Flavour Physics Tim Gershon University of Warwick 3 April 2014 Outline ● Lecture 3 – kaon physics ● – current and future charm physics ● – mixing B physics ● lifetimes and mixings ● the sides of the Unitarity Triangle Kaon physics – current and future ● Measurement of |Vus| from leptonic and semileptonic K decays ● Tests of universality from K+→e+ν/K+→μ+ν K e e me RK = = K m 2 2 K 2 K m −m m −m 2 2 e 2 1 RQED = 2.477±0.001 ×10 −5 R K =( 2.488±0.010 )×10 −5 ( Phys.Lett.B 719(2013) 326) ● Rare decays, especially K→πνν |Vus| and |Vud| fit by flavianet M.Palutan at Kaon'09 see also http://ific.uv.es/flavianet/ KLOE, KTeV, BNL E685, ISTRA+, NA48 New survey of superallowed 0+→0+ β decays J.Hardy & I.Towner, PRC 79 (2009) 055502 from RBC/UKQCD ’07 ● Uncertainty from |Vus|2 now comparable to that from |Vud|2 ● Significant further improvement very difficult Future kaon physics ● “Holy grail” of kaon physics : rare decays K→πνν – – – – Allow precise measurements of CKM matrix parameters Sensitive to new physics effects Extraordinarily challenging experimentally K+ →π+νν ● ● – Current measurement (1.7 ± 1.1) 10–10 BNL-E949 (expectation 0.9 10–10) NA62 experiment (CERN) will observe O(100) SM events K0 →π0νν ● ● Current UL < 2.6 10–8 KEK-E391 (expectation 2.5 10–11) KOTO experiment (JPARC) will reach SM sensitivity Other notable kaon experiments ● [Not a complete list] ● Series of experiments at BNL (USA) + - + - ● KLOE at LNF (Italy) – e e collisions (e e → φ) ● ISTRA at IHEP (Russia) ● CMD at BINP (Russia) ● KEK-246 and others (Japan) Also ● HyperCP (hyperons) and others at FNAL (USA) Charm physics ● ● ● Neutral D meson offers the only chance to study ΔF = 2 (mixing) phenomena among up-type quarks FCNC in decays can also be studied CP violation in the D system is tiny in the SM, and hence its study probes new physics – precise measurements needed to test realistic NP models Charm mixing ● Evidence (3σ) for charm mixing in 2007 from BaBar & Belle ● Followed by further evidence from CDF ● ● Combined significance of mixing overwhelming, but no single 5σ measurement until LHCb Time-dependence of ratio of wrong-sign (WS) to right-sign (RS) D0→Kπ decays – WS/RS known by D*+ → D0π tag Charm mixing world averages y = ΔΓ/2Γ No mixing Still need to determine if x>0, but main focus now on CP violation x = Δm/Γ Charm mixing CP violation parameters ● ● ● Peculiar hour-glass shape due to constraints from D0→Kπ decays Results from more channels expected soon Searches for direct CP violation in charm also a current hot topic Notable charm physics experiments ● [Not a complete list] ● Series of experiments at FNAL (USA) ● MARK experiments at SLAC (USA) ● LEP experiments (ALEPH,DELPHI,L3,OPAL) at CERN ● Experiments at BINP (Russia) ● CLEO & CLEO-c at Cornell (USA) ● BES experiments at IHEP (China) ● B factory experiments (Belle, BaBar, etc.) B physics Some history ● 1977 – discovery of the Υ ● 1980 – discovery of the Υ(4S) ● 1981 – discovery of B mesons – ● 1983 – lifetime of the B meson measured – ● [PRL 46, 84 (1981); PRL 46, 88 (1981)] [PRL 51, 1022 (1983); PRL 51, 1316 (1983)] 0 1987 – observation of B mixing – [PLB 192, 245 (1987)] First B meson lifetime measurement τ(B) = (1.8 ± 0.6 ± 0.4) ps PDG 2006 : (1.530 ± 0.009) ps (previous best UL: τ(B) < 1.4 ps) MAC experiment (1983) B lifetime ● Long lifetime of the B meson ⇒ |Vcb| is small (and |Vub| too) 0 0 Observation of B -B mixing ● Same sign leptons ⇒ same flavour B mesons ● Mixing probability is large ⇒ top quark is heavy ● Mixing probability r = 0.21 ± 0.08 ● PDG 2006: “r” (χd) = 0.188 ± 0.003 ● From 103/pb of data ARGUS experiment (1987) B mixing with current data sets -|Δt| P(Δt) = (1±cos(ΔmΔt))e ● Belle experiment PRD 71, 072003 (2005) Δm = (0.511 ± 0.005 ± 0.006) ps-1 ● From 140/fb of data /2τ Bs mixing ● Mixing in the Bs system is large ● Bs mixing first measurement – PRL 97 (2006) 242003 Δms = (17.77 ± 0.10 ± 0.07) ps-1 ● Now precision measurement – NJP 15 (2013) 053021 Δms = (17.768 ± 0.023 ± 0.006) ps-1 Remember The Unitarity Triangle ● Convenient method to illustrate (dis-)agreement of observables with CKM prediction Constraints from mixing ● Δmd contains information on |Vtd| ● Δmd/Δms preferred since theoretically cleaner Δmd Δmd/Δms Constraints from mixing many theoretical uncertainties cancel Comment on theoretical tools ● ● Most significant theoretical uncertainties in quark flavour physics arise due to hadronization – strong interaction effects – not calculable perturbatively – precision will be improved with lattice QCD calculations – alternative: QCD sum rules (parton-hadron duality) Operator product expansion – ● match physics to relevant scales For kaon physics, utilize approximate chiral symmetry of low energy QCD – chiral perturbation theory Comment on theoretical tools (2) ● ● In B physics, can exploit the fact that mb >> ΛQCD – heavy quark expansion & heavy quark effective theory – factorization ● QCD factorization ● soft collinear effective theory (SCET) Phenomenological treatments also very useful – SU(3) – isospin – U-spin Ru side ● Ru = |Vub*Vud|/|Vcb*Vcd| – need precise measurement of |Vub*| ● – also need |Vcb*| four possibilities ● exclusive hadronic B decays, eg. B0 → Ds+ π– ● exclusive semileptonic B decays, eg. B0 → π- e+ ν – ● moderate theoretical (hadronic) uncertainties inclusive semileptonic B decays, eg. B0 → Xu e+ ν – ● large theoretical (hadronic) uncertainties experimentally challenging leptonic B decays, eg. B+ → τ+ν – experimentally challenging, sensitive to new physics Measurement of |Vcb| ● Possible methods to measure |Vcb| very similar to those for |Vub| ● Current best method uses – inclusive semileptonic decay rates for B → Xclν – moments of decay distributions in m(Xc) & q2 ● – ● fit to extract theoretical parameters from data moments of Eγ in B → Xsγ decays also used PDG 2013 gives |Vcb| = (40.9 ± 1.5) x 10-3 – error inflated due to disagreement between inclusive and exclusive measurements Tension (crisis?) in |Vcb| measurements |Vub| - exclusive semileptonic decays B0 → π–l+ν BaBar PR D83 (2011) 032007 & PR D83 (2011) 052011 Belle PR D83 (2011) 071101 B(B0 → π–l+ν) = (1.42 ± 0.04 ± 0.07) × 10–4 |Vub| = (3.23 ± 0.09 ± 0.13 +0.57–0.37) × 10–3 B(B0 → π–l+ν) = (1.49 ± 0.04 ± 0.07) × 10–4 |Vub| = (3.55 ± 0.09 ± 0.09 +0.62–0.41) × 10–3 Largest uncertainty from theory ... but more data helps to reduce theory errors |Vub| - exclusive semileptonic decays Simultaneous fit to BaBar & Belle data & LQCD predictions Uses Boyd-Grinstein-Lebed (BGL) parametrization (PR D56 (1997) 303) to determine |Vub| = (3.28 ± 0.29) × 10−3 |Vub| - exclusive semileptonic decays Extraction of |Vub| with different theoretical approaches |Vub| - inclusive semileptonic decays ● Main difficulty to measure inclusive B0 → Xu l+ ν – ● ● ● background from B0 → Xc l+ ν Approaches – cut on El (lepton endpoint) – cut on M(Xu) – other combinations of cuts on M(Xu) and q2 Cuts ⇒ theoretical uncertainty Ability to perform inclusive analysis depends on detector hermiticity |Vub| inclusive - endpoint analysis ● One of the most precise measurements: PRD 73, 012006 (2006) non BB background subtracted Xc l+ ν background subtracted |Vub| inclusive - compilation Different theoretical approaches |Vub| inclusive - compilation More different theoretical approaches |Vub| inclusive - compilation More different theoretical approaches Author of International best-selling novel! |Vub| average Very hard to make an average! PDG2013 gives: |Vub| = (4.15 ± 0.49) x 10-3 |Vub| - leptonic decays ● ● ● Interesting alternative approach to |Vub| Sensitive to physics BSM at tree level [also D(*)τν], but experimentally challenging (τν, μν, & eν) Evidence from both BaBar and Belle: Tension (crisis?) in |Vub| measurements CKM Matrix – Magnitudes ∣V ud∣ ∣V us∣ ∣V ub∣ ∣V cd∣ ∣V cs∣ ∣V cb∣ ∣V td∣ ∣V ts∣ ∣V tb∣ CKM Matrix – Magnitudes superallowed 0+→0+ β decays ( semileptonic / leptonic kaon decays hadronic tau decays PDG 2013 2008 PDG semileptonic / leptonic B decays 0.97425 ± 0.00022 0.2252 ± 0.0009 ( 4.15 ± 0.49) ×10 −3 0.230 ± 0.011 1.006 ± 0.023 ( 40.9 ± 1.1)×10 − 3 (8.4 ± 0.6)× 10 −3 (42.9 ± 2.6) ×10 − 3 0.89 ± 0.07 semileptonic charm decays charm production in neutrino beams Bd oscillations ) semileptonic B decays semileptonic / leptonic charm decays Bs oscillations single top production theory inputs (eg., lattice calculations) required significant progress in many of these over the last few years (including some new results not yet in the PDG compilation) How to measure the angles? ● How to measure CP violation in the B system? Measurement of γ ● Charmless B decays, eg. B0 → K+π– contributions from ● P : b → suu penguin ● T : b → usu tree – relative weak (CP violating) phase is γ – relative strong (CP conserving) phase δ ACP = 2|P||T|sin(γ)sin(δ)/{|P|2+|T|2+2|P||T|cos(γ)cos(δ)} ● Hadronic uncertainties: – even if we observe ACP ≠ 0, cannot easily extract γ – other processes also contribute Direct CP violation ● ● – Condition for DCPV: |A/A|≠1 – Need A and A to consist of (at least) two parts – ● with different weak (φ) and strong (δ) phases Often realised by “tree” and “penguin” diagrams i T −T i P −P i T T i P P A = ∣T ∣e ∣P∣e A = ∣T ∣e ∣P∣ e 2 2 2 ∣T∣∣P∣ sin T − P sin T − P ∣ A∣ −∣ A∣ ACP = = 2 2 2 2 ∣ A∣ ∣ A∣ ∣T∣ ∣P∣ 2 ∣T∣∣ P∣cos T − P cos T − P Example: B→Kπ (weak phase difference is γ) 42 Clean measurement of γ ● ● A theoretically clean measurement of γ can be made using B → DK decays Reconstruct D mesons in states accessible to both D0 and D0 – interference between b → cus and b → ucs – relative weak phase is γ – various different D decays utilized – large statistical errors at present The Idea ● – Two possible diagrams for B →DK ∝ V cb V ● ● ∗ us colour allowed 0 final state contains D ∝ V ub V ● ● – ∗ cs colour suppressed 0 final state contains D Relative magnitude of suppressed amplitude is rB Relative weak phase is –γ, relative strong phase is δB 0 D Need D and to decay to common final state 0 D→CP eigenstates ● Neglecting CP violation in charm decay AD 0 CP= A D 0 CP ● Possible states – CP even: (D1) K+K–, π+π–, Ksπ0π0 – CP odd: (D2) Ksπ0, Ksη, Ksη', Ksρ0, Ksω, Ksφ Experimental Summary Constraint from γ Best constraint from combining all available results ● ● B→DK, B→D(*)K, B→DK(*) Different D decays ● D→CP eigenstates ● D→ suppressed states ● (eg. Kπ) ● D→ multibody states + ● (eg. K π π ) S γ = (70.1 ± 7.1)° NB. Other statistical approaches give much larger uncertainty Summary ● Mixing phenomena and types of CP violation ● T violation ● Existence of (tiny) direct CP violation in the kaon system ● Current and future kaon experiments ● B system & the sides of the Unitarity Triangle