Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education May 20, 2013 Minutes

Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education
May 20, 2013
The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on May 20, 2013 at 5:01 p.m. at the Long Street
Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Richard Miller, Mrs. Kay Wright Norman,
Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy, Mr. Charles Hughes, Mr. Joshua Wagner, and Mrs. Susan Cox. Mr. L. A.
Overcash was absent. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Dr. Julie Morrow, Mr. Gene Miller, Mr.
Nathan Currie, attorney, Mr. Don Sayers, and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board.
Call to Order / Roll Call
Dr. Miller called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Cox officiated the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dr. Miller requested that everyone share a moment of silence.
Adopt Agenda
Dr. Grissom requested to add an item to the agenda to receive information on the Senate Budget.
**Mrs. Norman moved to adopt the agenda as amended. Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously
approved. (6:0)
Congratulations to the following staff members of the Rowan-Salisbury School System for the
following accomplishments:
Congratulations to WRHS teachers and advisors Angie Waldo and Carla Epps
for being the Top Junior Civitan Advisors for the Western part of North Carolina.
Patty Overcash is being recognized for her generosity in serving our district with over 25 years of
service to the PTA. Patty’s energy and enthusiasm is deeply appreciated by our parents, staff and
community in making our district the best for our students.
Aryaman Jana is the regional finalist for the national competition titled, “Doodle for Google”
sponsored by Google. “AJ” was the only finalist from North Carolina and will travel to New
York on May 22 for the announcement of the national winner!
The WRHS FBLA student members placed in the State Leadership Conference. Gail
Funderburke is the CTE/FBLA Advisor. Students placing in the Top 10 are as follows:
Jasmine Gregory - Accounting 2
Tyler Dunning - Computer Apps
James Davis - Computer Problem Solving
Alexis Kemp - Impromptu Speaking
AND State Winner:
5. **Cameron Isenhour placed #1 in Personal Finance
**Cameron and James will be competing in the National FBLA Competition in
The WRHS FFA Land Judging Team received “First Place” in the state competition. Clark
Adams is the Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor. Team members are:
1. **Matt Myers
2. Sam Kennedy
3. Tanner Bailey
**Matt placed as the 3rd highest individual in the state!
West Rowan High School Agricultural teachers Jason Chester and Clark Adams have been
recognized by the Rowan County Scholastic Livestock Award (RCSLA) organization for their
commitment to success of this program. Five WRHS FFA students have been awarded a heifer calf
since the inception of the RCSLA.
Salisbury High School has been rank as 10th in the state by the US News and World Report ranking
of high schools across the nations. 1097 in the nation based on the methodology.
East Rowan High School has ranked a 44th in the state by the US News and World Report ranking
of high schools across the nation.
NRHS Wrestling Team captured the state 1A Championship. Tim Pittman is the team coach.
Assistant Coaches: Travis Lindsay, Shane Miller, Darrick Green, and Josh Mock. Winning team
members are as follows:
Twenty-four Rowan-Salisbury Schools for receiving “renewals” for the US EPA Energy Star
Program. This recognition is a national symbol for superior energy efficiency and environmental
protection. In order to qualify for the “Energy Star” recognition, commercial buildings and
industrial plants, including school buildings, must rate in the top 25 percent of facilities in the
nation for energy efficiency. Mike Austin is the district’s Energy Manager.
Bostian Elementary
Mike Mobley, Asst. Principal
Bonnie Livengood
Overton Elementary
Betty Tunks
Jeff Cameron
China Grove Elementary
Lee Anne Thomas
Fred McGinnis
Shive Elementary
Zebbie Bondurant
Joyce Storm
Enochville Elementary
Barry Haywood
Amy Thurmond
Isenberg Elementary
Marvin Moore
Terry Clodfelter
Hurley Elementary
Kim Walton
Velma Knox
Knollwood Elementary
Shonda Hairston
Steve Goodman
Mt. Ulla Elementary
Lindsey Chatham
Buddy Wilhaite
North Rowan Elementary
Scotty Adcock
Billy Elder
Rockwell Elementary
Laura Kerr
Greg Pine
Woodleaf Elementary
Sue Herrington
Mike Aistrop
Erwin Middle
Kristi Rhone
Jennifer Fesperman
China Grove Middle
Linda Johnson
Jimmy Patterson
Corriher-Lipe Middle
Dr. Beverly Pugh
Tommy Knox
Knox Middle
Terrence Snider
Brian Tutterow
North Rowan Middle
Alexis Cowan
Chris Gillion
Southeast Middle
David Miller
John Carpenter
West Rowan Middle
Nancy Barkemeyer
Robert Lowe
East Rowan High
Todd Whalen, Asst. Principal
Vincent Price
North Rowan High
Dr. Darrell McDowell
Jim Dobler
Salisbury High
Dr. Avis Williams
Franklin Ford
South Rowan High
Dr. Don Knox
Kathy Miller
West Rowan High
Dr. Jamie Durant
Darrell Misenheimer (not att)
Mr. Overcash entered the meeting at 5:22 p.m.
Communications to the Board
William Wherritt – questioned the policy for the reduction in teaching positions, and how it is
determined which teachers are laid off. He asked that the policy be followed. Mr. Wherritt stated he
would like to see that the teachers who remain are our best qualified teachers.
Miriam Thompson – Current president of the Rowan-Salisbury Association of Educators. Ms.
Thompson stated Board Policy related to a reduction in force. She said there must be a standard
rubric or rule for a RIF. The Board must apply the highest ethics and fairness…
Melissa Winbourne - Current Vice President of the Rowan-Salisbury Association of Educators. She
continued where Miriam Thompson had left off… of equitability with our teachers. Ms. Winbourne
stated the Board should revise the BOE Policy 7-14.2. She added that she had spoken with several
employees who were affected by the terminations and they are extremely affected by the action, and
the letter they received. Ms. Winbourne asked that additional information be sent out to them
explaining in more detail how it was determined which teachers lost their jobs.
Brenda Stewart - Teacher at Henderson Independent High School. Ms. Stewart distributed a
document and asked if the Board gave their approval, and said an explanation that a 10-day notice of
appeal was not included in these letters. She also said that the reduction in force was done in an
arbitrary and capricious way.
Lina Drinkard – Former NCAE Uniserve Director for Rowan County. Mrs. Drinkard stated that
although she does not serve Rowan County at this time, she continues to live in Rowan County. She
explained how the process had been done in the past. Mrs. Drinkard said a letter was given to a
probationary teacher explaining they would be given a contract after the budget was passed, and the
word renewal was never used.
Board/Superintendent Comments
Dr. Grissom mentioned the Rowan County Early College graduation. She stated that 100% of the
Early College students graduated. Dr. Grissom said that 61 students graduated, and 56 received an
Associates degree as well. She noted that six of the students were the first in their family to complete
high school. Dr. Grissom also noted that together the students earned 4311 college credits, and
received $515,600 in scholarships.
Dr. Miller recognized the members of the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Board of Trustees that
were present. He acknowledged that it has been a great partnership.
Mrs. Norman stated that she attended the RCEC Honors assembly, and said she wished there could be
an early college for every high school. Mrs. Norman said there were small classes, and staff can work
with the students to motivate that success.
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Board Chairman, Mr. Chip Short, expressed his appreciation for
the partnership they share to the Board of Education on behalf of RCCC.
Consent Agenda
April 22 and May 13, 2013 Minutes
April 2013 Financial Summary
April 2013 Budget Amendments
** Mrs. Norman moved the adoption of the Consent Agenda. Mr. Wagoner seconded. Unanimously
approved. (7:0)
Discussion Items
RCCC Board of Trustees Appointment
Dr. Miller said there had been two applications submitted, Mr. Paul A. Brown for re-appointment and Mrs.
Leslie Birch.
**Mrs. Cox nominated Mr. Paul Brown. Mr. Wagoner seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Clean Building Award Program
Mr. Steve Massey explained the Clean School Inspection Reports and gave a summary of the program.
He said the custodial bonuses are calculated by adding the spring and fall scores together, and that the
school has to score 15 or less out of a total of 80.
Mr. Massey thanked Mr. Miller, Dr. Grissom, and the school board for supporting the program.
Mr. Miller said that this program is what the school system has in place, which answers those that
believe that our schools are not being maintained.
Mr. Miller commended Mr. Massey for doing a good job of monitoring the custodians.
Henderson Independent High School Incentive Pay Plan
Dr. Chris Vecchione explained the proposed revision of the incentive pay plan. He reminded the Board
that the incentive pay plan was suggested two years ago when a federal audit was conducted at the
school. He explained that there are six goals within the incentive pay plan, and one of the six goals
relates to the EOC scores. Dr. Vecchione said they are having difficulty with that goal because one, the
scores are not back until October and the funds must be encumbered by September. He said the second
problem is that this year two of the three EOC tested areas is different that when this incentive plan was
put in place.
Dr. Vecchione said of the six goals, all of them have financial incentives connected to them. He said that
the adjustment in the sixth area, which the money has already been encumbered, can not be addressed
because of the time. Therefore, he requested that the funds be redistributed in the other five goals.
Mr. Tim Dryman said he felt is would be unfortunate for the staff not be rewarded for their high work.
He asked the Board to consider the proposal. Mr. Dryman noted that last year was the first year that the
school met high growth and met all of the AYP targets, and they are on track to do the same this year.
Dr. Grissom explained that the money would come from the school improvement grant, which cannot be
used for anything else.
Mrs. Norman asked what the current enrollment is. Dr. Vecchione stated approximately 100.
Mrs. Kennedy said that she was concerned that none of the incentives are performance based, and she
felt there has to be something in place to measure performance growth.
Mr. Overcash said that he had a concern regarding an incentive for attendance. He said he felt
employees get paid for being at work. Dr. Vecchione said the staff has to be on the job 97% of the
time, which was a major problem in the past. He said their percentage of attendance now is much
better than the district’s attendance. He said it is not the highest pay plan by far, but somewhere in the
Dr. Miller asked if there was a report that could be compiled to compare what a student’s GPA was when
they enrolled and their GPA when they leave.
Mrs. Norman said she does believe leadership makes a difference.
**Mrs. Norman moved acceptance of the plan. Mr. Hughes seconded. Approved. (6:1)
Mrs. Norman asked that there is a plan provided that looks and Henderson’s measurable goals be
Dr. Vecchione said that he will address the Board in 2013-14, with a revised plan.
House Bill 711, Define Parental Rights Standard/Statutory Law (Short Title)
**Mr. Hughes made a motion that the Board adopt a resolution to support HB944. Mr. Wagoner
Mrs. Cox said she is 100% in favor of the intent, but the Bill is stated in such odd terms that the Board
may find themselves in litigation or appeals. Mrs. Kennedy agreed. Mr. Overcash concurred as well.
Mr. Wagoner said that Mrs. Cox is probably correct, but that could probably be said about anything. The
question then becomes is it worth creating a resolution on the broad terms or erring on the thought of
the Bill passing, and see what happens. Mrs. Kennedy said the Bill is too broad.
Mrs. Norman called for the question. (Failed 2:5) Mr. Hughes and Mr. Wagoner opposed.
2nd Reading of BOE Policy, Appropriate Student Attire
Mr. Currie said there had been no changes since the last reading.
**Mrs. Norman moved acceptance of BOE Policy 8-34. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved.
Update on Central Office
Mr. Miller stated that he and Dr. Grissom had met last week with the City of Salisbury and the City is
moving forward with the building process. He said he received today a commitment lease/relationship
letter to have reviewed by our attorneys.
Mr. Overcash asked when the shovel would go into the ground. Mr. Miller said once the terminology is
completed on the lease, we will be ready to move forward. The City is in the process of working on the
use of an architect. Mr. Miller said if everything goes as planned, he hoped to have a shovel in the
ground by the first of August.
Mr. Hughes asked if the LGC would get involved in the approval of this loan. Dr. Miller said that at this
time, the City is overlooking the construction of a building downtown. Therefore, whatever amount they
want to put into that, they do. The only thing the City will need from us is an agreement of occupancy.
Lottery Proceeds Application
Dr. Miller explained that on Tuesday of last week he received the lottery proceeds application to draw
down funds ($1.5M), and he asked for a meeting with Mr. Sides and Mr. Pierce, which was held today.
He advised that to date we, as a school board, has have no input in how the lottery money was used,
and the lottery money is to use to supplement, not supplant funds. This was to allow us to do the extra
projects that needed to be done.
Dr. Miller read NC Gen. Statute 115C-546.2. He said it was his understanding that the first year (2006)
of the lottery funds were used for indebtedness because of overruns at Carson. Dr. Miller said he has
checked and he and Mr. Sides agreed that there was a one-year verbal agreement. There is no record of
any action taken by the BOE or County for the use of the lottery funds.
Dr. Miller stated that his question in the earlier meeting with Mr. Sides was what his signature actually
signifies in drawing down these funds. He said the county manager couldn’t draw down the money
without the BOE chairman’s signature. Therefore, he took the position that until the BOE had a
discussion on how the funds were to be used, he would withhold his signature. Dr. Miller noted that
there is some latitude that statute that you meet all your construction and improvement needs, and
whatever is remaining can be used for debt service. Mr. Miller said he does not agree for the lottery
funds to be drawn down for debt service because the Board agreed and presented to the commissioners
a $1.5M energy upgrade request at our 35 sites that was going to safe us $200,000 to $300,000 a year,
over time; it will pay for itself.
He said he discussed with Mr. Sides and Mr. Pierce to use this year’s lottery proceeds for the $1.5M for
the energy program. However, they said, in essence, that we would not get the money. Mr. Miller said
that since the commissioners had used the funds in past years, allow the school system to have it for the
upgrade. He explained that he was told they would not let that happen, but if he insisted, the county
would hold the sales tax money in that amount.
Dr. Miller said he believed the signature of the Chair of the BOE had significance, and that there is
wording in the statute that reads there needs to be a concurrence with the BOE to decide where the
money is used. Dr. Miller said there needed to be a legal interpretation on what the signature of the
BOE means. Dr. Miller explained that in Rowan County the lottery money has been used to retire debt
service, and part of the issue with debt service is that the commissioners had the choice of not levying
the full .6.5 cents for debt service on the last bond, and said that they have not levied the remaining .4
and have said they took that money from other areas of county government. Dr. Miller advised that we
know that they used other areas because the school system was included in those cuts to retire bond
Dr. Miller said that because for 10 years on the last bond the county hasn’t levied those four pennies,
we’ve lost $40M, and that would have done a lot of construction on our school sites. Instead, they take
sales tax, which is state money, not money the county commissioners have levied; then the state has in
fact been paying some on bond service. Therefore, he believes it is time to legally examine if there is a
question to be had as to whether the BOE has a say on the lottery money.
Mr. Hughes said it would seem logical for the chair’s signature to have significance, if the BOE agreed.
Mr. Wagoner said he didn’t disagree that the signature holds weight. However, the county can still
withhold other money if we use the lottery money.
Mr. Miller said then superintendent at the time, Dr. Don Martin, and the county commissioners during
that time agreed that they would pay the principal for 20 years, and that commitment has been
monitored for the past 17 years, but there never was a commitment on the lottery money in writing.
Dr. Miller said that the lottery money was to be used to fund the over and above kind of things, not
supplant funding. However, that has been what the County has done. He stated that approximately
55% of the voters approved the levying of 6.5 cents. Dr. Miller agreed that the wording on the ballot did
not express that the increase would be done, but it explained in all the information and material
circulated at the time that it would take the increase to pay the bond debt. He said that if they would
had levied the increase, that would have been a savings of $10 - $15M.
**Dr. Miller moved to seek legal recommendations on what the chairman’s signature means on the
lottery application, and the ramifications of withholding sales tax. Mr. Hughes seconded.
Mr. Wagoner said he believed that one of the main issues is going back to the original intent of the
lottery money. It seems that the money has been used to supplant and not supplement. He sees that as
a problem and would like to see us as a Board taking this to state legislators and ask why.
Dr. Miller said he doesn’t call this a give and take; he called it a take and take. He stated that each time
the BOE stands up and raises a legitimate question, the bullying and brow beating takes place. Mr.
Wagoner said that is his point.
Dr. Miller said the signature of this Board, whether it is he or Mrs. Norman’s, take the person out of it
and think of the chairman or vice-chairperson, that has to be on legal documents, should have some
meaning. Otherwise, why would there be a request for the BOE signature of drawing down the lottery
money if we have no consideration in it. He said it’s worthless if it doesn’t mean the Board is to have
some say in it as the other sections of the statute [115C-546.2 (4)] states.
Mrs. Norman said they were told earlier in the day that there had been some changes in the legislation,
but she sees none.
Dr. Miller called for the question. (7:0) Unanimously approved.
Dr. Miller took a moment to speak to counsel. He advised the Board members that he would like to add
and discuss SB236 on the agenda.
**Mr. Wagoner moved to add SB236 item to the agenda as item #10. Mrs. Norman seconded.
Unanimously approved. (7:0)
The Chairman called for a brief recess at 6:54 p.m.
The Board reconvened at 7:01 p.m.
Mr. Hughes was not in attendance.
Review of the Timeline for the Superintendent Search
Dr. Miller noted that May 21 was the deadline for submission of electronic and hardcopy surveys. He
said he has been advised that we have had higher participation than most counties.
Mr. Hughes entered the meeting at 7:02 p.m.
Dr. Miller stated that June 3 is the deadline to receive applications.
Dr. Miller advised that the June 10 work session meeting has been postponed to June 17, and that on
June 27, there will be a brief open meeting for Mrs. Tara Trexler will present the continuing budget
resolution. He said that the meeting would continue in a closed session to review the applications for the
superintendent vacancy.
Dr. Miller asked for a tentative date for first round interviews of the applicants. Following discussion, the
Board decided to hold July 22 through 24 for the interviews.
Senate Budget Update
Mrs. Tara Trexler shared information that was received from Raleigh earlier in the day. She said the
main objectives have been proposed in the Senate Budget, and she should know fairly soon if it does
pass the House.
Mrs. Trexler advised that there are increases in Medicaid dollars for growth, but it raises co-pays and
cuts the number of doctor visits, private nursing services, mental health drugs, etc.
Mrs. Trexler explained that the main adjustment for us is that TAs have been cut $142M. The budget
calls funding for TAs in K-1, while they are currently in K-3.
Mrs. Trexler noted that the education policy moves career status (tenure), and placing teachers on
contracts ranging from one to three years. The policy will also remove class-size caps in elementary
school grades.
Mrs. Trexler said the good news was that the Title I allotment is slightly more favorable than anticipated.
HB 236 – Property Transfer from School Boards to County Commissioners
Dr. Miller stated that SB 236 had passed the house. He explained that some of our BOE members have
been writing our local delegation. Dr. Miller asked if the BOE take action with some of the other nine
counties to find a way to send information in.
Dr. Miller asked Mrs. Cox and Mr. Overcash to see if there is any other organized effort to join in taking
our opposition to Raleigh.
Mrs. Norman said she wished that some of the employees that were at the meeting this evening with
their united participation, would realize that being in Raleigh could help them. She stated that as a BOE
we have a responsibility to move in an effort to remove Rowan County.
Mr. Overcash said he had spoken with every BOE whose county is listed, and they are not for the Bill.
Mr. Wagoner said he would be speaking with all of the county commissioners this week because all of a
sudden there is a push for the Bill, and our county is on it. He said that he and Mrs. Cox had spoken
with Rep. Ford, Rep. Warren, and Sen. Brock a while back, and from what they were been told was that
there was no real push for the Bill, and that was followed up by a statement that if there was a push for
it they would let us know. Mr. Wagner said his concern is that all of a sudden there is a push and our
county is on the Bill. He said he did not agree with that and is wondering who started the Bill and what
the push is for. Mr. Wagner said he will speak with all of the commissioners this week.
Mr. Wagner said that if feels the issue should come back to the county as a referendum to allow the
citizens to have some say in it.
Dr. Miller said all the commentary he seen is that the commission would own our buildings. Mr.
Overcash said what bothers him is that the Board of Education was never asked about it.
Mr. Wagner said he would like for the school board to discuss the specifics of this Bill if it were to pass.
He would like to know how much responsibility the county would have. He said her personally feels that
if the county wants to take control, they should have as much responsibility in terms of the liability,
insurance, etc.
Dr. Miller said all the commentary he has seen is that they take control of the buildings, but the school
system would continue to maintain them, which seems inconceivable to him.
Mr. Overcash has read that they would also take the capital outlay funding. Mrs. Cox said the County
could also tell us what kind of building we will have, and where.
Board/Superintendent Comments
Mrs. Norman said that if there is ever a time that our community needs to be engaged, it is now. What
are we going to tell our children, our community?
Closed Session
**Mrs. Norman moved to recess into Closed Session at 7:47 p.m. to consider personnel action that
involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen.
Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)], to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant
to state or federal law. [NC Gen. state 143-318-11(a)(1). Mrs. Kennedy seconded. (7:0)
May Personnel Report
Closed Session Minutes of April 22, 2013
Report of Closed Session
Mrs. Kennedy moved to approve the superintendent’s recommendation of Mr. David Miller as principal at
Rowan County Early College. Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Mr. Overcash moved to approve the superintendent’s recommendation of Mrs. Kelly Street for principal at
Enochville Elementary. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Mr. Wagoner moved to approve the superintendent’s recommendation of Mr. Derek DiStefano as
principal at Morgan Elementary. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Mrs. Norman moved to approve the Career Contracts as submitted. Mr. Overcash seconded.
Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Mrs. Norman moved to approve the Probationary Contract recommendations as submitted. Mr. Overcash
seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Mrs. Norman moved to approve the Temporary Contracts for re-employment recommendations. Mr.
Overcash seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Mrs. Norman moved to approve the May Personnel Report. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously
approved. (7:0)
May 21 @ 10:00 a.m.
May 21 @ 6:30 p.m.
North Rowan: May 23 @ 8:45 a.m.
East Rowan: May 23 @ 6:00 p.m.
South Rowan: May 23 @ 7:00 p.m.
West Rowan: May 24 @ 8:30 a.m.
5/27 - Memorial Day Holiday (Schools and Offices Closed)
5/31 - TOY Breakfast/Holiday Inn/7:00 a.m.
- BOE Finance/Personnel Sub-committee Mtg./Ellis St./3:00 p.m.
- Last Day for Students
6/17 - BOE W/S Meeting/Long St./5:00 p.m. NOTE DATE CHANGE
6/27 - BOE Meeting/Long St./5:00 p.m.
GRADUATIONS @ Catawba College, Keppel Auditorium
East Rowan
North Rowan
Salisbury High
8:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
South Rowan
West Rowan
Carson High
8:00 a.m. @ West High
10:00 a.m. @ Carson
12:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
**Mrs. Cox moved to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Dr. Richard W. Miller, Chairman
Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary