7th Grade Math Course Syllabus and Expectations CPM Core Connections (Course 2) Teacher: Enrique Camarena Junior High School Phone: (760) 768-3808 Room# Phone: 768-3808 Ext: Email: Course Description: The CPM Connections curriculum developed from 2003-10, mirrors the elements of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice. The principles of CPM course design—problem-based lessons, collaborative student work, and spaced practice—are based on the methodological research for teaching mathematics that leads to conceptual understanding. As such, development of the mathematical practices, similar to previous “best practices” such as the Marzano Principles or CPM’s original Connections series’ “Ways of Thinking,” are integral to the pedagogy used throughout all of the courses. Task designs ask students to create models, make connections, and explain their work regularly. Students are held responsible for high academic rigor, analysis, critical thinking, and communicate their mathematical findings in writing and/or oral presentations in a clear and convincing manner. Each of the following standards of mathematical practices is integrated into CPM: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Classroom Instruction and group work: Students will work in collaborative groups on a regular basis and approach problems conceptually. The only way students will master the concepts is by being actively involved in their learning. I will be responsible for guiding, supporting, and summarizing at all times. Classwork/Homework will be assigned daily and is due the following day for full credit. If the student fails to complete an assignment he/she can make-up the work for partial credit. Classwork not completed in class will become homework. Student Assessments will be given at the end of each chapter and may include multiple choice, short answer and extended response questions. This is a balanced program where skill development is based upon problem solving and understanding. Students will demonstrate their understanding through team tests and individual tests. Parent Involvement: Parents, the following suggestions will help students be successful and have a positive experience in CPM Core Connections. Encourage and support risk taking on homework and while working in groups Talk on a regular basis about the concepts being taught Read and discuss student toolkit and journal entries on occasion Create an atmosphere at home where there is a designated study space and study time Be open to math groups working together at homes in evenings and weekends When students are asked to teach new concept to parents, be enthusiastic and attentive Offer help with homework and suggest that students get help at school when necessary Look through their binder/notebook on occasion and ask about organizational strategies If your student needs help, start by asking them to read the problem out loud Textbook: CPM Core Connections (Course 2) www.cpm.org This web site has all of the problems from the student textbook as well as solutions to the out-of-class portion of each assignment for Core Connections (Course 2). Any resource pages that we have used in class are also available for the students that have been sick or have missed class. Classroom Supplies: Students will need these materials for math by Friday of the first week of school. 1 Subject Spiraled Notebook (70 Sheets) 1 Binder Tab Titled: CPM (for all other handouts) School Agenda 3 Sharpened Pencils w/erasers 2 Pens Colored pencils Highlighters (4 different colors) Glue Stick Attendance: Attendance is required in accordance with CUSD’s Policy. To be successful in this course regular attendance is expected. If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain all missing assignments and tests. Our pacing guide calendar will be posted on our schools website so students will have access to missed classwork and homework in case their absent. Online Grades: Synergy will be in use by all teachers, it is a program that allows parents and students immediate access to student progress and grade reports for all classes. Passwords will be issued to parents and students. Grading: Your grade will be weighted as follows: - 50% Assessments: Team/ Individual Tests - 40% Assignments: Classwork/Homework - 10% Organization/ Participation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parent Signature: ______________________________ Home / Cell Phone # ____________________ I have read the previous information and fully understand the overall structure and procedures in place to support my child in their math class. Student Signature: ______________________________ __________________________________ Print Sign I have read the previous information and fully understand the overall structure and procedures in place to be successful in this course.