Report of GHCC funding for conference attendance:

Report of GHCC funding for conference attendance:
Textile Trades and Consumption in the Indian Ocean, McGill University 2-3 November 2012.
I am grateful for the GHCC's support towards attending this conference. Let me start with
the unsuccessful part: one of the aim was to interview Ruth Barnes but she decided not to
attend the conference because of the hurricane Sandy. However, the visit was positive as I
engaged with the Indian Ocean World Centre and talked to Gwyn Campbell, its director. This
has not produced any collaboration so far, though the topic of the conference is relevant to
the funding bid that Maxine Berg and I are planning with the BM and BL on Currencies and
Commodities in the Indian Ocean. I also met Edward A. Alpers (UCLA) and Samuel Sanchez
(Paris 7), a Young researcher working on Madagascar in the 19th and 20th century. At the
conference I also met Jeremy Prestholdt and this has led us to invite him as an IAS fellow
(Dan Branch application). The GHCC was widely advertised during the conference.
Giorgio Riello