AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Kim C. Nielsen for the degree of Agricultural and Resource Economics Title: Master of Science presented on RISK/RETURN ANALYSIS OF IRRIGATION SYST in June 15, 1982 DESIGN AND OPERATING RULES Abstract approved: Redacted for privacy A model was developed to simulate winter wheat production on irrigated farmland similar to that found near Hermiston, Oregon. simulated farm is irrigated with a side roll sprinkler system. The A well is located adjacent to the wheat field and the water is delivered by an electrically powered pump. The major components of the model are: 1. The soil moisture component which estimates daily soil moisture level. The soil moisture level is a function of daily precipitation, daily irrigation and daily evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration is calculated as a function of measured pan evaporation, wheat plant stage of development and the soil moisture level. 2. The irrigation component which schedules daily irrigation based on the decision strategies supplied by the model user. There are three major parts of each strategy, the irrigation system design, the set time in hours and the soil moisture level that initiates irrigation. 3. The yield component of the model which estimates wheat grain yield as a function of daily temperature, The daily soil moisture, and stage of plant growth. scheduling of irrigation will create variability in the soil moisti.'re level across the field. This variability of soil moisture is incorporated in the yield component. 4. The risk/returns component which calculates the net returns and utility. Utility is equal to the average net return minus the standard deviation weighted by a risk aversion factor. Wheat production was simulated for 19 years of daily weather data from the HermIston Agricultural Experiment Station from 1963-1981. Several strategies were compared. The comparisons were made of the yields, water use, irrigation costs, net returns, risk and utility of the various strategies. The strategies were ranked according to maximum utility. The results indicated that designing irrigation systems for maximum yields did not result in the highest utility. The optimum strategies were those that initiated irrigation at a low level of soil moisture depletion and used a system with a relatively lower capital investment. The average annualized investment cost f or the five strategies with the highest yields was $76.43 per acre. The annualized investment cost for the five strategies with the highest utility was $57.54 per acre. The difference in average utility between the two groups was $19.37 per acre. The strategy with the highest yield had a utility level of $295.77 per acre. The strategy with the highest utility had a utility level of $337.12 per acre. tion. The analysis included only those costs associated with irriga- Utility was more sensitive to labor costs and water charges than to the cost of energy and interest rates. The level of risk aversion made very little difference in the relative level of utility for the different strategies. If the moisture holding capacity of the soil was reduced then the level of risk aversion made a bigger difference in the relative level of utility. Risk/Return Analysis of Irrigation System Design and Operating Rules by Kim C. Nielsen A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE June 1983 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics in charge of major Redacted for privacy Head of Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Redacted for privacy Dean of Gradua Date thesis is presented June 15, 1982 Typed by Teresa M. Young for Kim C. Nielsen ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The completion of the thesis is a major goal f or a student in the attainment of a graduate degree. At times this one aspect of the program requirement may seem to be a formidable task for a new student. I would like to acknowledge and express my appreciation to all of the following people who helped me reach that goal. Dr. A. Gene Nelson not only provided encouragement and academic guidance as major professor but served as a positive example of professionalism and leadership. Dr. Marshall J. English, Department of Agricultural Engineering, provided information and service relative to the engineering aspects of the thesis topic. This service helped to stimulate interest in other academic disciplines and broaden the scope of my education. Thanks are due to Manning Becker, Dr. Harry Mack and Dr. Stan Miller for serving on the graduate committee. Ron Rickman, Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center, provided information concerning wheat production in the Columbia river basin. I would also like to thank the faculty and staff in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics for the quality education, encouragement and positive environment they provide at 0513. This environment is complemented by fellow graduate students who, in a bond of fellowship, motivated through challenging competition and encouraged discovery through intellectual discussion. Special thanks are due to my wife, Nancy and my parents Charles and Ruth Nielsen for their sacrifices, love and encouragement throughout the course of my academic education. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. II. INTRODUCTION Profit Maximization and Irrigation Technology New Technology and Farm Planning Objectives Thesis Organization 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Estimating Yield Response to Water Optimization in Water Use Summary and Conclusion 7 III. METHODOLOGY Simulation Modelling The Yield Component Water and Temperature Stress The Soil Moisture Component Evapotranspiratiori Estimation System to be Modelled System Design Operating Rules Simulation Sequence Evaluation of Estimated Results Summary IV. V. 1 4 4 5 7 9 11 13 13 15 17 19 20 22 22 24 27 28 29 MODEL VALIDATION AND SIMULATION RESULTS Data Source Estimation of Soil Moisture Coefficients Estimation of Yield Coefficients Testing Model Performance Results Yields and Water Use Total Investment Cost Net Returns Influence of Labor Costs Influence of Energy Rates, Interest Rates and Water Charges Utility Under a Water Constraint New Strategies Effect of Soil Moisture Capacity Summary 30 30 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Summary Limitations of the Model Conclusion 62 62 63 31 34 38 41 Li.2 42 50 50 55 60 65 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page REFERENCES 66 APPENDIX I 70 APPENDIX II 73 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1-i Profit Maximizing Level of Input 3-1 Wheat Production System 14 3- Yield Response to Soil Moisture 18 3-3 Value of KCE Over Time 21 3-4 Representation of Model Field with Four Laterals 23 4-1 Evapotranspiration Response to Soil Moisture 32 4-2 Plot Layout for Hermiston Field Trials 35 3 LIST OF TABLES Taile Page 3-1 Lateral Design Parameters 25 4-1 Deviations of Estimated Evapotranspiration 33 4-2 Comparison of Measured Yields and Yields Estimated by Simulation Model 4-3 Average Yields, Irrigations and Water Use 39 4-4 Total Investment for Each Strategy 43 4-5 Prices Used in Analysis 45 4-6 Ranked Utility, Net Returns and Costs 46 for Each Strategy in Dollars Per Acre 4-7 Ranked Utility, Net Returns and Costs with Labor at $10.00 Per Hour 4-8 Ranked Utility and Net Returns with Energy Cost 51 Increase of 50% 4-9 Ranked Utility and Net Returns with Water 53 Charges of $10.00 Per Acre Foot. 4-10 Yields and Water Use for Strategies 38-45 56 4-11 Total Investment Cost for Strategies 38-45 57 4-12 Ranked Utility an 58 Net Returns with Addition of Strategies 38-41 4-13 Ranked Utility and Net Returns for Strategies 42-45 61 Risk/Return Analysis of Irrigation System Design and Operating Rules CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Two major inputs for the production of crops are land and water. In arid regions of the world where rainfall is scarce and irregular the lack of rainfall may regulate all other inputs (Martin et al., 1976, p. 30.). In these areas irrigation is an alternative that will allow otherwise unproductive land to be put into production. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of acres under irrigation over the past several years. In 1900 there were about one million acres being irrigated world wide and by 1976 the number had risen to 561 million (FAO Yearbook 1977, Enochian, 1982). There are approximately forty million acres of irrigated farmland in the U.S. (FAO Yearbook 1980). total farmland. This accounts for about 10 percent of the Over 80 percent of U.S. land irrigated by pumped water is located in the seventeen westernmost states (Slogget, 1974). Kloster and Whittlesey (1971) cite a study (Butcher et al., 1967) indicating that 90 percent of water withdrawals from lakes, streams and underground water supplies in Washington State were for agricultural use. The demand for water by agriculture, municipalities and various kinds of public projects has led to increased concern over the efficiency of water use. Increasing the efficiency of water use may have several environmental, social and economic benefits (English and Orlob, 1979; Enochian, 1982). This study will examine the economic benefits to individual farm firms through improved water use efficiency in winter wheat production. Profit Maximization and Irrigation Technology In the past irrigation systems have been designed to meet the maximum water demand during the growing season (Jensen and King, 1962; 2 English and Nuss, 1982). This practice assumes that the goal of an irrigator is to maximize crop yield. If farmers are profit maxi- mizers, then yield maximization may not be compatible with profit maximization. Profit maximization will occur when the incremental cost of a unit is equal to the value of the additional output from the last unit of input. In economic terms this is where the value of the marginal product (VMP) is equal to the marginal input cost (MIC). The point q' on Figure 1-1 shows the profit maximizing input level for a hypothetical production function. yield maximizing level of input. The point q'' is the As the cost of the input (q) in- creases, the maximizing level of q will decrease. q decreases, q' will move towards q''. As the cost of In recent years the cost of irrigation has increased relative to other input and output prices. This would imply that farmers, if they are profit maximizers, should use less water and produce a lower yield. Profit is not the only consideration when applying water to crops. Farmers are also faced with uncertainty. Much of the uncertainty is related to weather and random variables over which they have little control. In the face of this uncertainty, a farmer may apply more water than is economically efficient in order to reduce the risk of low yields or crop failure. The uncertainty of knowledge concerning the amount of water in the soil profile is one area where great improvements have been made over the years. In the past irrigation management was an art. A shovel full of soil was removed and examined for moisture content. If the soil felt less than adequately moist then a crop would be irrigated. One might schedule irrigation based on whether or not the plants appeared to be under moisture stress. At this point, irrigation may not prevent considerable yield loss. A great deal of effort has gone into the development of better methods to measure and estimace soil moisture content (Jensen at al., 1971). The term "scientific irrigation scheduling" is now used and information regarding it can be found regularly in agricultural trade and scientific journals. The advancements of computer technology have Yield water use ci'' Figure 1-1: q Profit Maximizing Level of Input 4 also helped. This allows the necessary soil moisture and weather data to be rapidly processed and made available to people who can use the inforinat ion. These technological improvements have led to the de- velopment of irrigation scheduling services that are available to farmers from both extension and commercial services (Stegnian., 1980; Jensen, 1978). The result is that it is now possible to get more accurate information that can help in the allocation of irrigation water. New Technology and Farm Planning The improvements in irrigation technology have removed some of the uncertainty in the pursuit of economic irrigation efficiency. Other areas of uncertainty exist and must be examined before appli- cation of the irrigation innovations to farm planning is practical (English, 1981). The relationship between soil moisture and yield has not yet been quantified enough for application to farm level decision making (Arkin, 1978). In the past more emphasis has also been put on production efficiency than economic efficiency. Systems designed for production efficiency may have a greater capacity and higher total investment than necessary for economic efficiency. Ayer (1978) indicated a need for added emphasis on the economics of irrigation technology for the individual decision maker. Obj act ives This study examines the benefits of new irrigation technology to farm level decision making. The new technology makes it possible for an irrigation manager to use irrigation strategies that were not practical earlier. A simulation model is developed to estimate the returns and risks of using the different strategies in the production of winter wheat. The strategies consist of combinations of operating rules and irrigation system designs. The operating rules are the irrigation set time and the soil moisture level that initiates irrigat ion. S By comparing different combinations of system designs and operating rules one will be able to determine the optimal combination of irrigation inputs for wheat production. The sprinkler system in- vestment costs and operating costs will be analyzed. The simulation model will estimate the results of using a particular system design with different operating rules. The comparison of the results will determine the optimal combination of labor and capital to use in irrigation. One operating rule is the level of soil moisture depletion that initiates irrigation. The analysis of the results of different levels of soil moisture depletion will indicate if reductions in water use and more scientific irrigation scheduling will achieve better economic efficiency. A major aspect of this analysis is the cost of energy in pumping water. The net returns are an important factor to the profit maximizing individual. Improving the efficiency of the allocation of inputs should increase the net returns. The risk associated with the increase in net returns is also important. The analysis will include an examination of the risks associated with each irrigation strategy. The risk is measured as the standard deviation of net returns. The objective of the thesis is to analyze the net returns and risk associated with alternative irrigation strategies. The strate- gies consist of combinations of operating rules and irrigation system designs. Thesis Organization Chapter II reviews literature relevant to the thesis topic. The review will cover literature concerning crop production functions and the application of production functions to decision making. It also explains the contribution of this study to the literature. Chapter III explains the development of the simulation model. It contains a discussion of simulation methodology. It also explains 6 in detail the soil moisture component and the yield estimation cornponent of the model. Chapter IV presents the validation and results of the simulation model. The presentation includes analysis of the yields, water use and economic aspects of the different irrigation strategies. It also discusses how risk aversion relates to the strategies. Chapter V summarizes the thesis. The summary identifies the major components of the model and their relationship to the driving variables. The results of the simulation model are restated. chapter contains a discussion of the limitations of the model. limitations identify areas for further research. The The '4 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE Estimating Yield Response to Water A production function indicates the quantity of some output as a function of the quantity of one or more variable inputs. Such production functions are used quite often in estimating crop yields as a function of the variable input water. Heady and Hexam (1978) show many variations of the traditional production function used in estmating crop yields as a function of water. Legget (195) estimated a production function for wheat using measured precipitation as the variable input. Kioster and Whittlesey (1971) estimated Cobb-Douglas, quadratic and square root production functions using applied irrigation water as the input. Johnson and Davis (1980) used soil moisture readings to determine the total water use and estimated a linear production function. Each of these functions are used to estimate yield as a function of some measure of total water use for the season. Yaron et al. (1973) estimated a production function using the number of days in the season when soil moisture was above a specified level. The function is I = Ml - B1 exp(-k1W12)][1 - E2 exp(-k2T)) where Y is the final yield, A, B1, k1, B2 and are all coefficients to be estimated, W12 is the number of days soil moisture was above 45% of the maximum soil moisture and T is the number of days from when enough moisture is available for germination to the day of complete germination. This function does account for the fact that daily water consumption is important but does not incorporate the timing of water availability. The traditional production function is limited in its usefulness for analyzing optimal irrigation quantities. The timing of water application is important and needs to be considered. The decision [1 to apply water is not a one time decision. A farm manager must decide several times during the season how much and when water will be allocated to the various crops. The response of the plant to each of these applications will vary with the physiological maturity. In recent years, much work has been done to estimate crop pro- duction functions that incorporate the timing of water application. Most of these functions use some form of the relationship proposed by dewit (1958). This relationship is that the ratio of actual yield to maximum potential yield is equal to the ratio of actual water use to maximum potential water use. Hanks (1974) divided the season for wheat production into five stages and used the relationship described above to estimate a production function. The equation is Ya Yp ,.5 fTa\ ai - 'ilTp) where Ya is the actual grain yield, Yp is the potential yield, Ta is the actual transpiration, Tp is the maximum transpiration and oi is a weighting factor for each stae of grovth. Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) use the ratio of evapotranspiration to potential evapotranspiration to estimate crop production functions. The authors interpretation of the equation is shown below. 5 Yp) KC1(l_ETaI 1=1 ETpj where Ya and Yp are actual and potential yield respectively, KC1 is the yield response for the growth stage i and ETai and ETp potential evapotranspiration respectively. actual and Rickinan et al. (1975) used the ratio of available soil moisture to soil moisture at field capacity to estimate dry matter production of winter wheat. of the production function is shown below. 1DM. = 1DM. e 1 TDM=E i=l DM. 1 Ka KW A simplified form I?] where DM1 is the dry matter yield in period i, e is the base of the natural logarithm, Ka is the coefficient for soil moisture, KW a weight- ing factor for stage i and TDM is the total dry matter production for the season. Ka is estimated using the log equation given by Jensen et al. (1970) and Ka = ln(100ASM + l)/ ln(l0l) SMFC where ASM is available soil moisture, SMFC is soil moisture at field capacity and in is the natural logarithm. The production functions of Hanks (1974) and Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) are also essentially relationships between soil moisture and yield. This is due to the procedure they use to estimate transpiration and evapotranspiration. Optimization in cater tJse Several approaches have been used to find the optimal allocation of water to crops. With the traditional production function this would simply be a matter of taking the derivative to find the marginal physical product. The basic principle of optimization could then be used to allocate water (Henderson and Quandt, 1980, pp. 74-98). Minhas et al. (1974) estimated separate production functions for two periods in the growing season and used this approach to allocate water to wheat. Mathematical programming models that arrive at optimum solutions have also been used. Flinn and Musgrave (1967) developed production functions for eight periods during the growing season. These production functions were incorporated into a dynamic programming model to show how such models could be used in the allocation of water. Kumar and Khepar (1980) used separable programming to find the optimal cropping patterns under various water quantity constraints. The most common technique is to use a simulation model that estimates the results of various irrigation strategies. The objective of this type of model is to make comparisons among strategies and not necessarily to arrive at the optimum strategy. Rydzewski and Nairizi (1972) used a simulation model to compare three different water delivery systems. Simulation was used by Ahmed et al. to compare different irrigation strategies in the production of grain sorghum in South Central Texas. Morey and Gilley (1973) used a simulation model to compare wheat yields in Minnesota under different irrigation strategies and soil types. The objective in both of these projects was to maximize yield with respect to water use. As stated pre- viously the goal of a farmer may be economic optimization. et al. Yaron (1973) used simulation to compare irrigation strategies based on soil moisture with a strategy based on a predetermined time schedule. The results indicated that irrigation based on soil moisture information could lead to higher economic efficiency of water use. Harris and Mapp (1980) compared two irrigation strategies in the production of grain sorghum in Oklahoma. The first strategy was to apply 3.0 inches of water five times during the season. The second was to irrigate 0-9 times during the season at different levels. The analysis showed higher net returns under a flexible irrigation strategy. The optimal schedule was determined ex post and could not be applied to farm decision making. Zaveleta et al. (1980) compared the optimal economic allocation of water in grain sorghum production. Situations of perfect weather knowledge and conditional expectations of precipitation amounts were compared. A comparison was also made of the optimal policy with con- ditional expectations of weather and three fuel curtailment scenarios. The study indicated that introduction of stochastic elements could result in increased water use and a reduction in net returns. This study also lacked analysis of decision strategies that could be useful in irrigation planning for farm managers. Mapp and Eidman (1975) used simulation to compare two irrigation strategies in the production of grain sorghum, wheat and corn in Oklahoma. The first strategy was to irrigate the crop with the highest value of the marginal product first. to grain sorghum. The second strategy applied only Grain sorghum was irrigated if the expected yield 11 reduction from not irrigating was greater than 10 bushels. The rule used soil moisture and days to maturity to estimate yield loss. The research indicated a higher net profit with a decision rule based on expected yield loss. This strategy did have greater risk as measured by the standard deviation of net profit. The advantage of a simulation model is that it allows the complex soil moisture, climate and other plant growth relationships to be more easily incorporated into the model. Attempts are also underway to develop simulation models that will be available to farmers, extension personnel and irrigation district managers etc. to evaluate contemplated system changes and operating strategies (Anderson and Maass, 1974; Ritchie et al., 1978). Most of the simulation models discussed have examined the relationship of water quantity to yield and net returns. One aspect that has been given less attention is irrigation system design. As mentioned previously, the timing of water application is an important aspect of a production function dealing with crop yield. The design of the system will determine how often water can be applied to the field. In addition the amount of labor required to apply a specific amount of water will also vary with the design. Summary and Conclusion The traditional production function does not adequately estimate crop yield as a function of water. The non-tradional functions (Hanks, 1974; Doorenbos and Kassam, 1979; and Rickmanetal., 1975) which estimate yield as a function of relative water use over different growth stages are more appropriate. The non-traditional function is better for estimating yields but is more difficult to use in the optimization of water use. This difficulty would dictate the use of mathematical programming or simulation modelling. Simulation modelling is used in most cases to analyze efficiency of water use. The decision to apply less water will result in both operating and capital cost reductions (English and Nuss, 1982). If the system capacity is reduced to take full advantage of reduced water use, it 12 will be more constrained during years of higher than normal water demand. The average yields and net returns over several seasons will fluctuate more than with a higher capacity system. This study will compare how irrigation system designs and operating rules affect wheat yields, net returns and risk. The model will include a winter wheat yield estimation component, a soil moisture component, a risk/returns analysis component and weather data. The simulation model will be designed to demonstrate how weather variability and system design combine to affect the result of operating rules. 13 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Simulation Modelling The term "simulation model" may include mathematical programming techniques (Dent and Blackie, 1979, p. 10). It is important when discussing simulation modelling to explain what definition is being used. Markiand (1979, p. 53) defines simulation as "... an experimental technique that usually results in a series of answers, anyone of which may be acceptable to the manager." This concept seems to be most common (see Dent and Blackie, 1979; Charlton and Thompson, 1970 and Held and Helmers, 1981) and is the definition used here. The wheat produc- tion simulation model estimates yields and net returns given a particular decision strategy. The model does not contain an algorithm to determine the optimal strategy. The model to simulate winter wheat production will consist of a grain yield component, a soil moisture component, an irrigation component and a risk/returns analysis component. Elements entering the model to interact with these components are called "driving variablest' (Dent and Blackie, 1979, p. 6). Controllable and uncontrollable driving variables are entered into the simulation model. Precipitation, evaporation and temperature are the uncontrollable variables. Precipita- tion and evaporation enter the model and interact with the soil moisture component. Temperature affects plant growth and interacts with the yield component. The controllable variables are irrigation operating rules and system design. These two variables will interact with the irrigation component to determine the rate of daily water application. The soil moisture component will determine a soil moisture level which is an input to the yield component. The yield and water application affect the total returns and costs. Figure 3-1 shows the relationship between the components. The remainder of the chapter is devoted to explaining the development of the components and their relationship to the driving variables. Precipitation Evaporation Decision Rule I (System Design 4J Returns Figure 3-1: J, P Return Wheat Production System Costs H 15 The Yield Component According to Martin, et al. (1976, P. 90) the cumulative growth of most plants over time will have a shape similar to that of a sigmoid curve. This curve depicts two phases of plant growth. During the first phase the rate of plant growth is increasing over time. At the inflection point this phase ends and the rate of growth declines over the second period. Jose (1974) used a combination of two functional forms to describe this type of curve. During the period from the end of winter dormancy to the inflection point an exponential form is used. This type of a form, for explaining plant growth, was introduced by Hackenberg in 1909 (Evans, 1972, p. 190). It is called the "monetary analog" because the form is the same as that used in continuous interest compounding. The equation is Yl = Aert (3-1) where A is the initial amount or the intercept in a production function, e is the base of the natural logarithm, r is the continuous rate of growth, t is the length of the time period and Yl is the cumulative growth through time t. Equation 3-1 gives a measure of Yl at the end of period t. the simulation model a daily response to yield is needed. For The daily function is = Aert - (3-2) where AYl equal to Yl is the grain yield response in day t. et_)er and Yl is equal to Aert. These equalities can be used in equation 3-2 and the daily response is rt r(t-l) AYl=Ae -Ae = Aet l)r = Yl_ (3-3) (er_i) 1Ylt = Yli.k - The value ert is AetU 16 where LYl is the daily yield response, is the total yield to day (t-l) and k is a constant equal to (er_i). For the period from the end of t (t') to plant maturity the function used is commonly known as a Spiliman function (Heady and Hexam, 1978, p. 38). The Spillman function is derived from the sum of a decreasing geometric series (Spillman, 1923) which is shown in equation 3-4. (3-4) = j-- (l-c') S where S is the sum of the series over n, a is the first element of the series, c is the common ratio of each element to the preceeding element and n is the number of elements in the series. As n goes to infinity S value of S. will be equal to and is the maximum In using the equation as a production function, the maximum yield from t stituted for a and S to maturity. is The variable t'' is sub- is the final yield for the second period. Equation 3-5 is the form of the geometric series as the production function. (3-5) Y2 = M(1-c ti' where Y2 is the total addition to yield from t' to t, and t'' is (t-t'), and N is the maximum possible yield () and c is the rate of diminishing marginal production. A function for daily yield response is needed for the second period. to In the geometric series the additional value a ac'. This value an corresponds to the daily increment of yield for day t'' in the function. For the purpose of clarity in the presentation nip is used in place of a daily growth is (3-6) is equal Y2t = mpc1 and the function for 17 Water and Temperature Stress Equations 3-3 and 3-6 simulate the maximum potential growth on a daily basis. than optimal. No allowance is made for conditions that are less When temperature and/or soil water is less than optimal, the actual daily growth will be less than the maximum potential growth. The function used to explain the relationship between soil moisture and yield is that used by Rickman et al. (1975) represented in Figure 3-3 and equation 3-7. KA = ln(l00.ASM/SNFC + 1)/ln(iOl) (3-7) where KA is the normalized response of growth to soil moisture, and ASM Is the available soil moisture, SMFC is the available soil moisture at field capacity and in is the natural logarithm. The relationship between grain yield and temperature is more difficult to quantify. Rickman et al. (1975) estimated a normalized response function of dry matter accumulation to temperature. This relationship is not applicable when trying to estimate grain yield (Pickman, 1982). The author attempted to adjust the function in order to apply it to grain yield but had little success. blem was the lack of yield data for more than one season. The proThe effect of temperature is represented in the model as hot or cold extremes. The relationship is (3-8) TX = 0 for 37°F > TA > 104°F (3-9) TX = 1 for 37°F < TA < 104°F where TX is the normalized response of yield to temperature and TA is the average daily temperature. The effects of temperature and moisture are now incorporated into the daily yield response functions. The approach taken by Jose (1974) and Pickman et al. (1975) is to use the products of the temperature and moisture function in the production function. In the model presented here the daily yield function is multiplied by the 18 KA 1. 1.0 ASM SMFC Figure 3-2: Yield Response to Soil Moisture 19 minimum of TX and KA. The practice of using the minimum input is not uncommon in estimating production functions of two or more essential inputs (Waggoner and Norvell, 1979). This is based on the assumption that growth is limited to the smallest amount of any necessary input. Equation 3-3 and 3-6 become -respectively. (3-10) ,Y1t = Y1ti,.k.mi.n(KATX) = mp.ctl.min(KA,TX) (3-11) for for t >t' where k, c, and mp are coefficients to be estimated. is also an estimated The value t' lue. The Soil Moisture Component A model is also needed to calculate available soil moisture (ASM) and evapotranspiration (ETA). simply a bookkeeping technique. The calculation of ASM is Soil moisture inflows are added to ASM and the outflows are subtracted. (3-12) ASM = ASMt i + bIRRt 1 + PRCPt i ETAt i where ASM is available soil moisture, b is irrigation efficiency, IRR is irrigation water applied, PRCP is rainfall, ETA is actual evaportranspiration arid PNF is water runoff from the soil surface. If after three days since the last wetting ASM is greater than soil moisture at field capacity (SMFC), the difference is assumed to be lost to percolation. rainfall. Initial soil moisture is a function of winter The relationship is (3-13) SE = 74.52-.l47WM (3-14) ASM0 = (SE/lOO).WMI where SE is storage efficiency, WM is winter rainfall in centimeters, ASM0 is initial soil moisture and WMI is the winter precipitation it inches (Glenn, 1981). Irrigation efficiency (b) was assumed to be a relationship between soil moisture and gross irrigation application. 20 The relationship estimated by the author is b = l.07284-.30377.IRR/Depl (3-15) where b is the irrigation efficiency, Depi is the soil moisture depletion (SMFC-ASM) and IRR is the gross water application. The irrigation efficiency multiplied by IRR gives the amount of moisture added to the soil profile. The value b is constrained to vary between .10 and .92. The model allows the user to determine irrigation. Precipitation is acquired from historical data and runoff is considered negligible. SMFC is a predetermined parameter depending on soil type and rooting depth. Evapotranspiration Estimation The calculation of ETA is more complicated. A common practice is to calculate reference evapotranspiration using climatological data (Jensen, et al., 1971). Hanks (1974) calculates ETA by using measured pan evaporation data. Bates, et al. (1982) examined the relationship between pan evaporation and ETA in the Columbia River Basin. The purpose was to develop "a coefficient of evapotranspiration which is easily applied for the improvement of irrigation practices and water conservation." In this model ETA will be calculated using the approach of Bates, etal. (1982) and adjusting it for soil moisture deficits. (3-16) The process is outlined below ETA EVAPKC where EVA? is pan evaporation, and KC is a coefficient for soil moisture level, plant stage of growth and wetness of soil surface. (3-17) KC = KCEKN + KS where KCE is pan evaporation coefficient, KS is an adjustment for ETA after wetting and KN is adjustment for the level of available soil moisture. The value KCE was approximated by Bates et al. (1982) and is shown in equation 3-18 and Figure 3-3 (3-18) KCE = (-1.968 x i0)t3 + (2.029 x 102)t2 + 56.062 21 1. 60 Figure 3-3: Value of KE Over Time 120 days 22 where t is the number of days since winter dormancy. The value for KS was approximated by Jensen et al. (1971) is (3-19) KS = (.9-KCE)8 for D 1 (3-20) KS = (.9-KCE)5 for D 2 (3-21) KS = (.9-KCE).3 for D 3 where D is the number of days since the last wetting by irrigation or precipitation. System to be Modelled The production unit to be modelled is a 160 acre winter wheat farm near Hermiston, Oregon. The model farm will be irrigated by a side-roll sprinkle irrigation system. The spacing of the risers and nozzles is 60 ft. and 40 ft. respectively. 2640 ft. by 2640 ft. The field dimensions are The mainline runs through the middle of the field so each lateral is 1320 ft. long. The riser spacing is 60 ft. This gives a total of 88 sets with 44 on each side of the mainline. A 250 ft. well is located next to the field. Figure 3-4 represents the field to be modelled. As stated the field is divided into 88 sets. It is assumed that each side of the mainline will be irrigated identically and that the yield response will also be the same. one side of the field or 44 sets. The model will only simulate The simulation model will estimate daily soil moisture and yield f or each set. it is assumed that the farmer will irrigate the first set and proceed to the end of the field before returning to irrigate a second time. The irrigation component of the model schedules the irrigation for each set. If enough precipita- tion occurs to raise the soil moisture level to field capacity then irrigation is stopped. the Hermiston area. first set. It is quite unlikely that this would occur in When irrigation begins again it will start on the 23 2640' Lateral Lateral 0 'V N -4 '-4 Lateral z Lateral 0 Well Figure 3-4 Representation of Model Field withFOur Laterals 24 System Design The simulation model compares the net returns of using different systems and operating rules. The author designed the different systems using a computer model developed by Marshall English, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering, Oregon State University. of system design is the number of laterals. with 10, 8, 4 and 2 laterals. of water flow. The model compares systems The next design consideration is the rate The system will either deliver water at a full irriga- tion level or at a lower level. examined. The first aspect Two different levels of pumping are These levels will be explained in conjunction with the operat- ing rules. Operating Rules Two different types of operating rules are analyzed. The first is the set time and the second is the level of soil moisture when irrigation is started. With 8 and 10 laterals, set times of 23 hours and 11 hours were considered. level of 6 inches. inches. With The analysis assumes a maximum soil moisture The soil moisture levels used are 5.0 inches and 3.0 2 and 4 laterals, set times are 11 hours and 7 hours and moisture levels of 5.0 inches, 3.0 inches, and 2.0 inches were used as alternatives for initiating irrigation. The set time, rate of water flow, soil moisture depletion and the uniformity of water distribution combine to give a measure of irrigation adequacy. An irrigation adequacy of approximately 87 percent is consid- ered full irrigation by the Soil Conservation Service. This means that 87 percent of the area irrigated receives at least enough water to fill the soil profile. The remaining 13 percent of the area will receive less water than soil moisture depletion. rates are considered. As mentioned previously, two pumping The two rates are those that would achieve approxi- mately 87 and 50 percent adequacy given the maximum daily ETA and the sprinkler system capacity. It is also assumed that the uniformity of the water distribution is normal. Table 3-1 shows the lateral designs, set time and adequacy levels that are used in the simulation model. 25 Table 3-1 Lateral Design Parameter Irrigation1 Strategy Laterals Adequacy Set Hourly App.2 Cycle3 Time Time Rate System4 Capacity 10 87 23 .17 9 .43 10 87 23 .17 9 .43 10 87 11 .18 5 .44 10 87 11 .18 5 .44 5 10 50 23 .11 9 .29 5 10 50 23 .11 9 .29 7 10 50 11 .11 5 .28 10 50 ii .11 5 .28 8 87 23 .20 11 .42 LO 8 87 23 .20 11 .42 LI 8 87 11 .22 6 .44 L2 8 87 11 .22 6 .44 L3 8 50 23 .14 11 .29 L4 8 50 23 .14 11 .29 15 8 50 11 .14 6 .28 16 8 50 11 .14 6 .28 17 4 87 11 .42 11 .42 18 4 87 11 .42 11 .42 19 4 87 11 .42 11 .42 20 4 87 7 .44 8 .42 21 4 87 7 .44 8 .42 22 4 87 7 .44 8 .42 23 4 50 11 .28 II .28 24 4 50 11 .28 11 .28 25 4 50 11 .28 11 .28 26 4 50 7 .30 8 .28 27 4 50 7 .30 8 .28 28 4 50 7 .30 8 .28 29 2 87 11 .74 22 .37 30 2 87 11 .74 22 .37 L 3 26 Table 3-1 (Continued) Irrigation1 Strategy 1 Laterals Adeguacy Set Hourly App.2 Time Rate Cycle3 Time System4 Capacity 31 2 87 11 .74 22 .37 32 2 50 11 .44 22 .22 33 2 50 11 .44 22 .22 34 2 50 11 .44 22 .22 35 2 50 7 .55 15 .26 36 2 50 7 .55 15 .26 37 2 50 7 .55 15 .26 SCS measurement of irrigation, 87 percent is considered full irrigation. 2 - Evaporation loss at 8 percent. 3 - Cycle time is the number of days to irrigate the entire field. The values are rounded up to the whole number. 4 - System capacity is the net application per irrigation divided by the cycle time. 27 Other information in Table 3-1 is the application rate and system capacity. The application rate is the rate of water application in inches per hour. This is important because if the rate is too high the soil will not absorb the water and run-off will occur. Table 3-1 shows that a system with two laterals and 11 hour sets must have an This application rate of .74 in/hr. to achieve 87 percent adequacy. is a relatively high rate of application but is not unreasonable. There are soils in the Hermiston area with intake rates of .80 in/hr. System capacity is a measure of daily application. If a person were to move the laterals often enough to irrigate the entire field in one day then system capacity is the maximum amount of water the system can apply to each acre. System capacity is equal to the net application per irrigation divided by the number of days to irrigate the entire field. Net application is equal to the set time multiplied by the application rate. For example, strategy 1 (Table 3-1) has a set time of 23 hours, a net application rate of .17 inches per hour and a cycle time of 9 days. The system capacity is (23 x .17)19 where .43 is the system capacity. .43 Comparable calculations made using the data shown in Table 3-1 will not always result in a measure of system capacity equal to that in Table 3-1. This is due to rounding errors. Simulation Seguence Daily weather data were acquired from the Hermiston Agricultural Experiment Station. The most consistent data were available from 1963. Weather data for 1963-1981 were used for the model. it is assumed that this period represents the normal distribution of weather in the area. Winter rainfall is for the period November 1 to March 31. season from the end of winter dormancy is April 1 to July 20. The It is assumed that the crop will be established in the fall. The model calculates the soil moisture for each set beginning on April 1. If the soil moisture, of the first set, is below the 28 designated moisture level for irrigation then the irrigation cycle will begin. The beginning of irrigation is based on the first set only. The irrigation component schedules the irrigation for all the sets beginning with the first set. laterals and the set time. The scheduling 15 based on the number of Soil moisture may return to the level to begin irrigation on the first set before the last set has been irrigated. In this situation the irrigation for the earlier irrigated sets will be postponed i.e., no set will receive a second irrigation before all sets have received the first irrigation. The process is repeated for each day in the season and for each year in the simulation process. The yield response to temperature and soil moisture is also estimated daily for each set. Evaluation of Estimated Results The simulation model does not arrive at an optimum solution. results of each strategy must be considered outside of the model. The The method of evaluating the results of the winter wheat production model is outlined below. Net returns are calculated for each year. The net returns exclude charges for cultural practices (other than irrigation), taxes, depreciation, etc. The returns to irrigation are the only ones considered. The average return and standard deviation of net return are calculated. This is the average and standard deviation of each strategy over the simulation period (19 years). The utility of each strategy is measured and (3-22) U = NR-RSD where U is utility, NR is the average net return for a particular strategy. SD is the standard deviation of NR and R is a coefficient to weight SD according to the risk aversion of a manager. R will vary from zero to two for the risk neutral manager and most risk averse manager respectively (Brink and McCarl, 1978). 29 Summary A discussion of simulation modelling was presented. Simulation is considered a technique of estimating results of various strategies. Optimization in simulation is less defined than in mathematical programming. The optimum may be a sub-jective evaluation of the manager. A simulation model for the analysis of winter wheat production in Hermiston, Oregon was presented. The model consists of yield, soil moisture, irrigation scheduling and risk/returns analysis components. The driving variables are weather and system design and operating rules. Weather and strategies (design and operating rules) are un- controllable and controllable variables respectively. The production unit to be modelled was described with a discussion of the different strategies to be used on the farm. is also presented. The sequence of simulation events The strategies are evaluated on the basis of utility. Utility is the average net return minus the standard deviation weighted by a risk aversion factor. 30 CHAPTER IV MODEL VALIDATION AND SIMULATION RESULTS A simulation model must be validated to verify that the sequence of simulated events is correct and that the model predictions are consistent with actual wheat production relationships. The model des- cribed in Chapter III was coded in FORTRAN for the use on the CYBER 170 computer located at Oregon State University. the validation process. This chapter describes The results of the estimation of model co- efficients are presented along with a brief discussion of the process for testing the model logic. The wheat production system was simulated for the different strategies and the results are given. Data Source During the 1981 crop season, the Department of Agricultural Engineering at Oregon State University conducted experiments near Hermiston, Oregon to determine the effects of deficit irrigation on evapotranspiration and wheat yield. The data acquired from the field trials were used to estimate the coefficients for the plant growth and soil moisture models. Four treatments from the field trials were used to estimate the necessary model coefficients. All of the treat- ments were irrigated to field capacity by April 1, 1981, and were irrigated at 100 percent of soil moisture depletion at different intervals thereafter. W13 and Wl4 were irrigated in 1 week intervals. and T15 were irrigated at 2 week intervals. T13 T2A3 and T2A5 were irrigated at 3 week intervals and T3A3 and T3A4 at 4 week intervals. The reader is referred to Nuss (1981) for a detailed discussion of the experimental design. The coefficients were estimated using an iterative technique. Rasmussen and Hanks (1978) used a similar procedure to estimate a model and found that the results were comparable to those achieved through regression. The values for the coefficients were chosen randomly 31 and entered into the model. to the measured data. The predicted results were then compared The sum of the deviations (SD) and the average of the sum of the squared deviations (MSD) were computed for the various combinations of random values. Incremental changes were made in the random value and MSD and SD were re-calculated. The process was repeated until only small changes occurred in SD and MSD. The objective was to find a set of values that minimize SD and MSD. Estimation of Soil Moisture Coefficients For the moisture component of the model the value to be estimated is KN. Daily ETA values were used for the estimation procedure. The best fit was achieved when a function is used similar to that shown in Figure 4-1. This function shows that the value of KN increases in a manner described by a cubic function, then KN is constant until a particular level of ASM/SMFC is reached. The function coefficients were estimated and the results are shown below. KN (4-1) 1 for > .45 SMFC 2 KN = b1 ASM - b2 ASM SMFC SMFC (4-2) for ASM < 45 SMFC where b1 and b2 are equal to 14.13 and 20.60 respectively. A comparison is made of actual and estimated evapotranspiration in Table 4-1. Three models are compared. The first two models, entitled Nuss Log and Nielsen Log respectively, are comparisons of works by Nuss (1981) and the author. The method used to estimate ETA is in both cases a log model used by Jensen et al. (1971). In equation 3-16 the author uses pan evaporation (EVAP) to calculate ETA. In an equivalent calculation Nuss (1981) uses, in place of EVAP, climatological data and estimates reference evapotranspiration using the Penman equation. The value for KN is (4-3) KN = ln(100 ASM/SMFC + 1)/ln(101) where all the variables are the same as defined previously. The third model, entitled Nielsen Cubic, is the function described in equations 4-1 and 4-2. The numbers in the table are the values of the total 32 IKN 1.0 .5 .5 1.0 ASM SMFC Figure 4-1: Evapotranspiration Response to Soil Moisture 33 Table 4-1: Deviations of Estimated Evapotranspiration Deviations from cumulative Measured ETA (Hundredths of inches) Nuss Nielsen Nielsen Log Log Cubic Plot Code Total Measured ETA (inches) W13 15.90 37.40 97.56 39.06 W14 16.47 -65.76 18.58 -40.21 T13 16.79 -76.38 25.55 -25.00 T15 17.96 -232.28 -44.50 -78.54 T2A3 14.44 114.57 75.93 10.22 T2A5 15.00 50.00 8.49 -56.89 T3A3 13.09 257.48 236.67 175.23 T3A4 13.75 304.72 193.72 131.28 389.75 613.00 155.15 30,035.94 14,043.52 7,652.12 dev (dev)2 8 34 predicted ETA minus total measured ETA in hundredths of inches. The table also shows the sum of the deviations and the mean of the sum of squared deviations. Estimation of Yield Coefficients The comparisons between predicted and measured yield were slightly more difficult to make. tables 4l and 4-2 access tube. The plot codes Wl3, W14, etc. shown in are a description of a particular neutron probe The measured yields were taken between the access tubes. The predicted yields were estimated using the information from the access tubes. Measured yields used for comparisons to validate the model are therefore the average of the plot yield on each side of the acöess tube (see Figure 4-2). Values were estimated for k, mp, c, t, and Yo (A in equation 3-i) using the iterative technique described above. functions are shown below (4-4) = Yt1.k.min(KA,TX) for t < t' Y2t = (4-5) The daily yield . . . .1 mp.ctt.min(,TX) fort> t'....O where k, mp, c, t', arid Yo are equal to .0672, 978.64, .79, 54 and 100 respectively. Table 4-2 shows the results from the estimated model. are in pounds per acre. The yields The sum of the deviations and the mean of the sum of squared deviations are given. The results were compared with those by Rasmussen and Hanks (1978) and the accuracy compares favorably based on the mean of the sum of the squared deviations. Testing Model Performance After the component coefficients had been estimated the performance of the simulation model was tested. The objective is to verify that the relationships between components have been described consistent with the production system. It is also to check for logic errors that may .J.w. 1 fl and S 2 3 measured yield S = sprinkler lateral = access tube Yield used to estimate model for access tube 2 is equal to: + 2 Figure 4-2: Plot layout for Hermiston Field Trials 36 Table 4-2: Plot Code Comparison of Measured Yields and Yields Estimated by Simulation Model Estimated Yield Measured1 Yield Dev. (pounds per acre) Wl3 6226 W14 6380 6317 63 T13 6052 6754 -702 T15 6377 6460 83 T2A3 5711 5506 205 T2A5 5677 5890 -213 T3A3 4807 4526 281 T3A4 4807 4675 132 5896 330 2dev (dev)2 13.76 99,468 8 1 Data sheets from Department of Agricultural Engineering, Oregon State University, field trials, John Madsen property, Hermiston, Oregon, 1981. 37 have occurred in the programming process. Testing the model logic is quite subjective and the method used by the author is outlined below. The process was to change specific parameters and constrain variables to normal and extreme values. The system was simulated for a small sample of data and the results examined. During the process several intermediate results that flow between components were also examined to verify that they were correct and/or realistic. For example, the daily soil moisture values, daily precipitation and daily irrigation values were printed to verify the soil moisture component. Irrigation and daily precipitation were constrained to extreme values to check the soil moisture component under different situations. The irrigation component was validated along with the soil moisture component. The testing of the model indicated that it functions properly. modifications were minor. Most The reader should be aware of two changes that were made as a result of the testing. The first modification was that if available soil moisture is totally depleted before June 1, then crop failure is assumed. after June 30. The second was that irrigation will not take place This is the approximate time period that irrigation is stopped in the Hermiston area. In conclusion, the author feels that the model described can be used to adequately estimate yields. son made with other models. does have limitations. This conclusion is based on the compari- Recognition is given to the fact that it Soil moisture and crop yield data from other years and locations would be helpful and could be used to improve the model. This is particularly true for determining the role that temperature plays in yield prediction. Results The production of winter wheat was simulated for 19 years of weather data. The effect of different irrigation strategies was evaluated. Each strategy is a combination of a particular set of operating rules and system design. The yields, water use, net returns, and variability of net returns were examined. The strategies are compared on the basis of utility. Utility is the average net returns minus the weighted standard deviation 38 of net returns. The standard deviation is weighted according to the degree of risk aversion. The remainder of the chapter is devoted to a discussion of the simulation results. Yields and Water Use Table 4-3 shows the wheat yield and water use for each strategy (see Table 3-1 for specification of strategies). rable 4-3 also shows the average number of irrigations and the ratio of actual evapotranspiration (ETA) to potential evapotranspiration (ETP). Potential evapotrans- piration is the value of ETA when the plant is not subject to water stress. It is the maximum value of water use by the plant. The calculation of ETP is ETP = EVAP.KCEKN where EVAP, KCE and KN are defined the same as in equation 3-17, but the value of KN is a constant equal to 1.0. The ratio is greater than 1.0 for some strategies due to the value KS (equation 3-17). increased soil moisture after irrigation or precipitation. of potential evapotranspiration excludes KS. KS accounts for The estimation Strategies that have fre- quent irrigations at low moisture depletion levels will have a cumulative ET that is greater then cumulative ETP. The highest yield was obtained with strategy 3. 124.69 bushels per acre. The yield is The highest five yields are 124.69, 123.72, 122.46, 122.31 and 121.67 for strategies 3, 11, 7, 15 and 20 respectively. All of these strategies begin irrigation at a soil moisture level of 5 inches. The highest yields are also with strategies that irrigate with high frequencies and set times less than 23 hours. 11 hours. Strategies 3, 11, 17 and 15 each have a set time of Strategy 20 has a set time of 7 hours. The number of irrigations for 3, 11, 17, and 15 and 20 were 16, 14, 17, 14 and 12 respectively. Strategy 5 has the highest yield for any strategy with a set time of 23 hours. The yield for 5 is 120.08 bushels per acre and it is ranked seventh on the basis of yield. Table 4-3: Average Yields, Irrigations and Water Use ;iJ Average3cs Yield SD2 Yield Max Yield Mm Yield No3 IRR 119.68 107.38 124.69 104.47 120.08 1.67 2.46 1.58 2.09 2.68 121.94 111.37 126.75 110.63 124.00 115.3? 103.24 120.36 100.86 114.33 10. 102.34 122.46 98.74 116 9' 108.45 2.30 2.40 99.09 116.98 93.96 88 105.01 8 2.07 107.59 125.84 106.34 119 91 112.21 15 122.31 1.56 2.38 2.83 2.69 2.47 125.76 111.67 122.16 103.34 125.68 119.55 101.70 112.03 98.05 116.83 14. 14 123.72 105.41 11?.84 102.66 10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2.81 7' 1 i1 1.01 1.04 9. 32.81 18.14 10. 26.88 .99 6. 17.74 22.41 16.25 40 54 25.78 .91 16. 17. 12. 5. 7. 8. 5. 14. 99,91 116.92 108.45 95.82 121.67 2.63 1.72 2.07 4.43 1.65 106.78 17 108.88 123.98 96.03 112.88 105.01 89.18 117.42 106.37 94.48 117.63 102.09 90.97 1.82 3.52 3.00 2.74 4.29 110.07 105.61 122.08 107.73 104.49 103.88 90.15 111.42 97.62 85.96 6. 121.37 101.30 89.34 102.17 101.05 2.63 2.40 4.00 3.35 124,88 107.7? 101.31 109.62 107.47 115.56 96.80 83.96 97.85 96.86 11. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 2.91 ET Ratio 40.82 22.76 5. 16 119.91 112.21 Irr4 Water 8. 5. 3. 12. 5. 8. 5. 4. 8. 6. 4. . .96 .95 1.02 .91 9? .97 37.61 19.29 1.03 .96 27.54 18.70 23.44 .97 .91 1.01 16.17 40.54 25.78 17.19 39.10 1.02 20.61 15.21 .96 .82 26.29 18.16 13.55 .96 25.52 17.12 13.38 35.61 30.54 .99 .92 .91 .99 .97 .31 .90 .78 .78 .86 .85 40 Table 4-3 : (Continued) SD2 Yield Max Yield Yield 90.19 104.75 97.55 86.16 113.36 4.63 4.45 3.76 5.23 101 .83 81 .97 2. 95.96 91.27 77.79 106.61 4. 3.31 112.94 106.67 100.5? 118.34 101.73 89.59 2.99 5.32 109.08 104.19 97.07 79.03 Average1 Yield 31 32 33 34 35 36 7 Mm No.3 IRR 3. 2. 6. 4. 3. 1- Yield in bushels per acre 2- Standard deviation of yield 3- T1'ie average number of irrigations 4- Average gross water application in acre inches Irr Water ET Ratio 20.81 21.37 17.17 12.69 25.46 .75 .85 .80 .69 .93 18.53 13.13 .87 .73 41 The relationship between yield and water use would be expected to be positive. The simulated results do generally have a positive relationship between water use and yield. The results indicate that it is possible to reduce water application and not appreciably affect yield. Strategy 3. and strategy 7 received 32.81 inches and 22.41 inches of water respectively. The yields for 3 and 7 are 124.69 bushels and 122.46 bushels respectively. Strategies 3 and 7 are the same in all respects with the exception of adequacy. Strategy 3 had an adequacy of 87 percent and 7 had an-adequacy of 50-percent. Total Investment Cost The total investment cost of each strategy could not be determined before the simulation had taken place. The lateral costs and pump costs were available but not the mainline cost. lire depends on the diameter of the pipe used. The cost of the main- The optimum diameter of mainline pipe is a function of interest rates, the cost of energy, total water flow and the number of hours that the system is used durinq the season. The more hours a system is in use, ceteris paribus, the larger the diameter of mainline that is used. A larger diameter will result in higher investment costs and lower energy costs. If a system is used for relatively few hours during the season then a smaller diameter of mainline is used. energy costs. ment cost. This will result in higher The cost of energy will be offset by the lower invest- The higher energy cost is due to the increased friction in smallerpipes. The choice was made by consulting tables prepared by the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Oregon State University. The tables showed minimum cost pipe diameter for a given interest rate, total water flow and total hours of operation. The capital costs were annualized by amortizing the total investment cost minus the discounted salvage value. The salvage value was calculated as 10 percent of the investment in the pump and laterals. years. The amortization period was 15 42 The average hours of operation were calculated by the simulation model. The mainline diameter was chosen and total investment calculated. Table 4-4 shows the total investment for each strategy. The table also indicates the combination of operat ing rules and system design Table 4-5 shows the prices used for the used for each strategy. analysis. Net Returns Table 4-6 shows the net returns and utility for each strategy ranked in descending order. The maximum net return and utility is with strategy 26. Thnet return and utility are $362.60 and $337.12 respectively. The risk aversioncoefficient in Table 4-6 is 2.0 The results indicate that risk does not seem to increase with the higher average net returns. The optimal strategies are basically the same with a risk aversion coefficient of 0 or 2.0. be with a lower capital investment. The highest utility tends to The results show that irrigating when soil moisture reaches 5 inches is the best strategy. Strategy 14 is the highest ranked strategy to irrigate when soil moisture is less than 5 inches. The utility for strategy 4 is 291.36. Irrigating at 5 inches is probably consistent with current practices. Farmers tend to irrigate early in the season before a high water demand exists. The practice is to keep moisture in the profile so the plant will not be as stressed later in the season when there is a high water demand. In the middle of the season a system may not be able to meet the water demand. This is when water demand is high and the value of the marginal product of water is highest. Influence of Labor Costs The cost of labor was changed from $4.50 to $6.00 and $10.00. As might be expected the strategies with relatively fewer irrigations tended to become more appealing. labor cost of $10.00. Table 4-7 shows the ranked results This may be a high wage rate but could be Table 4-4 Total Investment for Each Strategy C) 4-) LAT . HR 2 1 10 23. 2 10 3 10 23. 11. 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 23. 11. 9 10 11. 9 8 23. 10 8 23. ii 8 11. 12 8 11. 13 8 23. 14 8 15 8 23. 11. 16 8 11. 17 4 11. 18 4 11. 1? 4 20 4 11. 7. 21 4 7. 22 23 4 7. 4 11. 24 4 25 4 11. 11. 26 27 28 29 30 ii. 23. 4 7. 4 7. 4 2 7. 11. 2 11. SMI 3 HP 4 Lateral Cost Main Line Cost 55000. 55000. 55000. 55000. 55000. Pump Cost Total 75??. 75??. 7597. 7597. 7597. 33000. 33000. 33000. 33000. 28500. 95597. 95597. 95597. 95597. 91097. 5617. 5617. 5617. 759?. 759?. 28500. 28500. 28500. 33000. 33000. 9117. 89117. 89117. 84597. 8459?. 3.3000. 84597. 8459?. 80097. 5.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00. 248. 248. 265. 265. 3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 169. 169. 169. 244. 244. 55000. 55000. 55000. 44000. 44000. 5.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 272. 272. 156. 156. 156. 44000. 44000. 44000. 44000. 44000. 7597. 7597. 7597. 759?. 7597. 33000. 28500. 28500. 28500. 3.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 170. 280. 280. 280. 297. 44000. 22000. 22000. 22000. 22000. 5617. 7768. 7768. 7?68. 7597. 28500. 33000. 33000. 33000. 33000. 78117. 62768. 62768. 62768. 62597. 3.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 297. 297. 163. 177. 17?. 22000. 22000. 22000. 22000. 22000. 75??. 7597. 7597. 5617. 5617. 33000. 33000 29000. 29000. 29000. 62597. 62597. 58597. 56617. 56617. 5.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 176. 193. 22000. 22000. 22000. 11000. 11000. 7597. 561?. 5617. 7768. 7768. 31500. 31500. 31500. 32500. 32500. 61097. 59117. 59117. 51268. 51268. 156. 193. 288. 288. 8007. 80097. 44 Table 4-4 (Continued) >1 w 4J (U LAT 1 HR 2 31 2 32 2 11. 11. 33 34 35 2 11. 2 2 ii. 7. 36 2 7. 37 2 7. 1234- SMI 3 HP 4 Lateral Cost Main Line Cost Pump Cost Total 5126a. 49617. 49617. 49617. 47597. 45617. 45617. 2.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 288. 146. 146. 180. 188. 11000. 11000. 11000. 11000. 11000. 7768. 5617. 5617. 5617. ?57. 32500. 33000. 33000. 33000. 29000. 3.00 2.00 201. 201. 11000. 11000. 5617. 561?. 29000. 29000. The number of laterals The length of set The level of soil moisture to initiate irrigation Horsepower requirement 45 .1 Table 4-5:Prices Used in Analysis Price per kilowat hour Monthly Demand Charge $ .0138 9.19 per HP2 Annual Hook up: Horsepower 0-50 Horsepower 51-100 $350 + $6 per HP Horsepower 101-200 $650 + $5 per HP Horsepower 201-300 $1150 + $4 per HP Horsepower 301-400 $1550 + $3 per HP $7 per HP with a $132 minimum Wheat is $3.80 per bushel Labor is $4.50 per hour Interest Rate is 12.5 percent Lateral $5500 per lateral Mainline cost per 100 ft. 10 inch is $651 8 inch is $526 6 inch is $325 Approximate Pump Cost Eased on Gallons of Water Pumped (GPM) 400 GPM $19,000 500 GPM $21,000 650 GPM $26,000 800 GPM $28,000 1000 GPM $29,000 1200 GPM $32,000 1500 GPM $33,000 3. - 1982 prices 2 - HP is horsepower pump costs were nterpo1ated for GPN values between the given rates. 3 Table 4-6 Strategy 26 23 35 is 20 13 17 7 3 9 32 18 1 36 21 24 10 33 14 2 30 12 ; Ranked.Utility1Net Retwns nd Costs fo Jch Strategy in Dollars Per Acre. TOtal Revenue 0 and Costs Labor Costs 487.90 472.88 455.69 491.70 489.12 40.4? 39.53 43.69 35.80 67.33 28.13 19.6? 14.96 35.06 28.73 473.71 482.72 470.03 492.27 497.3? 39.48 38.86 66.89 37.35 61.26 24.04 19.78 41.92 35.17 501.25 470.03 421.08 435.96 481.11 55.83 61.18 35.52 51.75 61.83 408.95 427.62 410.39 435.96 392.16 Capita] Net Return SD Net Return Max Net Return 362.60 359.29 352.83 346.53 334.96 12.74 13.21 14.13 13.32 9.69 387.56 385.90 378.21 370.08 359.84 333.03 325.09 316,85 313.91 337.12 332,87 324,58 319.89 315.59 12.51 12.51 58.26 82.63 78.47 340.22 335,32 325.10 330.38 322.47 365.98 362.06 348.89 355.47 344.60 315.65 309.68 307,38 299.31 295.70 315.20 310.29 307.61 302.15 299.81 38.76 19.78 9.99 12.58 24.34 88.66 78.47 46.04 58,26 88.66 318.00 310.60 329.53 313.38 306.28 11.01 8.95 335.42 333.8? 367.03 338.88 329.8? 289.66 292.94 293.77 293.33 286.48 295.77 293.29 292.40 291.36 288.38 38.88 48.12 34.32 47.02 31.28 10.90 15.15 13.58 12.58 8.03 42.34 58.10 52.53 78.47 46.04 316.83 306.25 309.95 297.89 306.80 14.50 10.23 13.81 10.86 17.05 355.63 330.50 341.63 322.93 351.43 294.07 288.52 285.99 278.16 277.76 287.82 285,80 282.74 276.16 272.70 407.21 412.69 431.66 406.22 35.19 31.56 44.49 61.63 298.31 293.44 284.94 288.22 4338 54.84 74.31 88.66 47.61 78.47 13.75 13.11 12.38 15.13 13.03 333.94 324.62 310.57 328.14 317.84 277.44 269.09 262.02 269.12 265.02 270.80 423J5 18.8? 13.38 13.57 8.5? 18.04 19.71 Cst 56.71 54.39 44.20 74.31 58.10 74.31 84.49 283.85 8.75 14.12 11.33 11.11 8.65 18.56 Net Return Mm :335.07 Utility 262.21 260.19 257.96 257.79 3 Table 4-6 Strategy 29 6 16 4 19 22 25 37 8 28 31 34 : (Continued) Total Revenue 0 and Costs Labor Costs Capita Costs Net Return SD Net: Return Max Net Return Net Return Utility Mm 410.73 411.39 401.63 419.9? 385.19 6?.?8 32.90 31.44 41.60 42.94 9.99 15.87 24.19 21.43 8.38 82.63 72.44 88.66 58.26 285.35 279.99 273.56 268.28 275.61 14.79 12.64 14.86 12.24 20.15 322.76 310.43 311.31 301.94 334.57 262.2? 260.02 252.82 250.67 244.22 255.76 254.72 243.83 243.80 235.32 379.83 365.71 360.15 396.95 359.16 42.50 29.83 33.01 31.47 31.44 11.1? 10.14 7.72 30.39 14.74 58.10 52.53 42.34 82.63 54.84 268.05 273.21 277.09 252.46 258.13 17.13 19.88 24.5? 16.57 19.47 321.00 333.81 342.69 294.60 314.41 245.26 248.96 229,72 224.43 230.07 233.79 233,46 227.95 219.32 219.19 362.57 346.37 50.40 32.23 5.84 5.93 47.61 46.04 258.72 262.17 21.03 22.97 313.70 326.02 227,94 229,22 216.66 216.24 1- Operation and Maintenance Costs 2- Annualized at 12.5 percent over 15 years. 3- Risk aversion coefficient equal to 2.0. 47.61 3 Table 4-7: Ranked Utility, Net Returns Total Revenue Laho 23 35 26 472.88 455.69 487.90 13 0 and Costs and Costs with Labor Capital3 Cost Costs Net Return at $10.00 Per Hour SD Net Return Max Net Return 366.65 362.81 360.33 346.45 329,37 335.25 334.55 328.23 316.14 300.93 13.98 14.53 43.95 54.39 44.20 56.71 74.31 58.26 35.52 38.86 67.33 51.75 22.20 46.04 317.32 53.43 84.49 63.84 27.95 18.84 13.98 11.70 12.40 408.95 38.88 24.23 58.10 58.26 42.34 305.93 299.85 298.01 303.50 15 491.70 35.80 9 470.03 61.18 74.31 78.47 21 24 33 427.62 410.39 392.16 48.12 34.32 31.28 77.92 43.95 33.66 30.18 17.84 10 435.96 27.95 78.4? 54.09 88,66 78.16 29.74 78.47 473.71 39.53 43.69 40.4? 39.48 33.25 62.50 43.79 17 470.03 66.89 32 421.08 482.72 489.12 435.96 5 20 18 36 43.71 58.10 52.53 46.04 14 497.3? 412.69 47.02 61.83 61.26 31.56 30 406.22 61.83 19.04 74.31 47,61 1 11 27 29 7 2 481.11 14.81 13.2? 9.66 15.80 307.28 305.48 298.60 356.58 339.37 332.61 327.61 346,28 281.40 278.74 276.78 279.65 277.98 276.44 274.91 273.20 278.46 271.90 268.18 268.19 266.10 266.19 266.48 270.51 267.32 263.66 262.90 261.15 259.76 255.54 246.75 249.56 258.12 258.03 255.71 249.6? 247.84 245.44 249.66 254.89 239.64 234 93 242.49 242.91 242.89 303.67 286.43 287.74 293.35 296,99 16.58 9.55 12.04 15.23 17.92 334.88 282.52 276.53 279.48 277.08 277.75 12.24 10.41 14.91 14.62 16.15 311.66 306.91 314.34 316.75 329.80 344.69 309.95 312.80 320.99 407.21 35.19 41.93 54.84 275.24 67.78 37.35 22.20 93.14 47.61 16.17 15.13 18.59 317.03 312.31 82.63 273.14 279.15 501 55 13 dh 6o 270 6 14 82 30.16 88.66 268.36 13.88 94 17 298.4? 431.66 o 4449 6 Return 308.28 306.53 297.95 290.90 282.63 410.73 492.2? 5 34in Net 313.5:1 . 289.60 281.61 741.9? 24 240.60 Table 4-7: (continued) Total .Q and i Labor2 Ct$ 1? 6 25 22 4 31 34 16 28 8 Capita1 .Net..... $0 Net Cot Return Return Max Net Return Min Net. Return Utility 423.75 411.39 385.19 365.?1 379.83 43.38 32.90 42.94 29.83 42.50 40.08 35.27 18.63 22,53 24.83 28.4? 82.63 58.26 52.53 58.10 261.81 260.59 265.36 260.82 254.40 15.38 14.82 21.16 21.3? 18.78 301.06 296.54 326.87 324.73 311.51 239.17 236.42 232.12 233.56 228.90 231.05 230.95 223.04 218.08 216.03 360.15 419.97 362.5? 346.3? 401.63 33.01 41.60 50.40 32.23 :31.44 17.15 47.62 12.9? 13.18 53.74 42.34 88.66 47.61 46.04 12.44 267.65 242.09 251.59 254.92 243,99 25.64 15.13 21.71 23.69 18.36 336.23 281.73 308.47 320.80 289.31 218.17 219.04 221.34 222.20 216.79 216.38 211.84 208.17 207.54 202.27 359.16 396.95 31.44 31.47 .3276 67,54 54.84 82.63 240.11 215.31 21.83 21.05 301.62 266.83 207.93 180.16 (96.45 1- Operation and Maintenance Costs 2- Cost o Labor at $10.00/hour 3- Annualized at 12.5 percent over 15 years 50 considered a realistic opportunity cost of the managers labor. Strategy 26 with 11 irrigations and set lengths of 7 hours dropped from first to third in the rankings. Strategies 23 and 35 moved up. Strategies 23 and 35 had eight and six irrigations respectively. The results of labor costs tend to be in accordance with the attitude of farmers. The author found that the farmers tend to fer systems that require as few set moves as possible. prefer 60 ft. riser spacings for this reason. pre- Most farmers Their reasons seemed to be related more to irrigation management than to labor Costs. The high wage rate could reflect this management cost also. Influence of Energy Rates, Interest Rates and Water Charges Energy costs and interest rates were raised and the results were analyzed. of the results. respectively. These factors made little difference in the rankings Strategy 26, 23, 35, and 15 still held ranks 1-4 The effects of these changes were interesting with respect to the level of utility. Water charges affect utility and net returns more than energy costs. A water charge of $10 per acre foot reduced maximum utility to $313.38. An increase in energy costs of fifty percent reduced maximum utility to $317.80. net returns are comparable. in both cases. The effect on The maximum utility is with strategy 26 The magnitude of these costs needs to be explained. Water charges of up to $50 per acre foot are realistic in some areas of the country. There are planned increases in the average cost per kilowatt hour in the Hermiston area of over eighty percent at the end of the 1982 crop season. Utility Under a Water Constraint The previous section explained the relationship between energy costs, water charges and utility. It was found that water charges may be more important than energy costs. With this result in mind water constraints were imposed and the results of the simulation model were examined. Table 4-8: Ranked Utility and Net Returns with Energy Cost Increase of 50% 0 and M Costs Labor Strategy Total Revenue 26 467.90 23 35 47286 455.69 491.?0 473.71 58.68 57.33 63.71 51.83 57.02 28.13 19.67 14.96 35.06 19.71 482.72 492.27 489.12 470.03 421.08 56.0? 54.25 97.78 96.99 51.67 497.37 501.25 408.95 435.96 410.39 is 13 5 7 20 1? 32 II 36 18 24 9 1 33 10 2? 7 6 12 Capital Costs___ Costs 56.71 Net Return SD Net Return Max Net RetU Mm Net Return Utilit 74.31 74.31 344.39 341.49 332.81 330.50 322.68 13.30 13.52 14.37 13.94 12.82 371.41 370.11 359.96 355.59 350.36 3(6.07 314.93 304,90 299.65 297,83 317.80 314.45 304.06 302.62 297.04 24.04 41.92 28.73 19.78 9.99 84.49 82.63 58.10 58.26 46.04 318.12 313.48 304.51 295.00 313.38 12.98 14.86 10.65 9.40 18.77 347.10 340.19 333.23 322.15 352.20 291.95 280.94 282.48 276.87 277.50 292.1? 88.56 80.75 57.06 ?5.50 50.19 35.17 38.76 10.90 12.58 13.58 78.4? 88.66 42.34 58.26 52.53 295.17 293.08 298,85 289.63 294,08 12,56 12.10 15.35 12.00 14.33 320.21 266.32 312.17 340.08 3(8.09 327.93 262,7:3 268,66 220,05 268.8? 267.95 265.6? 265.42 470.03 427.62 481.11 392.16 435.96 88.19 70.49 89.02 45.63 68.26 19.78 15.15 24.34 8.03 (2.58 78.4? 58.10 88.66 46,04 78.47 283.59 283.88 279.09 292.46 276,65 9.23 11.09 309.90 310.46 306.31 339.40 304.39 265.55 2o4.25 258.66 262.31 254.95 265.12 2o1.?0 259.68 257.06 253.15 407.21 412.69 431.66 411.39 423.75 51.49 45.85 64.oS 47.94 63.37 18.87 13.38 13.5? 15.8? 18.04 54.84 282.01 279.15 264.78 264.95 263.86 14.50 13.73 13.16 13,42 (3.84 319.59 312.24 292.80 297.40 259.65 253,47 240.28 243.48 253.01 251.69 238,46 299,9 .214.70 54.39 44.20 ;'4.31 88.66 82.63 78.4? 9.71 17.70 11.75 274.48 267,:38 28:3.25 283.22 276.21 275,04 238.10 236.19 01 Table 4-8; (continued) Total 16 3) 29 4 25 19 22 37 8 2i 34 401.63 406.22 410.73 419.9? 365.71 385.19 379.83 360.15 396.95 359.16 346.3? 362.57 0 and M Labor Costs Capital Costs 45.93 90.34 98.87 60.75 43.79 24.1.9 :72.44 8.57 9.99 21.43 10.14 47.61 47.61 62.98 62.50 48.62 45.92 46.14 47.38 73.90 Net Retn SD Net Max Net Retur, Bet 88.66 52.53 259.07 259.71 254.26 249.14 259.26 20.55 8.38 11.17 7.72 30.39 14.74 58.26 58.10 42.34 82.63 54.84 255.56 248.05 261.48 238.01 243.43 5.93 5.84 46.04 47.61 247.02 235.16 15.62 16.6? 15.29 Mm Net RetuU.ty 298.48 304.55 294.28 284.43 321.36 236.92 239.82 235.93 230.04 233.64 227.84 226.36 223.68 20.88 17.93 25.27 17.34 20.21 316.36 303.02 329.04 281.79 222.83 223.95 21271 213.81 212.20 210.93 208.74 214,07 203.01 23,63 22.04 312.74 292.97 13.01 301 .36 2i428 205.12 22312 218.16 199.75 191.07 F] Table 4-9: ey Ranked tJtility and Net Returns with Water Charge of $10.00 Per Acre Foot. Total Revenue 0 and Costs 2o 487.90 23 42.88 35 13 455.69 491.70 473.71 61.74 61.44 64.91 55.34 62.43 5 482.72 61.2? 15 1? 36 18 21 2.4 3 11 9 33 2? 1 10 14 14.96 35.06 19.71 24.04 41.92 Net Return SD Net Return Max Net Return 74.31 74.31 341.34 337.38 331.62 326.99 317.2? 13.98 13.91 14.60 14.76 13.23 370.71 368.36 360.34 354.03 312.92 311.70 302.38 311.72 291.32 13.61 15.69 11.55 18.96 10.04 56.71 54.39 44.20 Mm Net Return 313.313 309.55 302.42 297.48 347.37 310.47 303.56 294.67 292.06 344.77 340.18 334.57 351.70 321.60 286.09 277.55 279,46 275.?2 272.79 285.71 280.31 344.78 323.12 317,75 330.85 311.61 225.91 267.58 267.72 267.94 258.06 269.33 265.92 265.2o 264.66 264.18 2o3.28 254.95 255.82 253.58 250.99 99.92 53.33 100.6? 28a3 9.99 19.78 408.95 435.96 427.62 410.39 501.25 54.34 73.23 65.30 49.45 83.18 10.90 12.58 15.15 13.50 38.76 42.34 58.24 58.10 52.53 88.66 301.37 291.90 289.0? 294.82 290.65 497.3? 470.03 392.16 407.21 481.11 92.60 94.96 45.59 35.17 19,78 8.03 18.8? 24.34 78.47 78.47 46.04 54.84 88.66 291.13 276.81 292.49 284.04 272.26 13.92 9.93 18.33 15.23 319.33 306.5? 260.01 258.35 341.61 10.63 303.61 261.32 260.25 251.10 435.'6 412.69 48 51 58 8 47 '76 41 13.38 19.04 13.5? 15.8? 74.31 78.4? 277.85 267.78 265.98 265.21 1' 8' 14.55 14.73 307 18 313.36 305.60 296.73 299.85 42.3.75 2 431.óo 411.39 4.46 95.85 47.15 59.46 63.45 47.68 i 88.66 2.o3 16.02 12.99 11.91 15.08 13.23 14,11 14.30 Utility 312.11 489.12 421.08 4?0,03 12 6 28.13 Capital Costs 84.49 82.63 58.10 46.04 58.26 5.O3 7 20 32 Labor Costs 323,48 5' 43 250.48 246.1? 239.69 242.4 290.81 279.27 273.79 271.24 "50 7 2413.75 238.32 237.76 236.61 Table 4-9: (continued) Total Strategy 30 16 4 25 19 37 28 8 31 _Revenue 0 and Costs M' Labor Costs Capital Costs 47.61 ?2.44 88,6o 47 61 52.53 Net Return SD Net Return Max Net Return 262.77 260.09 253.16 55 68 261.92 17.71 16.44 13.89 15 61 310.76 301.28 290.28 7 36 325.53 242.39 236.40 232.41 234.93 227.34 227,21 225.38 Y?4 45 219.45 21.58 18.66 323.81 312.19 335.19 306.50 318.41 227.31 230.08 216.32 216.3? 218.99 218.13 218.06 214.52 205.14 203.54 284.48 301 00 208.29 202.54 I9J 93 406.22 401.63 i19.9? 410 73 365.71 87.28 56.72 9' 45 41.12 8.5? 24.19 21.43 9 99 10.14 385.19 379.83 360.15 359.16 346.37 57.26 55.18 43.95 42.59 42.80 8.38 11.17 7,72 14.74 5.93 58.26 58.10 42.34 54.84 46.04 261.29 255.38 266.15 246.98 251.60 20.92 24.03 396.95 45.01 238.92 18.19 6 30.39 5 84 82.63 36 4/ ól 24 5 44.91 24 38 21.23 25.81 . 12 Net Return Mm 37 2 I 1 10 Utiliy 1- Includes Water Charges. 01 55 A water constraint of 22 inches was imposed. The optimum strategy in this situation is 32. The net return and utility are $329.53 and $292.40 respectively. The risk coefficient is 2.0. Strategy 32 is a system with two laterals and irrigation begins at a soil moisture level of 5 inches. Strategy 32 is the only strategy that begins irrigation at the 5 inch level and is within the 22 inch water constraint. The result again indicates a higher utility with lower total investment systems. New Strategies The utility when initiating irrigation at a soil moisture level of 5 inches was generally greater than when initiating irrigation at 3 inches of soil moisture. irrigation at 5 inches. A new strategy of irrigating at 4 inches soil moisture was simulated. level. The top thirteen strategies all initiated Four systems were analyzed at the new The new strategies are number 38, 39, 40 and 41 and are similar in design to 11, 15, 17 and 23 respectively. Strategy 38 and 39 had 8 laterals and an adequacy of 87 and 50 percent respectively. Strategy 40 and 41 had 4 laterals and an adequacy of 87 and 50 percent respectively. All the prices were held constant at the levels in Table 4-5. Strategy 41 had a utility of $327.E7 with a risk aversion coefficient of 2.0. This would place 41 above several other srategies that irrigate when soil moisture reaches 5 inches. Strategy 41 would be preferred to 35 with a risk coefficient greater than .5. The difference between the two in a risk neutral situation is slight. Effect of Soil Moisture Capacity In the strategies applied to this point risk aversion had little effect on the optimum strategy. (SMFC) was 6 inches. The soil moisture at field capacity If SMFC was lower risk might increase. strategies were evaluated at SNFC of 4 inches. Four The new strategies 56 Table 4-10: Yields and Water Use for Strategies 38-45 tl) "-4 C) Average Yield 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 SD Yield Max Yield Mm Yield 114.14 108.75 112.09 109.58 1' 67 113 70 88.13 107.04 86.48 117.60 113.48 116.25 114.32 2.11 1.92 2.55 120.28 117.55 119.03 119.44 118 '0 92.66 111.35 92.06 ' 4' 3.22 3.10 3.35 100.00 117.30 98.84 1.41 No IRR 9. 12. 7. 7. 13 9. 7. 5. Irr. Water 24.49 19.37 35.22 22.72 '1.63 14.53 24.63 15.50 ET Ratio 1.01 .98 .99 .96 95 .82 .90 .79 57 Table 4-il: Total Investment Cost for Strategies 38-45 U) t,. Lateral Cost Main Line Cost Pump Cost ota LAT HR SMI HP 38 39 40 8 11. 11. 4 ii. 41 4 11. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 272. 170. 280k 17?. 44000., 8 44000. 22000. 22000. 7597. 5617. 7597. 5617. 28500. 33000. 29000. 84597. 78117. 6259?. 56617. 3.00 1.50 3.00 1.50 156. 170. 163. 1??. 44000. 44000. 22000. 22000. 7597. 561?. 7597. 5617. 28300. 28300. 28300. 28500. 80097. 78117. 58097. 56117. 42 8 11. 4 8 11. 44 4 ii. 45 4 11. 3:3000. Table 4-12: Ranked TJtility and Net Returns with Addition of Strategies 38-41. Total tyevenue 23 20 13 40 38 7 11 39 9 32 3 36 21 24 10 33 27 0 and 14 Costs Labor Costs Capital Costs 487.90 472.88 459.55 455.69 491.70 40.47 39.53 38.77 43.69 35.80 28.13 19.67 16.99 14.96 35.06 56.71 54.39 489.12 473.71 467.32 482,72 470,03 67.33 39.48 28.73 58.10 74.31 58.10 38.86 66.89 19.71 17.18 24.04 19.78 472.76 492.2? 497.37 456.18 501.25 48.46 37.35 61.26 34.49 55.83 470.03 421.08 435.96 481,11 408.95 427.62 410.39 435.96 32.l6 407.21 Net Return SD Net Return Max Net etun Net Return Mm iy 362.60 359.29 351.26 352.83 346.53 12.74 13.21 11.79 14.13 13.32 387.56 385.90 370.05 378.21 370.08 335.07 333.03 326.80 325.0? 316.85 337.12 332.8? 327.67 324.58 319.89 84.49 58.26 334.96 340.22 330.63 335.32 325.10 9.69 12.51 9.22 12.51 8,75 359.84 365.98 348.29 362.06 348.89 313.91 315.65 309.27 309.68 307.38 315.59 315.20 312.18 310.29 307.61 22.90 41.92 35.17 28.98 38.76 78.47 82.63 78.4? 72,44 88.66 322.92 330.38 322.47 320.28 318.00 9.43 14.12 11.33 12.18 11.11 339.12 355.47 344.60 347.24 335.42 300.64 299.31 295.70 293.07 289.66 304.05 302.15 61.18 35.52 51,75 61.83 38.88 19.78 9.99 12.58 24.34 10.90 78.47 46.04 58.26 88.66 42.34 310.60 321.53 313.38 306.28 316.83 8.65 18.56 333.87 367.03 338.88 329.87 355.63 292.94 293.77 293.33 286.48 294.0? 292.40 291.36 288.38 287.82 48.12 34.32 47.02 31.28 35.19 15.15 13.58 12.58 8,03 18.87 58.10 52.53 78.47 46.04 54.84 306.25 309.95 297.89 306.80 298.31 10.23 13.61 10.86 330.50 341,63 322.93 351.43 333.94 288.52 285.99 278.18 277.76 277.4 285.80 282.74 276.16 272.70 270.80 61.41 52.53 44.20 74.31 11.01 8.95 14.50 i:'.os 13.75 299.81 295.92 295.77 29:3.29 U' Table 4-12: Stratecjy 2 12 6 22 25 3? 28 31 (continued) Total Revenue 0 and M Labor oss 4t2.69 431.66 406.22 423.75 410,73 31.56 44.49 61.83 43.38 67.78 411.39 401.63 419.9? 385.19 379.83 32,90 31.44 4160 42.94 42.50 Net Return SD Net Max Net 13.11 324.62 Mm Net 13.38 13.57 8.57 18.04 9.99 74.31 88.66 47.61 78.4? 47.61 293.44 284.94 288.22 283.85 285.35 l238 357 15.13 13.03 14.79 328.14 317.84 322.76 269.09 262.02 269.12 265.02 267.27 15.87 82.63 72.44 88.66 58.26 58.10 279.99 273.56 268.28 275.61 268.05 12.64 14.86 12.24 20.15 17.13 310.43 311.31 301.94 334.57 321.00 260.07 252.82 250.67 244.22 245.26 52.53 42.34 82.63 54,84 19,88 24.57 16.57 19.4? 21.03 3338t 342.69 294.60 314.41 313.70 248.96 229.22 47.61 273.21 277.09 252.46 258.13 258.72 46.04 262.17 22.9? 326.02 24.19 21,43 8.38 11.17 365.71 360.15 396.95 359.16 362.57 29.83 31.47 31.44 50.40 10.14 7.72 30.39 14.74 5.84 346.3? 32.23 5.93 33.01 Capital Costs 267.21 260.19 257.96 257.29 255.76 254.72 243.8:.3 243.80 235.32 233.79 227.94 233.46 222.95 219,32 219.19 216.66 229.22 216.24 224.4:3 230.0:.' Ui 60 are 42, 43, 44 and 45. Strategies 42 and 43 consist of 8 laterals irrigating when soil moisture level reaches 3 inches and 1.5 inches respectively. Strategy 44 and 45 consisted of 4 laterals and initiating irrigation when soil moisture is 3 inches and 1.5 inches respectively. The designs for 42-43 and 44-45 are similar to 15 and 23 respectively. The results indicated that risk aversion may be more important at a lower SMFC. The maximum net returns were $337.30 and $336.33 for 44 and 42 respectively. With a risk aversion coefficient of 2.0 the utility was $309.91 and $313.47 for 44 and 42 respectively. Summary A wheat production system was simulated for 19 years of weather It was found that a strategy with a low capital investment data. and initiating irrigation at a high soil moisture level resulted in maximum utility. The introduction of risk aversion made little difference in the optimum strategy. tive to labor costs and Utility and net returns seem to be more sensiwater charges than energy costs and interest rates. The model also simulated two strategies with a lower moisture holding capacity. The net returns were greatest when initiating irrigation at a high soil moisture level and using a system with a low capital investment. The introduction of risk aversion did make a difference at the lower SMFC level. Utility was highest when using a system with a relatively higher capital investment when risk aversion was added. Table 4-13: Strey 42 44 45 43 Ranked Utility and Net Returns for Strategies 42-45. Total Revenue 0 and M Costs 477,19 447.62 370.06 372.50 34.19 37.96 31.70 29.87 Labor Costs 32.36 18.43 11.59 21.74 Capital Costs 74.31 53.93 52.06 72.44 Rturn_t Net 336.33 337.30 274.71 248.44 SD Net 11.43 13.70 15.8? 14.85 Max Net Return 355.46 362.16 304.30 282.24 Miii Net riUtiliy 317.22 317.27 247.91 230.19 313.47 309.91 242.96 218.74 62 CHAPTER V SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Summary A model was developed to simulate winter wheat production on 160 acres of farmland similar to that found near Hermiston, Oregon. The major components of the model are a soil moisture component, an irrigation component, a wheat yield component and a risk/returns analysis component. level. The soil moisture component estimates daily soil moisture The soil moisture level is a function of daily precipitation, daily irrigation and daily evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration is calculated as a function of measured pan evaporation, wheat plant stage of development and the soil moisture level. The irrigation component schedules daily irrigation based on the decision strategies supplied by the model user. There are three major parts to each strategy, the irrigation system design, the set time in hours and the soil moisture level that initiates irrigation. The yield component of the model estimates wheat grain yield as a function of daily temperature, daily soil moisture, and stage of plant growth. The scheduling of irrigation will create variability in the soil moisture level across the field. This variability of soil moisture is incorporated in the yield component. The risk/returns analysis component calculates the net returns and utility. Utility is equal to the average net return minus the standard deviation weighted by a risk aversion factor. Wheat production was simulated for a 19 year period using daily weather data from the Hermiston Agricultural Experiment Station from 1963-1981. Several strategies were compared. The comparisons were made of the yields, water use, irrigation costs, net returns, risk and utility of the various strategies. The strategies were ranked according to maximum utility. The results indicated that desfgning irrigation systems for maximum yields did not result in the highest utility. The optimum strategies were those that initiated irrigation at a low level of soil moisture 63 depletion and used a system with a relatively lower capital investment. The average annualized investment cost for the five strategies with the highest yields was $76.43 per acre. The annualized investment cost for the five strategies with the highest utility was $57.54 per acre. The difference in average utility between the two groups was $19.37 per acre. The strategy with the highest yield had a utility level of $295.77 per acre. The strategy with the highest utility had a utility level of $337.12 per acre. costs associated with irrigation. The analysis included only those Utility was more sensitive to labor costs and water charges than to the cost of energy and interest rates. The level of risk aversion made very little difference in the relative level of utility for the different strategies. If the moisture holding capacity of the soil was reduced then the level of risk aversion makes a bigger difference in the relative level of utility. Limitations of the Model The simulation of a biological process has limitations due to the simplifying assumptions required. particular system. The model represents one Even so, the model still provides information that can be useful in decision making. The simulation model may also provide information that can help to plan the future direction of actual experimentation. The conclusion to the thesis is the authors perception of the simulation modelt s major limitations and the subsequent need for more research in those areas. First, the estimation of wheat yield failed to incorporate some important variables. Fertilizer was not included. of the effect of temperature was unsatisfactory. modelling are continuing. The modelling Efforts in crop The efforts need to continue if the yield estimation process is going to be accurate enough for farm management decision making. More information is needed on how water stress, and temperature stress early in the season affect final grain yield. Second, the analysis did not include some constraints that are pertinent to irrigation management. Many farmers face water constraints. 64 The constraints may pertain to total seasonal water use or to shorter term well capacity constraints. The timing of water application under water constraints needs to be incorporated with future models. Third, the analysis examined irrigation strategies for one land endowment. action. Future analysis should examine the land and water inter- The concept of supplemental irrigation could be examined in this context. Fourth, there are several other aspects of irrigation system design that need to be considered. The model incorporated a simple relationship between gross water application and stored soil moisture. The stochastic nature of soil moisture distribution needs to be considered. Fifth, there are other sources of variation in yield i.e., response to fertilizer, genetic variability, cultural practices, pests etc. It was assumed for the analysis that the response of wheat yield to soil moisture is independent of these other sources of variation. This assumption means that the inclusion of these sources of risk would not affect the relative ranking of the results. It is important to evaluate these risks and determine if they should be included in irrigation management decisions. Sixth, the model assumed that irrigation began when soil moisture reached a given level. An analysis of irrigation management decision making is an area for further research. One aspect might be the timeli- ness of management decisions and implementation. The author found from conversations with farmers that the scheduling and management of irrigations is perceived as a necessary nuisance that often received less than enough attention. The notion of improving irrigation efficiency is dependent upon the flow of moisture information to the manager and the implementation of a consequent decision. 65 Conclusion A winter wheat simulation model proved to be very helpful in analyzing the results of different irrigation strategies. The analysis showed that following irrigation strategies to achieve maximum yield were not those that achieved the highest net returns. Higher net returns could be had by producing at a level slightly lower than maximum yield. 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THE AVERAGE YEARLY YIELD PER ACRE FOR THE SIMULATION PERIOD 'AYR THE AVERAGE YIELD PER ACRE FOR EACH YEAR OF THE SUHULATED PERIOD 'CLABOR THE AVERAGE LABOR COST FOR EACH YEAR 'CML TOTAL COST OF MAI1ILINE 'CPUMP THE TOTAL COST OF THE PUMP 'CPVC COST FOR BUIEO MAINLINE 'PC THE TOTAL ANNUALIZED INVESTMENT 'FCL ANNUALIZED COST OF LATERALS 'FCNL ANNUALIZED COST OF MAINLINE 'FCPMP ANNUALIZED COST OF THE MAINLINE 'FCPVC ANNUALIZED COST OF BURIED MAINLINE 'HP PUMP HORSEPOWER 'R SET TIME 'bC SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION CODE '100 NuM3ER OF DAYS TO IRRIGATE ENTIRE FIELD 'IS NUMBER OF SETS IRRIGATED EACH GAY 'LABOR YEARLY LABOR REQUIREMENT 'LAT THE TOTAL NUMBER OF LATERALS 'NET THE NET RETURN PER ACRE FOR EACH YEAR NNET THE MINIMUM YEARLY NET RETURN FOR THE SIMULATION PERIOD 'OPC OPERATING COSTS FOR EACH YEAR 'OPIl SYSTEM OPERATING HOURS FOR EACH YEAR 'PKW COST OF ENGERY PER KILOWATT HOUR 'PL PRICE OF LABOR PER HOUR 'PN PRICE OF WHEAT PER BUSHEL 'PWA PRICE OF WATER PER ACRE INCH 'RI ENERGY RATE INCREASE FACTOR 'RIFL INTEREST RATE FACTOR FOR LATERALS 'RIFML INTERST RATE FACTOR FOR MAINLINE 'RIFP INTEREST RATE FACTOR FCR PUMP 'RIFPV INTEREST RATE FACTOR FOR BURIED MAINLINE 'RISK RISK AVERSION COEFFICIENT 'RHI AVERAGE YEARLY NUMBER OF IRRIGATIONS 'SALIF INTERST RATE FACTOR FOR SALVAGE VALUE 'SWAT YEARLY DELIVERY OF WATER PER ACRE IN ACRE INCHES 'TCST TOTAL INVESTMENT COST 'TCU WATER GELIVERY PER APPLICATION IN CUBIC INCHES 'TDH TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 'TEP AVERAGE ANNUAL MAXIMUM POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 'TETA AVERAGE ANNUAL EVAPOTRANPIRATION REAL NNET,AYR(19),SWAI(19),OPH(19),LABORCI9) 19},OPC(t9) ,CLABOR(19),NET(i.9) DATA PKW,PL,PW/.0i3,'..5O .7/ DATA TEP,$ALIF/22.G9E2O!39,.t7O88235/ DATA RIFL,R1FHL,RIFP,RIFPV/'.150763751/ DATA </5/ PRINT','ENTER THE RISK AND THE ENERGY RATE INCREASE FACTOR PRINTI+EXAMPLEIRATE INCREASE OF 5O IS 1.53' REAO(',')RISK,RI PRINT',+ENTER THE PRICE OF LABOR AND WATER' PRINT',tLABOR i/HOUR AND WATER $/ACRE FOOT' READ(',')PL,PWA PWA=PWA/12 "THE COSTS OF MAINLINE IS IN DOLLARS PER 100 FEET" "TON IS THE TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD FOR THE MAINLINE AND IS "CALCULATED FROM A PROGRAM FROM MARSHALL ENGLISH AG ENGIN DEPT 50 REAO(7,',END500)CPUMP,CML.CML1,CPVC,TDH "READ INFO FROM FIM400 OUTPUT" READ (5,IIIOC,LAT1HR,THI,TFL ,TOHI,TETA 1 FORMAT c//I3,x,I,2X,F3.o,2x,Fk.2,7x,F7.2,aX,F6.2,2x,F5.2/) 2 FORMAT(1.X,F7.2,29 1,F5.2,21X,212X,F7.2)) "TDH IS TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD FOR SYSTEM 250 ASSUMES 200 FOOT WELL 53 FT LIFT TDHTDH+25O+TDH1 TCUTFL'231' 60'HR 71 Appendix I (continued) Ar=rrcu/LAT) /11k0S.O0 1S21./HRLAT 10088/IS AIHRAI/IDO RATIOTETA/TEP HP(TOHTFLJ/2376 "CALCULATE THE MONTHLY DEMAND POWER CHARG444 ''iULTIPLY BY FOUR FOR THE NUMBER OF MONTHS IN THE SEASON" AMC2. 8'l. 1'. 7l 'HPl. AMC = A NC' RI "CALCULATE CHARGE"'' THE ANNUAL H00%( UP ND.HP.GT.300)THEN HP- :3 00 t0.ANO. HP.GT.2t30THV4 -200)41. 0O.A1O.HP.GT.1OO)THEN IGO) '5 00 .AtW. HP. GT.50)THEN P.-") 0. AN 0. HP. CT. 15) T HEN 'RI "CALCULATE "13.20 AND "5500 IS I CPvC=C CMLCM TOTAL INVESTMENT FOR MAINLINE AND LATERALS" ARE OF PIPE NEEOEO"' ICE THE OF LEP4GHTS EACH LATERAL'""'""" 3.2 C CMLI'6 .6 FCL= LA TCL=FC C ST -1 CL +C ML +CP U WRITE(9,6) IOC,LAT,HR,THI,t4P,TCL,CML,CPUPIP,ICST FORMAT(' ',I3,3X,I2,3X,F3.0,3X,F'..2,3X,F4.O, kFli.03 FCL (FCL-. tO'FCL'SALIF ) 'RIFL FCMLZCMLRIF ML FCPMP (CPUMP-.10'CPUMP'SALIF) 'RXFP FCPVC=CPVC'RIFPV FC= FCML4FCPMP+FCPIC+FCL FC=F C/ISO DO 100 J1,i9 REA05,2) AYRJ) ,SWAT(J) ,OPH(J) ,t.ABOR(J) TR(J)=PW'AYR(J) OPC(J)=(HP'OPH(J)'.7k6'Pt(W'RI+.0006'(FCL+CPIL+CPUMP)'SMAT(J))/160 OPO (J)OPC(J) .PWA'SW4T(J) OPCtJ)=OPC(J)+(AMC+ANPOW) /150 CLAB0R(J) (LAB3(J) 'PU /160 NET (J)=TR(J)-OPC(J)-CLABOR(J)-FC 100 CONTINUE CALL STAT(NET,1,ANET,SONEI,SXNET) WHET ANET-RIS'<'SCNET CALL SORT(NET,19,XNET ,NNET) CALL STAT(OPC,19,AOPC,SOOPC,O) CALL STAT(TR,19,ATR,SCTR,D) CALL STAT(LABOR,j9,ACL,SDCL,O) CALL STAT(YR,j9,AYL..SDYL,S(YLO) AYL= AYL/60 SDYLSDYL/6 CALL SORT(AYR.19,XTL.Yl.N) XYLXYL/60 YLNYLN/5O CALL STATCSWAT,lg,AWAT,SOWAT,o) RNIAWATIAI CALL SORTCSNAT t9,XWAT,WATN) WRITE U,'.) IDC,AYL,SDYL,XYL,YLN,RNI,AWAT,RATIO FORMAT(+ 13,SX F6.2 5X F5.2,2F11.2,5X F3.0,SX,F5.2,5X,F5.2) 12 FORMAIC' + A9k) GO TO 50 500 Sb P ENO SUBRQUTI SORT( "THZS SUD FINDS THE MIN AND MAX OF AN REAL AR(2OQ),NAX,MIN,MX,MN MX=ARR(j) MN=ARR(j) 00 100 I2,J 50 IF(MX.GE.ARR(I))GOTO 50 MX=ARR(I) GOTO100 IF(MN.LE.ARR(X))GQTOIDO MH=ARR LI) ARRAY"44" Appendix I (continued) 100 CONTINUE MAX: MX tlIN:MN RETURN END SU9ROUTINE STAT(ARRAY I,AVE,STO,SKEW) 4THIS SUBRUT1NE CALULATES AVERAGE AND STANDARD DEV' REAL ARRAY(200),M3,MZ ss= 0 S3: 0 SUM=C 00 130 J1,I SUN=SUM4RRAy (JI 100 CONTINUE XBARSUH /1 00 200 J1,t DIFF=ARRAY( J)-XI3AR SSSS+0IFF2 S3=S3+DIFF3 ST0=S0RT(SS/(Ij)) N2SS/I M35 3/I SKEWM3/ (fl21. 5) 200 CONTINUE A YE: X BAR RETURN END 73 Appendix II FORTRAN Program for the Soil Moisture Component, Irrigation Component and Yield Component PROGRAM MOD(TAPE5,SYSDES,TAPEZ=$YSQES,TApE6,wUATA,TAPEIWOATA, 3 j OUT? U T=T A? ES '3 "ALL OUT?UT IS WRITTEN TO TAPE5 3, 3 A5N $ flit ARRAY OF DAILY SOIL MOISTURE VALUES IN INCHES 'AwAT IS THE AVERAGE NUMBER OF OPERATING HOURS FOR THE IRR SYSTEM 'AVID IS THE AVERAGE YIELD PER ACRE FOR THE SIMULATION PERIOD 'AYR IS THE AVERAGE YEARLY YIELD PER ACRE '9 IS THE IRRIGATION EFFICtEtCY '90 THE INTERCEPT IN THE EQUATION TO CALCULATE B '91 THE SLOPE IN HE EQUATION TO CALCULATE B 'DAY THE INDEX COUNTER FOR THE NUMBER QFAOAYSAFRQM WINTER DORANGY 'DEC IS THE VALUE TO REDUCE ASH FOR TRYING A NEW MOISTURE LEVEL FOR IRRIGATION 'DEPt IS THE LEVL OF SOIL HCISTURE DEPLETION EPD IS THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE TO RETURN AND IRRIGATE SET NUMBER ONE 'ETA IS THE CALCULATED EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 'EVAP IS THE DAILY PAN EVAPORATION 'FL IS THE HOURLY RATE CF WATER DELIVERY IN ACRE INCHES 'FLAG INDICATES THE DAY THAT ASH WAS EQUAL TO ZERO IF IT EXISTS GPM RATE CF WATER DELIVERY IN GALLONS PER MINUTE 'HR THE SET TIME 'r IS A LOOP COUNTER 'IAVL IS THE NUMBER CF LATERALS AVAILABE TO RETURN OF A SUBSEQUENT IRRIGATION 'ID A LOOP COUNTER 'ICC STRATEGY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ILAT THE NUM8R OF LATERALS TN THE STRATEGY 'IPC EQUAL TO ZERO IF PIPE SUBROUTINE HAS SEEN CALLEC 'IRR IS THE ARRAY OF DAILY IRRIGATIONS 'tY A LOOP COUNTER A LOOP COUNTER KA THE NORMALIZED RESPONSE OF ETA TO ASH LEVEL 'XC COEFFICIENT FOR PAN EVAPORATION CONVERSION 10 ETA 'KCE CROP COEFFICIENT FOR THE STAGE OF GROWTH 'KS VALUE TO INCRESE ETA AFTER WETTING 'LABOR THE HOURS OF LABOR TO IRRIGATE 'LAT THE NUMBER OF LATERALS USED FOR THE SIMULATION FOR HALF OF THE FIELD 'LPO THE LAST DAY THE SEASON TO IRRIGATE 'OPH THE ARRAY OF YEARLY SYSTEM OPERATION HOURS 'PREC Tt1E DAILY RAINFALL 'SOWAT TH STANDARD DEVIATION OF OPERATING HOURS 'SE THE SYORAGE IFFICIENCY OF WiNTER PRECIPITATION 'SET A LOOP COUNTER FOR EACH SET IN THE FIELD 'SiTDAY THE NUMBER OF SETS TH.AT CAN BE IRRIGATED IN ONE DAY 'SETS THE TOTAL NUMBER (F SETS 'St VALUE USED TO ESTIMATE KA SMFC THE ASM AT FIELD CAPACITY 'SWAT THE AMOUNT OF cUMPER INRIGATION WATER FOR EACH YEAR 'TAR A TEMPORARY ARRAY tJSEO TO PASS VALUES TO SUBROUTINES '1041 TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD FOR LATERALS 'TEMP THE ARRAY OF AVERAGE DAILY TEMPERATURE 'TETA THE AVERAGE TOTAL SEASONAL ETA TFI THE GPN MULTIPLEC BY ILAT 'THI THE LEVEL OF ASH THAT INITIATES IRRIGATION 'THIN THE MINIMUM VALUE OF 1HZ 'THIX THE $AX CF THI 'TI MAX DAILY TEMPERATURE '12 THE MIN DAiLY TEMPERATURE 'NAT THE ARRAY OF YEARLY IRR FOR EACH SET WM THE WINTER PRECIP iN CENTIMETERS 'wHetS THE INITIAL ASM 'WRAIN THE WINTER PRECIPITATION 'WSD STANDARD DEVIATION OF WATER USE FOR EACH SET 'YA THE ARRAY OF YEARLY YIELDS FOR EACH SET 'YR A LOOP COUNTER FOR THE YEAR OF SIMULATION 'YX 4 REAL IRR(tOO,ilG) ,XCE,KS,XC,PREC(1,111),TAR(2O3) REAL. KA,SWATL9) LABOR(19) OPH(lg) REAL TEHP(15,111)',WRAIN(t9,WAT(19,t0O),ASM(1UO,1i0),YA(19,10O) INTEGER YR DAY,SETDAY,SET,FLAGtI9,100),EPD,SETS REAL EVAP(Z911t),AYRtt COMMON IRR,IAVL,SETDAY,YA,ASM,TEHP DATA SMFC,SETS/.O,zs',/ DATA BO,ot,LPo/1.o7235224,.3a377oaqz,qo/ 'READ THE DAILY WEATHER DATA AND CALCULATE AVERAGE DAILY TEMP 74 Appendix II (continued) THE FILE WITH THE DAILY WEAVER DATA IS CALLED WOATA DO 113 1Y1,19 00 15 1D1,111 REAO(1,i)T1,12,PREC(XY,IO) ,EVAP(IY,IO) I FORMAT (6X,2F3.0 ff4.2 3X ff3.2) TEIP( ]Y,ID)1Tt.Th/ 15 CONTINUE 10 CONTINUE ''REA0 THE WINTER PRECIPITATION THE WINTER PRECIP SHOL.LD BE AT THE END OF THE DAILY WEAVER OBSERVATIONS AND ON FILE WOATA REAO(1,2) (WAtN(IYJ,IY1,19) 2 FORMAT4X,F5.fl WRITE(5,) WITE15,') REAO IH. STRATEGY PARAMETERS HE S'SIEM DESIGN IFC AND THE OPERATING RULES ARE ON FILE SYSOES 75 IEAO(2,,ENO=gOO)ICC,LAT,HR,GPM,TDHL,THIX,THIN,DEC F(GPM13B60)/11ki]k80O TFLGPM*LA i2 ILAT:LAT'2 THITHIX 100 IF(THI.LT.THIN)GO TO 75 SETDAY24/HRLAT VET AsU INITIAL SOIL MOISTURE FROM WINTER PREC44 WMWRAIN(YR)/.393701 SE74. 52-. 1k7 NM WHOISSE/IOOWRA INCYR) IFiwpiOIS.CT. 5.00 )WMOIS6. CC CD 135 Sc.Ti,SETS 00 136 0AY1,110 IRR(SET,OAY) =0.0 136 CONTINUE wAr( YR,SET) 0.00 FLAG (YR ,SET)=O.0O 135 CONTINUE IAVLSETDAY IPC I EPD1 DO 140 OAY1.1i0 DO 145 SEII,SETS ASH FO THE IF (OAY.EQ. 1) THEN ASM( SET DAY) :WMO IS ELSE DEPL=SMFC-ASM(SET,DAY-i) C C) 8eO-B1(IRR(SET,OAY-1)/OEPL) IF(8.GT..92)B=.q2 IF(OEPL.GT.'3 IF(t3.LT. lOP 8.10 AS'(SET,0AY)ASM(SET,QAY-1)+8IRR(SET,OAY-i)+PREC(YR,DAY) ASM(SET,CAYP ASM(SET,DAY)-ETA E NOX F' IF(IPC.EQ.t)GO TO 142 !F IRRIGATION IS SCHEDULED EUT SOIL PROFILE IS FULL IRRIGATION IS STOPPED IFCASM(SET,OAYP .G1.SMFC.AND.IRR(SET,Q4y).GT.O.QOJTHEN 00 141 JSET,SETS 00 143 t:DAY,EPD IRR(J,I)0.0 143 CONTINU 141 COWl INU EPDDAY 1P01 END IF 142 CONTINUE KCE=(-i.9683E-k)oAY3+(2.a2925E-2) 0AY2+56.062k(fl1 KCEKCE/100 ""'COHPUTE KS VALIFS IF WATER WAS APPLISD ASH AND ET TO SMFC IF NECESSARY IF(OAY-L.LE. C)THEN KS C IF(ASH(SET,DAY) .GT.SMFC)ASM(SET,OAY)SMFC ELSEIF(PREC(YR,DAY).GT.G.C,OR.IRR(SET,04Y1).GT.0.C)THEN ELSEIF(DAY-2.LE. O)THEH 75 Appendix II (continued) KS=0 IF(ASM(SET,OA'r ,GT.SMFC)ASM(SET,OAY)=SMFC ELSEIF(PREC(YR,DAY-1).GT.0.0.OR.IRR(SET,OAY-21.GT.G.OJTIiEN XS=( .9-KCE) .5 ESIF (DAY-3.LE.G)THEN IF(ASM(SET OAY).GT.SMFC)ASN(SET OAY)SMFC ELSEIF(PEC(R,3AY-2).GT.0.0.t3R.IRR(SET,OAY3).GT.0.0)THEN XS(.9-XCE)'.3 EL SE XS=3 IF(AS$(SET,DAY).GT.SMFC)ASN(SET.DAY)SSNFC NOIF IF(KS.LT.C.0)KS*0. 0 I44*CALCULATE IE(ASM(SET ,OAY) /SMFC.GT. .457)THEN KAI ELSEIF(ASMISET,OAY).GT. 0.0 )THEN S(.1D (ASM(SET,CAY)/SMFCJ KA =SL4231. 413 460 360 -SL' 3. 20 58 8175 89 ELSE ASM(SET,DAY O.0 !F ASH IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO ZERO THEN SET FLAG EQUAL TO THE CAY '4CFIF( THE ZERO MOISTURE LEVEL.3.44.*443$4 NOT. (FLAG( YR ,SET) , GT.13 ) ) FLAG(YR,SET) OAY KA=C ENDIF 4COMPUTE XC AND ETA KC=KCE'KAsKS IF(KC.GT.t) XC1 Er A=E V AP (V R, CA Y+fl KC 'CALGULATE THE TOTAL TEl A=TETA+ET A 145 CONTINUE IF(ASM(L OAYI.GT.THI)GCTO 140 IF(OAY.Gf.LPtflGOIO lt.3 IF(DAY.LT.EPD)GO1O 1.O 'CALL T4E IRRIGATION SuBROuTINE' I 0E PD CALL PIPE(HR,FL,SETS,OAY,ID,EPO,IPC) 140 CONTINUE 4CALL THE PLANT GROWTH CALL GROW(YR,SETS) 00 340 SEI1,SETS 00 345 OAYI,110 NAT (YR,SEI) SWAT (YR,SET) +IRRISET,DAY) 345 CONTINUE IF(.NOT.(FLAG(YR,SET).GT.0)GO 10 340 '41F ASHO.3D BEFORE SPECIFIED DATE THEN YIELD IS ZERO'' IF(FLAG(YR,SET).CE.623G0 TO 340 YA(YR,SET):0.00 340 CONTINUE 130 CONTINUE 44CCMPUTE YEARLY YIELD AND WATER TETA=TETA/(SETS19) WRITE (5,6UOC, ILAT ,HR,THI,TFL,TDHI,TETA WiITE (5, 81 8 6 FORMaT(13,2x .LA1',I2,2X ,F3. 0,2X,pk.2 .2X,TFL* i,F7.2 ,2X, jTOHj ,Ft.2,2X,F5.2) DO 430 YR1119 00 435 StT=1,SETS TAR ( SET VA ( YR. SET 405 CONTINUE CALl. SIAT(TAR,SETS,AYR(YR),YSD) CALL SORI(TAR,SETS,YX,YN) '.1.0 SETi,SETS TAR(SEI)WAT (YR. SET) 00 410 CONTINUE CALL STATCTAR,SETS,SWAT(YR),14S0) CALL SORT(TAR,SETS,WX,WN) LAe0RYR)(SWAT (YR)'SE1S/(FLHR))2 OPHtYF)(SWAT(YR) 4SETSIFL)/LAT WRITE.(5,flYR,AYR(YR),YSO,YX,YN,SWAT(YR),WSO,WX,WN,OPH(YR) i,LA8OR YR) 7 FOHA1(I2,4(2X,F1.2),4(X,F5.2),2(2X,F7.2)) 400 CONTINUE CALL STAT(AYR,19,AYLD,YSD1 CALL ST*T(QPH,19,AWAT,SOWAI) WRITE(S,)'AVE YIELO= ,AYLO,t S0 ,AWAT, WRITE(5,')eAVE OP HOURS 4**oE_INcREMEN1 THI AUG GO TO THI=THI-OEC GO 10 100 900 STOP END ,YSD 1,SDWAT S0 76 Appendix II (continued) SUBROUT1tE GROW(YR SETS) ""THIS ROUTINE COPIUTES THE DAILY GROWTH OF WHEAT" A INTERCEPT OR THE IMITIAt. LEVEL OF GROWTH ARI ARTIFICIAL ARRAY 'ASK AVAILABLE SOIL. MOISTURE C GROWTH COEFFICIENT FOR PERIOD AFTER I PRIME '01 aAY COUNTER FOP. THE FIRST PERIOD 02 CAY COUNTER FOR THE SECOND PERIOD * 1R2 ARTIFICIAL ARRAY '1R3 ARTIFICIAL ARRAY J INDEX FOP THE SET NUMBER 'K DAILY GROWTH COEFFICIENT FOR THE FIRST PERIOD 'KA NORMALIZED YILO RESPONSE TO SOIL MOISTURE L COUNTER FOR THE DAY OF THE SEASON 'N MAXIMUM ADDITION 10 YIELD FOR THE SECOND PERIOD 'PIP MAX DAILY INCREMENT IN YIELD FOR THE SECOND PERIOD RT THE DAILY CONIINUOUS GROWTN RATE 'SMFC SOIL MOISTURE AT FIELD CAPACITY 'TEMP AVERAGE GAILY TEMPERATURE 'IL THE NUMBER OF DAYS TO 7 PRIME '12 THE NUMBER OF GAYS AFTER I PRIME 'VA ARRAY CF AVERAGE YIELD PER ACRE FOR EACH SET 'VP THE MAXIMUN POTENTIAL YIELD REAL TEMP(i9,1t1) REAL K,YA(19,100) ,M,MP,KA,ASM(j3O,jtO),ARI(100,jlO) INTEGER OL,SETS,OZ,1i,T2,YR COMMON At,IR2,IR3,YA,ftSM,1EMP DATA RT,YP,C,A,',065,3Q5.O ,.79,100.O/ DATA Tt,T2,SNFC/k56,,.O/ KEXP<RT -i VPtAEXP (RT'TI) HYP-YPL MPM' It-C) '''INITLIE YIELD VALUES TO ZERO'" DO i0 J:1,SETS YA2C. 00 YA1A "COMPUTE DAILY YIELD FCR PERIOD ONE""' 00 150 Ot=1,T1. TKTEMPtYR,Q1+1) TXj IF( TX. LE 37. 1Ø) TX'O .0 KAALOGt 10O'ASH(J,O1)/5HFC.j)/ALoG(.Oj.0) IFXA.LE.TX)THEN V Y At KA' K ELSE V Y At 'IX' K E N C IF YAIYA1+Y 150 CONTINUE "COMPUTE YIELD FCR PERIOD TWO" DO 155 O2j,T LC2+T1 KAALOG(1OO'ASM(J,t)/SMFC+i)/At.OG(10L.0) TXTEMP(YR, L+L) IF(T.LT.37. 1,O.OR,TK.GT.tQ1,)TX0 IF (KA.LE.TX)THEN ELSE ENGIF YA2YA2fY ISS CONTINUE '''COMPUTE TOTAL YIELDS"" YA(YR,J) YAL+YAZ 11,0 CONTINUE RETURN END SU3ROU1INZ SORT(RR,J,MAX,MIN) "THIS SOD FINDS THE MIN AND MAX OF AN ARRAY"" REAL ARR(200),MAX,MIN,MX,MN MXARRU) MNARR(L) DO 100 I2,J IF(MX.GE.ARR(I))GOTO 50 MXARR(I 50 GOTOIQU IF(MN.LE.ARR(I))GQTOIOO MN=ARR (I) 100 CONTINUE MAX=MX NIN$N RETURN END 77 Appendix II (continued) SUBROUTINE PIPE(HR,Ft.,SETS,QAY,EFO,IO IPC, 'Al ACRE INCHES OF WATER DELIVERED PER APPLICATION ENTIRE FIELD IS IRRIGATED 'OFC THE NUM!ER OF SETS THAT CAN BE IRRIGATED BEFOREON THE FIRST SET 'EPO THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE OAT TO STARTE IRRIGATION 'HR THE SET TIHE IRR ACRE INCHES DELIVERED TO EACH SET EACH DAY 'ZSEIOY THE NUMBER OF SETS THAT CAN BE IRRIGATED EARLIER SET BEFORE ISREM THE NUMBER OF LATERAL THAT CAN RETURN TO 'THE LAST SETS HAVE BEEN IRRIGATED LPO THE LAST DAY OF THE SEASON TO IRRIGATE 5YSTEM"" ""''TMI SUBROUTItE SIIIULATES AND IRRIGATION '""MOVEMEMT ACOSS A FIELD COMPUTES THE E4RLIEST"''' DAY FOR INTEGER OAY,EPO,SETS,DFC REAL. IRR(100,1i0) COMMON IRR,IAvL.ISETQY DATA LPO,'90 'CALCULATE THE ACRE INCHES OP WATER DELIVERO PER APPLICATION AIHR'FL IPC=O IF .NOT. (OAY,EC.EPC)) IAVLISETCY 00 200 I1,tAVt IRR(I DAY) AI 200 COHTINU ISRE PSEIS -IAVL DFC ISR.EM/ISETDY ISETIAVL+1 ISRCPISRE M-OFC'TSETDY IAVL=ISETDYISREM DO 205 ct,OFC IF(OAY.KGT.LPtG0TQ 203 LSET=ISET4ISETCY-i 00 210 IZSET,LSET IRR(I ,DAY+K) 41 210 CONtINUE ISETSETst 205 CONTINU 203 CONTINUE EPO=OAY'DFC+l IO=EPO IF(EPO.GT.LPC)GOTO 300 IFUSRE$.EQ.CJGOTO 300 00 215 ItSET,SET$ IRRtI,EP()AI CONTINUE 215 3O0 RETURN END AND STANDARD OEV" FEAL ARRAY(2OC 55=0 SUMO 00 tOO Ji,I SUMSUM+ARRAY(J) SS=SS +ARRAY (U) "2 100 CONTINUE AVESUM/I X=SS-SUM"2I X=xI(Zli IF(X.LT. 0.0)X*0.O XSQRt(XI ST 0 X RETURN END