Beth A lenerto Ben,Sam,Jakeand Nick fom GrandmaPany BethLolaireBknchette 1959- 1981 Arthor\ Nok It ba!tal<ztt rreMrerleery)ean nMeBeth\deathtnfttd nteereryta tti "ri/e tua af6erlife.Behgfttiftdhehed! O ceI g1tl)e idrdofp&ri g tbe h the 'tary J,t ofa htlarlah'rfon Qkys, lbetqiecttaakat a 4rt aJraavr'.1ftad lishftd /n,Irakenat,a"daatcbe.d e'Erytbi"glha'.eft/a,i'19/0 BelhI lfe. It has been a kryjaJa$, pai'f , c/thaftb,ftafrrninspnce$,a I a,, ,ery?nnd aJ tbefrralbnd d. I ewcialbaitb tot a"k te, *^efutu aulfan;!,nentet antetkir ',t\a ar,,tftne,"btune$orkck'ia" i ttb hficr- RnaGai&Sanb,Nary, learie,CiaaMa*ne4I uilk andJoht Ab|, I uib tathattkAhxa Ml:rea yhataak4t Micft'\t' ll/ad nfui "'itb n0tict retandf,'rralbdit, ,,i/b i,tnedibb ?die cr,;ntotbit k4 d0 ne"t, A,'d I pt" tatba"AJ',rJf0rbb emtrageneat, Wort, anl atuin or ixf*at PatBla chere akaGra d a Paq 2724Banga'Dire Apla, CA 9500.1 Derenber t998 Tonlsa boy - Bcx,Szn lahe ad Ni.k, lr hs bcn svcnren yeaEsnEerour Amt Bdh died. I tnow the four of),ou haveh€rd her mN many tim$ bur I alsoImw you do not /.,/4 know ndch about hd - ts $senccandhd spnir,I am hopingthn httd will propedyindoduceher to tou. For somenr*plicablc rson, Bdh qDE honc fron speakingto a Dedh and Dying ddr r Cabrillo and sid shd6 dnid she\lould beforgotren.Afaid thrt ve {outd ptrt xway ali picnu€sofft! dc. Hd ldr dtrn{hih ftier& rnd frmil},ftmed in b nisn,l Nenr rhroush aUou slid$ and phob nbums alld clos rhe pi.tures for c huse picrure colhse h si,rg on $"ill in n) hone. Shekrs I w6 doins rhis.ltlough shedid,it live long .noush ro se rhe 0nishedprodtrd tharjudy Stenovichpur togshd for s. And hq€ vc all aE, s*enreen I eas larer,csilr EnembdrS h* in wods io shtuewnh the four or l.ledrLotrkevas bon rt l13l in rheDorningon Fridat April lT, r959 in a por6nolrh, Ne\{ Hdnpshirehosptul.sheveished7 tbs.3 oz andv4 21" tong.Shcv4 born on Gnndna Marior Bhnchctrc'sbnrhdar Tlq' wsc borh Aies ald left-landed. Someof the Afts oais dnr fir !trh sde 'unusually fliedly with foretul mannci, a firn fiand" claspandan in$ant smile....wil gghtvhd ftey fel is aninjutice andnor bebshtul aboutvoi.ingopinions...verydnect, bhnt...beableto dran theinpo$ible dreamdd (&om nake ir ohe tue.' Linda Goodnd's sn s,r,t CEndpa Ror and I had be€nn{rGd rlmos four ),€rs ryhenBdh rvasborn. \ve Mned unril he had ecived ln bacheloriidesree{ the Uniyqsiq, ofNew Hanpshirc. we wtre very happy to havehcr cone into ou liys and sddl). I Ered . snl bedK I'd had rhe nanc Bdh picked our for a long dm€. Prcbablr Eading abour B erh i^ Lnde Wahe" nJlucn-d me(hen I ws young. Her middle mne tnuisc wd Gnndna Eyeb,nBailey: sugE$tion, td'm)'AuntLouise(Prok p). - l- ldh ws chi$enedii r rddborough, Neq HahpshiE, Unit{hn Churh rndvore xchrnreninggownwon bymr lirher Crardpr L$er LlailetI nill hrve lhc gownhcr. in !,), bedoom closeLif-eran' ofFtr... V/ctivcdin trtrups.i.aprrtmentni Drhan, Ncw Hrmp shnc,duing her llr$ rtr. I was. say-r hone nom trnd Gnndpr RoDsorLcdin Po(snouth trsleuidan.c c.unelor while geftiDgiris Mr$€rl' degree.Cnig wasborn I 3 nrondr lac rnd we allmo!.d b r abin on a ltrtewh*c cnndpi ms a tifcgurd rnd .trnpgroundnantrgerfor dr sunmr, lr $is idyllicercn bush ve hrd to divc 15 mihs io rvsh diapcafor $o babis (no disposablc dhpds h tlos. dqsr!. In Augrs of 1960wc put I 6 DrotrtlloldBdh on ar inphn€ vdr cftdmr RlaNherc rndput2{ord!ol.l Crtrigin a honenadc.r bedo driv. b Oceuid., our tl6r lbnlc in Ctrlitonia.LledrandCnig r€rc pla]nxa rnd buddics\Vs ln€d ,i Llods &on rlr bcr.h r.d ihadvasd,c b.sinninBoi dtn bvc trrliirvith rh C/dis ant. tbk fo/ xoa bot'. r wishi rcntd rend .r ntre orD',lifewith q,sjsd Berh,butwft n€ Lhir n a wa] o hclp Krll d,os n.ndries trndto dr. theD rvith Lhc}';us pcoplcin ou hmil] who did not htrvedE opporiuniy ro havedme {nir Lr{ii r ,,Ber u.s D fl 8 ru .a n o n ,'!,a l m.. lep,l, r l,L ., h o . t, o o v" ,1,,o.."J\D. ..i g, .'\e ryl r E o l o *8 .1 , .,". ,.- .,,r ' a .,.t - ; g1.. \",,8., otr-v., .h 'rr ...- "' ,E*.' v;.\ ,,,1 . "o ,lo , cones and shcthrs a faith$ than an',onc.!c rt thc !.!oo! ma,eor ,rJ - (. \. or ' , h - . t , r c o n . \ . - * . e l. " d Hcrsili lorlerring andshdhgrvnhothesn eEshed11],shined. str .ook l ."r."i oo\o' fl r , o i p a d , - b h o ih ,.n 1q. m,do \ . $ o r \ d d ,'a- nr :e- , ' . or{ l r - . r n . nr I.Eo,.-L-, o^'u d"r ' r d . p , h l' - - . n . o,'- ,,o,E 1... I lovcrdr rerrninsrvassogr3trtthd slles{ involved iD a $ic;fctrb,iuo collesefield kipsin theSiems, orc bcinsnvowels Lcfortshedied.Th{ sbor.low inpotunr nrarpairof htr liiew$ rohc. - .2 - Beth hade and had 2 larsesroup oFfriedr in hcr lhoa 22 yea$. Man), are sill h our 1iv6 todal. I lovc thc pictue ofhd and hq ftiends cltins a hike in thc nounbins, dl with novss in rheir hai and snil6 on their ftas. \ftat a suic all rhc rih6 w€En'r grar. Hq ilhss dd deatl rook us all to a pla@ I wish no pe6on or Annr would haveto go.Yd, {e lerned sonkh frc; hd. Hcr .ourrge in d€,lins vnh hs own noralig' is r lcson I will neverforget. Sheneversaid\vlryme or "whari|..", sheju$ livedherlile fullr with so In closing, I would lile to sy, I lovedmy sisrr v€ry much. I hope shc knew lhh. I think ir is hud for children dd rlung aduls ro *pr6s that lovea rhe ':n e .'rrh " e ,o , l d h "a8r o{ nolde,oga} .,..o",( ohJ\emof ,h.r o shde in eachothdl felngs, bu olien life dos nor tum out thc my wewie\. Nobod). h* tle "pdftd liE- or n the pde( pdson, dd Berhws no dcption. Shehad hs fa ts, swe all do, but I appeciaied rhd wnh the shon rinc shchadvith r, shechos ro look at the g.od dd lerve rhe e$ A I'ar laer we moved io L HabE rnd bousht ou ftst homc. Y.e had r r4 fbotUdo sailboaidd wenrto th€ ocan s much 6 we codd. A(oding to her baby book, &F ing thor ye{s he! livodre bool6 werenu4ery rhyme books, Czt t, th.Eztid 10t Dalndtiaa. Ott pds wd€ Tindn (a niniatu€ Da.hshmd) dd cali G cad. \qhen Bethw6 5 y.ais old, sheftIl md fractud he! skul while wc vdc vhitinssirh ftiendsin LkAlowhad. ThdM El sarybut slE - l- \ic livcdin i ncighborh.od ntrlb,|opuhcd vith yolng frmiliessollerh dd crlis hrd o$ofplxrmaks ill dr dn.. Thg' did .ot atend pr{chool. It vrs notconhon in lhose dars.v/c did bddng b rBtrb Sn Chb {her all rherounglimilis iook,urnscriDsfol \{/c krc lirinC in Lr Hrbn ivhen lleth nared lind.garten. ft rvasrcrt .r.iting ro send dufiNbornolltorhool. FoduDarehthesclool\ fin.ipalras linnrfiicnd Dous Ch.k Uakc,room mncd for Dors who diedjLrrbeforeyourarc drd oncofh* ddindcrvrsMn.hcll chrk, Dougrnd slirleeison. l\.lissKi$sbury, hd linddgartcn &trchd, vroc on hd Eport .d: A$ds: sood hrnd eyecoordinatior-nus.ularc.odinrion follownrsdneciionsbeginDingdrdnnnhingro,kprcnprt trunbd andrddins ietrdi.$s longfur onrprn Needsto grolv in,trc.spb.ceofturtuadon-happinssandpideinvoLk .ounq,andrlf.onuol... rfshe.rn 6nd thereson rorsonedriigshcisquncwilli.gto coifom. Bcthnvery..e fivc md wiltingto hetpoth{s { al rs." sanh w6 bom inhHibnFhen Llethe?salndssix 116 old rnd cnig rvrsfour ud a hilri Ttcr w{e both \€.r,helptutFirh drerry bibyand lovcdhtrving sneoneb bo$.TinoD,our D{[shud,wsllc c,addpaandr wan,cd10livc ncrd rheoean sohe toud ajob d sclDolpsy.hobsntin srnhcNzandwe movedAuBu$ 196t. ve Ercd a l,o!s on ther€n sideofsrntaCruz udh {rended [Ergnder Natural BidgcsS.hool,x{ichras abrandncwscho.lhuiltjn Lhcrcund.I.Ierrerclerws Ms. Cokon,whovrce on htr cpo( d : "Bdh hasdone top flN giadeFollt r1l ye2i . ft wasin M^ Colton's.lss ilD! l{h dew rhc solrporrrnwilh tu redhadbxnd thri),ou seeLanginsor r hewsllglingourm m) de.l . Ahcispcndingmonthsvnh r real6brcn"n,ve fo!.d ihe hoLreor Borcgs Divc in Aproswhdc r htrvenoN lined for dirry{rvo ),cr6. rve moyedin AugN and Bdh r_ erded $cod Ender Mr vnu sdrool,ishr rrcs the (rk.Ioryeds we hadd bridgc &os drc.tuchinour btr.k)rfd {nh r pd lcrdinsdosn t. thecEek md rp ro rhe rhoolard. Allthc ncighborioodkidsrsd rhn prh. + Tbsed n.,tbhtM \tnd tud.ho:uillsiuettua" i.!.d oftuhzthi"t1ofntudat Bdh Ms. Mulhn, FcoMgnde: "Bethisapldsurtb havein dss. BdhnstsopsoNofhd 'visilios duinB dss. Shemu$ alsoledr tiar shcha thc rbiliq-b do exdl.nt vorL trnd should not ytth for s.ond nte. A 1€.r nice dd wet likcd lidc snl., Ms. Mord, rhnd gnde: Bethdid r finejob d clss presidcnt. Bdh hm donenuch b{td in hd to.htrins duing d6s dnB' Mr HonqunLfodth gnde:allAt nr Kno*lcdgc drd Skillsmd .ll si\ in \{o* andStudyHibil\. "...d lerewehdvc,pssiblrthecounuyilrr hdt presiddtrin rhchakingl" Mns GtrnsFdq nfrh gndc: trlI-& rnd so Bt (in scicnft)for rh€wholel4r. All st in GcreralBeh:v Mr. Detrso.,sixthgrade!+ in Or:l Lrngutrgeand Grddpr Ron andIx€re dnored in 1970vhen Boh vs €levenreu otd. Even ough cRndpa Rondid nd livein thehome,hecorrinlcdb do tr loi oftbine5wnh Ddh, Cnig d sanl. GtundpaRo" ar.t. thit fat )aL Bd[ ws a vdy bodng, bibr. she rns the fiN bom and $€ had to dpdime n i rl o rvn h h a svewer etr otsur ofwhxr iodo.Thcolddchildiaa tumilyse$*pftinmrd rvid, dr mo$ lilc Nith Benmd Sm in fiei. |amilis. BedrhuEhr N a lo! shcv* :lwr),s curious.Sheliked ffgurnrg out dings and krning abouteyeryhhg. Htr curiosityws a big inflknce in lerming rbour people,science, dregov$nhcnt, th€enviroDment andrhedd Lr{h always dralLengcd nc on q, iderstrndpoin6 ofyie$ and ir rvd fu' dncusing rhings vnh hei !0hen ldh disagreedwirh nc or gd nad r me, shetold !E sone.J, -t- s ,}oots atj tor B e t h r r c J , o . n llh n g in s o . o u . " r \ e t iie d r o d o , o we i j . ,,ril'.""Tiit'r].'"'_.#Ltffi:il,_*mru:.t: p'o;nn* Lhe6'rc' m-'rd ;.i;T;i::l:trXT"::'lili@p'cn BedrMasEr hv€ln Shchetp.dusrtoron her whesh tll w-odd Rronhna\Lh ned*.r.* Y. @ud r{8r dd dpre$ io) .1.' ";,*,,-l,j,tlijli ,* ;; '* p.-"%.a. "b,i. "., 1,if j"is"irq+'$'trf :if;1il":l ;;x.u;,u n';*; Gh" on lre rhn Agrn. r., cu ov.). qr;ng hany d'fieFnr rhings ws itM),s very Berh-Lked roks, u,Ptr6dd o ta _ l,"ut ro oo ,o funnr4r, n6. inewo'idwerwcird h a B . n d mrd e i mdk to foolpeple. one dayalituer! she ewwhar I B wairg md sh. sid, "Did you&.]lyk{ rha o eru Did youE,lly kiirhrrcohb,nrion of @lob ; work,i 5heB sh, hushinea! tu in disbelief$ r bld hd lhe n; r"trk I lom€d a lor from B.d, od mi$ ler moE rd moreed appreci?ie her more.nd Doreaudre me.I dink of htr a Lo,and nryeblk5witi hsud lorenq,nd misrher Shegj€smeaood rd.6dd vie 5dU{d IJi5Rnrc he.n_ i:::3_* l|e.w,'scll!,6 llr c n b b d 16ory.,n,n"H.rheyp,,unp4ed :ncoor'ins T,:r:'yro, :l* Ebbi' .'6,$ ad s ood@ ,0, in8lla.o va_J" i n m o t n n g d e m r ,h ,i"+".,,".1 r ,.],"- ,r ,., r t eq l n * s..i;"_ " ,n r ytn e etuaer d n e d b i \.u i \and br n.,,nd.iTr non J- d,.u^, attend.d&tosJmior Hish f@n 1971-1973. SheE€iyeda1lAt defl B s Aw'dsofRemsnirion fo, outsiandins :1':-3::.^:,::*,ln :* j"ceikd ot in Soci,lStudis,Enslis!, Se*i.g, -a N6- E"*p;"Afy,c,,l.,i. w",L;;L, * the€nd of the 7r sGde.And Orttanding Langxage Aft Achievdnerrin Jme 1973{ cndof8" ghde.Bdh andhd.ltr$nnis weregivenrhc optionofqrolltng in an exp{inonhl:lgebn.ltrssrjuniorhish offeEdfor thelnr dhc b. Rang,Snid,. sh€loyedrlr .hJhngc and tu*iycd r11As. Cnis Ms rble io pdticipdrc ths follovhg I,ef SheitrerdedAprosHigh s.hool toh 1973ro 1t77. Sle$as dirgnosd with Hodgki$ Disesen, Dccenbeofhd&6hn]n]ertrndras hone tuorcdrhe rer of dr sclool }earbrDiana KJuse.InDecenbeshchadmrjorsurse,ratSh.Iod MedicalCdrer The d.r' Gina,Sanha, I $€re o bing hc hone we nn iNo a snow$om on thesumnn of l-ligh{tr)- 17 2nd warched8 nrhs ofsnov &unuhF on the cd Wc h]d to abaddonthc a andtheCrlihrnir Higbwaylarol hclpcdusEtiiere it re nextday.Bcrh vs ,trof dciLcd b nndly s. trs.AfE bs reconeq,fron, n$dy shemtrdedail), aips ro sunfo for ndhdon rcrnenrs forfou. months.Artlxr dnc hu dn$s $as .onsid*cd obc rnnsion.shcgotHodskinsrgrininlebruaryolhdjuniory€arburray€dtn Khool.shcwodldonlymnaa d"r, someriaes6vo,whetrshercc.ivcdhd che,notlEnpr Ba{Ne of d,echcnoihdp), shc1ontrllhd hril ShepurcIsedx vis, bui leyerworeit. Shefek it $as too fila]ooltin8. Innnd shes$veda sdf to nakh d.h outfi!. B{h hrtred n, cnnis and rcccivcdthn rde &om her coach,Cad,erinc Mtrm)l I wrs gladyoudecidedto phr.ends rhisse$on.Thcrc\som<hins $otrryourxdtudc bstrrd peoFleanddre srne and,owelf rlDr mk6 ir.njd),abl€b berroundyou-{in orl$c. yery Youare grc\'n up in a ]ot ofwa] s - I rc.llr.tu:pe.r tlu dsire ro liugh ar tourelf orrleatmjq-thosemisftkes whorrotrhadto." shcmrrdiveinAm{ican Fieldseflne ctub lhrisponsoredfocisn studertslivingin AptosanddtcndingAptos High, Bdh {rnded ld 1976JuniorSeniorhomwirh lenjanin Hohd shc vore a dF$ ihd I servedfor her And shc dtended hd I t77 ftotrr withMichrl Riorde, vdins r bo'io{ed bhck dr$. Bdh ghdurEdsdubtorianofher clas wirh r 3.97gBdepoinr enge.Her only B ws in Biolog]l. rnalefterto mefton ltandrsnirh, h( ndh krchs injuniorand sdor high \ h o o t.l e vd . r\ ..,8 - t \ ^. e,,or . A.,,o I igl.\1.!\ o,"dn.,- nr ) .e,, bookthrnldng nc for u.hins hei f;r conyderions our ofchs, lor sans ofb&ksaDl hdn, lor bdry tlt€. Blt I thank htr for nl drosethings drd more. I nay havcbccn hcr brtl @cher,butsleaugh,nc somlchrbolt life.... e7- l fourd. mlgh dnft ofrn, probab!,rrcd 6r appll-ingfoi rholaships:'S.cial Scienarnd l-Ierlth Sciencmbothidds of inteEs.rone.Thnqbourny rd6 h highschool,so.irltu4..h$s irrd.scd rnd chrllengedlre dre mon rvlile nI Croving mpcd lirr StantodHospiralhasnnerescdhc in theHerlth S.icncc€ofihisconflicr,1pltu!ro rEnd Crbrillo collcgcfor a rsr, Ekins r snrdhg ofcltrsrsin dr hopcofcnhd.onbinins theovo A a pNibh deer or dddhgon andlunhrins q- studcsnr oncof the n€lds. Af6.olkgc, r hopeto udtizeq-sudicsbywo,kinsfor enhd xpubk or soEnnenhl rgdrcr I f.clrhd a arcer in ihir ncuwould bodr inrEs and.htrlhngene dd fro ,i dei P Lc s t€re1.outdbc ofgturt helpto th€public. Na,cr Ihlt, afii.nd nct in high urot. thit far roa. 'choa/, I am soghd ilnr I ws privileg.d b ldow Bdh. she h4 had d, nlpxc, on m), lifc Id bc] ond rhe sdcn )fd thn ve kls ad, othcr Iwa dAptos HishSchoolwithBerhforthrcc j,66.\vecudu{ed rogcLhci sittnrgn{ o eac[orhd $ vrl.Llictoi] son€dur ins mr.freshmrnr€r of hiBh$hool becrbeshcvrs snt. Blt I hnrd about h{ th{ rar fton ffttrds wholos h{ in jlnio. hish rhool. sllc hadb€n dhgnosd $ith Hodgkins Disdsc. Ths min tlirg I rememb.r haing abour Bcth thn ),car16 adniErion .dniffion in hd fticndi loics. I diddt herrs ne$ or piry I leamedonccI md Bdh rhr dDis bec{se shcdid not inspi€sdrBsoipqhd rctrngernd animatiotralwaysinspncdrdm irr I onnot €nember low or wh.n Bdh trndI flK mq, but sc soonbccane do$ &iends.!{/e Femed to [ive r lo, in connor *r vd€ good $uddrs vho liked shool dd wee collcg.-bound, ve hd pre,rs wlb rvo&ed r cabillo collc8c,wehad@ sibtinss. ve rvdr to cou'd6s baltdball sams tosether, atecreanclese pie ad dllsortsofdh{ rich food while odEs wondsed$4dc wc prt n, bllcd2hourschool,bq,s,movles,mdplans for rl I'u e 1 e o q r'.Jr ' ir a r t' . , . o,el p.i ,' "\fer F.e - -8- Bethhadr ?etrlrnd anendrusisndDrwsnnpo$ibh ro marchdd hardb h q . l) .' Blr o8 .Jr ' A/- .r \Ja 8 n o n .l n ! n ro / '(r'q ' ' r,tt-' I n" fh --' r or "." \ - vr r e, D 'ol' ie r also hrw Bedr du g ou .oll.gc yerr. she ],rs uNbLe ro go N4- ro .ollese,thoushsh€pnbrbly.ouldhavegotreto anynunbu ofunivdsnGs ofherclone, b<a,seshews $il figfuingthcHodgkins.Durins thoe yG., I sdwl* mos whcn shcws coning b Sbnfod for ft{nerr. shc alw}s mainuinedrnincEdibleitiittrdeofopdninninspiteof herillnss dtlr Mr oyeralldperience of ledis life [$ bccn d cnduing Fns ofjor Erati(de,wholends.r t,avcoficn thaughtofhtrrvhenmI tifeFens.onfusd or empryandI ztunl' endup stuhg perpectnr fton.flrtingon her h!6 if shc is in rhc roon ,nd we ft htkins trbou! rlfiss dd sheis giyiry me dyiceon ho{ to lookat thingsdifferctrd}. I oftendrink I dn($ expqienced onb'a perolwho Bdhws, becrEeshe andrdidnorshrcilotoftincrcfl ir mu$ haneben like to bow d,r -tingontheancerhhsbodyxndwhrt slt had a chind illn6r. rqhaps slE feh shelad to keepup somekid ofchaful frFde, or p{haps I rvs mconfonrbG belov hn upbea nuftce.\VedFelt n, rhcpccnt andimnedi {e futu€ lor dre no{ pxn. L wsn't likc Bdh rax sulqficial, thoughj ror Mshcan uncritnalpeson.shc couldr:g on:n unpopularrercrerorcvcnt o! p{son wirh rhebst ofus. I suppos I ve dbH on sonc lcvcl b rememb{ her cheefulms, hs opdnistic oudook, hd pdnive endey nrllei rhan rencnbcring motu mudanc .handdistics, b us shehs tumed inro ruch an amazi4 force in mr tife she hs dearh.r hcrn, vhen r rhink or B{h now' a vholc ..lnnAs rnd bnrnc .ons over me so itt ldd to rcJl hd A rnrthinsshoftof an incdible beirg. Todan$rencen ycan aftd hd durh, shehelpsne jur like slle would ifsl,c rkre my closr liiend livins trst door Anyonc sho ldovs n€ knNys thr I rn not a €ligious pcNn r all, but I fel !dh! presne. I krlow d,at shct ihdc, in th€ uniws, not &r a{ar accesibte to ne Ni.h llcr ncsxgcs of rcepene, sntittrde, jor and bJancdhrnory,. Ber[sil a.tift in sevenlpoliticalcaDpaigns, actn€ astcasrrcr on Clhnntcs ro Ue.t Manuelosolio to rajarcvnlel s.hoor Dissict Bodd ofTrufes. He won. shelvasespe, ciallyintdsrd in libeBl rnd eniinnmenhl .auss. 19! # r: 'llmughotrthigh rchooldd collcscBdh vorked itvriousrobs shedidrlot ofbaLry sncnre, cleancdtuomsrthe DrFiew Horl in AprosVilhge,{rs K-M]rt, ud volked nr Jcnni.: dtrlEnr. Salab ulot thi fi, roL Y&cn I thinhoam)'sntentlkc qurhies.omer. nind: compasn,n, comnnHnrena*able.onptrsi.n, asit€hrcsbme, nbstillunBred byadentoD shcmdc in her herLs *o ).eas,Irofr ages20 to 22, shetook c time o nuruE ha ionship wirl tu, ]young, nsc.uE and probtrbb_ on" r L 'B c o.u, , oa cr r ll r ,;., fl.' o p:- l \.;'\-d ! ' .Fed1.,, I.o r - o!""r . , or i !- t." , o .t, .:. si$e' to sisrerrel$ion$ip. I hrve a*,onddtul (m$rc tuve ofnerbies, lioD nedr.orhingneqhilephdningdriviisr rhcCtrbillo College pa,kinglor,to nq la/ns or he Lod,in lhedorvrtrknsrprden!while Deah IJ. .'$ e i L Fr r ' ' I le L.t, ,, et,' t, 'n 3 " hou ' s ' d " 'o r.w \o i 'd u n .{ o' .k. .dnfl\n&.r . t.- .h.r ahd )dng' sxYtq,sisd apiorig.spqls to howhuch sh; valkd tmjh Berhwasconnntcd to pohicsrnd th. eniiroDmerrBcthk.ewhow Loin .-e l o ya,.8€: a- .tor ,E.o.".t,o.r ." oo, r ol \o v" \-.," L '-e p Jd " ,d t,, sr .,.," ,,,r Lu ,ob- "to,; fu. .ncq- , _ n e .o l " l p p l o '.e '-B " fl.dD- n, ..,e, I d' r . i":ol "' .o' o cai ecen canoldars. Be&t senseofhn didnt rlErs coftldr vidr mire. Two cxtrnptei fi61, wh€n Ivrs 13 orso, Bcth sood outsidcrhc brhroon $indo\a;nding dn rhe deck,kitins rof me o nnish n), shorver'wtcn r openedth. sho;r door, B .h h .d h e r, r'e 'd..r a' ool f' .L,eo.m - l- . No o. !.,.J n ,B e .Ihr ' d he."r ' ."! er ' h.,,itr o r c r .t I o' ' E re r'i .l ,o J/ wonds Fher th{ picrure€ndedup? The secondinvolresrnodrertoucly e4. ee,DEeabjrt nensru{ion. Vncn in Ns Hinpslirc wnh B{h andCinaones!m'ner,ldh tunm€ed thrclgh ny iulT, mdfound rbigbox ofntTrnpons. SnrccI wasonlyls, thisdnc subjc.rembunsFd rnc.s0hr did Bdh deidc b do?QuGrlyptrl thc hnpons back?No, BcGvrs neyeroneto lcr anopportunirl,pa$,so shc boh thebox,rumedir oki rnd spreidabolt 30 tampoDs allovd nr.bed, duLingwhicl Bdh andcim lxughedupoaiouslr,.Did I join int Oh no, r .'.n o'edodl .,.l -e.r n , t o n \ A q d , r J \r p o . . , r - k . w. , l' " d u n ' - o u . ' of tv e,rol ddi Si aw t u . B . r , - d c r n . , lo r , r n u ""d, 8 h - s f . e p i r u e or tnatdenr mry ire \u^ n e d As I srs olds, lsh and I sharcdhtrtu:llr'tun exp*ienc6. Bdht love o[ eduation andbeingourdooB led her to enoll in a suhns biolo8r,field.l* in rhe SGur. lu$ weels befo€ slE died, shc invned ne b join htr d rhis .. r" t.rn rn g u w o .d 4 l' .1o r +_o,n I n "d' tr L"o".kr d o J.' r o' l.e 'rtrp l r. L L .n - o d. e' .€ld"r .|. r h. r . r ,l ' 'ryr oir ( Lr enjoyedw{.ltng hd, wrh\' sredns neF rquaintdfts rnd old fricnds, thdvingon the mtunr sesins,enjolirg cd.hhdmen!.Thse areny.ndu! ,n eme mo n eo f B e ' l ovi S.h o,r doo.. bqnEqid pFope.,.d. I.o- ,8 AsI reed leftqs andjoumals.hs. pdt f$ monrhs,I ws renindcd asri! how nuch rhoughtrnd loneDethpurintoh*gifcgiving.Onesp{idgift to me},isrhispormnof ld andy.urnom anddad.Shehrdwonit inr bfne,nd {rnrd o prtofhrvinsrhe adml pi.tuE ralenunriller hangr* ba . Brt, wnh ModB s Dayrpprorchins, slE dc.idcd ro so aherd.r nqsure it. N l IN Hd gif6 vce ofkn hdd-nadc. This indtrded dorh$, Chrisds rcc ollmen$, cnf6, andpictue fton !d own phorognphy. A her disde proeressd and sheM unable b partniprtc in adncLic Ghclovcd o ph) vollerbJl and ennis) sle turncd to phorognphy. The $nned glas in ny ftonr dodr is my dbue !o Ddh and it ws tdlan ftom a photo she roohat thc sann cruz YachtHrbo. The phorognphhangsh theh,ll, nmr the $ined A letrer from EuniceAndeson, a closcfmi\' &cnd, qpifis rhe med,ingtulns ofBdh's gifc: Dear6r Beth, How car I dsdibc ro rotr whl it wa 1iLeio se a fiail old nan's 6ce lighr up with a snile at dE sight ofthe pEtry omancni that rived rrom )'ou?Thar n whr I sawdrd Drd venr inmediaev to his room ,o hrng n whd€ rhe lisht would srile hangsth{e $illandl beli{e itwillcmain tl]e€.Thank}'ou,Bdhl" A lcrtd fron Bdry Buder roth{ dos finib' rriend,wriftenfor Berlt l0r,yearnemo rialseryice,1991:r remenberlE gendoN andlovinsnture by rherhoughttulgifts tlar d,e gaveto me. 1sill clerish a litde seagullpin thf shebrcughr to me frcn otreof h{ rips. SIE alsogrve me a gif. of lutr ard laughd onc of h)' fond$ nenoli$ is of Ddh ud ne sn,giryr du{ rvith decd ndio swc drovc.ftw6 rsonsofrlre 60t or 70\ lhrt Bah andIjoined in sinBinswhenserwe heardit. one linc wA l love)o!, babl ind we Gall)' hii hdd on that one. Bdhl brighr, fun bvnrg pdson:liry sill shiH brishr. Anazing GEce m seenrhrough Beth for mrnl, ofus. I feelAmazing chce liy* on in Sanh andCnig rnd throughftem b dejoyofBd mdSan." Udie,nd Nick,Iou wse notbornvhen thllett{16vrirEn.l BcLhsewed alnosallofldclothc orboughtth€na theReanrker. Sdn andNnk, Mom and Dad havea p{chwork quih sfEd b} Bdh rnd finished b} me after h{ ''ou derh. Ifyou look{ photoalbum from ihoscyes, youwill $e Bdh dEsd in ourfl$ rhri mtch sqlaB in lour palens quilt. Ard B andJake,you Mom dnd Dad havc a dochded sBrny sque afshansElted br lerh and finished by ne afrer hd death. I gave th€s€so nemsto your prrenh a veddine sifrs fom Ddh and me. e12.1 onc ofhr joun,t, datedDedbe! 30, 192, shelists "con&r6 Bdh lokd nsi.lln he ben bl" [Rememb{, sheis 18ra6 old at this dme.] Ma6halLTuck{,Oudas Journer Sonsofchaplin Pad Mccrtney rnd \ifings Lynardsk] nd, oud,s Perdrlupton - FleeeoodMac- cary'Wrishr Eagles - Loggirs andMesira-LindaRon$rdr-B€rchBoysAmericalohnsebALjr -El\in B,top-H.d,- Fo r8r,n ar i-uRnrhm Srtion SewMilhr San]os Cente! for PqforninsArts Harry Bclafont Lindiids Papadoo run run HNard Sbdium - Bob "Rosmad' Madel As a l$r sili Berh amnged tickes for Gmdpa Ror md m€ (ou birthdirs aE r 2 dars apart) b atend Coocod Outdoo! lavilion to hed Peer, ?ad md Mary Shehad capecEd ro arfld fid, u bur shedied a nonlh befoE. $re Eavehd ticlet ro Gna dd vith Cdg and Sai,I, we enjoyeda very specialbnrhday gifr. l.nsi. Dotutini, B.tbI tuond norh.t uroE ,ht fot ro . \tln I ihink ofBerh, the rhEe adjectivs rh* @ne b nind are Bed, rm $ dftlt amusing* dms that jN rhi.ling about ii now !C!+ nak6 me laugh ad snile. - ll- shelad awonddfrrl headandw€hrd somewond€!tuItalkr abour f€€linss6r orhss "nd Hedsjrong- Shc@ dednined b do myrling d sheplsed md M very eqdlg cring One ofm/ mos vivid ncmone is ofBdh md cim wttins ousidein &onr ofrhe ddvcMy vnh rheirbackprckson, g.iting Fa4, to beclen to SaliB ro crEhAm@k b rour$e UniredSnes fo! Mo montls. Thq-wE smiling, dciied, mticiprtingrwonde!tul nip. leth loredro uvel. Shews * inquisirir and sm@d ro exp{ierce eveqrhing.Shcdid tun things slch d toyeling byAmtuI wi$ cim, sEline wirh rcladves dd in rruth ho$elsall overrheUnitedSbes. ShesuiprisedGinain Prk Ciq', U@h,onewinter she andAnnie Lilietrthalwem to Ns YorkCiq, for orc vek on . Cabdllo{pomoEd .ultuhl dp. EveryniEht rher-*ended sonetlirg diffdnt-Bbadmy phF, srnphonr ballet,atropera-in un6ln Cenrerad C2rnegieHall. shetnveledto Mdi.o ndy dns. Lor ofsrori$ fton Hu$ongt Gniina in Ensenrda. sh€ft*led wnh Gnndpa Rons*dal iim6 theyearbeforeshedicd.Ther wen! to New Hdpshne, Mexico,Canadaad aI rhJolghtheNo(hwe$. \i/e thveledd a family o Europedd Hamii andNs Hrnpslirc dd rbida. Shewen o Nw Hanpshires ofrns posiblc.shefelte conncredto fanilr,dd hmil/fiiods backrhere. Bethdid not tolente rudenssveq'wel. Thh js a dnectquoe [slishily€dnedby me] frcm Berhtjourml writrn whd sheandAmie wde in NeYo* Ciqt Januty 1979."1 an pissdl I jus gor to en@uer anabsolureftor a bs dive. He wouLlnt i'k r dolla! bill for bothAnnie andmc dd thenold usb sd offihe busif* didnt hav€coi's. Then herook o6beforeI lad a chanc b look.\vhd m sshole-" G;tu Dondti,i. fi.nd fon .hitdhood,utuk thit fat Jo, bot! !e l '" r,d l g w D a g -r fl.r o.,ngD"r ,, fhe- .o,i .11' r r ol,gdg e ro \ri " r d 'l - u r, l- L.B- ' Tor .wr h:,r d,. 1,- Lo Bh' r r ) L 'o ."lo, i l fe ,p le Ini.eoi"na.r .e.a he '-'o r', ' el' io. , ," 1 . aF.,- , . ts . o. "be,,No,. | ,d as\o I. 9 f_ ,,\t |, n "d. l G o e o oe' "k- o tnn.eo' .' ,o"gho,;,\e.,,1,y | ;., 10" i - A I\r. d B ,'L b r F.r oler I r s" - o1,r ou n - - Bl' .oidno' n i i d .J.i n e r\.rq rgL' o' lg\ - or ltr -' Jr ppo- to- f, 1ar t.. n e ..,crts,\ ." r" 1 . r . d L r ,t o i r d .J. , . e ." s r ,) ,t.oL\..n. diftcult 6r ne io sn dorv' andvrire, how{er inpofunr to shaiettc menorie\ oas\o ]ou!g girls{ho shred h rhcjoyoftrnevdlstingGGndslip. \1 .-e d o t o r Eg' u..l,e.L- o ,., ,- .O.r n- , '" ,' l r. .,,. 0eLr J ro , .i 3 b - r.d L re tiJ, n B-' .,..,",- "m .e diarel)'srry ro beconc frinds lrietrds th,t;re dE sne clotting, the sanc oll]is thd our mofies nade, loincd i\e sN 4-H dNes, ne dE s;nc gilhd .hccsc,tomro ard Da),onninc andwichs. \vc *!uu nnish thc nnk;t n , momt lousc and rhenso ro hs lonc ifve vse nill .]i$qr we conriNad ; ., .t vet,"d " ,,o e -h e ^L A f ,J,L.o, t,s!d..L. ,' 01,ol,al \o \e= r r h ,. ' , r a oBdi.c: D,f. u.\ .'d d 'o n " l 'i 'd My mos falornc mcmorGswirh B{l! dft. . . Thc tine sh€Nrprised rE in tudr Ciry Uuh, rvhec I ry$ Iiving. I kllt€d into a deli.fd sking to st somelulch dd shcas siitinsthcc :t a oble s ifshe jst sopped bl I ms oveshdned o se htu smile,i{ fae, tud loow shehld hken dre tnnc b com€andvisir nc. Then she$rled abou fou. da],s, acqurintinshsFlfiround rown,socialirnswirhny iiends asifs!. h:d known rhem for yeas. r had to ou aiound ali{ work ro find hd so th* I ould joinn.thetun.slE{sk.yb6),enjoyinSrewfricn.L\hipsd d,fins \h- r t",, ad .! B, 'u J e o o .sd . ,le,L,r .dn,,i.!Fine h o ,,3 n o r, . J, i " d c,,.e tor u,,.\ *. ,..- .,. .td n,"..:r ( o' 1 . , b ,.\tr ,rd l .^ i l ,r ..r "= l- dLr ' o r€ ti€sh bluebdry mulllns in NeF' 'HdnpshiE oyded h honrnddc buitol We arrived in P.erboolgh s ifrvc rvcft movie sa6 visitin8. Locls would honL then ho'ns6 we ps$d on thesreecj shngss wouldwve anddli _1t- r in d dicle in rhe loc.l ncsspaper Bdh and I enjored lhe popuhritl and Ler fani\' in rcrc$orcush. We then &veled ro Ncw Yo& Ciry, \vshinston D.C., on to Floridr dd rdo$ to TM d home after No monl\s. Thoughodt ou journe] w madencw frie'ds ThrouBhout her illnss, I $uck br h* sidelilk glu€on papenThis is d qualiry B{h had-fteng.h-the $rength to nsht md fishr asah foi hd h€rlth. I vd lhde ro hoid hd hand,laughand ro alvars be!d friend. On onevisit to Sftnford I wA lring h bed ncxi o Beth rnd ve wqe soofing offwnh nl rhe gadgcsslrounding hs hospnrlbed. Hs dodor rvalkedin md eid Y4icI oneoflou is lhe pdienti" \(/ell, I suppos m), shorved6 I lerpr fton the bcdshorting'Not ncll' andB€thshouringlis hdllll" !/c da.ted up s the dodor pob$ly sw rhe ftighr we borh shdrcddd the con$rnt gootncs of Thrcughourrh€ ma9, hospnalsErr, l would be ther to enrtuin Bd[ HNsq shegot me to do somecnzy things to enrctuin lsFli I wouLl jog . o rn d .h e t,oo kl .o i i :do^w kB- Lh\o- .1r ' - i- b.d |\ r ,. mp, ) g,o get my hdit htc up while Beth rmned for mI ctun h !d bcd wnh r $ehosope. I would comeback to the room, .h6t poundins md we would plaft rhc$crho$pc on h). haft rd narclin the q ck bets dd tle lotrd rhunping sound.:fho BdL would encolhge he o so and jos fsd this dhe. v.ell, )'d kndy jogsins rcund tlle coddos of a hospftl E:lb, is rot il' Iowed, so I rvould run w[en ir loold safe,slow down whar people wde tumd, nn rsrin, slow down rnd the! reetrterBelhii moh on\- ro naNel asainin rhe loud dunp ofmy han. Thee vde rhines Berhand I did to pds thetine dudnglospiial$a/s. Or ve would get B€th inro lhe wheelchanatrdventurc throughouftlE enrire hospitd, dploing ftw s{ions, tnding phcs !o si! outside and €njoy the wdmth of the sun, or ju$ seftn€ out of htr room to forset whl, we rvde a I I tl! 4)t d Beih ghddat€d froh hish rchool, sheeeived ihc solAlexands Mmorial Rserye scholaiship.Thc rdtr of this $holadhip wse ro enouhg€ hq b arend cabnlo for so ),trs dd then wh€n she@nsfned to a fouF)'ar uivemity, shewodd aeive $ 1,000for eachofld jdnior and rnior ie*s Shegndua&d &om Cabrillo on ]une 7, 1t79 wirh m A.A. degreevith "HonoB'. Hs najor wd envnonnenbl science. Oneofthe d6ss shetook at Crbdlo ws va1u6 claincadon. Tln is froh Behi joulnal: "To.ishr in q-Valus Cladfferior ch$ vdb€njsht r paperbrgwithvrluable thingson i. I loyednakjng minebecruse h),ErB wffen'tndelialistic o! hsvilt innolyedvith noney.Ther-waedownto drl - comon in mrnyMts, I discovered nmymluablc things addidonro rhe bsi6: family,lc,1th, ftidrL, sooddms, I knowI sonetins gcrbunned abourthe Don{inn md 3ll rh€&ni\. theyaresuts rounddl b)r Blr I rhink a 1orofir is rhe hueeNnbes ofrehivs. v/hat ve five dont havein volumewecdainly havein Afrr Bcthdied,rheso eaches ofrhe Valus clss wbte this dedicarionfor thesyllabus D€diaed ro BerhBlu.hdr AP " | . t r < o lu l/ 2 t . lq 8 . ''an djannq ofa thoAdd nikr, th. ndr irybbnt thksi tbefD&?. To renemberthe rcps ihr Bethtook duins herjoumerwith rheValua d$ brinssu pl*ure. Bethws krown for purting hd foo! doM andmrching oIr in thc dirccdonorh{ choice.!/e reall lE sdching for alEmdiws rnd makingclbi.$ whict bbtrght ha jojr Iq the couseof theem6kr, M sav hff ad, nor only ro bing valueinto hd en life but also!o _t7_ F embleorhe6to rouchrh. impo'tanceofbcingrlive.'tbsc. thenke,rrives Ertisddlly andinhin rhe.onGxtof hopcful"di.n, !flIl;viNs nrd jounc),rLewovcnrhbugh dscPrgcs. rnjo] ns tudid." TRDi.kron, r ftrmil]r'.iendandchcmnt.rerchdr CtrbLilto, wrore:,,Shewan),kindof pe6or A.Lutrll).ifrve hadmt bccnsettrraied bl dne rnd cir.uhrtrnesshcw6 rhekind ofpflror I wouldhrvc likedto shxrclif!. I .ould Rl, lhr thechsnistryvs rjgh, LcMrn usbut I wor r I lokd htr munth, [d scNsofhumor,hu snse oftrdven(,r, h* sh], p?rt,hereaseofbeing,huquesrioniisnind lnd speciauyhs jorforlifc...." shcMs tr.cepred at d,eUnive(itrofCditornia, SdaB'bra, dr.l turnstuGdrltic in lxll1r79. Bur,afcr oncrkek in SdraBrbtrE, shecahc home$idr rncdiQlprcblchr. Shnfordquicklydiagnosedllodgkim Discrseagiin.Thcrcl;re, Uettrcn.ottedarUnivcrrirf oi Ctrliiirnir, Saru Cruz,soslrecouldrcciaeraodcnr r Shnfod r rcrd thesxDre re. Ac,ualll Bethdandcd bdh UCsc hd Crbrillo duing thoF hn Nlo lctrn orheL1ife.Her imlcPA dCibrillo wd 1.8 for i rohlof L04unib. She rtuticipa,cdin mln] biolos/tclddps, oDeto dic si(ns ioJulr 1981, orveehsbcfoE wlcn ldh F6 origimllt dngnosedwirl Hddgkins s a frshntrn i! tigh s.hool, dE p$ph r ShDfordsidshc htrdtrItolo .hxn.. .f roht Gcol€rj,Bu! rhentllc HodBkins r.un.d No /eN latervhcnshe\m rjunio. nd nov n .r. .l , oo . ..- o DurinsrhefollorvingMo rear unrilhdd*drshelivcd ' rem*able life.shc boka fuu loadoI.ollegecou6s,uN dcd e*ensinely, resuncdh{dremod,cEp},trndwasan nspimrionincotrtugci. ereq'oreinhulife. - t8 - r Mawcca O'IIata, Bcth\ rtt!. d"Afri.d zt Sta{o/d Uni,.ftiq M.d;ccl ,, btot. thi! fot ro4 b.t!. I had the udque priyileBe ofl.rorvirg Bethin a delml....sdins s her ndse, ad tho fion ihc bcgiming rnd rhmughrhe re{s ofh* illn6r, expdldhs that rcle into thar ofa very specialfriend. I nN n{ her when sllems t4 and dirgnosd with Hodghns Disae, and I bok cG of hd on Ssnford Univdsirl' HospnJ's in palienr oncology unit krown s CRC wlEn sheuftleffent rbdomin.l surgcryand ienor ofh{ o \1 l :3 ' r sor r r p A"nJ m ,dd.eJEem enor y' cJ r." a r'p r D e ,t rJ" d mi .re d ,o .R .,ot' tr ,Te of,,h- .o,Feof\,1J .. ",' - oI Grd for hd duing thos dn6 vhen shehadshinsl€s, when shelad to undeqoche$surserytodocumenra Ecuretre ofthe HodgltinsDis€dein ld lung, and ro bemnslusd with blood, afid gdtins short of bEdh while pla)'ins aollelhnl ry r the r?te Tahoeaca. Dlt our reltionslip grw with nuruallovedd resp<td Iwouldseeherinrheourpaticntonolos/clinic wha, shewould gd hd clEmothdapy odor shcand hn fmilr wolld $op bycRCwhenevsshewouldneeda checkup. Ard no€ hpordth I gofto krlow ler *en bdc whcn I vould vnir hd inApios andse hd in ft etins th* dennedher...surcundedby lovins fdmitr and . .for dr nevd ld ihc HodgLins &nne htr life. I ws * her high rhool g-d"do" p-ry, sh{ed in the tun a rdvdruE ofhd (os{ountry tiip wnh Cina throughtheporcddsshcscnime,smil€dwnh cv.ryonc d shc hcddcdoff ro .oll.gc, dd, nn,lly, ws privireBedro bewidr hs or the nisht thd shedied at home, sutrouMed by !s loving fanilr and fticnds, .ight yes dli* fiist nccdng ler \\/iEn I drink of8dh, I drinkofa numbd dDr dgoibc hd. . .psion, wisdon, sieryd,, sde oftunor, gnc(:' md.o!ftge. r firr nd 2 &ishened 14 rr-old, and ye ho coumEeousnght agrilr a lif.drerening illnds naurcd ho qui.kty bcyondhd , cad. ft vas prinftl 2nd inspnins ro warch Bdh thloush h$ lons2nd diflicult bdde Firh encer The dhse ad its tough teamers would clain !d hair, saphe ncngth, for@ hc b chmse lif.go,ls. . .but n NE\TR laid a sloveon the sRG rnd vibnncy lhat deffned Le \ t p d :o I" r L. heb oug r .hr .p. { on Intoefe4'-a '.. ding shedid, irduding hd nght agiitrt HodgLinsDiscsc. But d I eid bcfore,Bdh refusd b lefth€ ctrncddefile hq life...andin the mid$ ofit :ll, her vn, inrelled, elegrnce,trnddep andabidnrglotaltl !o rhos sheloved _ 19- Vho i! becme dar thd shewould die ftom hd dnese, shefred it wiih the wisdom, cou'.ge, ."d *.e"gth of a pdson Nia h* age.Ard h death, shewo the enbodi-""tofd*s gne...andbecus ofth*, death""d did not vin odt. . .Bcth did. Shctauglt s aI whar it msns io be wis, what it ncm to bc pasiomte, what it nes to be coungeous,what it meansb be gndful, and aboveall, wlut it neus But I also feel the n.ed to ur a fv things about Betlt fanily dd frisds, for without them, n rvould havebeen vet difocult for Beth to beihe p.6on shewd throushout hq 8 rss offisht ing cmar. Pa! Ron, Cnig, Sanh and all of the close* lii"ds of ,li of th" Blan.hdtd fomed the richet soil in whnh lfe w6 rooed for Bsh. Shewd suroundedbr ontinuous love,suppo,,.hrmo, {fn8,h. a n de i1 8 . . . a n d .o n lyp , " " , L r w} d i, . o n A m ) turn ro havethisvodd, thI I m smoundedby rhelov€wnh whichyou all i haves:id n before,a"d I will sa/ir asain.. .it m apdyilesefo! ne ro know aDdloverd sre for Bdh md aI ofthe Bluchab. The sdms is not for thos of !s *ho lod hd. . .for shevil alvrr. be a pd of ou livs. The sadn6s,rhen,b to! thos who nser will hav€rhechane ro know h-. - .and hopetuIy,thse slu€d vods md mflois wil helpmaken* peson come rlive @h{ 6u nephtu. I l6v€}ou all. Berhnade a huge oddbution to the Ddth dd Dying d6se r Crbrillo duins rhis tihe b- b€ins a sust speakr eachsns€i This is fion 2 $udentt nn,l paperin rhd dN: "lMrryimprNcdwithBcth:odookonl&in&cnilstofhdNndying-hd psitivE g@d-natuEl, level-hadedwy ofdelingwith Hdlgkitr Dis6e laa, whd I mr he nother, I M egurlly mo!€d;wlnt wondeftL pople theJ,aE ro shaEthiswith me. ' -zo- Beth3lso.h6se@raketheHospiccvolurteerraining.ouse. Onlerapplication,d{ed .1 lave had crncd for 7 )'eds - 4 ofwhich I wA in Fmission. My curent siturtion 'l enftils.hchorhenp) at SRnfordforcnq dratappartndyisrtgoinsarvalrn d),iqs I loo{ d,ar and I think I ye acepGd ir blt moc imponang. I m living a life I feetvery goodaboui dd prctrd oi At tin$ I h sd but co,eblly I dql Firh my situnriotr in a positive, corsrucd!. tuhion. M).vies or dad\- ny ddih de tharir wonr beu endbut Erhera.ontinuatio, of nylile In nor scared-in$cadlndpectdt. Hospicewasinroducedto ncrr time ,vhm I ryd lielins low Firs n % a friend ro Elk wirh and a chancero slar q, *peri_ cs and rhen n tufned nro d oppofrunirl, for ne o hopefullt grcq beconc nore conscioNoln) situdionandto driE,ml,felings.Thenai ngforne mayormr1not hrd to nisniry dying/gieving people.lln not sue if I dn ierdy foi th{t ltind ofconrad, $pecirlrr otr a regularbasis.r vould like ro be pft of Hospne for llle suppon n ofIss and thc$ppor I atr ollel' bui I'm norsuEnrwhIaprciry Hopotullydrerainingvi hetp nc $nishren otrtsomcin.onsi$eDciest ftdy, thdtcdr bc r resuhrvolunicd' Sh3vrote rhn nr [er Chrnda leftr, 1980: " i'[is fall I hrve ben feeh]g quir vell so{hen I wcr o Ssntord the wek beforc Thankgilins I rv$ surprhedwhcn n). dodor, S?ndyHorning, saidlhe .hemo wdn t donrgwhatitshouldbe rh{nconhininsq,anar M).blood6unr m a otrrof rvbrk drd ny doctor n posilive that I lave acive dGesc in my bone mdtuv asain.The dodo( a,€loping to findrnoth{.onLinrioq ofdrugsihrviltconhin the an€rbut buuse I haveahcadr hten sonany thc), mn t confidcn hd anra[ing witl ,tud tlr .trn.eror eyenconhin n til more d rfsoonths. sdd), ftetsdDr dc).rvillbe tucb, Lravhile and rhcntheyvont. t hadafewveryhail ddF r.ceptirg this I trmdl,ing. Lst sorner whenprdscdby my prcns for rone kind oftinc ommirmdr, DL HorningsaidNolea6. rrn rcatrlry for De andtor q, familyandfri€nds.somflinesI ge loNly, dcprsFd ald sared - nd4, scrred.otls tines I feetlucky to be siven dc $rength, rnne and suppor ro prparc for ml, dadr Right now Fe arc all gcfting read)'for chrinm6. A big pmy is rheduledfor the l9,hplusSar.l is turnins l6 on tlc 166sorlt fesiyc rmospherc hd cnreredour [ou(. tne enjoy is dne ofrhe )'er and arelook ing lonvrd to a nicefanily Chisrnm." - 21r u + I lcpt a diary du ,g dbs hs. mo ,rds. ft nosdy dcalt wlth dps ro Sbnford, g?e of rarnen! :nd whd !he),hrd to say.'Dr Hornins roldldh shelad monrhs'b liye. Bah 6ked vhd monthsmsnt 1€$rhanI'e Bdh sked howshe'ddie irErnal breedinsor infe.tion coma. sho wr intredible shehad to kllow rh6c rnd 'nrwas six montb6tan r rror "Berh ffr !p$ vnh new nrys bur realsoon had ifull in pcspcctivc. Bnhi colM late wd afu 7 Ican thismrnr!ins, thenervsisnt "nd Onluly 8, $o monthshei ny diaD-srs i$d ler wo tiips ro lhc sirrs and p,oblemswith altitude,wentup for cguld ch(k{p. Sle feh kriblc. we ued vhehhrnandshehid do{n jn Oncolo$ Aduallrtalk,€ abourdyins.wondere ytr{e, whelr,how and{ho. ve lerrsRnford @3,dove dp and Hry t2 to "ao$ FrrlfMoon B2),rnd downcotr$.Beaurituldar" A wel hei onJd), 15,1More'RontrndI tookldh up - fuiiherchemorulcdour ownvhelning od& n vo dnthelp.HodskinssoinsfN anonth{rhcnon Bdh drcd Di Hordng oukighi Sh. na), heno rgeinternJlt Shehs codein. dnddccping piils.weie io c.llin No rcckr.Mrnytca*. D. HorninshuggedB{h. CruedMaureen dd weklkedouside.Slealways sabilizsur.,\ter TGI Fidarr. Iun. Goodfood.ldh haded at otr$in NewYo* Ciry" BeGdiedovedayslacl' jur aftd nidnishi onTusd2r luly 21, 198r, surcundedby thifte! loviry frnily membdsandtidds - GEndpr Ron,Craig,Sarah,Gina, M{tren, Jennie,Lucille, Annie LiliodMl, Hd Hoch, Randr H€lmonds, Lna One ol Defit fqrc ws ihri sllervould bebed{idden for d long tihc. she died sosoon xfrdD. Hominseid a nonrh athe nos" fu iict it w6 nvedayo thdLsonconc onnenred hd handsshowedtan lins fton $dde we took olThd ings - shc wcn't bed-iddenlonsenolshtolos h{6n. ry22,n *r,- I dked John Stnoyich, a ldng{ime ftDilI liiend, !o exphin for ]ou thc m.rning b.hind thehunnirgbid vnbol d,at [s conreto €pnonia B.tht 6soa. Johrt $ory ws a @Elr& {or everyoner&nding lhe nHrorial srvicq This will h.lP ),otrundcchnd wh), th&rcso ninyhtrnningbnds inmyhome. My mne js]ohn smovicL and I haveben r fri€nd ofthc Blmch(k fmily for man),yea6.I hr€ fou giovn .hildEn, bu whenthe)'{se I'oungour eo frmili6 sharednany hrppyrimerrogcthcr'w!er q€ Ilst met onean othd, ourchildrenwdcjus abourrheaseslhst;urof),ouarat thcvriiing B{h ws trdelighdulpdsor.Shewsaery bisht ad fun 10bc wi.h, gunk $nh [er snile aDd:]Mrs rddy Io havea sood tnne. SheIovsdlife, w* a dcd fr , t' r ^.' d r r we- \en loe f_1, .r'B ,- ,a J" n ' er ll' l m,' .o l o l . l e ',d ' ' ' L r '' ' _' yM) .l' ' d' \tlen shc b(dN i1l,ve {d€ dl hoping shervould ed bdd soon Durins hs iun$s shers very bnve .nd non .onphining It w6 hard to believeshe vs r si.h asshexls sheEusht.llolussonudr $ou!fortitude rnd sR.c 1 enemb{ vell r dccp sa nshins tip sherook vnh me dnd Iny clildren. r' .1 tu' Ip' otko,' hebo.r r _eg",ng |* :'x..." .q ,o .e 1 . si.k. hr nor Bdhl shejus kepr on fishing,rnd crtching i,lsh,until it wN tnne pidure of rh€ dp trbovcny l;r thc bo{ .o so in, I $illhanc a cherGhed drsar wnh h.itur snilins t me :cos the ycaa. ldi us, I went to visit Bdh. Shei6 vcry incd, for she illnss lir so nany yds. AJ rve ulked tlDt la{ dtr} in hd bedrooB a nashofbisht color{ h* whdow sGpcndcdi! .rught hI clc. lt Ms a humnringbnd, i6 gnetul flisht ner thc flowdi As I $atched rhri bsuriful doue $ith ns nidscnt fcdthds md quicliilvernodon,I wasremildedof Bdh'ssoul, dDr Ddrofhs lhr madch* Beth,hoverinernd inpai:cnt o bc fiee oih{ &ril b"d). dd aEerc be offotr dre nrstcrioc ndt adventur€thrt awdi6 all of N whenousouhm$ftcc. To rlis ldy dqt whenmr I :c d hunmiigbid drrt ins in the sippng lrom a fl@ei or hovdiLg with "ia e23- it! feaih.$ splodent in the sun,I think of Bedr I how her rcul is *ill rishp quick od agilc* **, dd I mnq ftcling ble$edfor iaving kndn 'Witli memd6 of Bctl, md lm, John incedlblv bcautitulmmorial senie elled a "celebntion ofBetlrt ufe'ws heldthe llmins Saturdali! th. backlzrd ofou homeotr BorEgs Dlive. The su cm€ out iis befoE lhe rdic h ,o bcSin. alie! a morning of foE.Thse mus havebd imdrd peopktm.Thoem etl wFd. ovd M nuscud hrrngandgoodfood.Thi' s *rtlywhat Shebrd IndicEd in q'idns thrr 5h. wr,.d \n sai." @ ber'p"ry' - 24- + Hds leddE sri.e *Ling peopleto slnc thetdroushs trndmenories.Isked evqrone to Mhe dovn vhat rherhrd sh{ed andthls I M rble to put togethdr be iitul quihed menoftl FNic book. Rlchel Chrk quilied the Tre oflii€ on the @ner Followins de sone *crpts fon rhc bool: Wethoush! abolt Bdh trndhtr liith sovtrnEd to D|ryCktk, Lnst;he fn1"i4fie,/ th"* *" sbareourthoushs,bout herandherchance' by. phy "" -..d". B for be ritul, indkd Bdh ws a beautifullady forarduune, trftnshs:lvq,s cxhibird I for tu$, [truu$ in Ssnfod, htr dodo6 ]nd nuss, f2nilr, T H forhope,wlich Ddh continuedb haycthrcughou h*shortlifc I for fanib,, vho wec Jways dEE for bvnrg support Ior dnbitious, alFaysa bury gr1doing nerningful things f.r intdligcn-, Bed, xlwaysusd [q .biliry in meaninsful T II *adds for doughtful, her thoushs ofren fo.lsd on ),ou .on.chs rnd n€edsnthd thdn hd owr siudsforhelptul,she.onsncndrwdshaingh*tnneandtaldswnh CanhM.Gtundhzr,.othge Jikd afBahi ...\x$,en\o.nry.ltroughBcd's.lbumIn ofthe fullncs of hhllife. Pictures ofhtryisningnanydiffdnrpla6. SLe renrind€d rcrins sonetiner d lhe .lown, sonetimespenstue,sonetines vnh a $r[on her had, somerimesvnh .udy liin r€t ilwr6 s ith tr tuIl snile shoving h( lole for life. . . ...Thcreatund/noriesabouttheroon [sn,dioap$Nnt RalfhCdnq, fannlft.,d undd my deckl thrt q?iry Beih for ne hd Endkrble patiena wnh the iiu$Erions and delarsandherpenetntinghlnor whichmde upledantthinss ersi€.I Enehber thc secondsorkins ofthe tug when Jende, lat and I weF shovelingmud rt didnighr to divq!lhe run ofr andBcrhsoodatthewhdowe$ins ne abotrtnor bringingh(abo* io ,€scueh{ ftoh lhc eda€ening hke. . . "...tinn wny, ftrn loving,hon6t...andeveno(aionnll l1d!Skn'nh,fdni\Jiid slr.trri., Fung rvonnn....Shehtrdtrdslighdulsen$ol humorrnd a dnedhonesg'thdr w$ dnunrsh mr!re for hd €c. Hd wry connetrs abourthepolidd ofolrcourtry h{long inEre$in thc outdoosandn{uE, hs s,€d lovefor hci fmily.nd ftiends,rnd rbovcall,lE bnveryd sus tbrcughthep6! €ishty.ds, wereall equalpartsof Beth -25- + And.fcodse, !tr loveofspots;whdhqplayi.s a hard srno ofvoleyballor rcotinsfo. rb4ebrllErm (pcEF rbly thc Bo{on RedSox). . .i tibue ro a hushins, hunobus urchinnmed l.ldh. Didsheeverredizehow adohblcshelookedhrhossrfres?lThose bis€]rs looking{rorvilh su.hdn€dn$. .ddthf rdkof hds.Nobodrmlksd iikc Bdli son ofa swn€ingnrol nn,tt HdnnA, dn.g.lic"llafBnh! l..Shes6rhe bouty md tlrezst ofaspinedal...Berh rus intelligenr or andguick-Fitcdrnd we oftenencrs€din dis.ussion rgundr I gncfullyadDnslrersualllwon... kutst o,nh,f.ani,Jb,d Villige Crm€ridinsthtuughApros on hdnotolbike Likersbot.f sln righroutofNcwHanpshnd t lovedrvtcbiDsher Herdbcnt,body$might, Hd $ondefuldichotonr: Lookinglilc i QuaLerwomd, on herwar to prayer thatimage Ard thenblorving \tnh a big grin lllr na.te !d sen like thebiddry kid. Thn d"r sh. vrncd ne al over Her sreetnrgdro\€ the lbs awtrr. Theyoungmd nandinsnextto ne Likedthc f.ding, too, ndhc." Sohesid, vloithr,lan,lmntb .That\ Berh,"I eid, ind suE)'oudo, butnotrightnorv bemuse shetdennielrotrherwar." srtahKrdbn.h, tttg.j/t,.! afBet i - 1..Lst SepenrbdwheDI foundout I hadr lifcthretuning disds I .onlidcd to hd my feds dd ftu$mlions. Bahi wordsto ne vd€ ro _t6r u + And ol.o!6e, hd love ofspotsj qhsh{ rlains a hard or rooinrgfbr I b$eballEao (prefir srmcolivolleyball ablyrlc Bosor RedSox)...rtuibuteto a lalBhins, hunoros ui.hin ndred llqh. Did nE $€r realte how rdoHbleshelookedin drorrams?lThose big syes lookl4atyouxithsu.h dn-hs:...andthIvrlkof hds. Nobodrvrlked litc Bcd; sortofi s*ingingsroll Rh"tHdnd,li alkge lika.l ofB.t l "...Sherrurhe beautyanddEk$of a sprhgdat,,,Retbims inrelligenr in dis.usionor andquich.vned andwe otGnengaged ]lglncnt I glace|ulvadnitsheusurllyvon.. " l d st.nnb, frni0 fin,t Crme idins thbughAprosvillagc onhenoto ike _ ' l \l"r P I o '' cr' ' - \ ' 1 lovedw{chins ho: I_Ierdben! bodyncight, Hd wonddful dichotomr Lookins liltc a Qml{d wonDn or her q.y o prayer AId thenblowinglhr imrge wnh a big gdn |h{ hs seen like dE biddar kid. This dq. shcwancd nc Jl ovcr Hd ffetins drcve the fog avar. Theyourg nan sandingnexio me Lik€dihe f€ling, too, S o l re Mi d ,v/h o tth r,Jr n,Ivr nr r omeeth€. .Thart Bdh, l sid, rnd$reyotrdo, not Lrur righrnov bGNe slis delnitelyon hs$?y." sztuht:rdbndt,tulhs fin.l of Berri- :..LN seprenbtr$henI loundour I htrd2lilerhctcnins discdc I .onfidcd o hd ny fcrs and fru$ntions. Saht woft\ ro me Rre to N26N rloowledge Fhri happedng for )ou rnd thcn sinply let it so. It seenedroo ery dd so .I bcli*e bad but thrcush Bcdi lorins and conset suPPoit,rll the fiisht ebbedrhy that !dh, wirh hd IM snse of rining, los th{ tu tine hrd cone vher 3ll of uswee srory enonshwirhir ou6e1v6, rnd soshelet so, doins sowith all ihc Pcdcctior and grce ofrle worddtul cl6yn th{ slE ws. . . Au vcryspshl, \€ry pivak ecmonl kd by M{q-Kcftcman lBen md Jake,tour Unde Mrryl, we pur Bdh's shc in.o dE sound r the SoquclCemeteryWe chosethis spot busc ir resmbhd thc back ,€d on 'wc a-Uieceivedsol-c &on the maln mant slnprhr crds wc Eeived. A tlw danPles: ''BethalFaysrholght ofothes 66t how well I renenb{ hd coughins r night and bcingvoried she{s bodEring us {hen I rns soconcencd about her sfth a lovelt p{son.l'n gladwe kns hcr.Otrrlivesale And ftom soneoncin !s Hospicernining group: Berhrs e draofd;ntrryPcson.I ws inspnedb)'hd and shall :rv4,s tmdn' bd h{ couiage,!q honsv rd hd seNiriviry Havinshrd to f(e dt qustion oflifc ofothss, ycryrolermr' I felt shews like a rnd derh 60rsolory madehd ncryacceprin8 othds light,brinsinsthse quGriomoutoftheddn6s dndhelPing shining And fiom n)' Aunr lnlise riokop, "shesavenc lcsoN rbout livine my life bmN of whatsft hadlexn€d anddore d bcone in hd life - and I tholsht I hada lor of thisioumelalRdt " sne6 abour'doing' And Gon SandraHorning,MD, S€nfoid Urivesig' Medi.:l CentenAs )otr know Beth wrsaeryspccialto me.All of usfdt iNpned by the mturiry andz$t fo! life sh€dcnon' .Allofusr ShdLd shallmissber" $hrd in thetuceorsdiolsdise6e.. _27N lor:lq rndinesirydrdoth*things AIdfi nJlr "She{* buttrflicsandpconicsand L'ci c vad d kns-nnefd8ilr fi."d, u/oE thi! fol rat bor'. rtn r fornidrblc $ignnol lo cn.rlstrhtuthcspnnolBdh trndsotrpologizein a.tvinc for tullinsshotroIihe fisignmdn. Itw$difi.ult to pid.lh. djcdivc thr mo$dsdibs B{h formeburafcr mdr ought, dre onetui kept conins to mird rvrs dur Beth wa a pn.ti alp{sn. On thcsur|]( rhi nirkm faintpnis, bu lom thennugeof t6 ),es,1tJow thh to beauE &n nr onesoyouryindelusivc.vcni(,rhe narc dpcricn.cdpcopL ny lilc.I w.uld d!:cibc l,eroD as onevho deak ilh all facesofdEirlife in a realhticFayiworlirg rhroush thcpruLlcnssihcy.oncxndrclirhingca.ryblcsing. I rhinkth€etironreol rh€pn.ti.:l pcrsonn ancvho, *nh slvl€and grtrc, conrinurlll and diligendy{ofts{i!h dreLtrnddIt dre)'harebeendeilt. Two,ndmris surftce.'lhenstrs a rip to Sranfodfor taoftn, xndGts. The re$ Esulisrverenor soodj werecoxdins nno her bore nrro\r learirg les d,.t les rcon for "good ells s Mamen &rclullr crrlained.Bdh rbs$edrhisnss qded). finishedthe riertmen!andw rcticarcdto lhe Grfor the ide honE.In rlE qllGrof dr cd, shedied rnd so didL ft vdBdhRho$oppedn6L.shcblcwhdno$Mdnid, "ltell...Lti gotoMcDonalds ju.kfoodu rhurme. Shes.vethetrss i6 due d navcd dn for bod, olus. tuothd tine, B{h{oppcdr lhcho6c shchad beenup ro UCSC.n herMopedtrndsheMs mrd. Sh€€s mein thekitchen windorv,walkedn, rinring du, soneonehadconc inro rhcbnydc hns rnd xl!,o$hnhe.Therirvrsbhe rs\hehsFdonnnm oDrhemnt, lis ntreligena dd hG ddvn,g skills. Mid{entnc, shenotcd rhc. * rc cookia oDcooli.smcks.Ooooo,shesFwithdrbiggsiof smiles, cookiel B{h lully unds$ood d,e trss tu rceived { s anford ard alsok rw how erq.n vould havebtrn 6los hdlife inrhrbikeLne.She.hoeosn€s.h i .ci d e rri tsd o e rn d moaeon Bethwis irNigh!tul.On ore visitto ou house,sbews carchingup on the nc* s about ou lid. I .drlogucd r$at crch onc wrs doing, how thcr lv.tu doing.Shevas ptrticuhdt ifteEsed nr hov'l'Lichwrs nanagin8wnhhe. bne. Sle sridslE feltsorrrfor'liich dd rvst on to dphin. Shesid dutat shchrd Id privicy.shc couldpi.k and.hoorcvlo vould lo.w ibool heriunesstrndthetiningof thishnovledgerrtrshe6.Tri.itr,shesrid,{oreher t.o b l e m o n h e rb r.k a ndnwasightr her eoutinr eopenfbr ever yoneto - .28- ,ee Sl. oLldr' uk-" bFR trch ulog.otrci\.could no, ph-end *r, h e o h v.i Gl .o n d n ,on r o,- "r ouou.r - qInq\ w. BeL\..tuid;, Jtded m r to bc hore empaih€ticwjttr nicir and I an sndut ro he! fo; ihat gift. B " d h 6 o yru rd i ,-6.o) b8i"b tLl eaLh4 io) b,ou8\r p- oph,o=r ndrova r\ den e oflh . q6 ne,gifi o.ho\ rij.i \d; okd,o d o l o ' o " e ' .'h ro w " puR, br [- a ue- . n r k I s t,. Cr r ' ent er cjnu l $mcs, it vould havebcd ersj, to be orhedse bu;ed wouldn t s€EIefor " .. TLe s,nd"),b.ioE5he di.d.I .,opp-d ol wiil rr' ora6 $ hat Lne, u l d tJke r,.-u o , f tFgatr a Tnev;;n.ou,ide,ot;okJ. heg3d., "nl I n :'e d fl L B e L \..reE\.n,Le.r chen n bleii},;. m p o r" ro .'l Jd sh . h rd inviedr f$ Ir dd, ( o 6,e h"r n shLr nd,L ; va prepuinS the food. r beli$e $ar n ws this- omsns of ioy thrt;Ioved |{ to squeeu so nuch out of, ad pu somuch inb, her sh;r life. My ravofite imagcofBdh ws the easi6t.. .n ws Betl oq herMoped,a rior oibr(M .u,ls u roundins ey6 frrt ofjfe, tr smirethrcould met(rhepoLr ke cp. slewsreadrro de to vlaistr rhe r;d altad held for hc. This imas€ is stil fry $ons6t mmory oflcr Sse$l nondB trso{ lh€ @rner ofBrommer dd 38d, ai thctoursr yitop.l encouner edr youns umin on r Moped.The in.LdenrtrisEeredthar nemory ofBed and I Iausha ou!ioudinthejoyofit. Orc ofBdht redrcnt wonies M tha shervould nor beEmchbqed. Tl6e line ftom a poem,I tiink by Enil]- DictiNn, @mind ne of Bet!. It so€s.. ."Tl*€ is a holein my life whe lou ued o be.I walk atuhd ir in the drr. Fal inio ir d tr 'iqli. hufrslit. h"ll " 'l :m. d o tuh .a l ..rd p e,hJp.h{ lo.' no lor eo _t' tu lik. h.I HNev- ,,ne h o e {.e E \fr -kn ro be lor h- ,.ndt n.u e tormr v or r tr ,. ' .n,:n -29- -€3.r tt t- _- Thc Bcth Blanchefte Menori2l Schohslip va seblisted a Cabrilo Coll%e_Donarions elgn,g toh $3 o $ 1,000wercinnhlb acivcd. Ovq they€6 Crmd!2 Ro,, chie { T*ri, sahh Ed, Crudpa Jerr andr haveconriburd o makea smnd toi,l in "nd r996of$10,000.Ttarprincipal guamres anannftl shohship ofarledr g5ooach The Cabrillo Collegcloundfiion adniniseN dreshohFhip and N€d dns for publicity purposes: Berh di.d ar the aseof22 of HodskiN Dncae. S[e bart€d tllh dise4e for nin€ , ed. Shegnduakd fron Apros High Schools s,lublorian dnd Eeived rlc So1 ,Alexrnd{ Resefleschohchip fron cabillo CoUegeFomddior Beth dredcd Cab lto Collcge,UC Sme Barbra rnd UC SantaCruz,majoringinenvironheMl$udi6. Beth \rs 2 couREeous younswomn rvnotolchedmni,people.ft ws hq decisionto haye this s.hohirlip awrdcd b l $udent urnsr{ring to a foF),eu ictiturion majorin€ in a life scicnc. D{ht fahily and frieds nad. this sholaship possibte.Her pdens, r,'t rnd Ron, and brother, Caig, and si$er, Seal, m prcud and gntined that er.h )'eara Cabrillo$udqr Is dn opportuniryro rccciyeencouagcnenfto pus&hisorheicolese educrtidnin Belht nanc." EachMal w havc thc oppoftunity to aftend lhe Schohdhip Awadr C€Fmony at crbrillo and meet thc scholaship recipienr.ft itways Mns q, haft @ nE{ then rnd h.r trbou hen baclground and goals. Tlc fift rholarhip F.ipient in I t82 wrote',{s . ftll tine sll suppoiting sudar, I havc ben faline worked to, (and then s.he) q' my conbinedwork andnhoot sclEd, ule. I cf€cialll apprecidtcth"(hh scholaBhipis sensitivet. studensoffinancialneednr thehumds.i€ncearea.YouisuppodofsudcnBin tbisareaisaveryposidve prc-lili ${dndi vlich is a f€ling thar is hsrtfelt in he." Another rvrotc, At the rine rlat I s$miftd n/ applicaion, r w6 tryins to decidebcMeen an esier ccrtiticare prog.rn and a moE ruggednseis prognn. pd of my decision to m.d the challetrgeof r h6Er\ proglfr is due ro l]le ranins ofm/ oM self drem s a resuhofrecsnins this award.. .Crbillo h6 :lso ben nlporrdr in prcyiding -10- -*f,-d oppo!turig' 16rme to ledn fon thetifc dpederce of oihs. etr dkrd aboutwh clas I fomd mosr i6p;ins to me, r EteI the $ents that happeGt in L)n Deleldeis Death dd Dying couis€.Borh Beth hd h{ nother spokein rhjs clds and bu.hed rhe liy6 ofnmr- people.Erh spoke{ a difGrent rine. Bet!, undersoi,g chemotleap/ ar rhedmqwor rs{fand bEv€b'spokaboutler ownfeelings, hq dtit"de bw,;d hs lamilj- and school m*6 ad peopleslle ner d Sid6id. Shews,eq- i,iidate and hon6t abour h* Gelinss.Shew$ very clearand brougLt a lqenc ofa appre.idion oftife. i nrve kepr m appliadon fom wirh her pictuF. . .,, Alother wrole wowITlank you s nlch for choosingne b be rhe iecipient ofBdht rholaBhipl I've neverwon r scholaship before.r v6 sodcit€d when r aeived iour lctt{ rhar I c,ll.d weryore I knowt Sa6I choseto haveno maid ofhonor { her wedding. she alwats saidifsh€ couldn t lave Bdh rs h{ dddanr, sheAhaveno one. rn$ead sheAtred]ohn st€novi.h ro eacquaint or innodMe Beth b wedding guss. He giae . poighnr klk rhar he had pElal in Amongoth{ dings, h€bld rheweddinggu6u, "hadBethbee! physicaltyprsrt bdan shewould bevivrcioc, gorseous, chaming.rfter rhe6mon)-you volld have6und shehadr ks ror fife,ws connnred to idqs with r yisionofqaking th€wodd a bder plae b$s wodd hayesnsd i{ toveofh{ famity,rcutJhave feh i, the pr$enceot a pesotrwhowoutdhavemde a goodfdend,dd would havefound h{ poliriel conm€ntsro b. veryincisiveandson*hd ir{treni B{h did not sutrcr6ots vell. shetovcdtheourdooisandwodd hayeapproyedof sahh andEdtj choiceofa weddingsire[aprkl andth. sinpliciq, ofrhewhoteatrairla picnic].Strewodd have dhcusedolI{hore oil driUing,thened ro pbect dr evjronmei rheN{ft Consets ucy,Amnery Inemational andju$whd isceorseBNh iI about.._." Y.lile Johnws spakjng at thewddin& w couu nso hed lte consenrchaeriry of - ll - \ -{-- t- - Beth lftd b wd!€. One ofmr mos vivid inages ofBdh is ny*"lkin€ ilro her loom md seing hr bent ovd hd d6le riring. SheMotc imgrhy iefts wher slc B ftvettilg md wote voldne ofjoutuals.5!e wouldwdr p.Ron,l Gelings,lhoughts,od @narN d weil s dtly lappcnings.S[e Jso includedh ]E jounaL hoysong lrri6, po€msand sayirys.I found rhn "old lrish blBsing'miaen h oneofher joftnals. May rhewind b€ alwair at )'ou brct, May ihe sun shineram upo! your jic, Ard lhe Bins fall soft upon you n€1&, And until we meci again, Mar- God hold /ou jn the palrn of Hii hdd. I felt the ldsh bl6in8 m an llpropiac wa)' to dd dii lefts ro you bor, assomething spdal &om Beth, dd 6 Jan$ Hdris, a childlood friend, speakingar Bct$ rn-)€ar 'B erhLnrs o n :et . ll. s h e : s o , r injng o u r h e m ' -12-