Department of History Global History and Culture Centre Meeting 16 October 2013 1-2.30pm F107, Engineering Building Minutes 1. Welcome Giorgio welcomes all existing and new members. 2. Attendance David Anderson, James Baldwin, Maxine Berg, Dan Brach, Alice Brooke, Howard Chiang, Rebecca Earle, Bishnu Gupta, Maria Luddy, Amy Evans, Jiao Liu Apologies: Hanna Hadocs, Felicia Gottmann, Gurminder Bhambra, Helen Clifford, Camilia Cowling, Ross Forman, Gabriel Glickman 3. Activities on GHCC A timetable and a programme were presented. This year, instead of running the usual Wednesday seminar/workshop series, the Centre is experimenting a new format for events, such as informal discussion ‘Research Exchanges’ and joint events with department or other seminar groups. Term 1 The joint seminar with Department in week 2 has completed and the message from Matt Romaniello was very positive. A PhD reading group is set in week 5. A workshop on African Response to Global Challenges’ organised by Dan is planned in week 9. Speakers are all confirmed. Also an important event ‘UG Open Day’ in week 9 aims to attract potential under graduates to the GHCC MA/PhD programmes. Term 2 Workshop on ‘Global Human’ has been organised by Charles. Speakers are confirmed, week 4. Empire and Loyalists conference led by David and Dan is set in March 2014. Term 3 GHCC AGM and annual lecture is set on 22 May 2014. 4. GHCC Funding The Funding is now available to the Centre members and supervised PG only. The ‘membership’ implies participation of Centre events and meetings etc. The Fund is to support members/students to attend conferences, presenting papers and organise their own events. There are two rounds each year, 1 November 2013 and 15 February 2014. 5. Teaching in GHCC Provision of teaching has increased immensely since the Centre started. These are suggestions a) Module setting should offer flexibility b) Module setting should be in blocks that guide students developing into specific topic/area c) Current modules need redeveloping and revising d) Modules need to provide progress from year 1 to 3 e) Modules can be taught by collaborative teams