Document 12835829

CAMPUS FORUM April 22, 2010 1 Vision for 2035: World Class Research University 2 Strategic Plan •  Approved by Board of Control on July 16, 2009 ! Major Goals Remain Same " People " DisDncDve EducaDon " Research/Scholarship/CreaDvity •  hIp:// 3 FY10 Budget Update 4 Current Fund 2010
(in Thousands)
3rd Qtr
Investment Gains
Net Income
Current Fund Balance
Note: Current Fund includes General Fund, Designated Fund, Auxiliaries,
Retirement and Insurance, and the Expendable Restricted Funds.
5 6 FY10 Challenges • Financial Aid • More Students AccepDng • Promise Grant • Merit Awards 7 FY10 OpportuniGes • State AppropriaDons -­‐ ARRA • Research Awards 8 State AppropriaGons $47,870,800 + $1,431,300 = $49,302,100 State ARRA AppropriaDons 9 RESEARCH 10 rd
Final 3 Quarter 11 FY08 NSF Research Rankings •  163rd NaDonally •  118th Among Public InsDtuDons •  66th Among InsDtuDons without Medical Schools 12 ENROLLMENT 13 Michigan Tech Fall Enrollment History 1970-­‐2009 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,132 7,018 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 *2009 figures are final preliminary Standard Learning On-­‐Line Learning 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 1999 2000 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1975 1976 1974 1973 1972 1971 4,500 1970 5,000 ESD Students 14 Fall 2010 Undergraduate Recruitment Update •  Total apps •  Accepts •  Deposits
2009 2010 Change 5,317 5,012
-­‐305 -­‐6% 3,751 3,565
-­‐186 -­‐5% 1,284 1,156
-­‐128 -­‐10% •  Freshmen ACT Composite Avg. 26.3 26.5 .2 April 19, 2010 15 Total ApplicaGons 7000 6000 5000 5885 5032 4605 3949 4000 2004 Total Apps 3000 2005 Total Apps 2006 Total Apps 2007 Total Apps 2000 2008 Total Apps 2009 Total Apps 1000 2010 Total Apps 0 16 Accepted ApplicaGons 5000 4598 4500 4214 4000 3834 3765 3500 3326 3000 2500 2000 1500 2004 Accepts 2005 Accepts 2006 Accepts 2007 Accepts 2008 Accepts 1000 2009 Accepts 2010 Accepts 500 0 17 Enrollment Deposits 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 2004 Deposits 2005 Deposits 600 2006 Deposits 2007 Deposits 400 2008 Deposits 2009 Deposits 200 2010 Deposits 0 18 Female Accepted ApplicaGons 1400 1238 1200 1035 1000 972 870 800 720 600 2004 2005 2006 400 2007 2008 2009 200 2010 0 19 Female Deposits Paid 450 400 350 300 250 200 2004 2005 150 2006 2007 100 2008 2009 2010 50 0 20 DomesGc Minority Accepted ApplicaGons 450 400 350 339 302 300 250 200 2004 2005 150 2006 2007 100 2008 2009 2010 50 0 21 120 DomesGc Minority Deposits Paid 106 106 100 87 88 80 74 60 2004 2005 40 2006 2007 2008 20 2009 2010 0 22 Fall 2010 Graduate Recruitment Update Total ApplicaDons
Accepts InternaDonal Accepts
Total Accepts
Change 246 36 83 119 April 29, 2010 23 2011 Budget 24 Michigan Higher EducaGon This Decade State Personal Income
State Spending from State Resources
State Higher Ed. AppropriaDons University FTE Enrollment Decrease in State Tax Revenue +12.7% + 2.4% -­‐13.7% +12.8% -­‐28.8%* Source: Senate Fiscal Agency *February 2010 tax revenue compared to February 2009 25 Michigan Tech State AppropriaGon Governor Senate
$49,302,100 $47,756,500 TesDmony Phase 26 State AppropriaGons Fiscal Years 2002-­‐03 to 2010-­‐11 54.0 53.0 Dollars (In Millions) 52.0 51.0 50.0 49.0 48.0 47.0 46.0 45.0 44.0 2002-­‐03 2003-­‐04 2004-­‐05 2005-­‐06 2006-­‐07 2007-­‐08 2008-­‐09 2009-­‐10 2010-­‐11 . 27 Budget Parameters • 3.1% ReducDon in State AppropriaDons • ConDnued Realignment of Internal Resources • RetenDon and PromoDon Salary Pool • Graduate Student CompensaDon +1% 28 Budget Parameters • Decrease in undergraduate enrollment ~220 • Increase in graduate enrollment ~70 • TuiDon/Fees Increase-­‐ under 6% • Financial Aid Increase $2.5M • ICR Increase $200k 29 GENERAL FUND AND CURRENT FUND FY11 Budget and ProjecGon (in Thousands) Total OperaDng Revenue
Total OperaDng Expense
General Fund Current Fund 158,890 245,430 (158,890) (245,220) (and transfers) Net Income
-­‐ 210 Note: Current Fund includes General Fund, Designated Fund, Auxiliaries, ReDrement and Insurance, and the Expendable Restricted Funds. 30 Budget UncertainGes • AppropriaDons • Enrollment • State ReDrement Program • Federal Health Care 31 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN 32 MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY
Generations of Discovery
Campaign Progress Summary
as of March 31, 2010
Alumni & Friends
CorporaDons Private FoundaDons
Giis-­‐in-­‐Kind Grand Total
$ 77,048,252 31,056,115 2,094,007 4,605,634 $114,804,008 33 Task Forces/Working Groups • 
IncenDve Return Task Force -­‐ Completed LactaDon Center MUB Basement Working Group-­‐ Survey MulDcultural Affairs Steering CommiIee-­‐ Completed New Faculty Start-­‐up Task Force Parking Task Force-­‐ Completed 34 CAPITAL PROJECTS 35 New Student Apartment Building 36 RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS -­‐ Preliminary Design 37 First Floor Remodel in AdministraDon Building 38 The Great Museum Caper 39 40 Keweenaw Research Center 41 Harvard Business Review – Roaring Out of the Recession OrganizaDon CharacterisDcs: 1)  MulDfaceted strategy but aimed in one direcDon 2)  Highly customized responses to challenges 3)  OperaDng efficiencies 4)  Did least amount of employee reducDons 42 