International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 8 – Dec 2014 Comparative Study of Management Operation System Techniques (MOST) and CPM in Construction Scheduling Shailla RGPM College Bhopal INDIA ABSTRACT The CPM was developed in the 1950s by DuPont, and was first used in missile-defense construction projects. Since that time, the CPM has been adapted to other fields including hardware and software product research and development. Various computer programs are available to help project manager’s use the CPM where as The Management Operation System Technique (MOST) invented in 1961, replaces PERT and CPM on construction projects and in program management. Since its inception, MOST has gained popularity and is now widely used in both large and small construction projects. Its use has been equally effective on projects ranging from several thousand dollars to $193 million so far. It is a combination of several traditional and modern planning techniques like bar chart, Gantt chart, CPM and PERT.CPM is commonly used with all forms of projects, including construction, aerospace and defense, software development, research projects, product development, engineering, and plant maintenance, among others. Any project with interdependent activities can apply this method of mathematical analysis. In Most the advantages of these have been extracted and disadvantages have been eliminated. Few of the advantages are: it is very helpful for repetitive works in both real and infrastructure projects and uses backward integration which helps in knowing the ground realities very easily. It gives the project manager visibility and identifies potential trouble areas requiring management action. This paper deals with a comparative study of CPM with MOST for construction activities of a 25 Kms Road project and drawing of MOST schedules. Keywords: (PERT, CPM, MOST, Bar chart, Gantt chart, MPS) INTRODUCTION Critical path method is based on mathematical calculations and it is used for scheduling project activities. The critical path method (CPM) is a stepby-step technique for process planning that defines critical and non-critical tasks with the goal of preventing time-frame problems and process bottlenecks. The CPM is ideally suited to projects consisting of numerous activities that interact in a complex manner CPM is used for monitoring a project, many superintendents find CPM cumbersome to use, or will simply no find to master its use. Some will retain their bar charts and transfer their inputs to the user of the CPM schedule. whereas MOST not only contributes to single project R & D, construction, bids, and proposals, but also to MultiProject Scheduling (MPS) either in production short runs or R & D. MOST's contribution to MPS has added another management tool to help satisfy the ever increasing need for better multi-project scheduling methods For those Large companies that have been introduced MOST , they elected to try MOST on a project or two while continuing CPM on the balance of their projects. After a short while, these companies realized the dynamic and economical value in the use of MOST and have decided to adopt MOST across the value in the use of MOST and have decided to adopt MOST across the board. They now use CPM on very few occasions or on a limited basis. CAMPARISON BETWEEN MOST Vs CPM In the illustration a CPM for a house is shown. To illustrate the conversion to MOST, Figure 8 shows the basic directions. Note that the float time is shown by dash lines in front of the job (with CPM analysis, it is reflected at the back of job) the estimated times (te) above the bar represents the job. The length of ISSN: 2231-5381 the bar matches the duration to the calendar, whereas the length of the job in CPM does not matter (arrow= job in CPM). The flags in MOST are equivalent to events in CPM. The logic and language is the same for CPM and MOST. Page 371 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 8 – Dec 2014 Figure 9 illustrates the MOST conversion from CPM better graphically with MOST than in CPM for small one storied building. With the help of a example. following example that splitting of jobs is illustrated ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 372 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 8 – Dec 2014 CASE STUDY Construction Activities of the a road Project considered for a Length of 25 Km using CPM ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 373 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 8 – Dec 2014 ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 374 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 8 – Dec 2014 earliest occurrence time of event 2.Since duration of Scheduling the project with CPM: Cpm procedure is the activity is 4 days, the Es2=TE2=Es1+tE1-2 would be very efficient large carried out for activities #2,#3and #4 and Ecij worked projects,The time (duration) that each activity will out accordingly. When we go to next activity #5 , we take the see two activities (#3, #4) are mergeing . here we activities and, Logical end points such as milestones would take maximum of Ecij of the both as both must or deliverable items. Using these values, CPM be completed before #5 can be started i.e E s5=TE5 = calculates the longest path of planned activities to Max.( TE5+0, TE4+0) =10.In the same way, we can logical end points or to the end of the project, and the complete rest of the diagram. We find the project earliest and latest that each activity can start and would take 45 days to be completed. The project completion time is 45 days. So its early finish or late finish must be same, we start from last activity #28 and take Tl28= 45. This activity has duration of 3 days .calculating backward we find to scheduling procedure for complete,The dependencies between finish without making the project longer. Initial time is supposed to occur as time equal to zero , that is ES1=TE1=0.We would first start activity #1. Earliest start time of activities Emanating from event 2 is the ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 375 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 8 – Dec 2014 Construction Activities of the a road Project considered for a Length of 25 Km using MOST Activity Duration (weeks) Possession of Obstruction Free Site 2 Stump Removal 6 Clearing & Grubbing 7 Taking OGL 3 Submission & Approval of Cross section 5 Excavation 9 Embankment Filling 3 Sub Grade 13 Drainage Layer 14 Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) 15 Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam (DBM) 8 Bituminous Concrete (BC) 4.8 Beginning the scheduling the first few activities . In this example Activity 1 includes getting clearances from Forest department and other necessary NOC from other departments And then clearing grubbing includes the shifting of pipe line of water and sewerage if any, and any other building that exists in the Right of Way. Since the Activity 3 i.e. Clearing and Grubbing can be started after removal of stumps that are there after cutting of trees. So the Clearing and Grubbing can be done with a lag of one week from the start of Activity 2. It might be seen that the all the activities are starting after the start of first activity. If there are any activities which can be started before the start of the project then it creates a ISSN: 2231-5381 dilemma in finalization of critical path.In construction scheduling with MOST for a conventional road project proceeds from Possession of Obstruction Free site to getting the clearances from all the authorities like forest and environment ministry, any land acquisition that is to be made, demolishing of existing buildings coming in the way of Right of way, and the most important rehabilitation and resettlement of the Project affected People. By using the MOST system as described above the scheduler will develop a realistic schedule. It will not only show what jobs are necessary to construct a road to satisfy easy and comfortable journey, but it will also illustrate the latest start of all Page 376 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 8 – Dec 2014 constraint jobs so as not to jeopardize the schedule or the contract date. a road construction being done till the level of Wet Mix Macadam (WMM). In this we can see the activities having a relationship between the activities and their constraints. All other jobs will be shown in their respective schedule positions to clearly display the relationship of parallel and overlapping jobs. If the start up of jobs illustrates too many of the same type of jobs or trades in parallel, the MOST visibility will highlight this potential problem.All jobs must be completed on the time frame against the calendar; there is no room for error. ISSN: 2231-5381 There is also no free time to allow for down time or inclement weather. Since construction is most often depending upon the weather, it is advisable to allow for at least two days per month during the winter months for contingencies or downtime. During the spring or summer months allow one day per month for rain. In many instances, some schedulers may allow two to three weeks per years for inclement weather. It’s important to allow for these contingencies when preparing the Baseline Schedule. Page 377 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 8 – Dec 2014 Figure 21 then, shows an update. The update figure and activities such as laying of top layer and can be seen the activities 1, 2, 3 and 4 completed and additional activities. Figure 21 shows a could be kept rest of the activities in different stages. From this on baseline schedule we can now commence tracking figure it can seen whether the activity is on schedule/ progress weekly. A copy of all revisions should be behind schedule/ahead of schedule. From this we can kept on file until the project is completed, all know the criticality of the activity and in turn of the payments have been received and made, and all project. It is important to display all the slippages and required waivers and releases obtained. It’s also delays completely and honestly to avoid suffering the recommended the original reproducible vellum be consequences behind it too late to correct.Now to stored in the event a similar project is bid at a later figure 22 and add the remaining jobs which will date. This schedule will then be of some use if a bid complete the MOST schedule for this road project schedule is required. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 378 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 18 Number 8 – Dec 2014 CONCLUSION CPM encourages a logical discipline in the planning, scheduling, and control of projects.CPM encourages more long-range and detailed planning of projects. All project personnel get a complete overview of the total project. it provides a standard method of documenting and communicating project plans, schedules, and time and cost performances. It identifies the most critical elements in the plan, focusing management’s attention to the 10 to 20% of the project that is most constraining on the scheduling. Provides an easy method for evaluating the effects of technical and procedural changes that occur on the overall project schedule. It enables the most economical planning of all operations to meet desirable project completion dates. An important point to remember is that CPM is an open-ended process that permits different degrees of involvement by management to suit their various needs and objectives. In other words, you can use CPM at whatever level of detail you feel is necessary. However, one must always remember that you only get out of it what you put into it. It will be the responsibility of the user to choose the best technique. They are all good, and they can all be used effectively in the management of construction projects; just pick the one best liked and use it. Where as in The Management Operation System Technique (MOST) It is very helpful for repetitive works in both real and infrastructure projects. The use of percentage completion makes the monitoring of progress very easy. MOST uses backward integration which helps in knowing the ground realities very easily. he ISSN: 2231-5381 redrawing without rescheduling of activities is done in a simple manner. It is easy to update and is useful in cases of arbitration. The monitoring task by weekly updating is very easy. No forward and backward pass are required since MOST diagram describes it in detail. In-numerous baselines can be used for monitoring, which is very helpful in tracking of progress with tight control. Elements of many traditional and new planning techniques have been incorporated in MOST. MOST's contributes to MPS as an added management tool. It identifies potential trouble areas requiring management action. REFERENCES 1. Anthony L. Lannone, Andrew M. Civitello, Jr.Prentice-Hall, 1989. Construction Scheduling Simplified. 2. Project planning and control with PERT & CPM Dr. B.C.Punammia 3. www.springer.cou/cda/content 4. 5. 6. Page 379