TITLE: Feedback from the meeting held on Monday 21 February 2011.



Report of Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny.

Feedback from the meeting held on Monday 21 February 2011.



Draft Community Safety Strategy:

1. Once the delivery plan has been completed, Members will receive a copy.

2. Officers to return in 12 months to update Members on progress of the delivery plan.

Better Life Chances pilot:

1. Tim Field to return in 6 to 12 months to update on progress.


BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Reports to Scrutiny can be found on SOLAR

CONTACT OFFICER: Karen Lucas, Senior Scrutiny Support Officer.

Tel: 793 3318 E-mail: karen.lucas@salford.gov.uk





Members Attendance


Cllr Humphreys

Cllr Hill

Cllr Dawson

Cllr King

Cllr Cooke

Cllr Lea

Cllr Hudson

Cllr Mold









N o m e e t i n g
































Cllr R Wilson

Cllr Macdonald

Pamela Taylor (co-opted member)

A – Apologies received.





Invitees: Councillor Lancaster , Don Brown - Assistant Director for Community Safety,

Roselyn Baker - Principal Community Safety Officer, Tim Field – Deputy Director for

Community, Health and Social Care and Janet Wood - Strategic Support Officer, GMPA.

Issues considered:

1. Declarations of interest from members of the committee.

No declarations.

2. Draft Community Safety Strategy 2011/14.

Councillor Lancaster, Don Brown and Roselyn Baker presented the draft Community

Safety Strategy; which is required to come into effect from 1 April 2011. The plan is a three year document which will be revised annually to reflect new priorities.

The strategy is underpinned by a delivery plan that will include all the partnership activity that will deliver the agreed outcomes. The plan will be reviewed on a 6 monthly basis.

A timetable showed how the strategy has been developed so far and the consultation process that is currently underway.

Local communities have been asked to comment on local issues; fifty seven responses have been received so far; the main concerns are fly tipping, dog fowling and litter.

Information will be shared with each of the Neighbourhood Teams so they are aware of the issues raised in their respective area.

Four responses have been received from Councillors; Members of the committee were invited to comment on the strategy.

There are eight priority Wards identified in the strategy with particular needs. These

Wards were identified by via analysis of Ward level crime data and Strategic Threat

Assessment data. This information is available if required by Councillors.

The Restorative Justice pilot in Salford has been very positive and has been successfully used in a variety of settings, including schools, workplaces, care homes, in communities and within the criminal justice system. There is the capacity for this to be developed and promoted further through the courts.



1. Officers to circulate a copy of the delivery plan once it has been completed.

2. Officers to return in 12 months to provide a progress report on the delivery of the plan.

3. Better Life Chances pilot.

Tim Field provided members with an overview of the three Life Chances pilot which are

Broughton/Cheetham, Little Hulton and Winton. This work is involves a wide range of public sector organisations and the work is being driven by a Place Board, which is chaired by the Chief Executive. Two Strategic Neighbourhood Managers are leading the work at an operational level; with a number of work stream (proposition) leads.

Broughton/Cheetham is unique in that it is the first cross border pilot area; officers from

Manchester and Salford have been working closely together. In order to take this work forward a case management team has been established to work with a number of families with multiple needs.

The Little Hulton pilot has also focused on one particular to enable to compilation of a customer journey map which highlights the number of interventions and diverse needs of one particular family. Attempts are currently being made to cost these interventions which is proving to be a challenge across services and ministries.

In the above two areas, area delivery teams have been established to explore current working practices focusing on specific areas of public service delivery; particularly involving families with multiple issues. Leading on from this there are already better ways of working being established.

Data profiling has been completed in Winton. Work is underway to agree propositions for

Better Life Chances pilot to focus on; it is felt these will be integration and cohesion.

There is a better understanding of the challenges and a lot has been learnt with regards to radical working.

Consideration is being given to having lead professionals/case co-ordinator role to be assigned to a family who will have an overview of the casework.

Data sharing is proving to be difficult between agencies due to a number of data protection issues.

There are a variety of assessment processes in operation across services; work is being undertaken to bring these together and make more effective.


1. Tim Field to provide a progress report on the Better Life Chances pilot in 6/12 months.

4. Forward plan

There were no issues raised

5. Work programme

Update with agreed items from today’s meeting.


6. Report from the last meeting


7. Any other business.

No issues raised.

8. Date of the next meeting.

Monday 21 March 2011. There will be a members briefing at 1.00pm with the main meeting commencing at 1.30pm.

Members will have the opportunity to consider:

Greater Manchester Against Crime (GMAC)Briefing on how the council utilise the

GMAC process. Presentation how we carry out the 6 month strategic threat


