Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Meeting April 23, 2012

Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education
April 23, 2012
The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on April 23, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. at the Long Street
Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Jim Emerson, Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy,
Mrs. Linda Freeze, Mr. Mike Caskey, Mr. Bryce Beard, Mrs. Kay Wright Norman and Dr. Richard Miller.
Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Dr. Rebecca Smith, Mr. Gene Miller, Mr. Nathan Currie, Attorney
Mr. Don Sayers and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board.
Call to Order / Roll Call
Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Dr. Miller officiated the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mrs. Freeze shared an opening meditation.
Adopt Agenda
Dr. Emerson asked for any additions or changes to the agenda. Mrs. Kennedy moved adoption of the
agenda as submitted. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Congratulations to the following students and staff members of the Rowan-Salisbury School System for
the following accomplishments:
Congratulations to the East Rowan High School FBLA students for achieving state recognitions at the
annual State FBLA Conference. Participants and winners:
 Luke Ponds
 Alexis Spence
 Emily Clement
 Rene Canup
 Emily Clement &
 Aaron Hill
 Jasmine Cooper
 Griffin Nelson
 Stephen Ward
 Mattison Miller
 Preston Zimmerman
 Charlene Robinson
The following students have qualified to represent East Rowan High School, the Rowan/Salisbury
Schools, and the State in the National FBLA Conference to be held in San Antonio, TX in June:
 Luke Ponds
 Alexis Spence
 Emily Clement
 Jasmine Cooper
Cindy Adkins, Becky Sabo and Blaire Goodale are the advisors.
Kim Cramsey, RSS Payroll Supervisor, has obtained the designation of being a “2012 School
Business Management Academy Graduate” as a NC Association of School Business Officials’ Certified
School Business Manager.
RSS employees may be nominated to receive the “Customer Service Award,” which recognizes
employees for achieving excellent customer service. Anyone may nominate a RSS employee for this
honor. Forms are located on our website. Employees nominated for the month of April are:
Beth Campbell
Dixie Dalton
Regina Faggart
Kim Harris
Sharon Gardner
Susan Smith
Skylia Solomon
Deb Webb
Title I Lead Teacher
Title I Parent Coordinator
Administrative Asst. School Improvement
Teacher – North Rowan Middle
Risk Manager
Teacher Assistant – Erwin Middle
Administrative Asst. Title I
Teacher – Shive Elementary
Communication to the Board
Superintendent and Board Comments
Dr. Grissom explained that Mrs. Kelly Feimster and Ms. Jerri Hunt had put together an EOC/EOG site
and it was available on the school system website. She said this will serve as a resource for teachers to
use in preparing the students for testing. Dr. Grissom also pointed out that the school system and
several of its staff members had been recognized in articles of three different magazines.
Of a personal note, Dr. Miller called attention to the Salisbury Post article about his mother-in-law
working for 30 years with school system students with special needs.
Dr. Grissom also mentioned that she and Mrs. Freeze attended the Human Relations Council
Humanitarian Awards and that Mrs. Jean Kennedy was one of the recipients of the award.
Consideration of the Consent Agenda
 BOE Minutes of March 26, 2012
 March 2012 Budget Amendments
 March 2012 Financial Report
 Quarterly Purchasing Report
 Naming of School Facility
**Mrs. Norman moved approval of the Consent Agenda as submitted. Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously
approved. (7:0)
Discussion Items
Update on New Education Office
Mr. Bill Burgin thanked the Board for allowing Ramsey, Burgin, and Smith to work on the new education
building. Mr. Burgin presented slides that showed the progress being made on the proposed building and
site. He reminded everyone that the parking is being made available by the City of Salisbury.
Mr. Burgin explained he would be presenting a base bid proposal that will get the system the building for
$6 million. He brought to the Board’s attention that the Human Resources and Personnel departments will
be on the first floor because outsiders visit those departments the most. Mr. Burgin said the boardroom is
designed to have a separate room for Closed Session and an office for board members to use. He said the
Boardroom is designed to be separated by partitions for three separate meeting areas when necessary.
Mr. Burgin said that the second floor will house the superintendent’s office suite, assistant superintendents’
offices, the Curriculum Department and shared spaces, such as staff development and conference areas.
He noted that the majority of the third floor would house the assistant superintendent of operations and
facilities management, the IT department and child nutrition. He said this would get everyone in this one
facility and if this plan and the base bid is approved, the Exceptional Children’s Department (EC) will be
moved to the Ellis Street location.
Mr. Burgin said there will be also drawings available that will allow for alternates to be considered. One of
the alternates being submitted will allow EC to come into the new facility and the system would be totally
Mr. Burgin reviewed Alternate #1 that would show a shell that would be built for future growth. He noted
the heavy construction would be complete and that would keep the cost down when completing the space
as needed. Mr. Burgin stated that Alternate #2 would bring Child Nutrition to the first floor and create
larger offices on the third floor. Alternate #3 showed how the facility would need to be in order to have
the administrative office complete with all departments under one roof. Mr. Burgin also presented views of
the building as it would look to fit the building to the site.
Mr. Burgin then reviewed the dollar amount for the base bid and with alternates. He explained that the
base bid was $6,055,450, and the costs for each alternate were #1 – $867,93.8; Alternate #2 - $56,512;
Alternate #3 - $441,152. Mr. Burgin said that Alternate #4 was architectural enhancements at $300,000).
Mr. Caskey asked if the City would be giving parking with alternates. Mr. Burgin explained they have
agreed to give 160 spaces.
Dr. Emerson asked if Alternate #4 could be done without the others. Mr. Burgin said that it could.
Mr. Burgin advised the Board members that the school staff had worked extremely hard to get as much of
their function into this building.
Dr. Miller asked Mr. Burgin to clarify that the initial construction of all the infrastructure is much less
expensive to complete now rather than to add later. Mr. Burgin confirmed that to include Alternate #1 will
be approximately 35% less now to construct rather than later.
Mrs. Norman said she realized there was a lot of artificial lighting that mimics natural light, but asked if the
personnel in the inside areas will have natural light. Mr. Burgin said the perimeter of the building has
many windows and will allow for a lot of natural light to filter into the inner offices. He also mentioned
that office landscape modules would allow more light into the building.
Mr. Beard said that he concludes that the base bid is $125 square feet. Mr. Burgin confirmed that number.
Mr. Beard asked Mr. Burgin if it was his experience that now is the time to build. Mr. Burgin said he is
trying to move fast to take advantage of the current construction market.
**Mrs. Norman moved to accept the site plan and instruct Ramsey Burgin, Smith Architects to move
forward with this project. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Performance Contract Presentation by ESG, Energy Systems Group
Mr. Gene Miller noted that Energy Systems Group is home based in Indiana and Kentucky with a local
office in Mooresville. He said the company under a performance contract, which allows government
entities to make capital improvements and take the savings as a pay back.
Mr. Miller introduced Mr. Grey Medinger and Mr. Steve Zip, to speak on ways the school system could save
money on energy. Mr. Grey Medinger said that ESG could save the system money by decreasing
consumption and upgrades. However, Mr. Butch Bivens, Mr. Mike Austin, and the school system’s
Maintenance Department had done a great job in finding energy savings over the past five or six years.
Mr. Steve Zip explained he was going to speak about some problems in some of the existing facilities, but
the good news is that they have found the money to do this project. He said utility savings would pay for
the program, and that this is a flexible program where the scope can be adjusted.
Mr. Zip presented a Power Point of the how the program would upgrade the infrastructure. He said
savings are guaranteed and validated each year. Mr. Zip said mechanical systems are not being optimized
because of our older schools and old and new equipment trying to work together. He explained that older
systems would be replaced with the savings of the energy budget.
Mr. Zip said based on the audit, a recommended schedule was produced. He reviewed improvements and
the savings. Mr. Zip reiterated that at the end of each year, there must be some savings for the school
system. If no savings, a check would be written from ESG to Rowan-Salisbury Schools. If there are
savings, the school system would keep that money.
Mr. Zip said the project can be completed in a six to seven month period after LGC approval is obtained.
Dr. Emerson asked Mr. Miller his opinion. Mr. Miller said he likes the look of this program because of the
fact there is no up front cost. He explained that there would have to be an RFP for this type of project if
the Board would want to pursue this. Mr. Miller stated it was conceivable that ESG would not get the bid,
but felt confident they probably will because of the work they have done with their audit.
**Mr. Caskey moved to table the project for one month. Dr. Miller seconded.
Mr. Beard asked what would happen in terms of the timeline. Mr. Zip said that the process has about a
month delay because of having to obtain approval from the LGC. However, if the program could get
started in the summer, the heating systems would be upgraded and ready for the winter temperatures.
Mr. Beard said he understands Mr. Caskey’s motion and feels like the concept is new to the Board and
more time to take in the information would be helpful before taking action, but that he also knows that we
have staff who have reviewed and do understand the program.
Mr. Medinger said this is a program that is saving a huge amount of energy and money. He said the
system can have a good program, but one thing the system can’t do is find enough money to replace
Mrs. Norman called for the question.
Motion failed (6:1)
**Mr. Beard moved to proceed with the program and presenting the resolution of this program Mrs.
Freeze seconded.
Mrs. Norman called for the question. Approved. (6:1)
Rowan County Early College (RCEC) Update
Mrs. Misenheimer said that presently there are 220 students in grades 9-12 at the Early College. She
noted this year will be the first graduating class. Dr. Misenheimer stated that forty-two seniors will
graduate with a high school diploma with 28 of them are also graduating with Associates Degree from the
community college. She distributed a summary that outlined the progress of the program.
Mrs. Misenheimer explained that some of the students not receiving their associate degree are returning to
RCCC to obtain that degree. She said that the students complete almost all of their high school courses
their first two years and spend their junior and senior years taking almost all of their college courses. She
noted their classes were very intense in reading and writing.
College liaison, Ms. Carolyn Bayer, said student success is what Rowan Cabarrus Community College is
dedicated to. She said the students made a performance contract as eighth graders and over time the
students became RCCC students as well as RSSS students. Ms. Bayer said students are able to speak with
the her or their principal to discuss their concerns. However, the students also must be proactive.
Seven of the Early College graduating seniors spoke about their experience in the program and their plans
for the future. All had been accepted to colleges or universities and two of them had received full
Child Nutrition Update
Mrs. Libby Post distributed a packet that included the meal price increase being requested for school lunch
and stats of the free and reduced lunch trends.
Mrs. Post said that her department had received $10,000 from a “Have a Ball Fund” for schools to offer
nutritional education materials to the children, and that had been successful.
Mrs. Post said the current lunch price is $1.85 for elementary and $2.00 for secondary. She was
requesting approval to increase the price to $2.00 for elementary and $2.15 for secondary. Mrs. Post said
many mandatory changes are being made next year, for example portion sizes.
Mrs. Post said they are doing many things internally to save where they can and that participation trends
are looked at closely. She explained that there were many new USDA guidelines. Mrs. Post explained that
one positive thing was that our system is a part of a co-op and is able to purchase food with other counties
to obtain better prices.
**Mrs. Freeze moved to approve the price increase as requested. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously
approved. (7:0)
Resolution Requesting Elimination of Discretionary Budget Reversions to State
Mrs. Trexler said that this Resolution was discussed in the Finance and Personnel Sub-committee.
Mrs. Trexler said that along with other school boards around the state, the Rowan-Salisbury Schools
Finance Sub-committee agreed to show our support to eliminate the discretionary reversion.
**Mrs. Freeze moved approval of the Resolution. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Mr. Caskey asked to take a short recess at 7:10 p.m.
2012-2013 School Calendar Revision
Mr. Cochran said that seven hours ago the General Assembly proposed to implement the transportation
cost for the extra five instructional days approved for the calendar this year. He said the new calendar will
be voted on May 16.
Mr. Cochran said that the calendar approved in December by the Board was for 185 days. He said the
state superintendent has agreed to waive the five days for the LEA’s that requested the waiver and we did
request and received it. Mr. Cochran said the calendar was revised and was being submitted in order to
seek approval on the revision.
Mr. Cochran explained the differences that would be made to the calendar if transportation costs were not
paid and our students would attend school for 180 days.
Mr. Cochran said that if the General Assembly passes the bill to pay transportation costs, the current
calendar would remain. Dr. Grissom said that she would like to give both calendars to the parents and
staff now instead of waiting until the end of May.
**Dr. Miller moved approval of the calendar of 180 days as presented. Mrs. Freeze seconded.
Unanimously approved.
North Rowan High School Bio-directional Amplifier
Mr. Gene Miller explained that the cell and emergency services reception at North High School is very weak
and an amplifier was needed. He said that Mobile Communications out of Winston-Salem had come in as
low bid. He stated that installation will be completed before payment is made, and he is only requesting
this equipment at NRHS for now.
**Dr. Miller moved to approve the project. Mrs. Norman seconded. Discussion followed.
Mrs. Norman called for the question. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Roof Replacement Bids for Corriher-Lipe Middle School
Mr. Miller explained that the roof replacement at Corriher-Lipe was an emergency situation. He said the
roof had extremely bad cracks and there was concern that there may be structural damage. Mr. Miller said
the money was not in the budget, but $150,000 was appropriated as a budget amendment to pay for the
**Mrs. Norman moved approval Roof Tech for $179,306 to replace/repair the Corriher-Lipe Middle School
roof. Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Acquisition of the Carter Furniture Building
Mr. Miller explained that a phone call was received from Mr. Alex Bost who asked if RSSS would be
interested in receiving the Carter building on Long Street as a gift. Mr. Miller said that he and Mr. Bivens
took a look at it. He said the building is 122,000 square feet and includes a little over 9 acres of land.
Mr. Miller informed the Board that an environmental study is being completed. However, the verbal
information he has received is that the property is of no liability and everything is fine.
Mr. Miller said with this building, he could move the entire maintenance shop from Clay Street and Ellis
Street, as well as the surplus storage warehouse we are renting. He explained that there was an office
complex up front (2 stories) that is 7000 sq. ft., which would be a nice training room for as needed for
various departments. Mr. Miller said the building is very nice, but would need some facelift.
Mr. Miller said what he was requesting was to know the Board’s pleasure that if the building became
available, would they want him to accept it as a gift. He added that the possibility of buying materials for
the schools in bulk and having a location to house them, would be a great savings for the system.
**Mrs. Norman moved to approve giving Mr. Miller authority to accept the building as a gift to the school
system, if offered. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
First Reading of Revisions to Board Policy 8-30, Student Transfers
Mr. Currie reviewed the revisions of the first reading and noted that the transfer committee had reviewed
the revisions.
Mr. Currie noted that the major change is that student transfers would have to be applied for each year,
but employee transfers will be granted per grade span. He said he would like to implement the new policy
in the 2013 – 14 school year in order to review and update the entire student transfer data base.
**Mrs. Norman moved approval of the first reading of Policy 8-30, Student Transfers. Mrs. Kennedy
seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Communications to the Board – Dr. Emerson
Superintendent/Board Comments – Dr. Grissom
Closed Session
** Mrs. Kennedy made a motion to recess into Closed Session at 7:49 p.m. to consider personnel action
that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC
Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)] and to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential
pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1); Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously
approved. (7:0)
BOE Closed Session Minutes of March 26, 2012
Contracts Ending 2011-2012
Probationary Contracts for 2012-2013
Report of Closed Session
**Dr. Miller moved to approve the April Personnel Report, Probationary Contracts 2012-13, and Contracts
Ending 2011-12. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
**Mrs. Norman moved to declare a Reduction In Force for teacher assistants. Dr. Miller seconded.
Unanimously approved.
5/2/12 - Personnel & Finance Sub-committee Meeting/Ellis Street/3:00 p.m.
5/4/12 - Early Release Day
5/9/12 - Building & Grounds Sub-committee Meeting/Long Street/3:00 p.m.
5/16/12 - Retirement Gala/J.F. Hurley YMCA/5:30 p.m.
5/21/12 - BOE Meeting/Long Street/5:00 p.m.
5/23/12 - BOE Curriculum/Technology Sub-committee/Long Street/12:00 noon
5/28/12 - Memorial Day Holiday - Schools and Offices Closed
6/8/12 - Last Day for Students
6/9/12 - High School Graduations
GRADUATION SCHEDULE - Catawba College/Keppel Auditorium
East Rowan/8:00 a.m.
South Rowan/12:00 noon
North Rowan/4:00 p.m.
Henderson/6:00 p.m.
Salisbury/8:00 p.m.
West Rowan/8:00 a.m.
Jesse Carson/10:00 a.m.
**Rowan County Early College/May 18/6:00 p.m./Rowan Cabarrus Community College - Teaching
It was noted that the June work session meeting was not listed. There will be a BOE work session at
5:00 p.m.
**Dr. Miller moved to adjourn at 8:12 p.m. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman
Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary