Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education February 25, 2013 Minutes The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on February 25, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. at the Long Street Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Richard Miller, Mrs. Kay Wright Norman, Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy, Mr. L. A. Overcash, Mrs. Susan Cox, Mr. Joshua Wagner, and Mr. Charles Hughes. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Mr. Gene Miller, Dr. Julie Morrow, Mr. Nathan Currie, Attorney Mr. Don Sayers, and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board. Call to Order / Roll Call Dr. Miller called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Kennedy officiated the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Hughes shared a prayer. Adopt Agenda Mr. Wagner moved to adopt the agenda as submitted. Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Celebrations Congratulations to the following staff members of the Rowan-Salisbury School System for the following accomplishments: “LIGHTHOUSE SCHOOL AWARD” PRESENTED TO ROWAN COUNTY EARLY COLLEGE The NC Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (NCASCD) presented the prestigious “Lighthouse School Award” to the Rowan County Early College. This award is presented annually to one or more NC schools that are leading the way in innovative programs and practices. CARVER WALSER WINS STATE POSTER COMPETITION Carver Walser, an 8th-grade Knox Middle School student, was named the division three (6-8th grade) winner for the NC Zoological Park “2013 Endangered Species” poster contest. Amber Reinsvold is the art teacher. SARAH GROOMS WINS RSS DISTRICT SPELLING BEE Sarah Grooms, a Koontz Elementary School student, is the winner of the RSS 2013 Grade 5-8 Spelling Bee. Sarah will compete in the Regional Spelling Bee to be held on March 24th in Winston-Salem. CAROLINE WOOD IN THE ANNUAL HONORS PERFORMANCE SERIES West Rowan High School student Caroline Wood earned a spot in the annual “Honors Performance Series.” The five-day program was held in New York and includes a performance at Carnegie Hall. Caroline plays the flute. Daniel Truitt is the music teacher. NORTH ROWAN MIDDLE STUDENTS RECEIVE BAND HONORS Four North Rowan Middle School students have been recognized for excelling in band: 1 • Josh Phillips - All District Band, Virginia Tech Honor Band • Sydney Campbell - All District Band, Virginia Tech Honor Band • Caitlyn Slusser -Virginia Tech Honor Band • Terry Lark -Virginia Tech Honor Band Keith Howe is the NRMS Band Director. BRENDA STEWARD NAMED NEA’s NC TEACHER OF EXCELLENCE Brenda Steward was named NEA's NC Teacher of Excellence and was presented the award at the NEA Foundations National Gala in February. With this honor, Brenda has also been named a Pearson Fellow and will be travel to Brazil this summer with 35 other national representatives working on globalization and education. Communication to the Board – Dr. Miller Dr. Miller welcomed back local school board attorney, Don Sayers, after his major surgery. Dr. Miller also introduced Dr. Julie Morrow, who has taken over as the new Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum. Dr. Miller mentioned that he had only just received the data he requested from the Board of Commissioners on the DSS building and had not had the opportunity to review and compare the information with data he had collected. He said he would be ready to share and discuss the information at the Board work session on March 11. Superintendent and Board Comments – Dr. Grissom None Consideration of the Consent Agenda BOE Minutes of January 28 and February 7, 2013. January 2013 Budget Amendments January 2013 Financial Summary **Mr. Overcash moved approval of the consent agenda as submitted. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Discussion Items Field Trip Request Mrs. Norman questioned the cost per adult for the trip to Greensboro. Mr. McDowell indicated that fundraising efforts has taken place to help with the cost of the trip. **Mrs. Norman moved to approve the field trip. Mr. Wagoner seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Mr. Hughes requested that an explanation of the cost for the students and adults be communicated with the Board once it was confirmed what money had been raised and what the final costs to the students and adults would be. 2 Review of RSSS Recognition of Being a Technology Leader Mrs. Kennedy shared that she, Dr. Grissom, Dr. Morrow, Dr. McDowell, Mr. Cowan, NRHS Tech facilitator, Kyle Whisnant, NRHS teachers Lisa Cline and Natalie Whitted, and Mr. Hardin had spent the day in Chapel Hill where Apple, Inc. had asked Rowan-Salisbury Schools to share how far they had come in the last several years in the way teachers taught and students learned. Mrs. Kennedy said how impressed with the overall enthusiasm radiated by the NRHS teachers, who shared how much technology has impacted their teaching and learning. Mrs. Kennedy recognized Mr. Hardin and Dr. McDowell. Mr. Hardin stated that what had been done in the classroom does engage students in the classroom. He gave an overview of the technology that has been implemented in the classrooms all over the district, and technology personnel that has been hired to serve as technology facilitators in the schools. Mr. Hardin also reviewed the background since the NRHS iPod Project was implemented in 2008-2009. He said that NRHS began the first one-to-one freshman academy in the nation. Mr. Hardin stated that in 2008-09, 200 9th grade students, 10 core subject area teachers, 4 resource teachers began the learning in the classroom. He noted that what was to be a four-year project at North High accelerated and was complete in two years, so the technology was implemented for grades 9 – 12. Mr. Hardin noted that discipline also decreased significantly. He said they implemented the same program at NRMS, Overton, and at Knox Middle, and now have targeted at the high school level the curriculum classrooms (science at SHS and Math at ERHS), one-to-one at NRM and KMS and this year at SEMS. Mr. Hardin said that they also targeted 5th grade at the elementary, where half began last year and hope to phase in the other half this year. Mr. Hardin said that the teachers integrate the entire curriculum at Overton Elementary. He said that Mr. Anthony Johnson began the mini-funk band at Overton and the students learn music by using the iPads. Mr. Hardin introduced the STEM mobile classroom and shared how that project came to our system. Mr. Hardin said Digital Learning Day was promoted for this year and each school was encouraged to have a Digital Learning Day. He presented a video produced by the JCHS Students. A video from NRHS was presented. Principal, Dr. McDowell shared that he was not an integrator when he first came to NRHS. However, after coming to NRHS and learning of Dr. Grissom’s vision, he became an integrator. Dr. McDowell said that, in the beginning, he and his teachers talked to each other that now that they have technology, what are they going to do with it. He said he emphasized that they have to do everything with it, and he does feel like RSSS is a little bit ahead of the rest of the state and nation. Dr. McDowell said having the technology for each student levels the field. He said that some students that didn’t have technology in the home now have the same learning tool that all other students have. Dr. Miller requested an estimate of funds that was received from grants to implement the technology. Mr. Hardin said $199,000 from Golden Leaf and approximately $3000 from Robertson Foundation. He noted that the Golden Leaf money helped to make the four year implementation a two year process. Dr. Grissom stated that the Robertson Foundation had given an average of $700,000 to 800,000 each year over the last several years for technology throughout the system. 3 Dr. Miller asked how many technicians were on staff to handle the technology. Mr. Hardin said he has a technician for about every 2000 – 3,000 devices. He said he feels Rowan-Salisbury serves as an IT training ground because the technicians are on the state pay scale, but can make $40 - $50 an hour in the corporate world. 2013-2014 Calendar Proposal Mr. Cochran presented the 2013-2014 calendar proposals. The Board had requested a draft of the 180 school day calendar and the school day185 calendar. Mr. Cochran noted that a bill was introduced into the general assembly that schools could start no later than August 21, and that the primary drive was to end the first semester prior to Christmas. Mr. Cochran stated that if passed, it would be effective for the 2013-14 school year. However, we don’t know at this time how that will go. Mr. Cochran publicly thanked 13 school personnel who helped to work on the calendar. **Mr. Overcash moved to accept the 180 school day calendar. Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Budget Update Mrs. Trexler presented a short PowerPoint for the Board that shared the preliminary budget information. She noted she has informed the administration, principals, and directors of the outlook and that there are certainly severe concerns coming into this year. Mrs. Trexler said the figure she is currently working with is a $5.2M deficit, and there may be a 2% salary increase, which we will have to add that for the local paid staff. The State will take care of the state paid employees. Mrs. Trexler stated that additional concerns were the Federal Sequestration that will be $5.3% across the board cut, which will be in excess of $500,000 reduction. She also said that LINKS grant will be expiring, and the Safety Committee has asked for considerations. Mrs. Trexler presented the following as potential cuts: Athletic supplements - $725,000 Consolidated middle school sports $35,000 Reduction of media assistants/60 – $973,000 Remediation teachers (Enrichment) - $350,000 Alternative to Suspension Teachers - $350,000 Instructional Supplies - $1,788,814. Reduce Art & Music by half (13 of each) $1,300,000 Reduce AIG staff (10) $600,000 Director budget cuts $125,000 Mrs. Trexler suggested that it may be time to look at increasing class size and reducing teaching positions. Mrs. Trexler showed a couple examples of the class size formula: increasing class size by one student would mean $1.6M with 32 teaching positions cut, and an increase of two students would mean $3.3M or 66 teaching positions. Mrs. Trexler reviewed the timeline for preparing, approving and submitting the budget. She also shared some of the proposed Legislation: H4 – unemployment insurance; S14 – CTE increase access; H23 and S118 – digital learning standards for staff; H44 and S44 – transition from funding textbooks to digital 4 learning; H51 and S14 – develop career and college endorsements; H97 and S118 allow lottery funds to be used for digital learning; H117 revision of laws for unoccupied school buses; H129 local flexibility regarding school calendar. Performance Contract Selection and Review Mr. Gene Miller noted that when this program was a proposed to the Board in February, there had been two companies that had given proposals, and that Energy Systems Group had given a better grading score. Mr. Miller said he would like to come back at the March 11 work session to explain how this program would work and have the vendor discuss why the program would benefit the schools. North Carolina School Board (NCSBA) Items Dr. Miller discussed the resolution to oppose school property transfer form the Board of Education to the Board of Commissioners that had been developed by the NCSBA as a guideline for local Boards of Education to use. **Mrs. Norman moved to adopt the resolution. Mr. Overcash seconded. Mr. Hughes said he would oppose the approval of the resolution because he agreed with putting the funding responsibility in one authority. Mrs. Cox said she feels that the BOE is much more able to determine what is needed for our schools. Mr. Wagner asked if this had ever come up before. He said rules are put in place for a reason, not to say they can’t be changed, but he feels this was brought up fairly quickly because of Wake County, and unless there is a very good and real reason, he doesn’t think this is a rule that should be changed on a whim. Dr. Miller said this is an example of the reason the BOE is non-partisan. We should rise above as a nonpartisan Board to have an understanding of what we are charged with as a Board and to know what we need. Mrs. Norman called for the question. Motion approved. (6:1) Mr. Hughes opposed. Dr. Miller asked Mrs. Cox to be the point person to continue checking with the local delegation schedules to coordinate meetings when they are in Salisbury. Mrs. Cox said she would do that. Communications to the Board – Dr. Miller None Superintendent/Board Comments – Dr. Grissom None Closed Session **Mrs. Norman moved to recess into Closed Session at 7:00 p.m. to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)] and to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1). Mrs. Kennedy seconded. (7:0) BOE Closed Session Minutes of January 28, 2013. 5 February Personnel Report, AP Contracts Extended, and 2013-2014 Tenure Eligible Teachers Dr. Miller requested a five-minute recess. Report of Closed Session ** Mr. Overcash moved to approve the February Personnel Report. Mr. Wagner seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) **Mr. Wagner moved to revise the position title from Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources to Executive Director of Human Resources. Unanimously approved. (7:0) **Mr. Overcash moved to advertise for the position of Executive Director of Human Resources immediately. Mr. Wagner seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Announcements 3/2 3/5 3/9 3/11 3/25 3/28 3/29 4/1 - - All County MS/HS Band Concert/1:00 p.m./JCHS - BOE Personnel/Finance Sub-committee/3:00 p.m./Ellis St. - Grade 5 Music Festival Performance/4:00 p.m./WRHS - BOE Work Session Meeting/5:00 p.m./Long Street - BOE Meeting/5:00 p.m./Long Street - Early Release Day - Holiday (Offices and Schools Closed) 4/5 Spring Break (Schools Closed & Limited Office Personnel) Adjournment **Mrs. Cox moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Dr. Richard W. Miller, Chairman Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary 6