International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 7- July 2013 Exploration of INNSTA Ayush Kumar Yogi#1 #1 Govt. Engineering College, Ajmer Rajasthan, India Abstract— INNSTA (Idea of Neural Network for Software Testing Automation) has proposed already with its basic model structure, conceptual fundamental of model and mathematical formulation. Here I explore the model architecture, the transfer function and its updating criteria with the way to code backpropagation algorithm for INNSTA. Perceptron is used to create and analyze the simple network with the speciality by communicating functions, network initialization functions and simulation of such a defined network. Developers can use perceptron model to create such a network for software testing and then be implemented as software testing Automation tool. In this paper, INNSTA is explored in depth, from its design to mathematical approach. Neural network approach in software testing automation with INNSTA approach will provide developers a straight implementation way and users of such a tool will get efficient results comparing to other automation tool. Keywords— INNSTA, mathematical approach. transfer function, perceptron, I. INTRODUCTION INNSTA (Idea of Neural Network for Software Testing Automation) is defined in [1]. As neural network has functional characteristic of parallelism so INNSTA completely follow this in its initial input configuration to its output layer. In depth scenario of INNSTA, the proposed design of neurons in three layers MLNN (Multi Layer Neural Network) architecture provides computation of each input value for single test case, for different test cases with different input values a clear ongoing process without interference to each other and saving the result in order as test cases are configured from there test cases sub groups and related parent group. The order is important in case to saving as pass or fail as final test case result. Using perceptron to create a neural network model and simulating that is the best way before to create the INNSTA based tool. Perceptron is especially used for simple problems in pattern-classification but as creating a network just for looking and observing near to our logical fundamental using some of perceptron function is not a bad idea. There are different functions categorized according to usability as model functions, network initialization, simulation function, training functions, error functions and many more. Selection of functions according to the problem and there scope is the emphasized area for developers and also to whom they want to create their own neural network related to the problem. As I have already stated in previous paper [1] that there are a lot of modification in designing such a tool. If we use static neural network with sequential vectors then in training after each input the weight will be updated. Be ISSN: 2231-5381 emphasizing here in the logic that, we have used no change with a constant weight as 1 for input to hidden layer neurons so contradiction occurs here. Now modification is as, we are using in INNSTA the static network with concurrent input vectors rather than sequential input vectors. Static network approach is used because static network does not require feedback from the output. Next one is concurrent input vectors because all the input values for one test case is grouped in one set and in parallel way we will get the output in one or zero that will be fetched to output neuron. Because weights are updated in sequential vectors at each input and in concurrent vectors at the end of all the inputs so the modification that we ignoring the weight update operation is reduced in concurrent vectors because if there are five input values for one test case then in sequential input vector five time our ignorance will occur for weight update in single test case operation but if concurrent vectors are adopted then one time we need to ignore weight update. This is the reason behind merging all inputs in concurrent vectors. II. ARCHITECTURE MODEL OF INNSTA The overview model has been proposed [1], now a clear indepth model is proposed here. The output neuron is taken only one that will list down all the inputs based on the number of processed test cases very well if the tool will be developed by following the architecture. In this architecture outputs are added in order of two subscripts and one superscript indexing of output neuron. Based on these three scripts the order is maintained of network output from its transfer function as well. The input neurons are based on number of input values of each test case additionally number of subsets are operated concurrently. Here the test cases are batched in different groups named as G1SSTC1 up to GzSSTCz and test cases are identified according its group number. In the figure 1, input neurons have taken the values from test case in the input layer. The numbers of neurons are in nature of dynamic creation strategy. Because as stated in previous paper [1] that creation of input neurons are based on number of input values of each test case so it will eliminate the problem of over fitting and under fitting of input neurons. In INNSTA model, one hidden layer is proposed in that layer each neuron at hidden layer responsible for calculating query output. For each test case the output of different input values form query function is send to one AND function. This AND function performs its operation and fetches the output to transfer function Tf. This Tf is responsible to manage and fetch final output to output neuron with test case identity. Page 2941 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 7- July 2013 G O Output Neuron J G1 G1 G2 PR,J G1TC01 Output of Gz input 2 test case 1 Output of Gz input 1 test case 1 Gz P1,1 PR,1 G2TCJ . . L a y e r Input Neurons PR,2 G1TCJ G1TC02 H i d d e n Query function Gz P1,J AND operation AND operation Query function Query function Query function Output of G1input R test case J Output of G2 input 1 test case 2 Output of G2 input R test case 2 ˄ ˄ Query function Output of G1input 2 test case J ˄ Query function Query function Output of G1input 1 test case J AND operation Transfer function (TF) GzTCJ . G2TC02 G2TC01 . GzTC02 GzTC01 ……. GzSSTCz G1SSTC1 G2SSTC2 Set of All Test Cases Fig. 1 Architecture of INNSTA model A. INNSTA Model Constraints Here the fig 1 contains some variable constraints. These constraints have clearly specified the model in respect to their position in the figure. One important point to specify the input ISSN: 2231-5381 neuron in the figure 1 and also at the output neuron to receive related test case result there are subscript and superscripting of the input and output neurons. How to code them will be specified in the following sections of the paper. The constraints that are in the figure 1 are as follows: 1. G1SSTC1 – Group 1 SubSet Test Case 1 2. G1TC01 – Group 1 Test Case 01 G1 -- Input 1st of test case J of Group G1 3. P1,J 4. TF – Transfer Function 5. OJG– Output of test case J of group G. This model is full implementation view of INNSTA. As described in previous paper this is in-depth architecture of neural network adoption in software testing automation. III. INNSTA IN-DEPTH Some modifications are there in respect to predefined neural network functions and algorithms. Here backpropagation algorithm is an optional algorithm if developers feel to implement in INNSTA based tool related to efficiency constraint. But as the proposed framework in design we have kept weights as constant to 1 referred to desired output. The transfer function TF is responsible to perform arrangement of fetching final result to output neuron. This transfer function receives actual output from AND operation that is performing in hidden layer and then calculates the final result. A. INNSTA Conceptual Here we talk about the in-depth concept of INNSTA. The fundamental approach has been discussed before. I have suggested that backpropagation algorithm need to be change in our scenario. In backpropagation algorithm the error is calculated by as the difference of desired output and actual output [2] and error rate is minimized by updating weights by changing learning rate to increase or decrease. In INNSTA, simply use the other methodology to use training style, the algorithm named as TCCA (Test Case Configure Algorithm) will be called between Transfer function to output neuron link. Here the position of calling TCCA is complicated in-between transfer function to output neuron so adjusting by the developers at may be transfer function may possible. The reason behind calling TCCA in-between links is due to making busy the network because reconfiguration of unprocessed test cases by TCCA should not affect the network efficiency. Here the TCCA as follow: 1. Check the available sub groups exist there. 2. If no groups are available there, then exit otherwise go to step 3. 3. Select the test cases from the groups and for each test case select all the input values. 4. Count number of inputs and maintain the identity of inputs in order-respect to group number, test case number and input number. 5. Fetch the step 4 data to neural network design function. 6. Remove the configured groups from the group list. 7. Exit. Page 2942 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 7- July 2013 NNDF Remaining sub groups (Neural Network Design Function) Call TCCA Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer the INNSTA Technique. But there will be a larger update in design. Developers have to record the session after TCCA operation. Because after TCCA execution fresh new inputs will exist there for fetching to test. B. INNSTA Mathematical Evaluation The INNSTA mathematical evaluation consists of three major parts. First part explores the identification of neurons input related to input layer neuron, in hidden layer processing neuron and output listing at output layer neuron. Second part will explore the transfer function processing and third part show how the output will be saved in output. Here the input G1 neuron is shown as PR, J, how the identification is obtained it is as shown below: Group Number PInput number, Test case Number Fig. 2 Scope of TCCA In TCCA, there is option to keep the processed groups in the list with unprocessed groups but it will take extra time to check unprocessed groups among processed ones. In step 4, numbers of inputs are calculated that will provide the dynamic nature of creating input neurons. As in the INNSTA proposed methodology, user interaction at creating the input neurons has neglected so step 4 fulfils this concept. As we are using query function in hidden layer for each hidden neuron that is responsible for taking input values and checking that query has ran successfully or not. This query function operates in two sections as follow: 1. First phase takes input value. This input is analysed by running query that input field has taken and run the input successfully. 2. In second phase, if the query runs successfully then the query should fetch 0 else 1. A complex calculation will perform here in fetching actual result in the form of 0 or 1. Give attention at the second phase of query function, it produces actual output in inverse form. If the query runs successfully then it is fetching 0, it means that testing have the objective to find bugs, errors, defects in the software. So keep in mind in test case input values that all the inputs of test cases must wrong. This single operation will eliminate some more functionality. For example, if you follow the concept that wrong input values should produce 0 as its actual output in query function then you need to change at first, transformation phase of test case desired output values. You have to input 0 values for wrong inputs in desired output column. Second, then and operation will not be used for single output of each test case. Third, there will be comparison at each hidden neuron with desired output. So, it that INNSTA uses a different approach for faster, better and right output. This query function is the heart of the INNSTA. If developers want to overcome this situation of query function then alternate way is to use the concept of previous methodology of software testing tools as record session of application by first start recording, input the values in fields and running the application operation, at the end stopping the record session as performs in QTP automation tool. After using it implement ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig. 3 Formulation of Neurons Here in all respect as hidden and output layer neurons including processing order is maintained according to this formulation shown in figure 3. Group number, input number and test case number show the identity as which group number of which number test case which number of input. Simplification is maintained as possible as can be in each and every section of INNSTA very carefully with keeping emphasis on efficiency with possible deductions in unnecessary processing with high utilization of neural network approach. Second part is related to the transfer function TF, here first of all the transfer function gets the single input for each test case from its preceding AND operation. All the inputs are collected by TF for all test cases and one AND operation for each test case with value 1 that is desired output is performed. The final output is fetched then according to the indexing with group, test case and input number. The functioning is as: 6. 0 ^ 1 = 0 As Fail result 7. 1 ^ 1 = 1 As Pass result G1 P1,1 1 G1 P2,1 0 1G1,1,1 ^ 0G1,2,1 ^ 1G1,3,1 = 0G1,1 1G2, 1, 3 ^ 1G2, 2,3 = 1G2,3 1 G1 P3,1 AND operation 1 G2 P1,3 1 G2 0G1, 1 ^ 1= 0 1G2, 3^ 1 = 1 TF P2,3 Output Neuron Fig. 4 Mathematical Evaluation of AND and Transfer Function Page 2943 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 7- July 2013 Because the transfer function TF is calculating the final output then it is necessary to get the right output related to the test case identity. So in the output neuron as the simplicity in original one column entry we should maintain it using a mathematical formulation to accessing the related test case output. There is option that we can create simply 2-D array to loop for group and then test case. But it will require additional processing to convert the rows as a single dimensional array by merging rows in 1-D array. For directly fetching the result to correct location we have to create already an array at the design time of neural network framework for INNSTA based tool. This one-D array will have the size as: 1. Calculate the total number of groups. 2. Calculate the total number of test cases in each group. 3. Calculate cumulative frequency (C.F.) of number of test cases as shown in table 1. 4. If G1, G2,G3, G4 have 5,5,3,4 test cases respectively then total size of one –D array will 5+5+3+4=17. One additional group G0 must be added due to the reason of calculating right position for result. 5. Here the number of groups are used in calculating and placing the test case output at the correct location using the formula given below: Location of result = C.F. of Gi-1+Test-case number Fig. 5 Formula for fetching result in 1-D array 6. block in contiguous memory location. Here are the choices for developers to save the table I in either one addition constant neuron, associated with transfer function TF. Transfer function will refer it for placing it at right position. The third part is completed according of fetching the result at output neuron. IV. CONCLUSIONS INNSTA approach can be used in developing small, medium and large scale testing products. It provides dynamic nature at neuron creation. Desired outputs of all test cases are kept 1. Simple transfer function but its working process is as complex. A new training algorithm is proposed TCCA that is intellectual in nature. The INNSTA based tool will be efficiently during its operation, no one phase has free time leak point. A complete neural network technique provides parallelism so processing is fast in theory. AND operation is simple so time will remain low to compute results. The fetching of final results to the output is in its well managed formulation. REFERENCES [1] [2] Ayush Kumar Yogi, “Reformation with Neural Network in Automated Software Testing”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)- volume 4 issue 6- June 2013 Dr. Yashpal Singh, Alok Singh Chauhan, “Neural Network in Data Mining”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. Here the simplification in formulate locations and direct fetching the output provides great operation because as the test cases results calculated no looping is there to maintain the order of groups with related test cases so this independent approach provides a way of “receive and placed” operation. TABLE I DATA USED IN TRANSFER FUNCTION Group Name (X1) G0 Total Test Cases (X2) 0 C.F. of X2 G1 5 5 G2 5 10 G3 3 13 G4 4 17 0 The order of results with correct maintenance without any conflict is achieved here. Conflicts appear at the side when group number and test case number exchanges positions in scripting as OTG1, 2 and OTG2, 1. Here OTG1, 2 means output of Group 1, Test case number 2 and OTG2, 1 means output of Group 2, Test case number 1. Formula shown in figure 5 removes such ambiguity because of C.F. used. For example, if the output is OTG1,1 and OTG2,3 then the location will be 1 and 8 respectively. The concept of using C.F. is that all test cases data will be set at the desired position without leaving any free ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 2944