~ 3. ;t 1/ . No.. FIN-(PR)B(7)-15/98-11f Government of Himachat Pradesh (Pay" Revision Finance ) ,De partment. .. From .. The.PrincipalSecretary (Finance)'.tpthe GovemmentOf -Hirn~chaJpra:desh, '. ..' To 1. .All Administrative Secretaries to the ..,Gqvernment 2; ofH.imachal Pradesh;. ". AU Heads of Departments in Himachal Pradesh, 1,~J;:":-fk Subject December, 2006 Revis;onof!atces of wages of daily wage Workers and workers engaged on part-,timebasis in H;machatPr~desh. Sir/Madam.. , .. .."nsu~rsess!o.nOf thisDepartment'$lett~r of even number dated 12thAugust, am~!rectedtosay that the rates of~atfywage$ln respectofvarJouscategorleso,f workers engaged on daily wages!n Himachal Pradesh, are fev.js~d w.e.f:.. 1st January, ZOO7asshown jriA""~xure..~'~ . 2. The per hour rate of part-time workers is alsO revised from It; w,e.f .1SfJanuary..20oi ?.. AU those engaged o'19aijy~age basis/part-tjmebasi$ in the Scheduled T~ib~'Areas of the State sh~1I be allowed -'25% enhancement On therevrs~ddaiJy wag$~ a$per Finan~..oepartmeiir$ Office Memorandu~ No.7. 04..1998... 4. ~ These rates wiJlbe "applicabJe to all those working in various Governtrent Departments., As for as the PSUs/Universities/' Autonomous B9d1eslBoardsetc. areqoncerned., these enhanced rates shall be applicable to theQ1 only If the manag~ments. of these PSUS/Universjtiesl Aut.onomousBpdies/Boards' etc. take a deGislon in this resource.sin .fheirorganization... the h. »... Contd F'~21- " . -2- No, FI.N-(PR)B(7)-15/98-IIiOatedShimla-2. thet'S ~ December, 2006 OoPYfo~ardedfor.information and necess~rv action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 .' :.The Accountant G"eneral, Him~chaJ Prade$h,ShirhJa-171003. . The Senior Deputy AcCountant General, (A&E) Himachal Pradesh. Shimla-171QO3.. ,,(.., 0..., TheRegistrar,Generaf,Himachal Pradesh,HighC,ouri, Shlmla-1. .., . The'Di~rSion~.. ,Th~ResidentComm'isslonerl.:H.P;. Sikandra Road,. New DeJhf. Th e Secremry.. " H..P..SEI .. R ~u 'Jstory: CommJsslon. tat~ 'ectrlClty .. 7~ 8. 9. 10. 1,1. Keonthal Bhawahi,Khafinj,ShimJa-171002.' . All the D;strict a.ndSes~ions'Judges'1n Himachal Pradesh. AJI the Distri~t Treasuryf J reasuryOfficersin HirnachalPradesh. Secretary, HP;Sta~ Electricity Boar~$,Sbimla~1710Q4.. 'The Registrar,H..P:- Uni\lersityjShirt1la~171.o05... The Registrar,..H'..P.~rishi'VishwavjdyaJ.ya, .palampuf,. District Kangra. ,. , 12. The Registrar. Dr; Y. S. 'Parmar Uruversity of Horticulture aoo , . Forestry, Solan (Nauru)} HimachaJPradesh. ..." 1'3. The S~cretarY,H.~" Board of SchooJEdutati,<;>nDh~ramsala,'. Distt, Karl fa. ' .'. . 14. ,A~'~Ublic ,Himachal PJade~h. 15;.., The DeputY Commissioner, ,Relief and Rehabt.Jitation. Bea5 Project, ,. TalwaraTownship, Punjab., . 16. AI..lSectioh50f. FinanceDepartm~ht.. 17. Guard Fiteo1,OO spareoopies. . . Additiona ecre ~ty ,t e G{)v~TiimentofH.jrriachaf. pradeSh. . , ANNEXURE-A ~~:'" 51. __r-;,,_-: Designation. ' No. , .';. " 'j 2. 3. :3. Bejd~r (MazdOor/CasuallabourerMate. Cook 4..5. ,Mali 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.bO ]5.00 75.00 75.00 T. Mate (Electrical) . 6. Chowkidar 7. Helper 8./ Sweeper Cleaner 75..00 Swereman , 75.00 9. 10. 11. 12. Khatasi Electrical Beldar 13. Bhisti : 14. Stqre Attendant 15. Laboratory Attendant (Under MC3tric) 16. Pump Atteridant 17. Boat Man 18. .Process Server 19. 20. 21. White Washer ,. .. Syce Peon 75..00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75;00 75.00 79.00 75..00 75.00 75.00 22. Frash 75.00 75.00 23, ChaInman 75.00 24. Un SkiUed L~bourer 75.00 25. Quarry Man 26. 75.00 Jumper Man 75.00 27. 28. 29. 30. Driller 75..00 Sprayman . Assistant Saw Mill Operator 75.00 75.00 75.00 31. 32. 33. 34. PER DAY 2007 1. 2. REVISED RATE EFFECTIVE FROM15t. JANUARY :\"+~"": ~",~"i 1, ' . Feller (Garani) Logger Dresser (Pachani) Climber (Looper) Zoo AnimalAttendant , 75.00 75.00 75.00' 75.00 ~ . it 35. 36. 37. Grinder for Chips Flooring 38. Misc. Labourer 39, Char~oal Burning Labour 40. Pipe Lineman 41 Survey Khalasi . 42. 43. 44. 45. Bill Distributor 46, Fire W;itcher Calli perman 75.00 75.00 75.00 75,00 75.00 75~00 75..00 75.00. 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 , Ferro Khalasi Water Guard Stone Dresser 47. Keyman Assistant Fitter 48." Valueman 49. Ubrary Attendant. (Cla$s-lV) 50. Luskar 51." Gauge Reader. 52. Dhorn 53. Oai . 2... Carpenter (GradeRIV) '3.' Fire man- 80: 50 4. 5. PumpOperator-cum-Helper Ptumber 2~ Class' 80.50 . 80;50 6; .Field Assistant-cum-Operator 80.50 -.0" 0" .;: 80 . 50, i: ., Z. White Wa&'~er 3. Bar Binder. 4. Sawyer (Charani) 5. Muleteer 82. 50 82. 50 i. 82. 50 82. 50 1. Caneman 88.00 . ~ , ;,", 1. ,,2. TelephQn,eAttendaht Electrical Mistry .'.' i 95.50 95..50 , .. ~ * 50 kS BI a 9,.; ' tt,; "' ,acmt,; 9W .e, ': "", 95 50 95c. 50 "' 9 ~5 "'.. Idre, g eman' ' 12. Pump Operator : .50 ...;:' 95.50 13. ..Sand Plant Operater 15~ Driver:Oxygen Plant 16~ Hot MixPlanfOperator -17. Plumber Grade-II M'.-""' ason 'Grae.. .dll 20. Mason GradeM.ltl 21, Painter Grade-:[ "',' .'" '..' :' 26. Earth Work Mlstr;y ' 34 Elt " ' nA t , , ..". ,.' .' " p9550 ' t SSIS an t0 ,pera .' ,'. ' ,c,' ",";"';""".';;~"f: "';, 9550 '95 50 '.;"'c.., "95 50 ,'C ',: 95.50 :. ~" Car~nterGrade"ftJ,-:: 38--~C6m ,95.50 '.. c C", 36. Operator _39 ..:,",A .,,; .:, ." "' .ecrJCla"U"o "37... 9' S50 ;c,,'" ",95..50 ,',...; '.'. ,. Electrl CIan- if ',,: ". Pipe Fitter Grade-IJ Mortar Mate Grade-t ?!3c ~:::-::"'.:, ' 95.50 .95.50 24 25 ~, 9550 ..' " :c""'.' F}oor FInisher, -3'i:-Re~n;st , :': .'; 19 , 23., 95; 50'-'.,.: " ;"". 95 50 '. 95.50 "" C~"'""' 95.50,' " ," ~;:7;A t or " ' 9550 .' ,:t. ~, ~ 41 - ..e TI h ep one 42 ".'Road c 43~ 0 t pera or :;'..,; Ins peCtor: .,'.,' .!'"' " ~:;i;. : ~ ,.,':' .,': Work Supervisor 95 50 c..,;i;;"iJfj ~~7" :, 95 5.O "i;'i;:,:,!;,;'i~ c'c; ~;~"""J:~ft~;c , :!:~~ r ~ 95;50 Store Clerk StoreKeeper Water Works Clerk 47. Patwari ...95..50 C-,",-C'=;.!" 48. Cinema Projector Operator 49. Computer 51. Data Entry Operator ry " c 95.50 95.50. :,c." ,:;~, 95;50;; ~;";;:;'.".';;'; ';." 95 " 50 "." : '.. ; ,. ;' 53. Tailor 95.50 Sa~ Mill Operator t WkM 56 ' or IS ry.' .,c" :c;l'1 ;'c 550 c'." ;; ;;- ';"0; 58. Assistant Pump Operator 95.50 Price Store Ledger Clerk Lab.Technician 63. A.ssi$tant 62. BillClerk 60. ';:':; .' ,," , 95~50 '. ...\ ::. 95;50 c ." Loader Operator Steno-typist ry Assistant- 69. -""'C~~;" ' g550 95 50 'c .., 71. 72.: Book ,Binder Tabla M~ster 73.DaW y'" (. 95..50 . : 95 . 5 Irrigation BOokingC :' 95.50 .i. Room Assistant' " 76 lerk"" f 0 9550 ' .c.,.. ; Ferro Printer . ,'~ ~ 4: 82 Laboratory Attendants (MatrlculateJ . 102.00 . 4.. Mason 2.. 5,; Painter 1st Ctass(ForestPepanme -6, rest Departme ni~t~mhArAr (Forest Deoartment) "7 1 inorn~n , ~unlor Draftsman (Tracers) I u~.uu . l'lni",r R~~I~ Steno 9. PipeF.itter Grade-I 1'20.00 t.. Junior Tailoring Mistress 136.00 2..c Mason 1st CI~ss (Forest Department) 136.00 7 Carpenter (1st Class) (Forest Dep~rtment) 136.00 \1.:- J ,c ~ 165.00 1. ~ Hyqrogeologist. ~ 21 0.00 . t -~ -