Department of History Steering Committee Global History and Culture Centre Meeting 16 October 2013 12-1pm F107, Engineering Building Minutes 1. Welcome Dan welcomes all committee members to the first meeting. 2. Attendance David Anderson, Maxine Berg, Dan Branch, Bishnu Gupta, Maria Luddy, Giorgio Riello, Claudia Stein, Amy Evans 3. Steering Committee’s composition and function The Steering Committee is composed of members from History, including the head of department, and other departments. Its function is to form a coherent sub-group to provide guidance to the Director(s) in the future running of the Centre. 4. Directors’ overview of the GHCC activities A programme of events of the Centre was presented. Instead of the usual Wednesday seminar series, the Centre has organised termly workshops. Several joint events have been organised with the History departmental seminar series and the Early Modern seminar series to avoid clashes and encourage greater collaboration. Among all the events, Dan emphasized the ‘Under Graduate Open Day’ on 29 Nov (week 9). It aims to attract potential UG students to the Centre MA/PhD programmes. It will be conducted in a form of workshop to prepare final year students for their dissertations writing. Applications will be invited both internally and externally and will be selected by Dan and Giorgio. This is the first experiment event of this kind this year and any suggestions are welcome to further shape it for the future. There is a PhD students led event planned in week 5. Details will be announced shortly. 5. GHCC strategy a. New internal and international context New members join in the Centre this year and they bring in interesting topics and subjects. This adds new strands of subjects in the Centre which can be summarised below for the current year: a) Early Modern material culture b) 20 the century Africa c) Global Humanities This gives us an incredible possibility to link and collaborate with other disciplines and institutes, History of Medicine and Science, Sociology, Max Plank, Berlin to name just a few. b. Funding The Global Funding is now available for Centre members and supervised PG only and has two deadlines, 1 Nov 2013 and 15 February 2014. The Centre website is undergoing an overhaul. c. Partnerships A meeting is set up in January with British Museum and British Library for future collaboration. d. UG, MA and PhD provision Giorgio and Dan will call a meeting with Head of Department for discussions. 6. AOB The main topic for discussion in the next meeting will be on the organisations of the Centre. 7. Date of next meeting 12-1pm, 15 January 2014.