..-,~ :: .. ..." , 4' )," . ..r ;' .' r ~ I" " " ..' / -' To' , .~ \~ No. Fii1(PR~B(7)'15/93 . Go\"ernmen.t. of Hima{,:hal Pradesh .'rinance(Pay ReviSion)'Department , , . From ,~.".--"" -," --"" , .,,'.';'~ .r':"'\ It) " ,,' . - . . The',F,C'cum:.secretary(Finance'to:the:. Go'tTernment of Himachal Pradesh. " , ..". .1. All'Adr{'.iniStr~.tiye : \c Secretaries to the " l, ", " Government of Hi..uachalP.roadesl1 .!:j ~. All He~ "":"c;,- ..' in Himachal PI'adesh ' " ." 3: All De;puty Commissioneios fu'Himsc..~alPradesh 'Ct' '.- ofbepartments , eubject: i ; Dated Shimla'171002, the 22nd . Septem~er;,200l.. ' .'- Ri::;\-is~On"of. rates" of "rage~ of da~y w,age workers and workers engaged on proot-time basis in "Himachal ' Pradesh. .Sir. ."In i superst;ssion of this 'Department's letters of even numfi~1' :dated 13th August, 1998, 20tr. Octobe-:,1998 and J_6th ..\pril.1999 on 'the subject noted above, I am dir~t.~d to sa~,-,that tIre ra.t~esofdflily ~ages in respect 'm variou~ categorie~ of daily wa~r~ engaged in ,'molls bepartments in H.P. are rev1sefl as. sho\v-n in .-\r1;uexure'I. per how workers"is from Rs. 6.'f:)ijThe !?er hour to Rs.rate 7..00of perpart-time hour w,e.f'. 1.8..2{)01. also . rEviSed , .,..;\J~..'those, in the Scned...ueclTribal f ' enga~ed on daily v."a~'eb~iis.ipa..-rt.time bfiSis" "~L\reas , of the State shan be ' allo,,'ed 25?/O enhancement on tbe revised 'daily wages as per Finance Departm,ent's" Office Memorandum No. FIN(:PR)B(V.-~/£\5-IIdated 17-04-1998..'. \ -I Dr!1 further to request that the- L-.fC)rmanon .in. resp~ of left out c~t..eg,oriesof, ('aily ~'3gers,.. if an)"!; may k'inilly De se~t I to thl~ Depe.:rtment ~1 .-\nne~ure'U" Implediately so that tihe ,d;.;ill~' ~rage r~tes in respect of such categories c~n also be re,"ised. ~ These rates ~ill be applicable 'to all those workillg in various De~rtmentsf CorporatIons! Boards[ Autonor:n°\,1S bodies under the state Government throughout ilia Prade£b. ,. . ~~oUrsfaitr1ullv, (' "~. / ,. ~.. r 1, ," ,/... (R':N.-Batta) -PR) to t.h~ " Additional S~rotaJ.-yj.Fin Government of Himachal Prlclesh. ' .. r I '" , ,,' '.' .. .J ;. ."'~ " -,'- .. ".,.:'"",,',": -" . I 0 -0 j r' " " :~;, 'No. FIN(~~1f:~~!98 bated S~imla-2, the '_'--0"""""':'" , ClIPV,fM".'$j ardeil to .' ;::4:--;'1. The Cf!m'u'1.is~ion~r(R~vt?nue)lllimachal ~2: , ,," . ' 22nd SeptE'mber ~2001. ,~ Pradesh, s~imla-2. ,I ' The Resident Commissioner,H.p...SikancLara Road. New Delhi. " 3. AlIDistr~tandSessjon iT1.1dg~in-Himachal Pradesh. 4. The Registxar. .~ HiIn-achal Pradesn'Hig-b ' ,=0 Court. . SI').imla-171001. ',5. The AssistantDirector.H,I.P ..A..F~il'la\\-n~ Shimla.171012: 6. All th~Di.c;t.rict TreaSllTY' Ofl'icersrrr~.asufv Officer; in H.P; .7. 0The Acco~mtant Gene~ei~ HLmac'l}o(llPra<.le~h, Shimla" 17 !OO3. 8. The Sen,ior Deputv~ Accountant General 't£\&E),Himachal ' Pradesh. ,Shimla'1710J3. . 10.T'l,le The Sreretary Regi?tr8r~H..P.University, Shimla-171005. 9. ,H.p.St-ate El~tJ:icity Bbo;rd, Shimla -171004. ~ 11. The Registral; H.P.KrisbiVish,,\T3vidyalva,'Palampur, q KangTa, HWlacb~Prad4?sh. .~ . Dlstt. '" .12.Tpe Re~T/raro' Dr. Y.S.Parroar University ~fllorticuln1r.e -Forest;1'V, Solano(Na'J.n1),Hj.macbal Pradesh. , 13. Th'~ Se<;ret:ary, ~' . Board of School Education, Kang;ra, Himachal Prad~l'1. 0 -.' and Dharamsala, .- Distt. . 'i4, AU, Public Undertili..t-gsJ Cor'Porations/,Boa~ds in Him&chal .,Prc:~desh. ' "w .' " .~ 15. The D~put,y qommissioner" F,e1ief and,Rehablit.D~tjO!l, B~as. .' 'Project, Talwara To\vnship, pupjab. . 16. All seCtions {)fFinanceD~I?artment (Except tirlance-C 17. Guard File , 100 S::>areCouies. ..~ S~tion).. . O.' 0 i - ~ .o! " Addition.al '. ' j~');l.y./..., '1l,.S~.1'et~.l'~T~Fin'PRJ to ~he 0 Oo\'er~ment of Himachal Pl'ad~r-h , .. -. , ( " j . 't ,. , . . -~nneiure-f ~,- .'~ -tJ!!:.'r~ "--'-'_:'__"_..f._':-, '",~-o '-' 1.', B'2ld~r(MazdoorjCatJsat.labourer) ; -~ 2. ~1ate " 3. -.:-': took :'--: .w.ei. 1.8.2001 :-Rs:S5~OO~ '--' -: Rs. '55.00 ~, '" Rs. 55.00 \ Ma)i. ...Rs. T. r-1ate~ElectriCBI) .Rs. Chowkidar Rs. 55.00 Helper 'Rs. 55.00 S,weeper Rs: 55.00 Clean~r ,. Rs. 55.00 S~rem3n Rs.55,00 . Khalasi E1e;cCrica.l Beidar , 14 15 16 .17, 18 19 ~() '. Bhistf .Rs. Store If).ttendi}flt :0 .labor~torv Attendant Pump Attend"ht ., Boi;Jt,f'.'1an j /' ProcessSe:ver Wh!teWasher SY'~~.." , 2~ Peon 22:23 24" , 25 26 27 28 29 Frash Cha,nmQn Un-~jl.i!IEdLabourer Quarry ~13r. .::<'5:. Jum~r Man Dril!er Sorayman A~[stantSa'tJ Mill Operator Fe 11 fer '\ Ga) ram ..,... "'30 55.00 55.00 Rs. 55.00 Rs 55.00 " "- .Rs. 55.00 Rs. 55.00 55.00 Rs. 55./J0 Rs. 55;00..':',. Rs. s5.o6'Rs. 55;CO C K':i.~.~.., Rs :55.00 ' 31 loggar 32 33 34 ~5 3G 37 Dresser (P.:Ichanj\ Climber (Looper) Zoo Amnia! Attendent Fire WQtcher Grinder fo~ Chips:f'looring Calliperman. . ..' F,s;~j.(,~' r;.5: 55:))'} Rs: 55.0_0 j::',S:55.o.)Q. ~s. 55.00 ~s. S~.O'3 ' P.S'. '55',00 Misc. Labourer' KS. 55.00 '39 Cha li:oa I Burning Labour ~:' 55;00 44 Pipe Lineman SurJeyKhalasi Bill Distribu1or Ferro-Kha1asi \A/aterGuard .! :,,', r.::" R9...$s'ao".~'\_" Rs: 55:00 Rs: 55.CrQ.' 5~5.vo Rs. 53,00 P..s,55.dO , R~. 55..00 ,Rs:: 55.00 ~-{'\ o P",. --:~"'" : 38 ! 40 41 -: 42 , 43 l 85,' ,55.00 , "'Rs;5~.gG. .R$. 55.OC0Rs..';;~.qo .. ,~S..55SiO /;c;..':--,,"'-:-~O J 'OJ T , ' .i[~";.- ..~, '.,. ':}" I' I ~~~':\"~.:.: .. .,'!, -' '. ,. ,. , j ,45 .47 , Ii ,~ '. stone Oress',)r " Keyman 4_~ -,~- " .Rs. Valueman ...1 t.' t' .. + ~ , ...:,.~," - ~ ,'. "" ~i. co 55.00 .c, f", ._~~WOO~::'.~- Af>SistantFittei '48 '. I',c \ --'-~--~-~-~/ .~ "..,':,.., ... .: ' Rs. 55.00 ...~~. .Rs.55..00;, :i,~~ ,;' ~1~ ~,~".-,c ,- ." , , 1. 2 Uph~r ~ carpenter (Grade.IV)' 3 Fireman 4 ,5 ,. "'.f." ..Bar B4nder ..,,' S(1~\I'(~r(Charani) ..I'IUi~"~".,r, 3 Canernan a '"d ,.,""., ChrI Jrl",""'V" " I':, ' , Tetepnor.e Attendent [ ' ~,2 1M'O+ le,-'.!~ ! ~ry R~ft~~for.Mechanic' 4 S 6 7 Fitter Grade-II , Fitter Grade~I' 'Turner Fitter Structural 1. i' 2 8 910 .-, ,~,. --,r"'- " , '; .Rs. .pe ~.' ~. .'~ I It,. 1 . . '' . -n ,. .\' , i ,i:. , ~:~~\':" .."'.:;-:; '." " ' ., F~~::70~50 Rs. 70.!i0 , Rs.10.50 Rs. 70.50 : " ::~. '. \'..: "- '(:) . I .Rt;.:.iOSO ' .~ .,'.:/': ~~ " I '.' , ~ fts, 70.5~ ~P.$. '" 0: ?G,50 om 50 I~..., (I). R -'0 L';F\ s. I-.~J Rs,70.5'J' R.s. iv.50 Pipe Riter Grade-ll' .?s. -I I R$. '70;50 Rs,70..50 ..." -;§ :.~~~~§~~;L__~ . . 70:50 Rs. ;:0.50 ~~ 7'). \., 50 "i'\.;:t. ~amter Grade-I B\a~n Grade.II Floor FInisher - ... Rs. 70.50P,s. 10,50 Rs. i'O,S3i ~I?,$.70. SO, " .-' . ~ I.,.;.) 0 .Rs. 70.50 , ~ , 21 22, 2"3 ..~~I' ~': :,:t "" ...t .~-" ..Rs. PlumberGrad,~~l Maso" MG Grade.:tl d ..~ ason ~r~ e.li~ '( P.s. 61,OJ Rs. 61:00 ""100 '~ 0 ., " 6h t:;,~ 65.00 , "".--v f~s. 70,50 / -18 20 19. ;;':~. _!,)'. ", Hot Mb<P!an'lOperatQr Plumber Grnde.ll '\ ,R$. 59.:.~~~.!-~, ;0" ?"". 6 ...\./. I roo Rs:.61.00. c , 16 17 ., -~t ;~~, ~i:. 0.. Ori\~r Qxygen Pli~nt ..,' , Rs. ,59;00 :.~;::! ,R5. 59.00 '" '.','.: ;:!, .' -~_~l--~---~~-~.- is;. 24 ~ .' Bld~,:;mith' '/I;lelder' M ecllClrnc "'.. 11 .Electrtca1 Chargeman P;,1mp'Oper?t9r. 13 Sand Plant Operator' 1:4 Operator, "', -;;" , \ l' -_."'~-'--~-'_. , :' , ., .- ~}: 0.. t:/"\ );1.GO -,,c -,,~. It,'::- Fjeld A,s.Sir.ta'nt.cum-O "rator Pm-"!~I 2n d '"'... "1~ss White Wa$her 3 4 5 .12 t 1 R S. 559',00 9" 00 ...~t F~$. I .~. Pl.\mp (Jperator-cumc"'Helper .Plumber 2nd Class 1. 1 2 "-' 0 .,', ;~ ." Q.r~PI,1, :; ~ .' ' -', " ,. I .. , ..' 70.?O .,. , ;" .. ~ , .;:, :..' ,- .-,,: . ," '",1;1 ~,' ,.,:,.~';.: \" i ' . "~ ;! .~ 2~---Ea'rth~-W;;;kMi;-;Y-~ : 27 28 29 30 31 ( ')~' \. , =- Work Inspector Ferry Inspector Store Munshi Forest Guard Receptionist Rs.70.50 Rs.70.50 .Rs.70.50 Rs. 70.50 Rs. 70.50 \ 32 Lab. Assistant -~--~~~~~I---' .34 . .' ~ Electrician Auto Rs.70.50 .'. ~ Rs. 70~50 , ~--~.<;..9;~~ :I ~!LQI!~~ ~:~==~~~~; :---~ ' . ~ . -,. ~- L- 37 38 39 40 41 Carpenter Grade.III Complaint Clerk AssistantOperator General Operator Telephone operator"'" 42 Road Inspector, RS'.70.50 Rs. 70. sa Rs. 70.50 Rs. 70.50 .Rs.70.50 \ ,.. ' Rs. 70.50 _~__~~I~~P.~!Y.!~--~_-:__-: , " Store Clerk Store Keeper \,A./ater Works Clerk Patwari Sinema Projector Operator \..omputor Plumber Data Entry Operator Electrical Mistry Tailor i Ce;rk. Saw t4ill 'Operator : \N;Ork-Mistry ",.jireman' Rs. 70.50 Rs. 70. SO Rs. 70; r,o Rs. 70.50 ..Rs. 70'..50 P.!;,.70.5'J R.s.70.50 Rs.70.50 Rs. 70,SO R.s.70. SO Rs. 70.50 Rs.--70.S0 ~.s. 7'0.50 Rs. 70.50 .AssistantPump Operator Price Store,LedgerClerk. Bill Clerk' -M,et6fReader Ass\stant St-;)reKeeper Lab. TeChnician" Rs. 70..,5') ,Rs. 70.5.0 Rs. 70.~J Rs. 70.50 R$. 70.50 Rs. --'70.50 InS:;.fument Mecha.nic Fitter Mechanic LoaGer Operator Chargeman Rs. 70.50 Rs. 70.50 .-Rs. 70.50 ~- -. 0., 70 SO.~ ~..: Rs. 7').50 r, ""'~' ,1Dt~. r R.s.10.50 ,~ P..6.70.50 _Rs.70.50 LibJarY:p.tte~.jant(dass-llI) --'-,;--~ .. .Rs. 70.50 .Book B\nder Taoia r-1aster Ca~'k:lOOI'!As:,i'F:.arlt .-' . ,P,s.10.50 Gatekeeper c"'en O .'-'1"'..,0. -,\.I~"rl";;)'" Llbra~ Assistant , 74 " "', ~~ '--:-~- I Rs. 70..50 Rs. -~-~ 70.50 i .--' ~" / ,., .., ., \ '~ , t. '., .'. " 2 ' Road Roller) Stone Chisler Driver Shawal Rs. 75.00 3' .4 Carpenter 2nd Class(Forest Department) Masson 2nd Class (Forest Department)..., Rs. 75.00 Rs. 75.00 5 Painter Rs. 75.00 .6 1st Class (Forest Distemperer Department) (Forest Deptt.) , ;linior Junior 3 4 ' .5 Draftsman (Tracers) Scale Steno Rs. 88.50 Rs. 88.50 Agriculture Extension Officer Ship Modeling Instfuctor Surveyor', 6 7 Electrician Driller 8 9 Assistant Driller Pipe Fitter Grade.! Grade-! Rs. 88.50' Rs.88.50 Rs. 88.50 4 i 10 Mason Grade IV Diesal Automechanic .Rs. 12 Black Smith Grade-IV , Meson 1st Crass (Forest Carpenter Grade-! Assistant Chemist Foreman Assistant Foreman Carpenter (1st Class) Rs. 88.50 ":' ~-@ Deparb11ent) Rs. 100.50 100.50 Rs. 1,00. SO Rs. 100.50 Rs. 100.50 100.50 ,Rs. " .Rs. Investigators Recorder 4 .~--~~!:!~~ Draftsman Draftsman 4 Coach Rs. 110.0 Rs. 110.00 .. . : L-~neer-~~ 2 3 . 88.50 -~~~~~!L_-~--~-,-~~ Auction .' Rs. 88.50 .'l-'-j";:;;;~'Taij~ng~~e"SS .2. . Rs. 88. 50.. Rs. 88.50 -'1.- ' ~~~~'---'--'-~-~~~--:--- '1 , . Rs. 88.50 Rs. 88.50 11 \2 3" 4 5 6 7 , ~- 1 2 ' , Rs. 75.00 : .' . :-~ .'. (Arch. Wing) 7:.:ta 'Rs. 1~2.50 Rs, 1~2.50 ~ , , R:s. 13,2.50 i" Rs.. 154,50 .. ,~. .. I ! :t~.. ' .:, ...6 ..,~:_:'~" " . ;.' ~. .,;:i ."" \' . , ,~ '0 , .. . -' No. FIN-(PR)B(7)-15/98-11 GovernmGnt of Himachal Pradesh ",:, Fjnance (Pay Revisiqn) Department. The Principal Secretary (Finance) to the .From '.. Government of Himachal Pradesh. To .-1. ( .' ." ., ~., .. ..: 2.." -~".'c,:':':' "., . ~ All Administrative Secretaries to the Government of H1machal Pradesh. .-, " -',," '1.;. .' . All Heads of Departments in Himach.'3.1Pradesh. . All Deputy Commissioners '~!,.3.,.. in Himachal Pradesh: :\,';~:,::" -:- : ," Dated'Shimla..17100t, , Subjsct; the L 9 ~ July: 2002 Revision, of rCJtes of; wa-ges of dai)y wage" worksrs and workers engaged on part-time .basis in Himachal Pradesh., "" " Sir/Madam . I " In supersession of this Department's letter of even nu,f11ber dated 22:~_,S.£ptember..2001 on the subject cited above, I am di~e.:;(edto :-sav~al the .-ates of daily wages in resp-eJ;t...Qf-Y-arious---categoriesof ,,' .~_."..~" ~;rkers ehg2g~q.9B-,,~i!~~~~J:J,!~hal Pradesh, are re~ised w.o.f. ,..-' -1 August,2002 as shown m Anngxl.tr~-"A".. " , .-"-, ,0., , ,2, ,The per hour ra~e of part-time workars is ~Iso'revised from "'c. , , -Rs.7.QOp'erhourtoRs,7.50perhourw,e.f.1.8.2002,'; 3. All those engaged on d,aily wage bas~s/pa~~tim(l basr~Jn the .on. Scheduled Tribal Areas of the State shall be aifowed 25% enh~ncem~nt' the revised daily wages as per Finance Department's Office Memora.ndum No, FIN (PR)B(7)-1/9S-11 catad$. 4. to requestif that inform~tlon i:'1 ':e;;;pe9t J.~ij out categoriesI am of further daily; wagers, any,themay' kindly b~ sent toof th_is. -:; ...5, Department on the proforma annexed as P~nnexure-8 immediately $0 tf!~ I the daHy we.ge rates in respect of such categories could alsqbe r~y!os~.. c These rates vlill be applicable to all tho$e workinginv~rloti;s Depa:1ments/Corp?rations/Boards/Autonomous Bodies under tn,i3' ~ta~c Government throuohout the Pradesh.' ~., -' .,' ", Yoursfaith(P1ly, .,~, ", -(Rakesh .' c: , ' ..: :" ,.. 0 '(, ',0 Y~:.i_--~' -r..:. :K~I;J~~al) qn I?~ , .,,' '0~ :,. Special Secr~~ry ~F'~!-PR)~9 H'-~f': h..,t ""'r --d t:)t?e sh c-,:~'~;::r:,:' .' ..:t !l1~ Q r;~ Government v\, -.:,:C:':;t';~'::'-" ", , ..I ' (I{ ." -' ' ..~nr,., P-2/':...: Co, ,".'~,~~i)" "~ .":~:.{!"" ..' .' .0"" .. . ~ The Accountant General, Himechal Pradesh, Shimla-171 003 The Senior Deputy Accountant Shimla-171003. General,(A&E) - Himachal Pradesh, The Commissioner (Reyenue), rtmachal Pradesh, Shimla-2. The Resident Commissioner, H.P., Sikandra Road, New Delhi. The Secretary, H.P: State Electricity Rsgu!atory Commission. Keonth:a Bhawan, Khilini, 6h.im'la-171002. 6. All the District and Sessions Judges in Himachal Pradesh. 7. The F<egistrar, Himachal Pradesh High Court; Shimla-171 001 . 8. The Assistant Director, HIPA, Fair lawns, Sh!mla-171012. 9. All the District Treasury! Treasury Offic,ers in Himachal Pradesh. 10. Secretary, H.P. State Electricity Boards, Shimla-171004. 11. The Registrar, H.P. University, Shimia-171005. 12. The Registrar, H.P. Krishi Vishwavidyalya, Palampur, District Kangra. 13. The Registrar, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horti'iulture and Forestry, Solan (Nauni), Himachal Pradesh. The Secretary, H.P."Board of School Education Dharamsala, Distt. Karigra; . 15. AI] Public Undertakings!Corporat:onsfBo~rds in Himachal Pradesh. 16. The DeputyCommj"s~.ione! ..Relief and Re"habilitation, Seas Project, Tafwara To~mship, Punjab. 17~ All Sections: of Finance Department. 18. GlJard File 100 spare copies. 14: "- .,,-1.); tl t(n~\ " (Rakesh Kaushal) Special Secretarl (F.lN-PR) to the "Government t)f Himach~1 Prades/i. . ~" ": . . i';;': ,~) ;;' 51. No, Designation m :.-' 9: , " I ~ . ' --' \' ..\J.'\r~"EXLtRE-A =- ,,' -::;:= _:: :: RevIsed per da~ Rate w, e f. 1.8.2002. " 1.. Beldar (Mazdoor/Casual!abourer' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6; 7. Mate Cook" Mali T. Mate (Electrical) Chowkidar Helper 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1.6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 2 -I. 28, 2Q. 30, , 31. Sweeper Cleaner. S.wereman .Khalasi Ele«rical Beldar Bhi~ti Store Attendant Laboratory Attendant Pump Attendant Boat Man Process Server White Washer Syce Peon' Frash Chainman .~ Un Skilled Labourer Quarry Man Jumper Man Drl,er .11 Sprayman I Assistant Saw Mill Operator Feller (Garani) Logger 32. 38~:" 34. 35. 36. 37. ~8. 39. 40. 41 42. 43. 44. Dresser (Pachani) Climber (Lf'loper) .-Rs. Zoo Animal Attendant Fire Watcher Grinoder for Chips Flooring' Calliperman Misc. Labourer Charcoal Burning Labour PIpe Lineman Survey KhalasJ Bill Distribut~r ~erro Khalasl '.. Water Guard , Rs. 60.00'" ' : Rs.. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60,00 Rs. 60,00 ,Rs, ., Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. .Rs. 'Rs. I , 60.00 60,00 60..00 60.00" 60.00 60.00 60,00 00.00 60.00 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 60:000Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 6b.oO ~Rs. 60.00. Rs. 60.00 R s..\;I60 "'0 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 6Q.OO 60.dO Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 ,Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00 Rs. eO.OD Ps. 60,00, -;.,(;\ {\(~"';~ \.::,.,~ ~ I ..,/ '~:~;~,'?4; ,~~ ,; ~"c ' . . ' .,..' ; , !' .'r ~ , .'":.' ~:'~ .~ )' ! ~ 'f '.. " " :, , -". ~. ~- 45. 46. Stone Dresser Keyman 47. 48. 49. Assistant Fitter Valueman', library Attendant 1. , ' \0 . .,., Plumber Class Field Assistant-cum- ':. " '" " Rs.. 64.00' :~~~ ~~,,; i,:ci: ..,:' ". . .Rs.64.00 Rs. 64.00 2 nd 5. : 6. , Rs. 60.00; Rs. 60.00 Rs. 60.00" Fireman Pump Operator-cum-Helper -4. '~ ,~--; Rs.. 60,00 Rs. 60.00 .." ..', . . '- _d,,~, , '.."'" (Class. IV) I '. ~ I Upholster .,3. @ ,.j Operetor .f" Rs. 64. (}<) 64.00. .Rs. ..' .'.. ; 1. ; ..2, J. /' ""' , , 3. 4. Bar Binder Sa\'.f'/er (Charani) 5. t..1uleteer 1. Caneman -} Painter 2nd Class .Rs. White ~\f\/a$her ' 66,00 " 'Rs~ 66.00 .: :. ..;c..' \ ~... .~ '" Rs, 66.00 .Rs. 66.00 ...Rs. " ~ " .,. 66.00 , ,- .j". ;~ "..I Rs.70.00 . 1. -:;1:' Security Guard." Rs..72.00 . " :t ~;';\' ;"1. "'~' -", ! ~.. Refnnerator ~.o1ect:1anlc "-""-'---~"' '--"~--'-" ' 4. Fitter Grade-II :, fO." " ! ' " .',,~.' ' 'w ' ..R's. '~~-' ,76.0(\ " ~.' Rs, 76~OO' ., ", ",' , " ' I or , ,...t -," 8. -9 .~ ,10. ; ~,.."' .i , '" I, I ---'" BlackSmith. W I-d--~--~-'~: er, '-' Mechanic.; ' 14 ~ Sand ,, ,O , ", .16. , J ~ Plant Operator';' t""-~ p"~,, erator ,--, -- Rs. /6.00. R 7 -6~'O-0~.' ,., Rs.76..:O0 r :'c-'~.-;~-'--:.s. ~~--~---, -' ." '-- --_;c~-- ,17. " -.~ Electrical Char g eman .Pump ~ Ooerator ,~ -,-,, ,~--' 11. 12. 4 13.: ".." "';". ..""' ~-o..-' : ' ;, :,. ,-~- -"---,--'._-,-,--~ ..'., ~ "~.-.'~" ci ...,I. ,;'- ,~ ,"'" "" ---,.- ~ ; ~-,,,:' Hot Mix Plant Or'tt:orator PtumberGrade-11. '" ~-~ ~~~ 76.00 .';. Rs. 76.00 , c-.,-~'c; ,-, '.~ " .." ,--~ ..- -Rs.. ~ , ~--~-~ -.~. !".. ' -.'.' '~ , " _8_s:._~§~9_.,,---,--2" -.. : Rs 7600' ": . -' :-~-"'- Rs. 76.00 Rs,.76.00:, " ~ ,- " ~ . , ~i' ' :" .' 19. Mason Grade-It' c -20.--"MaSdn-Grade:fl-~~-."" ~-" "'-_.~ ~..-,-,, ~ 21. Painter Grade-I' 23. Floor Finisher. ,-"_--'-'o ' ~~ ,'. ," /-c ,'.c; ,': Rs. 76.00 '"--"-_.'-'C-" Rs76.00 , ,--Rs. 76.00,. ~ "'~_. . ,,- .,,~, !r, ~ ", .~~-~.:_7!:>-:-0_9__1m1:?Jf:- " ." -,. ~ ..:" , , . .~ :I ., ;-c .- :' , . ," .-.' ,:" -." ; .~ ~" . .. , ~ .' ." ; " ..,:~ ,.~;:,~,,'.~ , ! .' ,'I;;:..': ; " ' : , ~ ".- ,,! 1"?': ~~"~~ ; ",', "-.' :~~:,_.M,9I:tar Mate Grade-" .- ..:~;: "Rs. 76.00, .." ,: '~. '., Rs. 76.00 ,. .'". ~_. --~ Rs.76.00 :'" '""" :;':'... ~?, -Fer 29. " '. ,'" ,if c"" ..",' '.' Recentionist c ,'- :' , ,;;,,'; , ~1.' ~9;~~o~-qu~@~=~Z;:::==:=B~J~Q~ ---~ 32. --.,~ 33. LabAssist~nt,~'~~ --, , ---,---~ Electri~iah-tl Electrician.Auto. ,.. -~~. 'ComptaintOerk,. c--~--~ 34. ., Ins ector Store Munshi , ,,: ~ o,,-~ ;;,::" ", :' '~.. ;'. ':, Rs 76 00 ;"" Rs.76.00 ' ~"~ Rs. 76.00 Rs. 76.00 .' ~ ,'; "; , ! .. -' -? ", : 39. --." ~;. ," (:l ,, .:- ~-; Oneratar ::;1:" '."" ,'": ; ; GeneraIOperator,. 42 ,Road Insnector ';":-:'.,. Store Clerk }§:~~~~c.;~~~~~~:1§;QL=:=::' 46. ClerL<~ , ~ 47. WaterWorks Patwari ,7~: --~ '" ~s~7&OO:: ':,,"--' C ..~ ", : .' '"- "":' "~ ' Rs.76-:-60-; '; ".., c:' '; " ~,-' ' .40. 44, Rs..76~OO ",', ,.'-:--:; 43. W()rk Sunervisor ~---':.r-~-, ,_:_~~,--~,-~--,_.~-o;.~~~-~ , ," Assistant ,., - R--? Rs -,-- -"'-1 7--6-'-"0-0 -~--"'::~16 00 "" (' ,,' .' .' Ri-76,-o6--~~.' ',... Rs.76.00:: '-""~-:;-~-6-:60 ~ ~~ . ~ ~" c -'.' , --'-~- ... , ~~~~~~~~+;::;;;,;,_~~~~1~~+ ~~ §-;D!r:L 0 erator 2Q.-_f!~J?:!:,~. ,-,--,--:-'--"-"-~~~--~,~ -, 52. .53. --"'--, Electrical,Mist'" Tailor:, ::E::9~ " ,.. c ~--~-~-~- ~~~~~'-' .-?EJ~~~~~tor 56. Work Mistrv ~- ~ ,,' ;~---~~~--- ~B~~.o-Q.;~_: Rs.16.00 .Rs. 76.00 -' ' 57. Wlreman,--o ~~ 58. Assistant Pumo Onerator --~._,--~:J::.:--~~~- c..:--;' ~-, ~ .~~L6..:9~~';;"~' Rs. 76.00---,-,-. " :" c-' : : ~_.".,.-, Rs. 76,00'~ . RS. 7e. 00--:i.:~~~ ,j . i'[!Ii " , ',. 63. Lab. Technician ---~---' 64. Instrument Mect:lanic ;:"""" Rs, 76..00 ~'"' .-;:"-- ' ..: .Rs.76.00~ ~::--.£ffii {il ~?:iil c!::::==::::::::::::;= 66. . Loader 0 erator ., .'. ; ~ , ...Rs:76.00 ~,'. -, -, , -c'" . :', ~--~~68. Gatekee~r ',_~~_",-r-= f~.-!?!.!~Dg:W~' 70., Libra~_Assistant .. :: :; , -~-_~~~~_3s. t;. Rs.76,09,~-~ --" f3~1~~~ 76:00, ' ,\~~k '" I, (.' I~ !; ';\ " .. j. . ,.., ... .r: .:; , .' - , ' . . .' .''\ -~73..-~_.. Dafk Room Assista .~- 74. ..,:,:' , ,-~~ Library A 1-. Driver ,-"---' (Tractor/~gep/carfTfuck/BU\dOZerIRoad ,~~~~~~ _B~.tl-P!~!i!j}~L-, -"", Rs.76.00 ~ .1: ..;' .'" Rs, \ 81.00 R'S. 81 rOO ' :-~--~-' Q~~2~!2t~r:?§~~~~8ili~ ~,~~~~~~~!!Q~ .~2.:--E~~~~~~~~!~'pepartment) -Rs. 81. 00 {;~~~ .-:5J~~~~;~~~~1~ ;.",.-::' r" ~~~~-!!l--" ',? Junior Scale Steno ==-: , ., ~'\'--~ ..Rs,96.00 ~bJP]!.!:!9-~~~~~'-:};--~~~~~~~~ E ~.!::1!:!~r , 6. !' Driller. ' ---' ' ~~,J~~~ Electrician Grede-\ 7. ' ,,~. ,."~ '" ~ ~ -L~ssista~iller. DieGel Auto mechanic jL ~!:? ,~~ ..13. R~9-9L--,~~... Rs. 96.00 .,' RS. 96.00, '. ~, RS.'~~-.c.o.~"""'" ~ ~ "!§ ~ ~~~-o-'"~:;:"'-": ~ ~~I19~-9~~~~-.-c-;~£~ 11. ~ 6:.: " .Rs. '!:!Y~ Cai enter Grade.\! 3;--~6,0~~; ~ 96.,00 -~ " -,~ -~ !..' ~~-'-cC R5,.,1-a99~~ 0 _u~~~!!!P"~--~ 7:~~TSI~-:---~-~ 3. Carnenter Grade-I" :-R$j1W~ s. .~~ ~FOreman--:--:~-:~~~ , 5:Forema;;c:.~-~"~-~~'" -~ ~--"_._~ 7 .st . .! R.s. 96.00 c.i-;!1!.I)~~~ R oc 1i'la artme~t ,Sl /' c ",' ..$' :'""7 . ' " . 00' /:" ~~_.,--,~h '1. -i ~ ;;B ::" :. 1. .!-: :": 4 :i . ~. ,;' ".:; ," r I. , .',.~ " ~ -'"~. ":.,:-"._,.:'.1:/I~"c " '~~" ',f ' .I -""::::.; " ~'.'. ~ ;, , . ~&~ ~ '6 , , ' ,.. -6 ..y -," ..~,/ .' '\ . ~~._~ ~~~~1i6~ .'-RS:7~O~-'-~-"'74. Library Attendant (Class-It I --~--"--'-"7 R';;:76~eO---~ ,: .: _c'- 1-. Driver (Tractor/~~ep/carrrruck/BuldOZerIRoad. 2. .stone (:;hiS;ler :--:-._~ 82!J~!1f>~$hawal. .",..'. . R.s. 81.00 8--'-1 06. :--.'-~~-;;- .. ~ --' ~'~~---"'-7' ~9c'!~~~~~~~~<1-Q~-~ _5~~~sl9li!~~_{E9~s!.R~~JJ:~~~"- '. ~~_.El~!T2~~J~~!~ E~e~!:!:!~~L :- ..-L~J~!-Q~~~~.C:?~!l__~-:: Junior Scale .Steno ~ 2. ~~~" .Rs.96.00 :..-~' .' ~ .I '. ~ ;}.:5.~ ~~~~M~~!.QffJ~~~-'~ SuN!:!19r 1. Driller. , : .~ ~~~-~~~~~~ ~--,~~*t.Qr.!!L~ ..', ,-, ~--_: ~"-"'-""--~-- ~--~'.. -~.. ~ 11. DieGel Auto mechanic. ,-~ .' .13. ! ~ Rs. 96..00 9. PIEe FItter Grade-I' n ~-ra - d-.-:' I-V ~""---~ -:-'-~?~~_.-~-~-~-~'o-:-;-"-'---'_1O , -.. :"-:, .- Rs. 96.00 -'-~ ,;...::-' ~- B.~6,00~~ Rs. 9~0 -: ~i. ,.,' ,- J32.~!i!§.:::.9_q. ,-.,..~ f. Rs 96 00~7-:- Cai enter Grade-II .Rs.96.00!: 7 . I ..I J:-. ~ I)jQ!-!jj ~~-~-~~ ~ .._?~~~~~-'-'-~~ , ~2~~~~~~~cJ3~~~' 5. Foreman 6~s-sT's18ntFOreman :-'-;~ :' --~_-:'~~~ .Rs. 1 :,L-'-'"~ -L.Q~~P'~!I.~~~C~~~~~~ ~-: c ~~._- -~ -~y ~.!l~ ~;;I;: "c 1.~~ ~:-:-~ ~- .1:-~~9.n-~~~-1. 1 Instructors. Junior Ennineer . _.: .. .2 ~ --.' ~-~ ~ Oraft~man' -3.--:-5rif!sm~I~~~~ .~ .' ~" -" "'-i' .~s..1 ,"- ..,.' ~ :; . .0-:: '-'---"- . '. ..' --. .~'--;.. "y,j, . .~: