Agenda Item No__7__ Application for a review of a Premises Licence - Captains Table, Colonial and Scottish Inns Limited, Freeman Street, Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, NR23 1BQ Summary: This is an application for Review of a Premises Licence Conclusions: That Members consider and determine the case from the information they have in written and verbal form Recommendations: That Members consider and determine this case Cllr R Price – Chairman Licensing Committee Ward(s) affected: Wells-Next-The-Sea Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Gemma Faircloth 01263 516139 1. Jurisdiction 1.1. North Norfolk District Council is the Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of Premises licences for the sale of alcohol or regulated entertainment. Where a valid review application for a premises licence is received and relevant representations are made, before determining the review application, the authority must hold a hearing to consider the case. 1.2. At any stage, following the grant of a premises licence or club premises certificate, a responsible authority, or any other person, may ask the licensing authority to review the licence or certificate because of a matter arising at the premises in connection with any of the four licensing objectives. The four licensing objectives to be considered as part of the review (when determining) the application, and relevant representations, are: a. the prevention of crime & disorder b. public safety Licensing & Appeals Committee 12 14 December 2015 c. the prevention of public nuisance, and d. the protection of children from harm 2. The Application 2.1 The Environmental Protection Team has made an application for review to the Premises Licence for the Captains Table, Colonial and Scottish Inns Limited, Freeman Street, Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, NR23 1BQ. Appendix E 2.2 The premises are used as a public house with regular regulated entertainment, including live bands and a juke box. 2.3 The premises have permission to operate as follows: Licensable activity Days Times Live Music – (the Live Music act allows live music from 08:00 – 23:00 daily within certain limits) Sunday 12:00 - 22:30 Friday 20:00 - 23:30 Saturday 20:00 - 23:30 Recorded Music Monday to Sunday 09:00 - 00:00 Dancing Monday to Sunday 19:30 - 23:30 Late Night Refreshment Monday to Sunday 23:00 - 01:00 Sale of Alcohol On Premises Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Sale of Alcohol Off Premises Monday to Saturday 11:00 - 00:00 Hours Premises open to the public: Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Monday to Saturday 11:00 - 00:00 Making Music Licensing & Appeals Committee 13 14 December 2015 3. Conditions 3.1 The premises licence is subject to the following mandatory conditions: a. LIP001 No supply of alcohol may be made under the premises licence, at a time when there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of the premises licence or at a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence, or the personal licence is suspended. b. LIP002 Every supply of alcohol under the premises licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence. c. LIP003 Where a premises licence includes the condition that at specified times one or more individuals must be at the premises to carry out a security activity; each such individual must be licensed by the Security Industry Authority. d. LIP004 Where a premises licence authorises the exhibition of films, the admission of children to the exhibition of any film to be restricted in accordance with this section. e. LIP006 (1) The responsible person must ensure that staff on relevant premises do not carry out, arrange or participate in any irresponsible promotions in relation to the premises. (2) In this paragraph, an irresponsible promotion means any one or more of the following activities, or substantially similar activities, carried on for the purpose of encouraging the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises— (a) games or other activities which require or encourage, or are designed to require or encourage, individuals to— (i) drink a quantity of alcohol within a time limit (other than to drink alcohol sold or supplied on the premises before the cessation of the period in which the responsible person is authorised to sell or supply alcohol), or (ii)drink as much alcohol as possible (whether within a time limit or otherwise); (b) provision of unlimited or unspecified quantities of alcohol free or for a fixed or discounted fee to the public or to a group defined by a particular characteristic in a manner which carries a significant risk of undermining a licensing objective; (c) provision of free or discounted alcohol or any other thing as a prize to encourage or reward the purchase and consumption of alcohol over a period of 24 hours or less in a manner which carries a significant risk of undermining a licensing objective; Licensing & Appeals Committee 14 14 December 2015 (d) selling or supplying alcohol in association with promotional posters or flyers on, or in the vicinity of, the premises which can reasonably be considered to condone, encourage or glamorise antisocial behaviour or to refer to the effects of drunkenness in any favourable manner; (e) dispensing alcohol directly by one person into the mouth of another (other than where that other person is unable to drink without assistance by reason of disability). f. LIP008 The responsible person must ensure that free potable water is provided on request to customers where it is reasonably available. g. LIP009 (1) The premises licence holder or club premises certificate holder must ensure that an age verification policy is adopted in respect of the premises in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol. (2) The designated premises supervisor in relation to the premises licence must ensure that the supply of alcohol at the premises is carried on in accordance with the age verification policy. (3) The policy must require individuals who appear to the responsible person to be under 18 years of age (or such older age as may be specified in the policy) to produce on request, before being served alcohol, identification bearing their photograph, date of birth and either— (a) a holographic mark, or (b) an ultraviolet feature. i. LIP010 The responsible person shall ensure that: a) where any of the following alcoholic drinks is sold or supplied for consumption on the premises (other than alcoholic drinks sold or supplied having been made up in advance ready for sale or supply in a securely closed container) it is available to customers in the following measures – i) beer or cider: ½ pint; ii) gin, rum, vodka or whisky: 25ml or 35ml; and iii) still wine in a glass: 125ml; and b) these measures are displayed in a menu, price list or other printed material which is available to customers on the premises; and c) where a customer does not in relation to a sale of alcohol specify the quantity of alcohol to be sold, the customer is made aware that these measures are available. j. LIP011 A relevant person shall ensure that no alcohol is sold or supplied for consumption on or off the premises for a price which is less than the permitted price. Licensing & Appeals Committee 15 14 December 2015 3.2 The licence is subject to the following conditions which are consistent with their operating schedule: a. LIPN01 The Licensee/Designated Premises Supervisor shall ensure that no nuisance is caused by noise emanating from the premises or by vibration transmitted through the structure of the premises. b. LIPN10 All [external doors/windows] must be kept closed, other than for access and egress, in all rooms when events involving amplified music or speech are taking place. c. LIPN14 Prominent, clear notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting customers to respect the needs of local residents and leave the premises and the area quietly. d. LIPN19 The Designated Premises Supervisor or a nominated representative shall receive and respond to complaints throughout the duration of all noisy events and will have full control at all times over the sound amplification. e. The following timings apply for the licensable activities including supply of alcohol:(a) 11:00 hours New Year's Eve to 01:30 hours New Year's Day. (b) 11:00 hours to midnight on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday on Bank Holiday Weekends, Christmas Eve and Boxing Day. (c) 11:00 hours to 14:00 hours on Christmas Day. 4. Representations from Responsible Authorities 4.1 Section 13(4) of the Act defines the ’Responsible Authorities’ as the statutory bodies that must be sent copies of a review application. Representations made must relate to the licensing objectives. 4.2 The following comments have been received from the Responsible Authorities: See Appendix F Responsible Authority Norfolk Constabulary Norfolk Fire Service Norfolk Trading Standards Norfolk Children’s Safeguarding Board Norfolk Health authority (Director of Public Health for Norfolk) NNDC Planning Licensing & Appeals Committee Comments Support of review No observations to make No Response No Response Date 19/11/15 28/10/15 Support of review on 20/11/15 health concerns No Response 16 14 December 2015 (Development Management) NNDC Environmental Health (Health & Safety team) NNDC Environmental Health (Environmental Protection team) NNDC Licensing (Responsible) authority No Response Nothing further to add 26/10/15 to review application No further comments 27/10/15 to add 5. Representations from Other Persons 5.1 Section 13(2) of the Act describes other persons as any individual, body or business entitled to make representations to licensing authorities in relation to the review of premises licences and club premises certificates regardless of their proximity to the premises. Additionally, these persons may themselves seek a review of a premises licence. Representations made must be relevant in that they relate to the licensing objectives. 5.2 There has been significant correspondence received from various residents concerning this premises which has led to the investigation of noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour emanating from this premises, and has ultimately culminated in this application for review of the premises licence. Copies of all correspondence are attached for information. The predominant relevant issue raised has been that of noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour. See Appendix G Enterprise Inns plc – Freeholders Resident Resident Resident Resident Resident Requesting extra conditions Supporting Review Objecting to Review Noise Disturbance Supporting Review Supporting Review 16/11/15 08/11/15 09/11/15 04/11/15 10/11/15 20/11/15 See Appendix H Log sheets See Appendix I Witness statements – Residents and Officers Licensing & Appeals Committee 17 14 December 2015 6. Notices 6.1 The Licensing Authority is responsible for advertising the review by way of a notice in the specified form at the premises for not less than 28 consecutive days and in a local newspaper. The Public Notice appeared in the North Norfolk News on 29th October 2015 and a Notice should have been displayed on the premises until 20th November 2015, this was checked periodically by an Officer of North Norfolk District Council and was in place at these checks. 7. Plans 7.1 A location plan showing the general location of the premises is attached at Appendix J. 8. North Norfolk District Council Licensing Policy 8.1 The current Statement of Licensing Policy was approved by Full Council on 14 December 2010 and the following extracts may be relevant to this application: 3.0 Main Principles 3.1 Nothing in the ‘Statement of Policy’ will: • undermine the rights of any person to apply under the 2003 Act for a variety of permissions and have the application considered on its individual merits, and/or • override the right of any person to make representations on any application or seek a review of a licence or certificate where they are permitted to do so under the 2003 Act 3.2 Licensing is about the control of licensed premises, qualifying clubs and temporary events within the terms of the 2003 Act, and conditions are likely to be attached to licences, certificates and permissions that will cover matters which are within the control of individual licensees. 3.3 When considering these conditions, the Council will primarily focus on the direct impact of the activities taking place at licensed premises on members of the public living, working or engaged in normal activity in the area concerned. 3.4 The Council acknowledges that the licensing function cannot be used for the general control of anti-social behaviour by individuals once they are beyond the direct control of the licensee of any premises concerned. In this respect, the Council recognises that, apart from the licensing function, there are a number of other mechanisms available for addressing issues of unruly behaviour that can occur away from licensed premises, including: • planning and environmental health controls Licensing & Appeals Committee 18 14 December 2015 • ongoing measures to create a safe and clean environment in these areas in partnership with local businesses, transport operators and other Council Departments • designation of parts of the District as places where alcohol may not be consumed publicly • regular liaison with Police on law enforcement issues regarding disorder and anti-social behaviour, including the issue of fixed penalty notices, prosecution of those selling alcohol to people who are drunk; confiscation of alcohol from adults and children in designated areas and instantly closing down licensed premises or temporary events on the grounds of disorder, or likelihood of disorder or excessive noise from the premises • the power of the police, other responsible authority or a local resident or business or District Councillor to seek a review of the licence or certificate 4 Crime and Disorder 4.1 Licensed premises, especially those offering late night/early morning entertainment, alcohol and refreshment for large numbers of people, can be a source of crime and disorder problems. 4.2 The Council will expect Operating Schedules to satisfactorily address these issues from the design of the premises through to the daily operation of the business. 6 Prevention of Public Nuisance 6.1 Licensed premises, especially those operating late at night and in the early hours of the morning, can cause a range of nuisances impacting on people living, working or sleeping in the vicinity of the premises. 6.2 The concerns mainly relate to noise nuisance, light pollution and noxious smells and due regard will be taken of the impact these may have. The Council will expect Operating Schedules to satisfactorily address these issues. Applicants are advised to seek advice from the Council’s Health and Pollution Enforcement Officers before preparing their plans and Schedules. 6.3 The Council will consider attaching Conditions to licences and permissions to prevent public nuisance, and these may include Conditions drawn from the Model Pool of Conditions relating to ‘Public Nuisance’. 10 Standard Conditions 10.1 Conditions attached to licences or certificates will be tailored to the individual style and characteristics of the particular premises and events concerned. Licensing & Appeals Committee 19 14 December 2015 10.2 However, where considered appropriate, and necessary for the promotion of the Licensing Objectives, the Council will consider attaching Conditions drawn from the relevant Model Pools of Conditions and from any published Local Pool of Conditions 9. Guidance Issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 9.1 The current Guidance was issued by the Home Office in March 2015 and offers advice to Licensing authorities on the discharge of their functions under the Licensing Act 2003. 9.2 The following extracts may be relevant to this review application and assist the panel: Licensing conditions – general principles 1.16 Conditions on a premises licence or club premises certificate are important in setting the parameters within which premises can lawfully operate. The use of wording such as “must”, “shall” and “will”, is encouraged. Licence conditions: • must be appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives; • must be precise and enforceable; • must be unambiguous and clear in what they intend to achieve; • should not duplicate other statutory requirements or other duties or responsibilities placed on the employer by other legislation; • must be tailored to the individual type, location and characteristics of the premises and events concerned; • should not be standardised and may be unlawful when it cannot be demonstrated that they are appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives in an individual case; • should not replicate offences set out in the 2003 Act or other legislation; • should be proportionate, justifiable and be capable of being met, (for example, whilst beer glasses may be available in toughened glass, wine glasses may not); • cannot seek to manage the behaviour of customers once they are beyond the direct management of the licence holder and their staff, but may impact on the behaviour of customers in the immediate vicinity of the premises or as they enter or leave; and • should be written in a prescriptive format. Each application on its own merits 1.17 Each application must be considered on its own merits and in accordance with the licensing authority’s statement of licensing policy; for example, if the application falls within the scope of a cumulative impact policy. Conditions attached to licences and certificates must be tailored to the individual type, location and characteristics of the premises and events concerned. This is essential to avoid the imposition of disproportionate and overly burdensome conditions on premises where there is no need for such conditions. Standardised Licensing & Appeals Committee 20 14 December 2015 conditions should be avoided and indeed may be unlawful where they cannot be shown to be appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives in an individual case Public Nuisance 2.14 The 2003 Act enables licensing authorities and responsible authorities, through representations, to consider what constitutes public nuisance and what is appropriate to prevent it in terms of conditions attached to specific premises licences and club premises certificates. It is therefore important that in considering the promotion of this licensing objective, licensing authorities and responsible authorities focus on the effect of the licensable activities at the specific premises on persons living and working (including those carrying on business) in the area around the premises which may be disproportionate and unreasonable. The issues will mainly concern noise nuisance, light pollution, noxious smells and litter. 2.15 Public nuisance is given a statutory meaning in many pieces of legislation. It is however not narrowly defined in the 2003 Act and retains its broad common law meaning. It is important to remember that the prevention of public nuisance could therefore include low-level nuisance, perhaps affecting a few people living locally, as well as major disturbance affecting the whole community. It may also include in appropriate circumstances the reduction of the living and working amenity and environment of other persons living and working in the area of the licensed premises. Public nuisance may also arise as a result of the adverse effects of artificial light, dust, odour and insects or where its effect is prejudicial to health. 2.16 Conditions relating to noise nuisance will usually concern steps appropriate to control the levels of noise emanating from premises. This might be achieved by a simple measure such as ensuring that doors and windows are kept closed after a particular time, or more sophisticated measures like the installation of acoustic curtains or rubber speaker mounts. Any conditions appropriate to promote the prevention of public nuisance should be tailored to the type, nature and characteristics of the specific premises. Licensing authorities should be aware of the need to avoid inappropriate or disproportionate measures that could deter events that are valuable to the community, such as live music. Noise limiters, for example, are very expensive to purchase and install and are likely to be a considerable burden for smaller venues. 2.17 As with all conditions, those relating to noise nuisance may not be appropriate in certain circumstances where provisions in other legislation adequately protect those living in the area of the premises. But as stated earlier in this Guidance, the approach of licensing authorities and responsible authorities should be one of prevention and when their powers are engaged, licensing authorities should be aware of the fact that other legislation may not adequately cover concerns raised in relevant representations and additional conditions may be appropriate. 2.18 Where applications have given rise to representations, any appropriate conditions should normally focus on the most sensitive periods. For example, music noise from premises usually occurs from mid-evening until either late- Licensing & Appeals Committee 21 14 December 2015 evening or early-morning when residents in adjacent properties may be attempting to go to sleep or are sleeping. In certain circumstances, conditions relating to noise immediately surrounding the premises may also prove appropriate to address any disturbance anticipated as customers enter and leave. 2.19 Measures to control light pollution will also require careful thought. Bright lighting outside premises which is considered appropriate to prevent crime and disorder may itself give rise to light pollution for some neighbours. Applicants, licensing authorities and responsible authorities will need to balance these issues. 2.20 Beyond the immediate area surrounding the premises, these are matters for the personal responsibility of individuals under the law. An individual who engages in anti-social behaviour is accountable in their own right. However, it would be perfectly reasonable for a licensing authority to impose a condition, following relevant representations, that requires the licence holder or club to place signs at the exits from the building encouraging patrons to be quiet until they leave the area and to respect the rights of people living nearby to a peaceful night. Determining applications where representations are made 9.36 As a matter of practice, licensing authorities should seek to focus the hearing on the steps considered appropriate to promote the particular licensing objective or objectives that have given rise to the specific representation and avoid straying into undisputed areas. A responsible authority or other person may choose to rely on their written representation. They may not add further representations to those disclosed to the applicant prior to the hearing, but they may expand on their existing representation. 9.37 In determining the application with a view to promoting the licensing objectives in the overall interests of the local community, the licensing authority must give appropriate weight to: • the steps that are appropriate to promote the licensing objectives; • the representations (including supporting information) presented by all the parties; • this Guidance; • its own statement of licensing policy. Relevant, Vexatious and Frivolous Representations 9.4 A representation is “relevant” if it relates to the likely effect of the grant of the licence on the promotion of at least one of the licensing objectives. For example, a representation from a local businessperson about the commercial damage caused by competition from new licensed premises would not be relevant. On the other hand, a representation by a businessperson that nuisance caused by new Licensing & Appeals Committee 22 14 December 2015 premises would deter customers from entering the local area, and the steps proposed by the applicant to prevent that nuisance were inadequate, would be relevant. In other words, representations should relate to the impact of licensable activities carried on from premises on the objectives. For representations in relation to variations to be relevant, they should be confined to the subject matter of the variation. There is no requirement for a responsible authority or other person to produce a recorded history of problems at premises to support their representations, and in fact this would not be possible for new premises. 9.5 It is for the licensing authority to determine whether a representation (other than a representation from responsible authority) is frivolous or vexatious on the basis of what might ordinarily be considered to be vexatious or frivolous. A representation may be considered to be vexatious if it appears to be intended to cause aggravation or annoyance, whether to a competitor or other person, without reasonable cause or justification. Vexatious circumstances may arise because of disputes between rival businesses and local knowledge will therefore be invaluable in considering such matters. Licensing authorities can consider the main effect of the representation, and whether any inconvenience or expense caused by it could reasonably be considered to be proportionate. 9.9 It is recommended that, in borderline cases, the benefit of the doubt about any aspect of a representation should be given to the person making that representation. The subsequent hearing would then provide an opportunity for the person or body making the representation to amplify and clarify it. Determining actions that are appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives 9.41 Licensing authorities are best placed to determine what actions are appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives in their areas. All licensing determinations should be considered on a case by case basis. They should take into account any representations or objections that have been received from responsible authorities or other persons, and representations made by the applicant or premises user as the case may be. 9.42 The authority’s determination should be evidence-based, justified as being appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives and proportionate to what it is intended to achieve. 9.43 Determination of whether an action or step is appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives requires an assessment of what action or step would be suitable to achieve that end. Whilst this does not therefore require a licensing authority to decide that no lesser step will achieve the aim, the authority should aim to consider the potential burden that the condition would impose on the premises licence holder (such as the financial burden due to restrictions on licensable activities) as well as the potential benefit in terms of the promotion of the licensing objectives. However, it is imperative that the authority ensures that the factors which form the basis of its determination are limited to consideration Licensing & Appeals Committee 23 14 December 2015 of the promotion of the objectives and nothing outside those parameters. As with the consideration of licence variations, the licensing authority should consider wider issues such as other conditions already in place to mitigate potential negative impact on the promotion of the licensing objectives and the track record of the business. Further advice on determining what is appropriate when imposing conditions on a licence or certificate is provided in Chapter 10. The licensing authority is expected to come to its determination based on an assessment of the evidence on both the risks and benefits either for or against making the determination. Conditions attached to Premises Licences 10.2 Conditions include any limitations or restrictions attached to a licence or certificate and essentially are the steps or actions that the holder of the premises licence or the club premises certificate will be required to take or refrain from taking in relation to the carrying on of licensable activities at the premises in question. Failure to comply with any condition attached to a licence or certificate is a criminal offence, which on conviction is punishable by a fine of up to £20,000 or up to six months imprisonment. The courts have made clear that it is particularly important that conditions which are imprecise or difficult for a licence holder to observe should be avoided. 10.3 There are three types of condition that may be attached to a licence or certificate: proposed, imposed and mandatory. Each of these categories is described in more detail below Proposed Conditions 10.4 The conditions that are appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives should emerge initially from the risk assessment carried out by a prospective licence or certificate holder, which they should carry out before making their application for a premises licence or club premises certificate. This would be translated into the steps recorded in the operating schedule or club operating schedule, which must also set out the proposed hours during which licensable activities will be conducted and any other hours during which the premises will be open to the public. 10.5 It is not acceptable for licensing authorities to simply replicate the wording from an applicant’s operating schedule. A condition should be interpreted in accordance with the applicant’s intention Imposed Conditions 10.8 The licensing authority may not impose any conditions unless its discretion has been engaged following receipt of relevant representations and it is satisfied as a result of a hearing (unless all parties agree a hearing is not necessary) that it is appropriate to impose conditions to promote one or more of the four licensing objectives. Licensing & Appeals Committee 24 14 December 2015 10.9 It is possible that, in certain cases, where there are other legislative provisions which are relevant and must be observed by the applicant, no additional conditions are appropriate to promote the licensing objectives. Proportionality 10.10 The 2003 Act requires that licensing conditions should be tailored to the size, type, location and characteristics and activities taking place at the premises concerned. Conditions should be determined on a case by case basis and standardised conditions which ignore these individual aspects should be avoided. Licensing authorities and other responsible authorities should be alive to the indirect costs that can arise because of conditions. These could be a deterrent to holding events that are valuable to the community or for the funding of good and important causes. Licensing authorities should therefore ensure that any conditions they impose are only those which are appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives. Hours of trading 10.13 The Government acknowledges that different licensing strategies may be appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives in different areas. The 2003 Act gives the licensing authority power to make decisions regarding licensed opening hours as part of the implementation of its licensing policy statement and licensing authorities are best placed to make decisions about appropriate opening hours in their areas based on their local knowledge and in consultation with responsible authorities. However, licensing authorities must always consider each application and must not impose predetermined licensed opening hours, without giving individual consideration to the merits of each application. Designated premises supervisor 10.29 The main purpose of the ‘designated premises supervisor’ as defined in the 2003 Act is to ensure that there is always one specified individual among these personal licence holders who can be readily identified for the premises where a premises licence is in force. That person will normally have been given day to day responsibility for running the premises by the premises licence holder. The requirements set out in relation to the designated premises supervisor and authorisation of alcohol sales by a personal licence holder do not apply to community premises in respect of which a successful application has been made to disapply the usual mandatory conditions in sections 19(2) and 19(3) of the 2003 Act (see Chapter 4 of this Guidance). 10.30 The 2003 Act does not require a designated premises supervisor or any other personal licence holder to be present on the premises at all times when alcohol is sold. However, the designated premises supervisor and the premises licence holder remain responsible for the premises at all times including compliance with the terms of the 2003 Act and conditions attached to the premises licence to promote the licensing objectives. Licensing & Appeals Committee 25 14 December 2015 The review process 11.1 The proceedings set out in the 2003 Act for reviewing premises licences and club premises certificates represent a key protection for the community where problems associated with the licensing objectives occur after the grant or variation of a premises licence or club premises certificate. 11.2 At any stage, following the grant of a premises licence or club premises certificate, a responsible authority, or any other person, may ask the licensing authority to review the licence or certificate because of a matter arising at the premises in connection with any of the four licensing objectives. 11.5 Any responsible authority under the 2003 Act may apply for a review of a premises licence or club premises certificate. Therefore, the relevant licensing authority may apply for a review if it is concerned about licensed activities at premises and wants to intervene early without waiting for representations from other persons. However, it is not expected that licensing authorities should normally act as responsible authorities in applying for reviews on behalf of other persons, such as local residents or community groups. These individuals or groups are entitled to apply for a review for a licence or certificate in their own right if they have grounds to do so. It is also reasonable for licensing authorities to expect other responsible authorities to intervene where the basis for the intervention falls within the remit of that other authority. For example, the police should take appropriate steps where the basis for the review is concern about crime and disorder or the sexual exploitation of children. Likewise, where there are concerns about noise nuisance, it is reasonable to expect the local authority exercising environmental health functions for the area in which the premises are situated to make the application for review. Further guidance on ‘The Review Process’ can be sought in Section 11 of the Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003. Powers of a licensing authority on the determination of a review 11.16 The 2003 Act provides a range of powers for the licensing authority which it may exercise on determining a review where it considers them appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives. 11.17 The licensing authority may decide that the review does not require it to take any further steps appropriate to promote the licensing objectives. In addition, there is nothing to prevent a licensing authority issuing an informal warning to the licence holder and/or to recommend improvement within a particular period of time. It is expected that licensing authorities will regard such informal warnings as an important mechanism for ensuring that the licensing objectives are effectively promoted and that warnings should be issued in writing to the licence holder. 11.18 However, where responsible authorities such as the police or environmental health officers have already issued warnings requiring improvement – either orally or in writing – that have failed as part of their own Licensing & Appeals Committee 26 14 December 2015 stepped approach to address concerns, licensing authorities should not merely repeat that approach and should take this into account when considering what further action is appropriate. 11.19 Where the licensing authority considers that action under its statutory powers is appropriate, it may take any of the following steps: modify the conditions of the premises licence (which includes adding new conditions or any alteration or omission of an existing condition), for example, by reducing the hours of opening or by requiring door supervisors at particular times; exclude a licensable activity from the scope of the licence, for example, to exclude the performance of live music or playing of recorded music (where it is not within the incidental live and recorded music exemption)10; remove the designated premises supervisor, for example, because they consider that the problems are the result of poor management; suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months; revoke the licence 11.20 In deciding which of these powers to invoke, it is expected that licensing authorities should so far as possible seek to establish the cause or causes of the concerns that the representations identify. The remedial action taken should generally be directed at these causes and should always be no more than an appropriate and proportionate response to address the causes of concern that instigated the review. 11.21 For example, licensing authorities should be alive to the possibility that the removal and replacement of the designated premises supervisor may be sufficient to remedy a problem where the cause of the identified problem directly relates to poor management decisions made by that individual. 11.22 Equally, it may emerge that poor management is a direct reflection of poor company practice or policy and the mere removal of the designated premises supervisor may be an inadequate response to the problems presented. Indeed, where subsequent review hearings are generated by representations, it should be rare merely to remove a succession of designated premises supervisors as this would be a clear indication of deeper problems that impact upon the licensing objectives. 11.23 Licensing authorities should also note that modifications of conditions and exclusions of licensable activities may be imposed either permanently or for a temporary period of up to three months. Temporary changes or suspension of the licence for up to three months could impact on the business holding the licence financially and would only be expected to be pursued as Licensing & Appeals Committee 27 14 December 2015 an appropriate means of promoting the licensing objectives. So, for instance, a licence could be suspended for a weekend as a means of deterring the holder from allowing the problems that gave rise to the review to happen again. However, it will always be important that any detrimental financial impact that may result from a licensing authority’s decision is appropriate and proportionate to the promotion of the licensing objectives. But where premises are found to be trading irresponsibly, the licensing authority should not hesitate, where appropriate to do so, to take tough action to tackle the problems at the premises and, where other measures are deemed insufficient, to revoke the licence. 10. Determination 10.1 The Sub Committee are requested to consider the review application, the representations received and determine this review application. 10.2 When considering this application the Sub Committee will need to have regard to the North Norfolk District Council Licensing Policy and to statutory guidance under the Licensing Act 2003 issued by the Secretary of State 10.3 In determining the application for a Premises Licence the Sub Committee may take the following actions: a. Modify the conditions of the premises licence b. Exclude a licensable activity from the scope of the licence c. Remove the designated premises supervisor d. Suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months e. Revoke the licence 10.4 This application must be determined and notified to the applicant within 5 working days from the conclusion of the hearing. Reasons for the Panel’s decision must be given as both the applicant and objectors have a right of appeal against that decision to the Magistrates Court. 10.5 There is a right of appeal to the decision of the Sub Committee to the Magistrates court within 21 days. Appendices: E. Copy of Review Application and associated appendices F. Representations: Responsible Authorities G. Representations: objection or support from other persons H. Resident Log Sheets I. Officer Witness statements and notes J. Location Plan Licensing & Appeals Committee 28 14 December 2015 Background Papers: 1. The Licensing Act 2003 2. North Norfolk District Council Statement of Licensing Policy (14 December 2010) 3. Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 (March 2015) Licensing & Appeals Committee 29 14 December 2015 APPENDIX E Licensing & Appeals Committee 30 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 31 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 32 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 33 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 34 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 35 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 36 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 37 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 38 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 39 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 40 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 41 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 42 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 43 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 44 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 45 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 46 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 47 14 December 2015 APPENDIX F Licensing & Appeals Committee 48 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 49 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 50 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 51 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 52 14 December 2015 APPENDIX G Licensing & Appeals Committee 53 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 54 14 December 2015 North Norfolk District Council Licensing Committee c/o The Public Protection Team Dear Sir or Madam: Pr.emises License for the Captains Table, Freeman Street Wells During their hours of normal business I have had no problems with the above premises. '_ jJ3. However when they have a live band, all hell is let loose. They attract a gro~p of people who from their behavior are drunk and possibly under the influence of drugs. The customers scream and become violent and are very intimidating. The management do not appear tO'be able to exert any control over their,. , customers behavior My complaint is that of excessive noise, late into the night and personal fear, when I have to walk past the premises, resulting from the violent behavior of the large group that collects around the door, I would hope the committee will not re-issue a license that permits live music or disco events at The Captains Table. NORTH NORFOLK D.C. Sincerely 20 NOV -2015 i~. POSTAL SERVICES ~-:=;y.T!~ __ • Licensing & Appeals Committee 55 14 December 2015 • . Wells-nexf.the-Sea, N rn Telephone: 0 olk NR23 NORTH NORFOLK D.C. 1GNOV 2fl15 ~ e¢.~,w /e..~.k, Ire r{$e. /Zc /Ir~ ~ .(cu.~ 6'ec",.. ute l <lic /'V <,1~V'f,)'·<f. /vLld A.A.l .e.<.<.<.I-I.w- 6J meA,,.. ~ ric-fed .:11-. J.<..r;e(ec.1r ~ AI, ..rfz.w.i P.. 4..~""f,'.e..I .fdr.-1..f if .-Ye/-6­ 5~tJ /--d'i-t1..-tc"f,." /,,v M Ioco.! ~6'\.""'L.~T~' P'dofr a.c...ft'.fcrc.i.e.,/ {t! ~-1..A"'" kn/t-t{ -fe..., ;{..e POSTAL SEFNICES ft1.e,.f"J..(u . ~--- /y-tf/r Ii '7/.< A.c:U'uI(~-6 /1) hrl~~ <:::..f-u.t."1 r{~ c.""";1I1r 01 ,At'oJ& t..Rf'j- ;;;"'1­ rte.""e.c.J. ~f tic c.#clr eGl,,~,iw-A.s~ ;4-<,,~~ .../':;L-~ c:fl../..,'i.} o/fc -I"''t~ ~tA.Ib. 7Z'l 1'k"''f<''''c''~61 ~ e'f41e..tA".,$ ~<..k I:' ~fc./} n.'f Df t~1. /b k~( /u,.,..J ~ Ii< e.t...J e"cA..--h,,& 1i~/~1f;Q.~~£" r((,{,,"-) """"E:f<tl..~ ;eje.-fc<.etd' /f>40r;~C Ii;< ./1'" 4'fv.f.JDI.r, l!Arlc1i,p"., I 1S".r 4,'-' Jir t.ld -AI-It,,, rfdltclr .fef~+ ';- rtc £"""'(~tr7f,~f..1c.1 ,J,..1~1iA ~-t I-~al"~ !..C J.t:t.;c/v di..( f!; &t ~A.r~rle.t,u.I "'" d.c.«"~ 111t..JuU 7"Z..e. fj J.tAJ...ef J..e. I.e ~Iv pt..c..t.c..1,n" Jj:! e J. ,:"c. e.. c.e( fIi~r.Jl.e4t. -F It wt~1-d ric. 4. 1./ d. cA-< fte-tl.r-< ~f1Jrl-.~ tuf ~eh\, d-fthI' ..p(~.f.t;{ ~(Jf ~f. ( -I'4"~ .f.f) ,;.,. 6c ~(,c.Ju/. 1Y-t1.IJ (~",f+! JeA.~'~ ~~~ud- o..~ ,".1 A 4. Att.l -& ~ wc.~ No ;p ·-/tc.·'c,;· r~,·d/.:r4.>:~f:.. &~i~I~_ /~~-Ic ;J e ... ~/.ed1 i. ­ .etCJ-- ~;vI. N« -A< I rf' Itt t~(.c;c.;-I C-Ahiv,..~ ric ~(. g.,t..c1 111....r\c fC•.-1..ld' ". (t/4.~d drrf" a..r If"... 4.. It.... ;\(0.4 Licensing & Appeals Committee 56 14 December 2015 _ -t.A,.<..(..6 /«~ ~ A-ILie ,<q,I-~ ~~ AM;,J'~'U ~""'~ "<E'~..¥. t ~ t<i ~ I- " "'''' I "5 a..;ifti~ c'"u _ ~tAtf pt#?--t/yl oj ~£ D,.wc./?f ". ,,· Licensing & Appeals Committee 57 14 December 2015 Wells-N ext-The-Sea NR23 5th November 2015 North Norfolk District Council Licensing Department To whom it· may concern, As a resident of Freeman Street and a patron of The Captain's Table, I was very disappointed to see the premises license is now under review. The present owner and the manager have spent a lot of time and money to improve the premises and make it popular again. As with any popular public house, there is inevitably some noise. However, the noise levels from the Quay, the playing field, the Buttlands and other venues are much greater. It seems unfair that a few people who have chosen to live near existing licensed premises can potentially destroy the livelihood and enjoyment of many. The fact is the town needs popular venues for locals and holiday makers to enjoy. If these places are denied their licenses the town will not attract the tourism it needs, resulting in unemployment, boarded up buildings and a general downward spiral of the local economy. Your website (licensed premises under review) does not include The Captain's Table. When mentioned to your colleague (Caroline, 27/10/15), she agreed. It is still not correct today (5/11/15). Without visiting The Captain's Table, how would any interested party know the license is under review, and therefore be able to comment? I look forward to hearing back from you. Sincerely, - NORTH NORFOLK D.C. H - 9 NOV 2D15 POSTAL SERVICES Licensing & Appeals Committee 58 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 59 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 60 14 December 2015 North Norfolk District Council Holt Road, Cro r. ~ells-Ne t ... ("-Sea. 2nd November, 2015. Dear Sirs, Re. Noise disturbance at the Captains Table, ells. a Iriting to confirm that on an evening in late August I was forced to make a complaint to the authorities with re ard to exceptionally loud music to gone past 'dnight eminating from The Captains Table, Freeman street. I The continuous music ith background thump thuDning disturbed my television viewing and it was pointlesE going to bed t my usual time of ten thirty. I considered this completely unaceptable in a builtup area a d so next morning I called in at the Captains Table to complain to the anager. The Manager, Liam offhand dly stated t at the licencing la s allowed him to play music until midnight and that was that with no apologies. As he had frequent music nights, I was quite concerned that this disturbance would continue. However since a oise abatement notice was served on him, things have beeen much quieter. Yours faithfully, FOLK D.C. OV 2015 . Licensing & Appeals Committee 61 14 December 2015 APPENDIX H Licensing & Appeals Committee 62 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 63 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 64 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 65 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 66 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 67 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 68 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 69 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 70 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 71 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 72 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 73 14 December 2015 APPENDIX I Licensing & Appeals Committee 74 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 75 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 76 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 77 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 78 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 79 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 80 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 81 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 82 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 83 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 84 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 85 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 86 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 87 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 88 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 89 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 90 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 91 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 92 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 93 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 94 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 95 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 96 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 97 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 98 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 99 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 100 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 101 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 102 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 103 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 104 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 105 14 December 2015 Licensing & Appeals Committee 106 14 December 2015