PET-NECK: Setting Up A Collaborative Clinical Trial In A Rare Disease Site Janet Dunn, Claire Balmer, Chris McConkey, Chris Nutting, Sheila Fisher, Wai-lup Wong, Ken MaClennan, Chris McCabe, Claire Hulme, Hisham Mehanna. Warwick Medical School Clinical Trials Unit, University of Warwick, UK Background Fig.2: toinapprovals TimeTime to approval site set-up •PET-NECK is a national, multi-centre, randomized phase III trial comparing PETCT guided ‘watch and wait’ with planned neck dissection for the management of locally advanced (N2/N3) nodal metastases in patients with head and neck squamous cancer (Figure 1). Grant activation to ethical approval •7,000 new Head & Neck Cancers (HNC) per year in the UK of which we estimate 30% will eventually be eligible for the trial. Ethical approval to R&D 25th percentile Median 75th percentile •HNC is treated at specialist centres of which there are around 20 in the UK. •The UK has invested in the establishment of a National Cancer Research Network who can provide support for National Cancer Research Network (NCRN) trials. Grant activation to ARSAC •PET-NECK is currently the only phase III trial in the NCRN trials portfolio and is compatible with commercial drug trials Fig.1: PET-NECK Trial Design R&D to open Grant activation to open 0 Randomise eligible patient with MDM decision for concurrent CRT Surveillance (Experimental) group Standard concomitant CRT 2 4 6 8 10 12 ND (Control) group Fig.3: Overall recruitment ND before CRT CT & Assessment @ 9-13 wks after CRT completion Primary recurrence or no CR to primary CR and neck -ve on PET-CT? 400 Planned Actual 300 200 100 0 Refer to MDM for consideration for salvage surgery CR, neck +ve or equivocal on PET-CT? 560 500 CR and no primary recurrence Se pD 07 ec -0 M 7 ar -0 Ju 8 nSe 08 pD 08 ec -0 M 8 ar -0 Ju 9 nSe 09 pD 09 ec -0 M 9 ar -1 Ju 0 nSe 10 p10 No CR to primary N (Recruited) 600 PET-CT & Assessment @ 9-13 wks after CRT completion 14 Months Key: ARSAC=Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee R&D=Research and Development Date Neck dissection within 4 wks Clinical Follow up: yr 1- monthly; yr 2-twomonthly* CRT: radical concurrent chemoradiotherapy CR: complete response of primary site on post treatment assessment ND: neck dissection (either modified or selective) PET-CT: Positron Emission Tomography – Computerised tomography scan Assessment - CT and/or MRI + Examination under anaesthetic (EUA) post completion of CRT •Time to approval was slow for the first centres since they all had to wait for initial ethics, R&D and ARSAC approval; subsequent centres have reduced approval time (Figure 2). •The trial involves many disciplines (e.g. surgery, medical oncology, clinical oncology, radiology, pathology) extending the local R&D approval time. • PET-CT scanning is a ‘new’ technology with the distribution of scanners increasing rapidly. There remains a need for training and Quality Assurance. •Recruitment will be on track at the end of the year; 29 sites (Figure 3). Primary endpoints: Overall Survival Secondary endpoints: Conclusions •Disease specific survival •Local control in neck •Surgical complication rates •Quality of life •Healthcare economics •Establishing a clinical trial in a rare cancer disease site with little preexisting infrastructure and involving new technology is challenging. •Recruitment to this trial has started due to the persistence of the Trial Centre, dedication of the Trials Team and the UK prioritisation of Clinical Trials in the National Health Service. •This trial serves an under represented group of people with cancer and it remains imperative to continue to answer this important question Milestones •Funding awarded: 1st Apr 2007 Contact •Approval in place at principal site: 1st June 2007 •Co-ordinator starts in post: 30th Aug 2007 •1st patient entered: 2nd Oct 2007 •Anticipated recruitment of 560 patients: Sept 2010 For more information please contact; •We gratefully acknowledge the HTA for funding PET-NECK.