No. Per(AP-B) B (r5) - 5 / zorz Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Personnel TimeBound CourtMatter EerlroseIAttcntiag (Appointment-I! Dated Shimla-171oo2,the 9{July,zorz From The Pr. Secretary (Personnel) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. To 1. , Subject:- { Sir, All Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. AII Heads of Departments in Himachal Pradesh Presence of Law Officers in the Hon'ble High Court on every Friday. , enclose herewith a copy of orders/directions given by the Hon'ble High Court of Himachal I am directed to Pradesh on 6.7.zorz in COPC 127f 2c12 - Gian Chand, S/o Sh.Nanku Ram, r/o Village Chakkar, P.O.Gutkar, Teh.Sadar, District Mandi Vs Sanjay K. Murthy, Secretary (Education) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh & Others. The Hon'ble. High Court has ordered that Contempt Petitions are being listed on every Friday for hearing. AII the Law Ofiicers in the departments shall be present in the Court on every Friday with record pertaining to action taken in the judgement, in cases where contempt petitions have been filed. You are requested to ensure strict compliance of the orders/directions passed by the Hon'ble High Court both in letter and spirit and direct th'e concerned Law Ofiicers to remain present in the Hon'ble High Court on every Friday alongwith record' Yours faithfullY, .."utu,^1 .' _ Under Secretary€eisonnel) to the Governm nt of Himachal Pradesh. contd..P..z.. Endst.No.Per(AP-B)B(r5)-5lzorz Dated Shiml a-2,9 {Sy,1r, rop Copy to Deputy Advocate General, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla, for information with reference to his letter No.COPC t27f 2oL2, dated u.o7.zorz. Nln". Under Secre GovernmSnt of Himachal Pradesh. ln*-- Gisn Chand, s/o Sh. Naniru Ram, { Jed 5i) yser$, pre*ntiy plivat,r v,*rk, vrr Viil: Chtkkar, P{): Gutkar, Teh: $adar, Dirtt.. Iltsn(li (Hl') I,*tit,oeir I. 2. 3 Sh. Sanjay K Mur&y, tA!i, S:, retary (Edtrcatior) rr) the Governtrrr?tn of l'lF, tiP Secretariar, Chhota Shimlr, Sh rrl,la- l ) l00ll (HF) Sh, Rajiv Sherms, Iiiriiror of l:lemenury litiucation, FIP, Lli Prllti, Shimla (liP) Sh. Brahem Sass, Dy- t)ircctc,r rI'Elauentsty Educfition, D:istt: flautli G-tr') Respor rlents'/Conteotners rr iEsrir;iiirrrErHE'E6t$lE sffi!ffFmlatlBg![l I lill l"', EIi cr) PY O F () RD E l;W U li )ci [JtfIiNT( fr;] I{ECC} f i'lD ['$71 IN l'HE lrIIGIi..:CIIJITT OI] HIMLA.CIIfr,]L F,R.Af}f 5.}* ,lplfllll Utl/ I I lrtl]I JI f,lllll{il [{I}[i;rr [jr r,).:lt Otier tiJ,l2 l'r'egen [; \r{s. p.,:r Cha ,rharr, ! Itir, It..,{, 6 ii:rr I ,j;:: :ii rl I i (ijul, Jift r_E4.ill y'.llovrer{ lrd C(irIlC i,*ro. tll oi.20l2 Adyoestc, ff,r the FrctirJo&;er t*f of aor X;: Xl;l;;l, li&:;,?Ii,,ty*i r.c !J:irr:r r ct:ispoeed of. Cr9ie-linltts,L3$Ut Nr:,Lice i;l u,i, 'rl a dir,ei:.:ioru uot"o post to rt'l;lpon4J€fit ?l"eto' ,..,' ':leelJng herid u^tlcr Elemgpl6ly Erru.:qtir: r Di{}tr,':t Maxdi to ,- 'ourt witir rer:orrri irnprem$n ts rio,: c i il, i J,,lj.1:::,", :"r, ::'r, :::::T;T:' :" *.-.::,. -..:"j' :,.;.:;;"''" In onler. to ,{.lDid posoit,le -, incon,rer "'LUrI ?etll':nce lo all r':u pa.[rcs, rtlis (){)ul-t h r$ birrn posting .^.,,_.- *te c'or: ternpt greriticrrrr 'un ,n fiiday(s). h,e are ,,, o, mr d tjrat therg departrncnt. 6rs .i:he::sirr L$r,rv ()ffic*r.r, in ,;61;5 e, all thr; lsrv OJJicere jn U,re dstr,artrqen tB shajl be pre${ ir: the rl)ourt on every F.r id,:r3,. v,,ith t?:,}r_(is pertaining lcr action t:rkcn in the juclgrnentrr, contenrPt petltior:ts i l:ar: c:ases lrher€ bee.r filr:d. autl:,eriica :ed c,r1py. , i i I .l\ly 6, i,011 (ltaran) I ' sir.lXtri*4 ilorepb,, CJ. , ${r/D&srgrd Clrrg,rl Chtrdhriry, J. I ; I I I I