Global History and Culture Centre Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Global History and Culture Centre
Steering Committee Meeting
Wednesday 15 October 2014
H0.05, Humanities Building
1. Attendance:
David Anderson, Dan Branch, Maxine Berg, Anne Gerristen, Claudia Stein,
Giorgio Riello, Amy Evans
Charles Walton, Bishnu Gupta
2. National Action YouTube video
An objectionable video was recently posted on social media. The University
of Warwick has taken legal action on this matter and the courts have now
granted an interim injunction to bar that group of unwelcome visitors from
returning to our campus. The Centre members support the actions taken by
the University.
3. Update on 'Factories' project
Giorgio gave an update on the next bid of the project on ‘Factories’. It is a
collaboration with British Library, British Museum and V&A. Three meetings
had taken place so far. With some funding, we are now able to employ a
research assistant to start preliminary work. There are further meetings set
with BL/BM/V&A to discuss the strategies of applying funding. Leading by
Maxine and Giorgio, the project will involve a diversity of people.
4. Future activities
The GHCC Autumn programme was shown to the Committee. It is an
impressive busy term. The strategy of organising joint events with
department and other research centres/seminar series is a successful one. It
allows the Centre to involve and draw wider research communities and
audients. It is also worth stressing for future that do check all activities in the
department to avoid dates/time clashing. Robert and Jean have a full list of
5. Update on Global Studies
Dan and Giorgio updated that after much long discussion with Economics,
there would be no further progress on the Global Studies.
6. Update on budget
Dan gave the good news on the budget! The University will financially
support the Centre’s activities with £40k per year for the next three years.
This is to fund all activities with the Centre’s main three research strands for
conferences/fellowships and website developments etc. This fund cannot roll
over to the following year. The University expects a high return too.
7. GHCC funding year 14/15
The Committee discussed the strategies of more effectively using the GHCC
funding –
 When allocating grants, we will direct the applicants to involve and
integrate to the events/activities of the Centre;
 To strength the existing activities;
 Support members attending key conferences/events to raise the
Centre profile;
 Support bringing in visiting fellows.
8. AOB
The Committee discussed the involvement of the ‘Honorary Fellows’ to the
Centre’s events. Any suggestions are welcome.