Personal body parts

Personal body parts
Label 3.1a: Appropriate Words
Words in the
Words at
Words which Words with
people may
a doctor
think are rude or nurse
Words with
Activity sheet 3.2a: Female Sexual Parts
Activity sheet 3.2b: Male Sexual Parts
Teachers Notes 3.2a: Female Sexual Parts
Urinary Opening: A small hole at the top of the vagina. This is connected to a tube called the urethra which is
where urine (pee) leaves the body.
Entrance to the vagina: A bigger hole that the urinary opening in the middle of the vagina. The vagina is a
passageway between the womb (uterus) and the outside of the body. This is where blood comes during a period.
The entrance to the vagina is where a penis enters during vaginal sexual intercourse. If sperm is released this can
lead to pregnancy. The vagina is also where a baby is born from.
Inner and outer lips (labia): The word labia means "lips" in Latin. The labia are two folds of skin inside the vulva.
The outer labia are covered with pubic hair after puberty and more or less hide the rest of the vulva. The inner labia sit
within the outer and protect the vagina and clitoris. The labia can be large or small, short or long, and even (like
breasts) two different sizes. This is all normal and part of what makes us each unique. They can be sexually sensitive
and can swell a little when a woman gets turned on.
Clitoris: A small mound of skin located where the inner lips meet. This is the most sensitive sexual part of the
female body so when it is rubbed or touched it can make the body feel good i.e. tingly, warm, nice – sexy. When this
feeling becomes more intense a women can reach a peak which is called an orgasm.
Anus: An opening through which faeces (poo) leaves the body.
Vulva: The name given to all of a female’s sex parts that are outside of the body. In everyday speech, the term
vagina is often used to refer to the female genitals generally, although, strictly speaking, the vagina is a specific
internal structure.
Fallopian tube: There are two fallopian tubes. They carry the egg from the ovary to the womb (uterus)
Ovary: There are two ovaries; one on each side of the womb/uterus. The ovaries make eggs. When a girl reaches
puberty an egg is released each month from one of the ovaries.
Womb/uterus: The womb is sometimes called the uterus. When a woman is pregnant a baby will grow and develop
in the womb. If a woman is not pregnant the lining of the womb thickens then breaks down and comes out as a
Cervix: This is also known as the neck of the womb as it is the lower narrow part of the womb where it joins with the
top of the vagina. The cervix and the vagina forms the birth canal through which a baby is born.
Breasts: Two bits of soft flesh that grow on the chest of girls. They get larger during puberty and when a woman is
pregnant. Their primary purpose is to provide babies with milk that is produced inside the breast during pregnancy.
Teachers notes 3.2b: Male Sexual Parts
Penis: The penis is the male organ used for urination (to pee) and for sexual intercourse. It is made of spongy tissue
and blood vessels. The penis sits above the scrotum. The size of a penis can vary from man to man. Generally an
un-erect penis is smaller than the erect penis.
Erect penis: When a man becomes sexually excited the penis becomes hard, longer and larger (due to more blood
flowing to the penis). This is called an erection. When a man is so sexually excited that semen comes out this is
called ejaculation or cumming.
Testicles: There are two testicles. Sperm are made in the testicles as is testosterone. During sexual intercourse a
man releases sperm into a woman’s vagina. This can penetrate the egg within the ovary and starts the process of
human life developing (a baby)
Scrotum: The scrotum is the loose pouch of wrinkled skin that hangs behind a man’s penis. The scrotum holds the
Foreskin: The skin which covers the penis of males who have not been circumcised. When the penis is erect the
foreskin rolls back and shows the sensitive head. Some boys have this layer of skin removed by a doctor; this is
called circumcision.
Anus: An opening through which faeces (poo) leaves the body.
Urinary opening: A small hole at the head of the penis. This is connected to a tube called the urethra which is
where urine (pee) or sperm leave the body.
Urethra: A tube which is inside the penis which carries sperm or urine.
Sperm tube: A tube which carries sperm from the testes to the penis