Comparing Risks by Acceptance and Rejection Sergiu Hart September 2009 This version: March 2010 c 2009 – p. 1 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks by Acceptance and Rejection Sergiu Hart Center for the Study of Rationality Dept of Economics Dept of Mathematics The Hebrew University of Jerusalem c 2009 – p. 2 S ERGIU HART ° Papers Dean Foster and Sergiu Hart "An Operational Measure of Riskiness" Journal of Political Economy (2009) c 2009 – p. 3 S ERGIU HART ° Papers Dean Foster and Sergiu Hart "An Operational Measure of Riskiness" Journal of Political Economy (2009) Dean Foster and Sergiu Hart "A Reserve-Based Axiomatization of the Measure of Riskiness" (2008) c 2009 – p. 3 S ERGIU HART ° Papers (continued) Sergiu Hart "A Simple Riskiness Order Leading to the Aumann–Serrano Index of Riskiness" (2008) c 2009 – p. 4 S ERGIU HART ° Papers (continued) Sergiu Hart "A Simple Riskiness Order Leading to the Aumann–Serrano Index of Riskiness" (2008) Sergiu Hart "Comparing Risks by Acceptance and Rejection" (2009) c 2009 – p. 4 S ERGIU HART ° Gamble (“Risky Asset”) 1/2 +$120 g= 1/2 −$100 c 2009 – p. 5 S ERGIU HART ° Gamble (“Risky Asset”) 1/2 +$120 g= 1/2 −$100 Net gains and losses c 2009 – p. 5 S ERGIU HART ° Gamble (“Risky Asset”) 1/2 +$120 g= 1/2 −$100 Net gains and losses Positive expectation c 2009 – p. 5 S ERGIU HART ° Gamble (“Risky Asset”) 1/2 +$120 g= 1/2 −$100 Net gains and losses Positive expectation Some losses c 2009 – p. 5 S ERGIU HART ° Gamble (“Risky Asset”) 1/2 +$120 g= 1/2 −$100 Net gains and losses Positive expectation Some losses Pure risk (known probabilities) c 2009 – p. 5 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks c 2009 – p. 6 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks Let g and h be gambles c 2009 – p. 6 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks Let g and h be gambles Question: c 2009 – p. 6 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks Let g and h be gambles Question: When is g LESS RISKY THAN h? c 2009 – p. 6 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks Let g and h be gambles Question: When is g LESS RISKY THAN h? Answer : c 2009 – p. 6 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks Let g and h be gambles Question: When is g LESS RISKY THAN h? Answer : When RISK - AVERSE decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h ! c 2009 – p. 6 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” =? c 2009 – p. 7 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 1 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is PREFERRED = to h c 2009 – p. 7 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 1 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is PREFERRED = to h E [u(w + g)] ≥ E [u(w + h)] for every (concave) utility u and wealth w c 2009 – p. 7 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 1 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is PREFERRED = to h E [u(w + g)] ≥ E [u(w + h)] for every (concave) utility u and wealth w g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (2nd-degree) c 2009 – p. 7 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 1 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is PREFERRED = to h E [u(w + g)] ≥ E [u(w + h)] for every (concave) utility u and wealth w g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (2nd-degree) g >S h c 2009 – p. 7 S ERGIU HART ° Stochastic Dominance g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (1st-degree) g >S1 h c 2009 – p. 8 S ERGIU HART ° Stochastic Dominance g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (1st-degree) g >S1 h 1/2 1/2 +$200 +$150 >S1 1/2 −$100 1/2 −$100 c 2009 – p. 8 S ERGIU HART ° Stochastic Dominance g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (1st-degree) g >S1 h 1/2 1/2 +$200 +$150 >S1 1/2 −$100 1/2 −$100 g ′ > h′ Distribution g = Distribution g ′ Distribution h = Distribution h′ c 2009 – p. 8 S ERGIU HART ° Stochastic Dominance g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (1st-degree) g >S1 h 1/2 1/2 +$200 +$200 >S1 1/2 −$100 1/2 −$120 g ′ > h′ Distribution g = Distribution g ′ Distribution h = Distribution h′ c 2009 – p. 8 S ERGIU HART ° Stochastic Dominance g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (1st-degree) g >S1 h 1/2 1/3 +$200 +$200 >S1 1/2 −$100 2/3 −$100 g ′ > h′ Distribution g = Distribution g ′ Distribution h = Distribution h′ c 2009 – p. 8 S ERGIU HART ° Stochastic Dominance g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (2nd-degree) g >S2 h c 2009 – p. 9 S ERGIU HART ° Stochastic Dominance g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (2nd-degree) g >S2 h 1/2 1/4 +$200 1/4 >S2 1/2 −$100 1/2 +$250 +$150 −$100 c 2009 – p. 9 S ERGIU HART ° Stochastic Dominance g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (2nd-degree) g >S2 h 1/2 1/4 +$200 1/4 >S2 1/2 −$100 from g to h: a 1/2 +$250 +$150 −$100 MEAN - PRESERVING SPREAD c 2009 – p. 9 S ERGIU HART ° Stochastic Dominance g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES h (2nd-degree) g >S2 h 1/2 1/4 +$200 1/4 >S2 1/2 −$100 from g to h: a 1/2 +$250 +$150 −$100 MEAN - PRESERVING SPREAD >S2 = >S1 + mean-preserving spreads c 2009 – p. 9 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance and Rejection Let g be a gamble. c 2009 – p. 10 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance and Rejection Let g be a gamble. g is ACCEPTED by a decision-maker with utility u at wealth w if E [u(w + g)] > u(w) c 2009 – p. 10 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance and Rejection Let g be a gamble. g is ACCEPTED by a decision-maker with utility u at wealth w if E [u(w + g)] > u(w) g is REJECTED by a decision-maker with utility u at wealth w if E [u(w + g)] ≤ u(w) c 2009 – p. 10 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” = c 2009 – p. 11 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 2 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is REJECTED LESS = than h c 2009 – p. 11 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 2 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is IF THEN REJECTED LESS = than h g is rejected by u at w h is rejected by u at w for every (concave) utility u and wealth w c 2009 – p. 11 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 2 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is IF THEN REJECTED LESS = than h E [u(w + g)] ≤ u(w) E [u(w + h)] ≤ u(w) for every (concave) utility u and wealth w c 2009 – p. 11 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 2 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is IF THEN REJECTED LESS = than h g is rejected by u at w h is rejected by u at w for every (concave) utility u and wealth w c 2009 – p. 11 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 2 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is IF THEN REJECTED LESS = than h g is rejected by u at w h is rejected by u at w for every (concave) utility u and wealth w g ACCEPTANCE DOMINATES h c 2009 – p. 11 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 2 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is IF THEN REJECTED LESS = than h g is rejected by u at w h is rejected by u at w for every (concave) utility u and wealth w g ACCEPTANCE DOMINATES h g >A h c 2009 – p. 11 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” = c 2009 – p. 12 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 3 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is WEALTH - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS = than h c 2009 – p. 12 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 3 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is WEALTH - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS IF THEN = than h g is rejected by u at all w h is rejected by u at all w for every (concave) utility u c 2009 – p. 12 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 3 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is WEALTH - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS IF THEN = than h E [u(w + g)] ≤ u(w) for all w E [u(w + h)] ≤ u(w) for all w for every (concave) utility u c 2009 – p. 12 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 3 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is WEALTH - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS IF THEN = than h g is rejected by u at all w h is rejected by u at all w for every (concave) utility u c 2009 – p. 12 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 3 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is = WEALTH - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS IF THEN than h g is rejected by u at all w h is rejected by u at all w for every (concave) utility u g WEALTH - UNIFORMLY DOMINATES h c 2009 – p. 12 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 3 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is = WEALTH - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS IF THEN than h g is rejected by u at all w h is rejected by u at all w for every (concave) utility u g WEALTH - UNIFORMLY DOMINATES h g >WU h c 2009 – p. 12 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” = c 2009 – p. 13 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 4 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is UTILITY - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS = than h c 2009 – p. 13 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 4 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is UTILITY - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS IF THEN = than h g is rejected by all u at w h is rejected by all u at w for every wealth w c 2009 – p. 13 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 4 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is UTILITY - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS IF THEN = than h E [u(w + g)] ≤ u(w) for all u E [u(w + h)] ≤ u(w) for all u for every wealth w c 2009 – p. 13 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 4 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is UTILITY - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS IF THEN = than h g is rejected by all u at w h is rejected by all u at w for every wealth w c 2009 – p. 13 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 4 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is = UTILITY - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS IF THEN than h g is rejected by all u at w h is rejected by all u at w for every wealth w g UTILITY - UNIFORMLY DOMINATES h c 2009 – p. 13 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks: Take 4 “risk-averse decision-makers are LESS AVERSE to g than to h” g is = UTILITY - UNIFORMLY REJECTED LESS IF THEN than h g is rejected by all u at w h is rejected by all u at w for every wealth w g UTILITY - UNIFORMLY DOMINATES h g >UU h c 2009 – p. 13 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks by Rejection g is LESS RISKY than h ⇔ g is REJECTED LESS than h c 2009 – p. 14 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks by Rejection g is LESS RISKY than h ⇔ g is REJECTED LESS than h REJECTED = c 2009 – p. 14 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks by Rejection g is LESS RISKY than h ⇔ g is REJECTED LESS than h g >A h REJECTED = REJECTED by u at w c 2009 – p. 14 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks by Rejection g is LESS RISKY than h ⇔ g is REJECTED LESS than h REJECTED = g >A h REJECTED by u at w g >WU h REJECTED by u at ALL w c 2009 – p. 14 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing Risks by Rejection g is LESS RISKY than h ⇔ g is REJECTED LESS than h REJECTED = g >A h REJECTED by u at w g >WU h REJECTED by u at ALL g >UU h REJECTED by u at w ALL w c 2009 – p. 14 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing “Comparing Risks” c 2009 – p. 15 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing “Comparing Risks” g >S h c 2009 – p. 15 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing “Comparing Risks” g >S h ⇓ g >A h c 2009 – p. 15 S ERGIU HART ° Comparing “Comparing Risks” g >S h ⇓ ⇓ g >WU h g >A h ⇓ g >UU h c 2009 – p. 15 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results WEALTH - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results WEALTH - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : UTILITY - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results WEALTH - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order UTILITY - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results WEALTH - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order : for every g, h either g >WU h or h >WU g UTILITY - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results WEALTH - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order UTILITY - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results WEALTH - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order UTILITY - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results WEALTH - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order is equivalent to the order induced by the Aumann–Serrano index of riskiness UTILITY - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results WEALTH - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order is equivalent to the order induced by the Aumann–Serrano index of riskiness: g >WU h ⇔ RAS (g) ≤ RAS (h) UTILITY - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results WEALTH - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order is equivalent to the order induced by the Aumann–Serrano index of riskiness: g >WU h ⇔ RAS (g) ≤ RAS (h) UTILITY - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order is equivalent to the order induced by the Foster–Hart measure of riskiness c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders: Results WEALTH - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order is equivalent to the order induced by the Aumann–Serrano index of riskiness: g >WU h ⇔ RAS (g) ≤ RAS (h) UTILITY - UNIFORM DOMINANCE : is a complete order is equivalent to the order induced by the Foster–Hart measure of riskiness: g >UU h ⇔ RFH (g) ≤ RFH (h) c 2009 – p. 16 S ERGIU HART ° AS R and FH R c 2009 – p. 17 S ERGIU HART ° AS R and FH R Aumann–Serrano index of riskiness RAS : ¶¸ · µ 1 E 1 − exp − AS g =0 R (g) c 2009 – p. 17 S ERGIU HART ° AS R and FH R Aumann–Serrano index of riskiness RAS : ¶¸ · µ 1 E 1 − exp − AS g =0 R (g) Foster–Hart measure of riskiness RFH : ¶¸ · µ 1 g =0 E log 1 + FH R (g) c 2009 – p. 17 S ERGIU HART ° AS R and FH R Aumann–Serrano index of riskiness RAS : ¶¸ · µ 1 E 1 − exp − AS g =0 R (g) ( 1 / the CRITICAL RISK - AVERSION coefficient ) Foster–Hart measure of riskiness RFH : ¶¸ · µ 1 g =0 E log 1 + FH R (g) c 2009 – p. 17 S ERGIU HART ° AS R and FH R Aumann–Serrano index of riskiness RAS : ¶¸ · µ 1 E 1 − exp − AS g =0 R (g) ( 1 / the CRITICAL RISK - AVERSION coefficient ) Foster–Hart measure of riskiness RFH : ¶¸ · µ 1 g =0 E log 1 + FH R (g) ( the CRITICAL WEALTH LEVEL ) c 2009 – p. 17 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders g >S h ⇓ ⇓ g >WU h g >A h ⇓ g >UU h c 2009 – p. 18 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders g >S h ⇓ ⇓ g >A h g >WU h * ⇓ g >UU h * * = complete order c 2009 – p. 18 S ERGIU HART ° Riskiness Orders g >S h ⇓ ⇓ g >A h g >WU h * m RAS (g) ≤ RAS (h) ⇓ g >UU h * m RFH (g) ≤ RFH (h) * = complete order c 2009 – p. 18 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details c 2009 – p. 19 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details GAMBLE g: c 2009 – p. 19 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details GAMBLE g: a real-valued random variable E [g] > 0 P [g < 0] > 0 finitely many values c 2009 – p. 19 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details GAMBLE g: a real-valued random variable E [g] > 0 P [g < 0] > 0 finitely many values UTILITY u: c 2009 – p. 19 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details GAMBLE g: a real-valued random variable E [g] > 0 P [g < 0] > 0 finitely many values u: u : R+ → R (put u(x) = −∞ for x ≤ 0) strictly increasing concave UTILITY c 2009 – p. 19 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details UTILITY u (continued): c 2009 – p. 20 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details u (continued): rejection decreases with wealth: UTILITY c 2009 – p. 20 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details u (continued): rejection decreases with wealth: g rejected at w ⇒ g rejected at w′ , for w′ < w UTILITY c 2009 – p. 20 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details u (continued): rejection decreases with wealth: g rejected at w ⇒ g rejected at w′ , for w′ < w or: DARA (condition 2 of Arrow, 1965) UTILITY c 2009 – p. 20 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details u (continued): rejection decreases with wealth: g rejected at w ⇒ g rejected at w′ , for w′ < w or: DARA (condition 2 of Arrow, 1965) rejection increases with scale: UTILITY c 2009 – p. 20 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details u (continued): rejection decreases with wealth: g rejected at w ⇒ g rejected at w′ , for w′ < w or: DARA (condition 2 of Arrow, 1965) rejection increases with scale: g rejected at w ⇒ λg rejected at λw, for λ > 1 UTILITY c 2009 – p. 20 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details u (continued): rejection decreases with wealth: g rejected at w ⇒ g rejected at w′ , for w′ < w or: DARA (condition 2 of Arrow, 1965) rejection increases with scale: g rejected at w ⇒ λg rejected at λw, for λ > 1 or: IRRA (condition 1 of Arrow, 1965) UTILITY c 2009 – p. 20 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details u (continued): rejection decreases with wealth: g rejected at w ⇒ g rejected at w′ , for w′ < w or: DARA (condition 2 of Arrow, 1965) rejection increases with scale: g rejected at w ⇒ λg rejected at λw, for λ > 1 or: IRRA (condition 1 of Arrow, 1965) every gamble is sometimes rejected: UTILITY c 2009 – p. 20 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details u (continued): rejection decreases with wealth: g rejected at w ⇒ g rejected at w′ , for w′ < w or: DARA (condition 2 of Arrow, 1965) rejection increases with scale: g rejected at w ⇒ λg rejected at λw, for λ > 1 or: IRRA (condition 1 of Arrow, 1965) every gamble is sometimes rejected: for every g there is w where g is rejected UTILITY c 2009 – p. 20 S ERGIU HART ° Technical Details u (continued): rejection decreases with wealth: g rejected at w ⇒ g rejected at w′ , for w′ < w or: DARA (condition 2 of Arrow, 1965) rejection increases with scale: g rejected at w ⇒ λg rejected at λw, for λ > 1 or: IRRA (condition 1 of Arrow, 1965) every gamble is sometimes rejected: for every g there is w where g is rejected or: u(0+ ) = −∞ UTILITY c 2009 – p. 20 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance c 2009 – p. 21 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance p ∗ g = the p-DILUTION of g = c 2009 – p. 21 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance p ∗ g = the p-DILUTION of g = g with probability p, and 0 with probability 1 − p c 2009 – p. 21 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance p ∗ g = the p-DILUTION of g = g with probability p, and 0 with probability 1 − p g accepted ⇔ p ∗ g accepted c 2009 – p. 21 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance p ∗ g = the p-DILUTION of g = g with probability p, and 0 with probability 1 − p g accepted ⇔ p ∗ g accepted E[u(w+p∗g)] = pE[u(w+g)]+(1−p)u(w) c 2009 – p. 21 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance p ∗ g = the p-DILUTION of g = g with probability p, and 0 with probability 1 − p g accepted ⇔ p ∗ g accepted E[u(w+p∗g)] = pE[u(w+g)]+(1−p)u(w) Theorem. c 2009 – p. 21 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance p ∗ g = the p-DILUTION of g = g with probability p, and 0 with probability 1 − p g accepted ⇔ p ∗ g accepted E[u(w+p∗g)] = pE[u(w+g)]+(1−p)u(w) Theorem. g ACCEPTANCE DOMINATES h c 2009 – p. 21 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance p ∗ g = the p-DILUTION of g = g with probability p, and 0 with probability 1 − p g accepted ⇔ p ∗ g accepted E[u(w+p∗g)] = pE[u(w+g)]+(1−p)u(w) Theorem. g ACCEPTANCE DOMINATES ⇔ h there exist p, q ∈ (0, 1] such that p ∗ g STOCHASTICALLY DOMINATES q ∗ h c 2009 – p. 21 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance c 2009 – p. 22 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance For every g with E[g] > 0 g >A 2g c 2009 – p. 22 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance For every g with E[g] > 0 g >A 2g g ®S 2g c 2009 – p. 22 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance For every g with E[g] > 0 g >A 2g g ®S 2g : E[g] < E[2g] c 2009 – p. 22 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance For every g with E[g] > 0 g >A 2g : 2 u(w + x) ≥ u(w + 2x) + u(w) g ®S 2g : E[g] < E[2g] c 2009 – p. 22 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance For every g with E[g] > 0 g >A 2g : 2 u(w + x) ≥ u(w + 2x) + u(w) 2 E[u(w + g)] ≥ E[u(w + 2g)] + u(w) g ®S 2g : E[g] < E[2g] c 2009 – p. 22 S ERGIU HART ° Acceptance Dominance For every g with E[g] > 0 g >A 2g : 2 u(w + x) ≥ u(w + 2x) + u(w) 2 E[u(w + g)] ≥ E[u(w + 2g)] + u(w) IF E[u(w + g)] ≤ u(w) THEN E[u(w + 2g)] ≤ u(w) g ®S 2g : E[g] < E[2g] c 2009 – p. 22 S ERGIU HART ° Summary c 2009 – p. 23 S ERGIU HART ° Summary g is LESS RISKY than h whenever risk-averse agents are LESS AVERSE to g than to h c 2009 – p. 23 S ERGIU HART ° Summary g is LESS RISKY than h whenever risk-averse agents are LESS AVERSE to g than to h AVERSION to a gamble: REJECTION c 2009 – p. 23 S ERGIU HART ° Summary g is LESS RISKY than h whenever risk-averse agents are LESS AVERSE to g than to h AVERSION to a gamble: REJECTION rejection of different gambles should be compared whenever it is SUBSTANTIVE: UNIFORM over a range of decisions c 2009 – p. 23 S ERGIU HART ° Summary g is LESS RISKY than h whenever risk-averse agents are LESS AVERSE to g than to h AVERSION to a gamble: REJECTION rejection of different gambles should be compared whenever it is SUBSTANTIVE: UNIFORM over a range of decisions g is less risky than h whenever g is uniformly rejected less than h by risk-averse agents c 2009 – p. 23 S ERGIU HART ° Summary g >S h ⇓ ⇓ g >A h g >WU h * m RAS (g) ≤ RAS (h) ⇓ g >UU h * m RFH (g) ≤ RFH (h) * = complete order c 2009 – p. 24 S ERGIU HART ° Summary c 2009 – p. 25 S ERGIU HART ° Summary ORDINAL approach to riskiness c 2009 – p. 25 S ERGIU HART ° Summary ORDINAL approach to riskiness (Aumann–Serrano and Foster–Hart: “cardinal") c 2009 – p. 25 S ERGIU HART ° Summary ORDINAL approach to riskiness (Aumann–Serrano and Foster–Hart: “cardinal") OBJECTIVE: depends only on the gambles c 2009 – p. 25 S ERGIU HART ° Summary ORDINAL approach to riskiness (Aumann–Serrano and Foster–Hart: “cardinal") OBJECTIVE: depends only on the gambles (not on any specific decision-maker) c 2009 – p. 25 S ERGIU HART ° Summary ORDINAL approach to riskiness (Aumann–Serrano and Foster–Hart: “cardinal") OBJECTIVE: depends only on the gambles (not on any specific decision-maker) STATUS QUO: current wealth w c 2009 – p. 25 S ERGIU HART ° Summary ORDINAL approach to riskiness (Aumann–Serrano and Foster–Hart: “cardinal") OBJECTIVE: depends only on the gambles (not on any specific decision-maker) STATUS QUO: current wealth w (in addition to the utility u) c 2009 – p. 25 S ERGIU HART ° Summary ORDINAL approach to riskiness (Aumann–Serrano and Foster–Hart: “cardinal") OBJECTIVE: depends only on the gambles (not on any specific decision-maker) STATUS QUO: current wealth w (in addition to the utility u) g >A λg for every λ > 1 c 2009 – p. 25 S ERGIU HART ° Summary ORDINAL approach to riskiness (Aumann–Serrano and Foster–Hart: “cardinal") OBJECTIVE: depends only on the gambles (not on any specific decision-maker) STATUS QUO: current wealth w (in addition to the utility u) g >A λg for every λ > 1 (ALL risk-averse agents reject λg more than g) c 2009 – p. 25 S ERGIU HART °