PET-NECK: A multi-centre randomised phase III trial comparing a PET-CT guided watch & wait policy versus planned neck dissection for the management of locally advanced (N2/N3) nodal metastases in patients with head & neck squamous cancer Objectives For further information please contact: Joy K Rahman Clinical Trials Co-ordinator Warwick Clinical Trials Unit Division of Health Sciences Warwick Medical School The University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL PET NECK: Current treatment for patients with locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is neck dissection before or after chemoradiotherapy. This often results in high morbidity and mortality and alternative and better management is needed. PET-NECK is a phase III randomised controlled trial (560 patients) which is comparing PET-CT guided watch and wait policy versus planned neck dissection for the management of locally advanced head and neck cancer, in terms of: • Efficacy (overall survival, disease-specific survival, local control) • Cost-effectiveness (Health Resource use and Quality of Life) • Safety (complications) Schema : +44 (0)2476 150 478 HEAD & NECK SCC CANCER DIAGNOSIS : +44 (0)2476 150 586 : KEY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA •Histological diagnosis of oropharyngeal, laryngeal, oral, hypopharyngeal or occult HN SCC •Clinical and CT/MRI evidence of N2 or N3 nodal metastases •MDT decision for curative concurrent CRT to primary and neck •Written consent and aged over 18 Chief Investigator: Professor Hisham Mehanna University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire SURVEILLANCE ARM (280 Pts) Standard concomitant CRT. PET-CT & assessment 13 weeks after CRT completion. (Neck dissection only if neck nodes are positive/equivocal). CT & assessment after completion of CRT. PET-Neck Recruitment 600 500 400 479 300 200 100 Sep-12 May-12 Jan-12 Sep-11 May-11 Jan-11 Sep-10 May-10 Jan-10 Sep-09 May-09 Jan-09 Sep-08 May-08 Jan-08 0 Sep-07 Accrual duration: 5 years. Target: 560 patients. First patient randomised: October 2007. Patients recruited: 479 as of 21/03/2012. Planned close: September 2012. Sites open to recruitment: 53. Sites in set up: 4. New sites: No longer open to new sites. Local Sites Open: UHCW, Heartlands, New Cross Wolverhampton, Manor Hospital Walsall, QE Birmingham, Russells Hall. NECK DISSECTION ARM (280 Pts) Standard concomitant CRT with neck dissection (i.e. ND within 4 weeks of randomisation or 4 - 8 weeks after completion of CRT). Portfolio Trial Number: 6082