constituents. I have made a commitment to both and I stick to my commitments. Vote to appoint: 8
yea, 0 nay; appointed.
G. Congratulations all!
B. Library Furniture
Info. / Action
C. Frost
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $10,000.00 from the ___ Account to purchase
furniture for the Library.
- Senator Sumano-Vargas moves to approve from Programs, Representative Culver seconds. 30K currently in Programs.
Previous Treasurer recommends taking the funds from multiple accounts. Vote not taken.
- Chair Achen moves to extend time by 10 minutes 11 yea, 4 nay.
Debate on whether spending 1/3 of Programs is appropriate the at the first meeting. Sesario notes that the final budget is
due in September. He also suggests this is sent to committee. The new senate does not have authority to spend the previous
senate’s budget. Representative Culver moves to move the item to the budget committee, Senator Sumano-Vargas seconds
13 yea, 0 nay. Treasurer Constantino needs to make the budget committee before there is a budget committee meeting.
C. Food for 12-13 Senate Meetings
Info. / Action
J. Gomez
3 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $2,500.00 from the Programs____ Account for
food for the Student Senate meetings.
- Chair Gomez moves to approve $2,500 from the Programs account for senate meeting food, Representative Culver
- Representative Culver calls to question, Darwin seconds, 12 yea, 1 nay. Back to main motion, 4 yea, 8 nay.
D. Student Senate Retreat
Info. / Action
C. Achen
3 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action regarding approval of up to $6000.00 from the Student Representation
Account for the upcoming Student Senate Retreat.
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
- At the retreat the agenda is not as packed as it usually is by covering material over the summer. There are leadership
speakers at the retreat; your yearly goals are decided. It costs about $200 per person.
– Treasurer Constantino moves to approve $6,000 from the Student Rep Account, Senator O’Connor seconds, 14 yea, 0
E. Student Senate Supplies
Info. / Action
F. Chacòn Constantino
This item is on for discussion / possible action regarding approval of up to $2000.00 from the Student Center Fee
Account to open a Palace Arts account to buy senate supplies for the whole academic year 2011-2012 and also purchase
retreat materials, if needed.
- Treasurer Constantino moves to approve $2000 from the Student Center Fee Account to purchase supplies, Senator
Sumano-Vargas seconds; 13, yea, 1 abstain, Palace Arts is not in the motion, it is not relevant where the vendor is.
F. CCCSAA Membership Dues
Info. / Action
S. Escoto
3 Minutes
This item is on for discussion/possible action regarding approval of $150.00 from the Student Representative Fee
Account to pay for the membership dues for the CCSAA for two advisors ($75.00 each).
- We ask you to sponsor this because we get one vote per membership. We have a good record for winning scholarships.
Flor and Sesario read and score the nominations.
- Senator Sumano-Vargas moves to approve $150 from Student Rep Fee to pay for advisors going to CCSAA, Gomez
seconds, 14 yea, unanimous.
G. SSCCC Conferences
Info. / Action
S. Culver
3 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action regarding approval of up to $6000.00 from the Student Representation
Account for the upcoming SSCCC Conferences.
- This is for the approval of $6000 from the Student Rep Fee for SSCCC meetings. This is the state level meetings we go
to. The General Assembly conferences. This funding covers advisors and the Leg rep and whoever else may wish to join.
Representative Culver moves to approve 6K from Student Rep Fee, Treasurer Constantino seconds, 7 yea, 3 nay, 4 abstain.
H. Regional Meetings
Info. / Action
S. Culver
3 Minutes
This item is for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of up to $1,100.00 from the Student Representation
Account for the regional meetings.
- Representative Culver moves to approve $1,100 from the Student Rep Fee to fund the regional meeting attendance,
Senator Watkins seconds 14 yea, unanimous. This is for the Leg Rep and anyone else who wants to go to the Region 4
meetings. Culver is the Leg Rep and has a vote at the regional meeting.
CCCSAA Leadership Conference
Info. / Action
F. Chacòn Constantino
This item is on for discussion / possible action regarding approval of up to $8000.00 from the Student Representative Fee
Account for the California Community College Student Affairs Association (CCCSAA) Annual Student Leadership
- Senator Sumano-Vargas moves to approve $8000 from the Student Rep Fee to attend CCCSAA, Treasurer Constantino
seconds. 14 yea, 0 nay.
Welcome Week
Info. / Action
J. Gomez
3 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action regarding approval of up to $4000.00 from the ____ Account for the Fall
and Spring Semesters Welcome Weeks.
- Chair Gomez moves to approve $3000 from Programs for Welcome Week, Senator O’Connor seconds; 14 yea, 0 nay.
New senators are encouraged to take part. Great kickoff event to the semester.
K. Formation of a Forum Committee
Info. / Discuss.
C. Frost
5 Minutes
This Ad-Hoc Committee would be for an annual event. Created to be an open forum to the students to ask about anything
senate related. The purpose of this is to engage and educate the larger student body about the senate and its functions.
This would be open for all the students to participate and truly find out what the senate is about. It can be intimidating to
come to a senate meeting. This would allow for a lot more discussion and more thorough discourse that would take place in
a relaxed environment. How does everyone feel about this? Great idea, the setting at the meeting is very formal, it would
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
be much more informal in this kind of public forum setting. It is important to actually listen to what our students are
saying. This could be an Ad Hoc committee. It could be several senators working on this. This would be an event we
would happen on a weekly or monthly basis. Ad Hoc events can occur at any frequency. Ivan, Devin, Cedar, Tana, and
Laura are interested in this.
L. Summer Committees
Info. / Discuss.
C. Achen
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion regarding summer committees. Specifically the SAC Card, Welcome Week, and the Retreat
Committee. All other committees will be assigned at the retreat; these however need to begin work immediately.
- Committee sign ups:
SAC: Kyle and Aimee will co-chair
Darwin, Carter, Ivan
Welcome Week: Gomez and Sharon co-chair
Ivan, Devin, Carter, Watkins, Tana, Laura, Abby
Retreat: Charlotte and Darwin co-chair
Sharon, Abby, Ivan, Steven, Watkins, Cedar, Tana
Budget: Darwin
Charlotte, Gomez, Sharon, Ivan, Devin, Steven, Watkins, Cedar, Kyle, Aimee, Laura, Carter
Cafeteria: Josephs Co Chair
Sharon, Ivan, Laura, Abby, Cedar.
Bus Pass: Gomez and Steven Co Chair
Carter, Darwin, Tana, Watkins, Kyle, Aimee, Cedar
Educational Masterplan: Watkins Chair
Delta Representative Report
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers report on Senate Activities and their respective Committees.
A. Executive Officers
President: Charlotte Achen Who wants to meet 4 times in the summer? June 21, July 5, July 19, August 23. Darwin,
Abby, Gomez, Sharon, Cedar.
Vice President: Laura Hunerberg Congrats to all the new folks. There is a final food event coming up next
Wednesday to pass out food. I will send out a doodle poll, from 10:30-2:30 we will be setting up and serving food.
Help yourselves to the cupcakes. Enjoy your summer. This is going to be AWESOME!!!
Treasurer: Darwin Constantino Budget Committee – we will meet soon, I’ll figure out when that will be.
Legislative Representative: Steven Culver I only go to the GA conferences.
Student Trustee: Cedar Green I’m just getting settled. I’m absorbing as much information as I can right now. I will
be attending the Governing Board meeting every Monday. There is a special GB meeting on June 4 that I will be
Inter-Club Council Chair: Joseph Gomez Congrats to the newcomers. I have to talk to my co-chairs for if they want
to have a meeting.
Watsonville Representative: Abbygale González I am looking forward to working with everyone, I am! Good luck
with finals.
Scotts Valley Representative: (Vacant)
B. Senators-at-Large
Devin Monahan Not present
Carter Frost Great start, yo. Awesome start. We are running in the forward direction. I think we are going to go and
do some great things, yo.
Sharon O’Connor Joseph and I will start working on welcome week ASAP so we are prepared. Good luck with
finals. I recommend you take the leadership class with Sesario, it was invaluable to me. I’ll be bringing in more
Emergencee to keep you all healthy!
Joseph Watkins I would like to be the representative to the faculty senate. Welcome to newcomers. The best way to
learn is to hang out in the offices.
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Kyle Logan Today is a prime example of the RFF’s needing details. If we could try a little bit harder to put more
details on the RFF’s so we wouldn’t have to ask so many questions during the meeting. The SAC Committee is
meeting at 12:30pm in the senate offices.
Ivan Sumano-Vargas Welcome everyone. We all have the right to abstain, but we are supposed to be making
decisions. We get these agendas well in advance to look over. You should be well informed by the time you get to
meeting. I need to be added to the new contact list.
Aimee Cornett No report.
Tana Desandres I am really excited to be a part of the senate and getting settled, I’m looking forward to next year.
C. Advisors
Sesario Escoto Congrats to everyone who has joined the senate. I hope you enjoy your leadership role. I invite you
to get an appointment with me to get to know one another for a few minutes. Bus Pass Committee, I hope we meet
soon. Borrrow-A-Book is in jeopardy, we need to figure out how to revive this. You mentioned the contact list,
thank you for taking care of this. If there is more than 3-4 people in your committee, it is incredibly difficult to set
up a meeting time. If only 3-4 can meet, then meet and produce. Get to work! Keep it moving. Who is going to clean
the fish tank? Who will be responsible for the fax machine? Refrigerator and microwave duty? After the scolding
you might not want to take the leadership class, but I recommend it! It is CSU transferable. There is a special
Governing Board meeting on June 4, the first regular meeting is June 11 in Scotts Valley. The board is there to serve
you. Get ready for finals.
Flor Chacòn Most of you have your five units already, your grades are not posted yet and you must complete 5
units and get a 2.0 to remain on the senate. Do your best. I’ll be working on your business cards. We have 12 iPads
and 15 senators. If you want or need one, email me ASAP. I still need keys back from old senators. Please do not
come to me within the next two weeks about that. Give me two weeks before you get your desk and your iPads and
your Business cards will all hopefully be in your hands by the retreat. Produce!
Agenda Building
- Request to paint the gym floor -$3000, Kyle will sponsor this item.
- Sharon requests $1500 for Second Harvest
- $6000 for Thanksgiving
- Voter Registration Campaign Committee – Cedar
- Fax Machine/Fish Tanks/Chores – Lois has had lots of students go directly to her.
- Goals Part 1.
- The deadline for the agenda items is To Be Determined.
6:21 pm
Student Senate Executive Meeting Minutes
(To be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
A. Roll Call: All E Board members are present.
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Approval of the Executive Minutes
Regular Business
6:28 pm
A. Discussion of Meeting
Chair Gomez wants to remove himself from co-chair of bus pass committee. This meeting was very efficient. If
you miss the conference it will count as two unexcused absences and you have to pay a $50 fee. Also if you have a paid
spot at the retreat (or any conference/convention) you will be left to the jurisdiction of the E-Board to determine if your
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
absence can be excused. Sesario: this was a nice meeting. Almost half of your student senate is returning, something I
haven’t seen in my 11 years here. When there is an item on the agenda you do not start with an amendment, you just
move along with the new amount. You do not have to use parli pro. The Chair’s job is to keep the meeting movement,
not to remind everyone that they might need more time. We did decide that if a person is absent at a convention without
any prior notice or a replacement (add to Article 4, section 1) that they will be given two unexcused absences and a $50
fee. This needs a 2/3 vote to be added to the bylaws before it can actually be implemented. Laura learned she has a lot to
learn. She thinks it is going to be fun and interesting.
B. Assigning of Mentors
Senator Desandres needs a mentor, Senator Devin needs a mentor, Senator Frost needs a mentor, Trustee Green
needs a mentor, Senator Abby needs a mentor. Senator Watkins, Senator Ivan, and Representative Steven volunteer to
mentor, Aimee wants to mentor Abby, Sharon wants to mentor. Ivan would like to mentor Carter. Joseph is with Cedar,
Devin is with Darwin. Sharon will mentor Tana. Mentor/mentee meetings must happen monthly.
Advisors Reports
Sesario Escoto: When is our first Retreat Committee meeting? Darwin sending out doodle poll.
Flor Chacòn: iPads are supposed to replace the binders. You guys waste about 1,400 pieces of paper a month. I want to
see the agenda and RFF’s up on the projector.
Executive Agenda Requests None.
6:49 pm