International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume15Number 7 – Sep 2014 A Simple Storage Assessment Protocol for Multiple Owners 1 Kodukulla Sireesha 1 1 M.Tech Scholar Dept of CSE, MVGR of Engineering College, Chintavalasa,AP,India. Abstract:-In cloud computing data owners store or host their information and users access that information from cloud. Some traditional integrity verifying methods and then cannot be applied to the auditing service until the data in the cloud service can be dynamically updated. Therefore an efficient and secure dynamic multi- owner auditing protocol is designed to serve data owners that the data are correctly stored in the cloud. We designed a framework that provides privacy preserving and secure storage and secure verifying protocol. This framework is designed for auditing multi-owner data storage in cloud service by using cryptographic methods. frequently outward and inward commensurate with request. The capacities are available for providing appear to be limit less and can be appropriated in any quantity at any time. e) Measured service. Cloud systems are control and configure the resource used by a metering capacity at a point of level of abstraction appropriate to the type of service such as storageand active user accounts. Resource usage can be verified and managed by providing the transparency for both the provider and consumer of the utilized service. I. INTRODUCTION C) Deployment Models Cloud computing is a representation for sanctioning flexible on-demand network access to a shared set of configurable computing resources and that can frequently provisioned and introduced with minimum maintenance effort. This model includes of five featuresand three service models and four deployment models. A) Private cloud. This topology is given for the usage of the cloud by unique organization consists of multiple users. This type of cloud is owned and operated by the organization or company only. A)Essential Features: a)On-demand self-service. A consumer can provide provision computing capacity such as server processing time and storage required automatically without human communication with each service provider. B)Broad network access.The capacities are available in the network and accessed using standard methods that is used by different client domainssuch as mobile phones and laptops etc. C)Resource pooling. The service provider computing resources are grouped to serve different users using a multi-users model with various physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned and reassigned based on consumer demand. There is some idea of location independence in that the usernormally has no control or knowledge oncorrect location of the given resources but may be able to declare the location at a higher level of extraction such as country, state, or datacenter. There are some examples of resources consists of storage and processing, memory and network bandwidth. d)Rapid elasticity. Capacities are elastically given and released in some other situations automatically to measure B) Community cloud. This topology provided for particular group of customers those are using sharing concerns and those are maintained by one or more organizations in that group only. C) Public cloud.This cloud architecture is provided for public usage by public users. This type of cloud is maintained by any organization. D) Hybrid cloud. Thisarchitecture is the combination of different architectures including above explained architectures. It contains unique features and objects gives data and application portability. It maintains load balancing and store more amounts of data. II. RELATED WORK A) Un-cheatable data transfer Let us consider request for bandwidth content distributed network. Consider that Alice has existing downloaded data and that is requested by Bob. Alice shares that data with bob by taking currency. This type of data exchanging is more attractive that leads to increase the ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 340 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume15Number 7 – Sep 2014 scalability of users and that relieves the network operators from bandwidth charges. There are two situations such as 1. Alice has lots of static bandwidth but not interesting to use this in static bandwidth. Therefore she claims to possess a highly requesteddata but when it is requested by bob she sends non-relevant data. 2. Bob don’t want to be a part with his bandwidth credits so the successful receipt ofdata he will claim that the data was corrupted and don’t agree to handover the credits. The first situation is avoided by new techniques. Even the users are able to know the correct data or incorrect data out of Alice. 1. A centralized server frequently verifies the hashes for each and every block of data in communication network. Bob converts the received that data to hash and store in the server. If the hash values are matched perfectly he predicts that the data was corrupted and there is no credits not going to exchange. 2. Alice encodes the data before sending top bob. After sending of data bob hashes the received data and compares with the Alice hash value of encrypted data. If it matches correctly Alice send decryption key to bob. This scheme is secure againstscenario 2 but not 1 and since Alice might have encrypted random or unrequesteddata. This could be combined with the first protocol by hashing the decrypteddata; however the scheme would again be insecure against scenario 2. Method 1: It is purely secure method but further it leads to overload for the server and it requirestoring a correct copy of every block of data being trade in the network. Here we show howintra hashing and block ciphers can be used to remove this requirement.Let d be the data of interest and f(k) be a stream cipher. It gives abitstring s of arbitrary length which is based on k. For our requirement this bitstring is compressedto match the size of d. d and s would be merged by the XOR operationSince we have a hash H which is under integer addition.We willinterpret both d and s as bitwise integers, and we define c = s + d as the ciphertext where +is integer addition. The centralized server must create an RSA modulus n = pq, where p and q are primes and (n) = (p−1)(q−1). The modulus n is public integer, but p, q, (n) are kept as secret.Every block of data d is hashed as h(d) = d mod (n) and this resulted value stored by theserver. Alice sends data to Bob according to the following protocol: Method 1.1(Data transfer). 1. Alice selects a key k at randomly for stream cipher f(k), and calculates thebitstring s and the ciphertext c = s + d using this key. 2. Alice sends s and rA = H(c) to Bob. 3. Bob computes rB = H(c). 4. If rA = rB thenBob send request decryption key k from Alice. 5. Bob decrypt the data by calculating the binarystring s and d = c − s and verifiesthe combination of d by a traditional hash function. If a situation arises concerning the combination of data transfer the belowprotocol is executed: Method 1.2(Data transfer verification). 1. Alice or Bob sends k and r to the central server; 2. The server calculates the binarystring s and its hash H(s); 3. The server calculatesrS = H(c) = H(s). h(d); 4. If r = rS, the server predicts that Alice correctly sent the data. The remaining step is that may needproof then Step 3. Recallthat (n) is the order of (Z/nZ) (the group over which arithmetic takes place), and byabstraction ofh(d) d (mod (n)), so that bh(d) .bd (mod n). Since H(d) = bd mod n,we have that H(c) = H(s + d) = H(s)H(d) = H(s)h(d) using the uniqueproperty of H. We show that the server can reduce the computation of H(s) by computingH(s mod (n)). We posit that working is not an issue since thisprotocol will be executed rapidly. In our proposed system we introduced a novel architecture for verifying the authentication and secure transferring of data. Reducing the impersonation and data leakage in transmission we adapted cryptographic methods in our architecture. We introduced a trusted member to verify the data is correct or not. We call that trusted member as auditor or verifier. It verifies the signature generated from the content stored in cloud and from the data owner. III. PROPOSED SYSTEM In proposed work we designed a protocol that we have three roles such as clients, cloud service provider, and verifier. The client store data in cloud service provider. There are multi-owners present in the network in the cloud. The client store data in encrypted format in cloud service provider. It’sto be encrypted by random alphabetic encryption process which is shown below: Random Alphabetical Encryption and Decryption Algorithm : ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 341 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume15Number 7 – Sep 2014 Encryption: P=plain Text Key with variable length (128,192, 256 bit) • Rappresented with a matrix (array) of bytes with 4 rows andNk columns, Nk=key length / 32 • key of 128 bits= 16 bytes Nk=4 • key of 192 bits= 24 bytes Nk=6 • key of 256 bits= 32 bytes Nk=8 Block of length 128 bits=16 bytes • Represented with a matrix (array) of bytes with 4 rows andNb columns, Nb=block length / 32 • Block of 128 bits= 16 bytes Nb=4 State = X 1. AddRound_Key(State, Key0) for r = 1 to (Nr - 1) a. Sub_Bytes(State, S-box) b. Shift_Rows(State) c. Mix-Columns(State) d. Add-RoundKey(State, Keyr) end for 2. Sub_Bytes(State, S-box) 3. Shift_Rows(State) 4. Add-RoundKey(State, KeyNr) Y = State 5. Collect signatures from receivers 6. Monitor files Auditor User 7. Send Status 4. Receive signatures from multiple 8. Decrypted file 7. Send Status 2. Send meta details Data Owner 1 3. Send encrypted File Cloud service Data owner 2 1.Encrypt file, generate signature Signature Generation Algorithm: KeyGeneration(Ks)→(p k , sk , skh). The key generation algorithm takes no input other than the implicit security parameter Ks. It randomly chooses two random numbers for selecting random numbers generate two prime numbers from P. Then calculate primitive roots of the two prime numbers and those two primitive roots are st ,shrepectively and belongs to Prime number group as the tag key and the hash key. It outputs the public tag key as pt = gsKs mod G2, the secret tag key st and the secret hash key sh. Then generate hash for sh is calculated by using simple hash function which means second random value given input to hash function that explains as follows. For example consider that each input is an integer I in the range 0 to N−1, and the output must be an integer h in the range 0 to n−1, where N is much larger than n. Then the hash function could be h = I mod n (the remainder of I divided by n), or h ……….. = (I × n) ÷N (the value z scaled down by n/N and truncated to an integer) or so many other formulas. Signature Generation (M, st ,sh) → T. The signature generation algorithm takes each data component M, the secret tag key st and the secret hash key sh as inputs. It first chooses s random values r1, r2, …. , xn є I and computes uj = gxj mod G1 for all j є [1, n]. For each data block mi(i є [1,n]), it computes a data challenge as:- C=({c1}I€SChal,{rn} n€j where Wi = FID||i (the “||” denotes the concatenation operation), in which FID is the identifier of the data and i represents the block number of mi. It outputs the set of data tags T = {ti}iє[1,n]. Chall(Minfo) → C. The algorithm takes the brief information of the data Minfo as the input And it selects some different data blocks to construct the Challenge Set Q and generates a random number for each chosen data block mi(i є Q). It computes the challenge ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 342 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume15Number 7 – Sep 2014 stamp R = (pt)r by randomly choosing a number r є Z*p. It outputs the challenge as Tp=∏ € Proof(M,T,C) → P. The proving algorithm takes as inputs the data M and the received. The proof consists of the tag proof TP and the data proof DP. The challenge proof is generated as To generate the data proof it first computes the sector linear combination of all the challenged data blocks MPj for each j є [1, s] as Mpj=Vj.Mij Then, it generates the data proof DP as DProof=∏ ( , )Mpj It outputs the proof P = (TP,DP). Verify(C,P, sh, pt ,Minfo ) → 0/1. The verification algorithm takes as inputs the challenge C, the proof P, the secret hash key sh, the public tag key pt and the abstract information of the data component. Initially itcomputes the identifier hash values hash(sh,Wi) of all the challenged data blocks such as hash value is calculated by using SHA256 method and computes the challenge hash Hchallange as Hchal=∏ € (h(Skh,Wi)) Then it verifies the proof from the server by the following verification equation: Vp=e(HChallenge,pt)=e(Tp,gr2) If the above verification equation holds it outputs 1. Otherwise it results 0. IV. CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed an efficient secure dynamic verifying protocol. It defends the data privacy over the auditor by combining the cryptography method, rather than using the mask technique. Our multi-cloud batch verifying protocol does not require any additional organizer. Our batch verifying protocol can also support the batch auditing for multiple owners. 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Her area of interest includes Computer Networks and DBMS all current trends techniques in Computer science. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 343 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume15Number 7 – Sep 2014 ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 344