Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Organizational Meeting December 17, 2012

Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education
Organizational Meeting
December 17, 2012
The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on December 17, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. at the Long Street
Administrative Office for their Organizational Meeting with the following members present: Mrs. W.
Jean Kennedy, Mrs. Kay Wright Norman, Dr. Richard Miller, Mrs. Susan Cox, Mr. L. A. Overcash, Mr.
Joshua Wagner, and Mr. Charles Hughes. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Mr. Gene Miller, Mr.
Nathan Currie, Mrs. Delores Morris, Attorney Mr. Ken Soo, and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board.
Call to Order / Roll Call
Dr. Grissom called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Wagner officiated the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mrs. Norman shared a prayer.
Election of Chairman
Dr. Grissom opened the floor to accept nominations for Board Chairman. Mrs. Kennedy nominated Dr.
Richard Miller. Mrs. Cox seconded. Hearing no further nominations, Dr. Grissom closed nominations.
With a show of hands Dr. Miller was unanimously elected. (7:0)
Election of Vice Chairman
Chairman Miller opened the floor to accept nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. LA Overcash
nominated Mrs. Kay Norman. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Mr. Hughes nominated Mr. Joshua Wagner.
Mrs. Cox seconded. Hearing no other nominations, Dr. Miller closed nominations.
With a show a show of hands Mrs. Norman’s nomination was approved. (4:3).
Adopt Agenda
Dr. Grissom requested that Items 4, 5, and#6 be moved to Items #1, 2, and 3.
Mr. Overcash moved to adopt the agenda as amended. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously
approved. (7:0)
Dr. Grissom said that the school system celebrations had been postponed and asked that the lives of
the CT victims be celebrated.
Communication to the Board – Dr. Miller
Mr. Jon Barber – Citizen – welcomed the new school board members and thanked them for serving
the students of Rowan County. Mr. Barber also thanked the outgoing board members for their
Mr. Barber discussed the need for collaboration for the Board of Commissioners and Board of
Education. He said with the new faces on the two boards, we should use this time as an opportunity
to become our solutions.
Superintendent and Board Comments – Dr. Grissom
Mrs. Norman congratulated the new Board members and said that she felt they all have a common
goal. She noted that if it were not for the children of this county, what would be the purpose of being
on this board.
Mr. Overcash thanked the previous board for their confidence and support in electing him to the South
seat, and he wanted to welcome the other new board members.
Consideration of the Consent Agenda
 BOE Minutes of December 6, 2012 Called Meeting
 November 2012 Budget Amendments
 November 2012 Financial Report
** Mrs. Norman moved approval of the Consent Agenda as submitted. Mr. Hughes seconded.
Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Discussion Items
Educational Center Stakeholders Meeting
Dr. Miller explained that the project of the central office is a school Board project. He said the Board had
communicated with the Board of Commissioners (BOC) to approve the money. Dr. Miller stated that it is
important that we have a working, worthwhile, cooperative and supportive relationship with the Board of
Dr. Miller said that he would be inviting the Board of County Commission and Salisbury City Council to
have a discussion on January 3 at 5:00 p.m. He said there would be three things to consider. 1. Our
current state of affairs. 2. Desired state of affairs for a central office, 3. How do we get there? Dr. Miller
said he would be asking cooperation from those two bodies.
Mr. Hughes asked the chairman to define stakeholders. He said he saw 13 other municipalities of the
county not being represented. Dr. Miller said that at this time Salisbury City Council and the County
Commissioners had stake in this project.
Joint Meeting with the Board of Commissioners
Mr. Wagner said what he had heard time and time again is the request to have open communication
between the BOE and BOC. He asked the other Board members what their thoughts were on it, simply
between the BOE and BOC. There are some Mr. Wagner said he knew there are things to discuss, but if
nothing else, he would like to open up some civil lines of communication.
Dr. Miller said that if were no objections (from the Board), he would communicate that he would like to
have a developmental meeting with them. He said he sees that Mr. Wagner is asking for a relationship
meeting with the BOC, which would be separate from dealing with the project type of meeting. Dr. Miller
noted so that one is does not get in the way of the other. He said if that was Mr. Wagner’s request, he
would certainly be happy to proceed try to set that up. There were no objections.
Update of the Educational Center
Dr. Miller said he had gathered some materials and would be happy to begin the discussion. He
distributed a packet of information that listed the pros and cons of building on the land near Isenberg
Elementary, the BOE central office project agreements, and the funding options.
Dr. Miller stated that the main plus is that we currently own the property. However, if we were to take
it as a central office site, we lose $1M – 2M in the value of the land. Dr. Miller explained that we have
already put in approximately $400,000 into developing the plan for the downtown site.
Dr. Miller said we would be talking about spending another $1M of what we have already vested in the
downtown site. If we move to Isenberg, we are looking at looking at $2.1M and that would finish the
project we have started. He asked is it sound fiscally to commit $2.1M when we don’t have to. Dr. Miller
said there is not space at Isenberg to have additional activities, and the meetings that the educational
center would include.
Mr. Hughes spoke about the positive and negatives for downtown. He said the space would not
accommodate everyone. Dr. Miller said the original 62,000 ft. space had enough space for everyone, but
the BOC said we could only have $6 million and that would only build 48,000 sq. ft.
Mr. Hughes asked if the City would put up any of the $2 million to build what we need since they will
benefit greatly. Dr. Miller agreed that could be a possibility.
Dr. Miller advised that the school system’s technology department has no more capability to make
additions. He stressed that technology is the nerve center of the school system.
Mr. Wagner didn’t argue that the building does need to be high quality, and the current facilities are not
structures that shows a level of pride. However, he didn’t agree to build a building where the current
outline shows and still have schools in the county that are not up to par. He said that some members of
the Board make an argument that we have to build this building downtown, but when you look at some
of the other schools and those schools have not been given new facilities, it is tough to swallow.
Dr. Miller said the priority of a central office was in the top along with Cleveland, Woodleaf, and Knox.
He said the central office floated to the top when the Board was brought a lease/option with no up front
money. Dr. Miller said there is nothing that has changed about the schools being a priority and have
needs and, as the funds are there, we will take care of those needs.
Dr. Miller said he has asked contractors in the county if the price would change if we built at another
location and they have said it would not.
Mrs. Kennedy said that Mr. Wagner was speaking in generalities and asked if he had spoke to Mr. Gene
Miller. She said the Board held meetings at the schools and were told by those individuals that they
wanted their schools to stay where they were and how they were.
Mr. Wagner said he has not spoken to Mr. Miller. However, many folks in the county have been opposed
to the building.
Mr. Overcash said when he was on the Board previously the priority was to get classrooms for those
children, and the Board has done that over the last ten years. He said that you are always going to have
updates to a school.
Mr. Overcash said when a business comes into the county they see outdated, old buildings that house
our central office personnel. He said our system needs a nice building, which would also save us money
traveling and back and forth.
Mr. Hughes said that everyone agrees that we need a building. He said the question is where and why.
He said he doesn’t see the site downtown as being a prime site. Mr. Hughes remarked that the parking
was remote. City Manager Mr. Doug Paris said the parking is connected to the building on the same
Dr. Miller moved on to the funding options. He said that Mrs. Trexler had reviewed what was paid out of
the operating budget. He said currently a little over $30M out of a $18M budget comes from County
Dr. Miller explained that the lottery money is not money that the school system has control over and it is
conceivable that the school system could use some of that money. He noted that the BOC have a $20M
fund balance in their books and could write that check to us if they so choose. Dr. Miller stated that
when the 2002 bond passed, it was passed with the approval from the citizens that county
commissioners would generate 6% tax over a number of years, but have only passed 2.5%. The
commissioners are using the schools’ lottery money to pay back the bond debt.
Mr. Hughes said what if a disaster comes, why use our fund balance. Again, he asked why the City
would not further fund the project. Dr. Miller said that could certainly be entertained. Mr. Wagner said
he discussed with some folks that two and half years of lottery money could be used for the project. Dr.
Miller said that is certainly an option the Board could consider.
Mrs. Norman said that she didn’t know how many more times the Board can discuss this issue. She said
if that money (lottery money) is important two years from now, that is the money we will use for our
needs then.
Mrs. Cox left the meeting at 5:56 p.m.
Mrs. Norman said that she has run into a couple people that don’t support it, but other people she has
spoken with are overwhelmingly in support of building the central office now. She said the Board of
Commissioner is just a conduit for the money. Mrs. Norman said the size and location of the building is
our business. She said it is about power, and at this point the Board has done everything we were
supposed to do. We have acted in good faith, looked into every possibility of options.
Dr. Miller distributed another packet of information received from the City Council.
Mr. Doug Paris came to the presenter’s table and said the Salisbury City Council is unanimously in favor
of the central office being downtown as it was voted on by the BOE and BOC. He said Mayor Woodson
would be glad to speak on any questions anyone would have.
**Dr. Miller moved to endorse a 62,000 sq. ft. project and proceed as outlined to locate downtown with
the Board of Education being willing to consider other funding options. Mrs. Norman seconded.
Mrs. Cox re-entered the meeting at 5:59 p.m.
Mrs. Norman called for the question.
The Board approved the motion 5:2. Mr. Hughes and Mr. Wagner opposed.
Dr. Miller called for a five minute recess at 6:01 p.m.
Dr. Miller reconvened the meeting at 6:08 p.m.
Measurement of Student Learning and EOCs
Mr. Colby Cochran brought an update on the EOCs and MSLs, the new assessment for our students.
Mr. Cochran said this is the more authentic assessment that we’ve been working for, and that it counts
as the final exam and 25% of the course.
Mr. Cochran said the Measures of Student Learning will be new for 2012-13 and will begin in January.
He said common exams in selected subjects that are not part of the State Testing Programs will be
administered, and it will be done in paper/pencil. The tests will be all multiple-choice items; most will
have some constructed response items. Mr. Cochran said over 1000 NC teachers designed the tests with
Mr. Cochran said some asked if it was the local district’s choice to give one or two tests. Mr. Cochran
said, “No”. DPI stated that if it constitutes the student passing, two should be given.
Dr. Miller thanked Mrs. Cox’s family for staying to hear about the Common Core curriculum. He said that
while we had a full house for the brick and mortar, no one wanted to remain for the curriculum
discussion, which is the crux of our business.
180/185 Day Calendar
Mr. Cochran briefly described the changes made in the calendar law last year. Mainly, local districts could
now have 185 instructional days or 1025 hours of instruction. He said this would give some flexibility,
but still presents challenges.
Mr. Cochran said the first day for students will be August 26 and last day is no later than the Friday
closest to June 11. Therefore, our last day will be June. 13. He said the State Board can no longer grant
educational purposes waivers, and Rowan-Salisbury is not eligible for a weather-related start date
Mr. Cochran said what he needs from the Board is guidance on their preference for a 180 or 185
instructional day calendar. He explained it would be 180 days with 1025 instructional hours or 185 with
1025 instructional hours.
Dr. Miller asked if there could be two different calendars for the elementary, middle and high students.
Dr. Grissom said the transportation would be an issue as well as childcare for younger children.
Dr. Miller asked if we could free up some half days for staff development. Dr. Grissom said if we had the
maximum number of hours, there could be more half days for staff development.
Mr. Cochran said that the committee could bring back a calendar with both the 180 and 185 days.
Dr. Miller said that he felt it was the consensus of the Board to have several options to look at.
Common Core Curriculum
Mrs. Cox said that the elementary teachers have no planning period, and they are feeling they could use
more training in the Common Core curriculum.
Mrs. Alesia Burnette, Ms. Kathy McDuffie, and Ms. Tina Mashburn came to the table. High School
Director, Ms. McDuffie said that they began in 2009-2010 working with training their teachers on the
Common Core curriculum.
Ms. McDuffie explained that the first year (2010-11) folks were sent to state training. Last year, district
training was held on the five training days. An all teacher group led the trainings on those grade spans.
She said the summer session consisted of curriculum map sessions.
Ms. McDuffie said there were online sites within the school system posting information, sharing
resources, lesson plans, and curriculum maps in the high school.
Elementary Director, Mrs. Burnette, said they do recognize that the teachers are working hard. She said
one of the things is that they are posting material, whether it is state resources or local. Mrs. Burnette
said it is a lot of work because it is new, but they wanted to provide additional resources. Mrs. Burnette
said she could look into providing additional collaborative time. However, the hurdle is providing
substitutes so that elementary teachers can work collaboratively. She said the best way is where it is
least disruptive to the instructional day.
Dr. Miller asked Mrs. Burnette to check with Mrs. Trexler to see what funds would be available to help
with support.
Mrs. Norman stated that the students are not always getting the same instruction when they have a
substitute instead of a teacher, and maybe there can be ways to work around that. Mrs. Burnette said
they will have to look at multiple ways to have time together.
Mrs. Cox suggested that perhaps the teachers could only teach Common Core in Math and Language Arts
for the rest of this year and add the other courses next year. Mrs. Burnette said while they would like to
have been able to do that, they don’t have that luxury this year.
Mrs. Norman asked if it would be possible in the future for elementary teachers to have only two lessons
to plan. Mrs. Burnette said that the principals and assistant principals are looking at what is best for
students and it shows that it is better if the student is in the same class. The teachers do integrate the
content areas through the Language Arts curriculum.
Ms. Mashburn reiterated what Ms. McDuffie and Mrs. Burnette shared, and thanked the Board for getting
this information to everyone. She commended the teachers for the hard work they are doing.
It was asked if a survey could be done to ask the teachers how they can be supported to alleviate the
workload. All three directors agreed that would be good.
Mr. Hughes left the meeting at 7:02 p.m.
Board Sub-committee Appointments
Dr. Miller stated what the how the committees were made up. He named the Appeals Committee,
Personnel/Finance, Buildings and Grounds, and Curriculum/Technology.
Dr. Miller asked Mrs. Holder to send out the list of committees, and for the Board members to send back
their first two choices.
The board took a 5-minute recess at 7:06 p.m.
Communications to the Board – Dr. Miller
Superintendent/Board Comments – Dr. Grissom
Closed Session
**Mrs. Norman moved to recess into Closed Session at 7:16 p.m. to consider personnel action that
involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC
Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)], to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential
pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1), and to consult with an attorney
employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the
attorney and the public body. [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(3)]. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. (7:0)
BOE Closed Session Minutes of December 6, 2012
Student Transfer Appeal Recommendations
Baptist litigation
December Personnel Report
Report of Closed Session
**Mrs. Cox moved to approve the December Personnel Report. Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously
approved. (7:0)
**Mrs. Kennedy moved to approve the superintendent’s recommendation to hire Mrs. Lea Anne
Thomas as the principal for China Grove Elementary School. Mr. Overcash seconded. Unanimously
approved (7:0)
**Mrs. Norman moved to approve the contract extension of Mrs. Tara Trexler to June 30, 2014. Mr.
Wagner seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
- Faith-based Initiative Breakfast/LS/9:00 a.m.
12/24-31 - Winter Break (Schools and Offices Closed)
- Holiday (Schools and Offices Closed)
- BOE Work Session Meeting/LS/5:00 p.m.
**Mr. Hughes moved to adjourn at 8:17 p.m. Mr. Wagner seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Dr. Richard W. Miller, Chairman
Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary