Michigan Technological University 1400 Townsend Drive Houghton, Michigan Interim Financial Statements for the nine months ending March 31, 2013 and 2012 Prepared and Submitted by Michigan Tech Accounting Services General Information The following pages are the most recent quarterly financial statements representing the financial activity of the University along with selected supplemental information which gives greater detail of certain consolidated statement information. University management presents this information as a fair and reliable reflection of the financial position and the results of operations as of the date of these statements. These statements are unaudited and may contain immaterial discrepancies that will be corrected prior to the issuance of the University’s Annual Financial Report. It is the intention of the University to present these interim financial reports in a format that reflects the adoption of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board "GASB" Statement No. 35 financial reporting. The University has adopted GASB 39 (inclusion of the Michigan Tech Fund (MTF) financial statements). However, we are including MTF only on our year-end financial reports. There is no inclusion of (MTF) activity in the Michigan Tech interim financial reporting. The MTF annual financial report can be found at the following address: http://www.admin.mtu.edu/acct/reports/audited.php Financial Highlights Balance Sheet Variances Cash and cash equivalents: Cash has decreased by $2.6 million. Most significantly in the R&I fund where cash has decreased by $4.1 million. A significant part of this cash decrease has been a result of taking a cash equivalent investment fund and purchasing a higher yield investment which is now classified as an investment. We have taken a short term, low yield excess cash fund and purchased a higher investment grade fund. Investments: Increased by $3.3 million as financial markets have performed very well over the past year and the purchase of investment fund with intermediate cash reserves. Capital Assets: Decreased by $2.1 million as depreciation has outpaced capital additions. Liabilities: All liability categories are comparable to prior year with the exception of our long term debt, (bonds and capital leases) which have increased a combined $2.1 million. Net Assets: Overall, net assets have increased by $5.4 million in the first nine months of FY13 as compared to an increase in net assets of $11.9 million in the first nine months of FY12. Income Statement Variances Student tuition and fees: An increase, net of tuition allowance, of $1.5 million (2.4%) through the combination of tuition rate increases and the decrease in student enrollment. Gross tuition revenue increased by $2.0 million, the tuition allowance netted against gross tuition increased by $400,000. 1 Grants and contracts: Total research revenues decreased by $1.5 million (4.4%). Federal grants decreased by $1.2 million and nongovernmental grants decreased by $300,000. Auxiliary revenues: Total auxiliary revenues increased by $1.3 million (6.4%) primarily in student resident fees. Salaries and wages: Total salary and wages have increased $904,000 (1.1%), the most significant increase is in the non-faculty segment. Fringe benefits: Decrease by $1.8 million (-6.5%) as we continue to see the effects of changing health care providers at the beginning of 2013. Supplies and services: A decrease of $1.5 million (4.3%) as spending has declined in the general and expendable restricted funds and has increased in the auxiliary funds. Scholarships and fellowships: These are aid expenditures that are not netted against gross tuition revenues and are primarily graduate tuition assistance programs and have increased by $547,000. State appropriations: Increased by $1.3 million (4.7%) as expected from the higher education appropriations plan. Gift income: Decreased by $581,000 (8.3%) for the first nine months of the fiscal year. Investment return: Improved by $1.0 million over the first nine months of FY13. Capital appropriations: Decreased by $12.0 million over the same period of the previous fiscal year as construction on the GLRC has been completed. Capital grants and gifts: Increased by $900,000 over FY12. The Bottom Line: The University had an increase in Net Assets of $5.4 million in the first nine months of fiscal year 2013 compared to an increase in Net Assets of $11.9 million in the first nine months of fiscal year 2013; a decrease in performance of $6.4 million. 2 Schedule of Net Assets by Fund March 31, 2013 and 2012 General Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, net Inventories Deposits Prepaid expenses Total current assets $ (9,505,412) $ 16,219,557 $ 12,408,388 7,195,339 165,352 504,157 191,025 1,486,982 1,175,303 13,525 4,805 (943,745) 16,398,434 14,404,332 Noncurrent assets: Student loans receivable, net Investments Capital assets, net of depreciation Other assets Total noncurrent assets Total assets $ Liabilities Current liabilities Current portion of L/T liabilities Accounts payable Other accrued liabilities Deferred revenue Total current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities Insurance and benefit reserves Notes and bonds payable Capital lease obligations Funds held for others Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities $ Net assets Net increase (decrease) in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets Designated Current Funds Auxiliary Retirement Activities Insurance $ (943,745) $ 16,398,434 $ 14,404,332 484,964 7,420,952 52,515 7,958,431 $ 58,889 267,846 326,735 $ Combined Total Expendable Total Current Restricted Funds Student Loan $(4,954,880) $ 123,745 $ 14,291,398 $ 190,074 5,446,474 13,501,396 1,678,007 69,998 69,998 1,193,633 (4,694,808) 5,570,219 30,734,432 Plant 1,495,415 $ 1,495,415 1,699,380 540,030 2,239,410 Agency $ 0 11,635,514 11,635,514 0 0 11,635,514 11,635,514 $ 6,940,706 $ 5,570,219 $ 42,369,946 12,585,050 12,585,050 $ 14,080,465 254,502,312 978,544 255,480,856 $ 257,720,266 $ 304,426 489,520 793,946 $ 2,286,507 1,234,824 3,200,835 6,722,166 $ $ $ $ 204,513 715,064 2,436,888 3,356,465 $ 2,286,507 2,287,616 12,094,217 2,489,403 19,157,743 - 2,627,420 9,358 1,458 406,250 3,044,486 FY 2013 FY 2012 18,389,773 $ 14,049,065 1,678,007 69,998 1,193,633 35,380,476 20,993,071 14,374,485 1,421,802 20,000 955,542 37,764,900 903,580 7,639 911,219 $ 911,219 12,585,050 11,635,514 254,502,312 978,544 279,701,420 $ 315,081,896 - $ 13,001 898,218 911,219 12,403,357 8,320,720 256,605,132 978,544 278,307,753 $ 316,072,653 4,913,927 $ 2,309,975 12,993,893 2,895,653 23,113,448 4,942,727 2,584,518 12,883,576 3,012,335 23,423,156 668,150 668,150 8,626,581 326,735 793,946 1,031,704 1,031,704 7,753,870 3,356,465 1,031,704 0 0 668,150 1,699,854 20,857,597 - 79,832,278 907,117 80,739,395 83,783,881 911,219 1,031,704 79,832,278 907,117 668,150 82,439,249 105,552,697 1,376,648 78,663,724 682,795 80,723,167 104,146,323 3,031,859 (12,602,185) (9,570,326) 255,548 15,816,151 16,071,699 4,375,230 9,235,156 13,610,386 2,738,633 (3,551,797) (813,164) (1,376,660) 3,590,414 2,213,754 9,024,610 12,487,739 21,512,349 101,176 13,979,289 14,080,465 (3,759,105) 177,695,490 173,936,385 - 5,366,681 204,162,518 209,529,199 11,859,274 200,067,056 211,926,330 (943,745) $ 16,398,434 $ 14,404,332 $ 6,940,706 $ 5,570,219 $ 42,369,946 $ 14,080,465 $ 257,720,266 $ 3 911,219 $ 315,081,896 $ 316,072,653 Schedule of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets by Fund by Object For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2013 and 2012 General Revenues Operating revenues Student tuition and fees Federal grants and contracts State and local grants and contracts Nongovernmental grants and contracts Indirect cost recoveries Educational activities Student resident fees Departmental activities Total operating revenues Expenses Operating expenses Salaries & wages - non-faculty Salaries & wages - faculty Salaries & wages - graduate students Salaries & wages - undergrad students Fringe benefits Supplies and services Student financial support Utilities Depreciation Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Transfers Mandatory transfers in Mandatory transfers out Non mandatory transfers in Non mandatory tansfers out Total transfers Nonoperating revenues (expenses) Federal Pell grants Other Federal grants State appropriations, operating Gift income Investment income (loss) Interest expense Other nonoperating revenues Loss on disposal of capital assets Net nonoperating revenues Income (loss) before other revenues Other revenues Capital appropriations Capital grants and gifts Fund additions Total other revenues Net increase (decrease) in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year Designated Current Funds Auxiliary Retirement Insurance Activities $100,629,031 $ 25,350 $ 895,482 $ 7,825 7,743,797 702,429 374,987 2,022,233 21,565,363 7,941,009 89,180 108,755,640 2,136,763 31,104,283 Combined Totals Expendable Restricted Total Current Funds Student Loan - $ 101,549,863 $ - $ 21,284,618 21,292,443 1,613,305 1,613,305 9,914,749 9,914,749 (7,743,797) 3,187,275 576 87,050 21,565,363 8,052,360 22,171 25,178,096 167,175,358 576 - 85,311 85,311 (85,311) Plant $ - $ 49,834 49,834 7,583,084 9,900,000 17,483,084 (17,433,250) 22,657,302 32,029,817 3,137,858 1,238,681 20,794,708 10,633,964 29,835,448 2,870,305 123,198,083 (14,442,443) 3,669,600 276,420 460,247 432,756 1,289,801 6,297,829 359,085 145,854 12,931,592 (10,794,829) 5,709,254 27,384 249,411 1,039,579 1,919,188 9,455,389 340,418 2,167,604 20,908,227 10,196,056 1,519,144 40,240 63 248 8,308 685,442 2,253,445 (2,252,869) 6,637,881 2,098,435 2,898,923 731,752 2,788,569 9,371,105 11,069,127 50,421 35,646,213 (10,468,117) 40,193,181 34,472,296 6,746,502 3,443,016 26,800,574 36,443,729 41,604,078 5,234,184 194,937,560 (27,762,202) (1,438,295) 7,129,102 (16,896,196) (11,205,389) (300,234) 12,161,630 (4,923,364) 6,938,032 (3,647,227) 5,608,188 (8,194,792) (6,233,831) 4,223,413 (749,779) 3,473,634 2,061,791 (1,037,975) 2,676,156 (1,805,178) 1,894,794 2,061,791 (6,423,731) 31,798,489 (32,569,309) (5,132,760) - 5,088,471 (726,531) 1,682,062 (911,242) 5,132,760 28,440,927 238,764 28,679,691 3,031,859 4,112,345 4,112,345 255,548 413,005 413,005 4,375,230 1,517,868 1,517,868 2,738,633 5,500,000 1,696,242 421 7,196,663 (1,376,660) 5,500,000 28,440,927 6,460,356 1,518,289 41,919,572 9,024,610 186,487 186,487 101,176 577,721 198 (3,338,544) 100,000 (2,660,625) (14,961,115) 1,035,092 1,183,748 8,983,170 11,202,010 4,375,230 2,738,633 (1,376,660) 9,024,610 101,176 (3,759,105) 3,031,859 255,548 9,235,156 (3,551,797) 3,590,414 12,487,739 13,979,289 177,695,490 (12,602,185) 15,816,151 $ (9,570,326) $ 16,071,699 $ 13,610,386 $ (813,164) $ 2,213,754 $ 21,512,349 $ 14,080,465 $ 173,936,385 $ 4 Eliminations FY 2013 FY 2012 (33,216,960) $ 68,332,903 $ 66,736,164 22,475,312 21,292,443 1,588,747 1,613,305 10,258,392 9,914,749 3,093,376 3,187,275 21,565,363 20,271,489 7,862,993 8,102,194 132,286,473 (33,216,960) 134,008,232 (9,041,099) (33,216,960) (42,258,059) 9,041,099 (57,929) (57,929) 8,983,170 40,193,181 34,472,296 6,746,502 3,443,016 26,800,574 35,071,025 8,387,118 5,234,184 9,900,000 170,247,896 (36,239,664) 38,983,865 34,611,962 6,989,976 3,364,495 28,666,584 36,641,227 7,840,421 5,565,741 9,900,000 172,564,271 (40,277,798) 7,150,262 (7,150,262) 33,480,551 (33,480,551) - 6,940,054 (6,940,054) 27,701,876 (27,701,876) - 5,500,000 577,721 28,440,927 6,460,356 1,704,974 (3,338,544) 100,000 (57,929) 39,387,505 3,147,841 5,615,550 583,604 27,155,727 7,041,552 742,970 (3,230,653) 1,100,000 (166,261) 38,842,489 (1,435,309) 1,035,092 13,073,231 1,183,748 221,352 (8,983,170) 13,294,583 (8,983,170) 2,218,840 5,366,681 11,859,274 200,067,056 204,162,518 - $ 209,529,199 $ 211,926,330 Schedule of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets by Fund by Function For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2013 and 2012 General Revenues Operating revenues Student tuition and fees Federal grants and contracts State and local grants and contracts Nongovernmental grants and contracts Indirect cost recoveries Educational activities Student resident fees Departmental activities Total operating revenues Expenses Operating expenses Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Operations and maintenance of plant Student financial support Departmental activities Student residents Depreciation Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Transfers Mandatory transfers in Mandatory transfers out Non mandatory transfers in Non mandatory tansfers out Total transfers Nonoperating revenues (expenses) Federal Pell grants Other Federal grants State appropriations, operating Gift income Investment income (loss) Interest expense Other nonoperating revenues Loss on disposal of capital assets Net nonoperating revenues Income (loss) before other revenues Other revenues Capital appropriations Capital grants and gifts Fund additions Total other revenues Net increase (decrease) in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year Designated Current Funds Auxiliary Retirement Activities Insurance $100,629,031 $ 25,350 $ 895,482 $ 7,825 7,743,797 374,987 2,022,233 702,429 21,565,363 89,180 7,941,009 108,755,640 2,136,763 31,104,283 Combined Totals Expendable Restricted Total Current Funds Student Loan - $ - $ 101,549,863 $ 21,284,618 21,292,443 1,613,305 1,613,305 9,914,749 9,914,749 (7,743,797) 576 87,050 3,187,275 21,565,363 22,171 8,052,360 576 25,178,096 167,175,358 - $ Eliminations FY 2013 FY 2012 - $ (33,216,960) $ 68,332,903 $ 66,736,164 21,292,443 22,475,312 1,613,305 1,588,747 9,914,749 10,258,392 3,187,275 3,093,376 21,565,363 20,271,489 49,834 8,102,194 7,862,993 49,834 (33,216,960) 134,008,232 132,286,473 45,909,865 14,204,451 407,098 9,857,757 5,468,279 11,190,562 8,736,367 27,423,704 123,198,083 (14,442,443) 1,874,443 5,940,216 619,539 255,395 698,015 2,926,371 617,613 12,931,592 (10,794,829) 3,098,450 17,809,777 20,908,227 10,196,056 1,997,716 255,729 2,253,445 (2,252,869) 597,689 20,646,421 5,697,141 13,690 173,780 8,357 8,509,135 35,646,213 (10,468,117) 48,381,997 40,791,088 6,723,778 10,126,842 9,438,524 16,123,006 9,609,709 35,932,839 17,809,777 194,937,560 (27,762,202) (1,438,295) 7,129,102 (16,896,196) (11,205,389) (300,234) 12,161,630 (4,923,364) 6,938,032 (3,647,227) 5,608,188 (8,194,792) (6,233,831) 4,223,413 (749,779) 3,473,634 2,061,791 (1,037,975) 2,676,156 (1,805,178) 1,894,794 2,061,791 (6,423,731) 31,798,489 (32,569,309) (5,132,760) - 5,088,471 (726,531) 1,682,062 (911,242) 5,132,760 28,440,927 238,764 28,679,691 3,031,859 4,112,345 4,112,345 255,548 413,005 413,005 4,375,230 1,517,868 1,517,868 2,738,633 5,500,000 1,696,242 421 - 5,500,000 28,440,927 6,460,356 1,518,289 41,919,572 9,024,610 186,487 186,487 101,176 577,721 198 (3,338,544) 100,000 (2,660,625) (14,961,115) 7,196,663 (1,376,660) 85,311 85,311 (85,311) Plant 2,831,700 4,751,384 9,900,000 17,483,084 (17,433,250) (575,227) (1,204,039) (24,245) (54,256) (18,649) (1,789,222) (5,098,747) (33,216,960) (10,915,617) 10,638,903 (42,258,059) 9,041,099 (57,929) (57,929) 8,983,170 47,806,770 39,587,049 6,699,533 10,072,586 9,419,875 17,165,484 9,262,346 2,801,190 6,894,160 10,638,903 9,900,000 170,247,896 (36,239,664) 47,825,542 42,865,445 6,452,359 8,119,978 5,747,335 22,812,373 7,309,877 2,448,589 9,152,568 9,930,205 9,900,000 172,564,271 (40,277,798) 7,150,262 (7,150,262) 33,480,551 (33,480,551) - 6,940,054 (6,940,054) 27,701,876 (27,701,876) - 5,500,000 577,721 28,440,927 6,460,356 1,704,974 (3,338,544) 100,000 (57,929) 39,387,505 3,147,841 5,615,550 583,604 27,155,727 7,041,552 742,970 (3,230,653) 1,100,000 (166,261) 38,842,489 (1,435,309) 1,035,092 1,035,092 13,073,231 1,183,748 1,183,748 221,352 8,983,170 (8,983,170) 11,202,010 (8,983,170) 2,218,840 13,294,583 3,031,859 255,548 4,375,230 2,738,633 (1,376,660) 9,024,610 101,176 (3,759,105) 5,366,681 11,859,274 (12,602,185) 15,816,151 9,235,156 (3,551,797) 3,590,414 12,487,739 13,979,289 177,695,490 204,162,518 200,067,056 $ (9,570,326) $ 16,071,699 $ 13,610,386 $ (813,164) $ 2,213,754 $ 21,512,349 $ 14,080,465 $ 173,936,385 $ - $ 209,529,199 $ 211,926,330 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts and Notes Receivable Accounts Receivable Aging Report Other Current Assets and Student Loans Property, Plant and Equipment Current Liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities Notes and Bonds Payable 6 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS: 03/31/13 UNRESTRICTED BY FUND GROUPS: GENERAL FUND DESIGNATED FUND AUXILIARY FUND RETIREMENT FUND PLANT FUND (Unrestricted funds) TOTAL UNRESTRICTED DESIGNATED/RESTRICTED BY FUND GROUPS: RETIREMENT FUND EXPENDABLE RESTRICTED FUND STUDENT LOAN FUND PLANT FUND AGENCY FUND TOTAL RESTRICTED TOTAL CASH & EQUIVALENTS BY GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT: Commingled cash and equivalents: PETTY CASH FIFTH/THIRD BANK RIVER VALLEY BANK SUPERIOR NATIONAL BANK Comingled cash total $ $ $ Designated/Restricted cash and equivalents: R&I FUND - SCUDDER MONEY MKT 2009 BOND ISSUE FUNDS 2009 BOND INVESTMENTS 2012 BOND ISSUE FUNDS TOTAL $ 06/30/12 06/30/11 06/30/10 (9,505,412) $ 16,219,557 12,408,388 (4,956,815) (3,449,242) 10,716,476 (15,965,306) $ 15,671,323 8,209,420 (5,206,349) (3,199,375) (490,287) (13,218,186) $ 17,300,527 5,591,848 (1,043,337) (4,947,025) 3,683,827 (13,450,045) 17,446,993 7,004,588 (366,113) (5,062,808) 5,572,615 1,935 123,745 1,495,415 5,148,622 903,580 7,673,297 18,389,773 $ 2,072,704 (1,610,331) 1,772,075 5,285,941 1,357,176 8,877,565 8,387,277 $ 1,771,400 (2,914,774) 1,439,030 7,756,761 1,380,303 9,432,720 13,116,547 $ 1,170,949 (2,779,951) 1,163,286 12,912,285 1,470,070 13,936,639 19,509,254 121,403 $ 15,476,593 3,024 2,786,818 18,387,838 115,843 $ 1,990,453 3,014 3,353,107 5,462,417 147,129 $ 7,522,553 2,999 3,672,466 11,345,147 138,045 557,879 14,046 (201,150) 508,820 1,935 0 0 0 1,935 18,389,773 $ 2,072,704 0 0 852,156 2,924,860 8,387,277 $ 1,771,400 0 0 0 1,771,400 13,116,547 $ 7 1,170,949 10,327,975 7,501,510 $19,000,434 19,509,254 ACCOUNTS AND NOTES RECEIVABLE: ALL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: STATE OF MICHIGAN-APPROPRIATIONS $ STATE OF MICHIGAN-OTHER RESEARCH: BILLED UNBILLED (mostly current month) STUDENT RELATED VENDOR RELATED MISCELLANEOUS ALLOWANCE FOR DOUBTFUL A/C'S 3/31/13 6/30/11 6/30/10 06/30/09 5,161,098 $ 0 8,713,492 $ 0 8,703,789 $ 0 9,003,362 109,554 2,819,614 2,287,964 5,107,578 3,389,102 4,643,434 8,032,536 2,791,377 5,325,754 8,117,131 2,841,639 3,417,294 6,258,932 1,941,555 282,802 1,601,380 (45,347) 512,052 287,321 3,229,605 (66,496) 389,092 375,298 1,969,675 (65,122) 300,881 322,194 484,610 (65,685) TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE $ 14,049,065 $ 20,708,510 $ 19,489,864 $ 16,413,848 RESEARCH BILLED - AGING OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: (IN DOLLARS) 03/31/13 CURRENT ACCOUNTS $ 1,966,478 $ 0 TO 30 DAYS PAST DUE 361,137 31 TO 60 DAYS PAST DUE 110,373 61 TO 90 DAYS PAST DUE 102,725 OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE 278,901 TOTAL RESEARCH BILLED $ 2,819,614 $ RESEARCH BILLED - AGING OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: (IN PERCENTAGE) 03/31/13 CURRENT ACCOUNTS 70% 0 TO 30 DAYS PAST DUE 13% 31 TO 60 DAYS PAST DUE 4% 61 TO 90 DAYS PAST DUE 4% OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE 10% 8 06/30/11 1,774,614 $ 516,121 509,560 89,374 499,433 06/30/10 1,272,933 $ 689,202 260,716 194,138 374,389 06/30/09 2,074,337 360,993 230,349 150,863 25,095 3,389,102 $ 2,791,377 $ 2,841,639 06/30/11 52% 15% 15% 3% 15% 06/30/10 46% 25% 9% 7% 13% 06/30/09 73% 13% 8% 5% 1% Accounts Receivable Aging Report Billed Research March 31, 2013 Company AKELA Inc Alion Science and Technology Corporation Arch Wood Protection Argonne National Laboratory Ariens Company AVL Powertrain Engineering Inc Ballard Power Systems BorgWarner Inc Bowdoin College Carnegie Institute of Washington Center for Automotive Research CFD Research Corporation Eaton Corporation Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service Ford Motor Corp - Ford Rsch & Adv Eng General Motors Company General Motors GFSS Hankook Tire Helios Remote Sensing Systems Illinois Tool Works Inc International Centre for Research in Agroforestry Internet 2 J F Drake State Technical College Kumho Tire Lesktech Limited LimnoTech Inc Little River Band of Ottawa Indians Marshall University Research Corporation Matrix Research Inc Michelin Americas Research & Development Corporation Michigan Dept of Environmental Quality Michigan Dept of Natural Resources Minnesota Dept of Transportation Michigan Dept of Transportation Morton Salt Company National Fish and Wildlife Foundation National Institute of Aerospace Neptune Research Inc North Carolina State University Nostrum Energy Office of Naval Research Ohio State University Pennsylvania State University Photonica Inc REL Inc Roush Industries Inc Sandia National Laboratories Science Applications International Corporation SIROM Scientific Solutions LLC Somero Enterprises Inc Systems Research and Applications Corporation Technology Service Corporation UChicago Argonne LLC Universal Technical Resource Services Inc Universidad del Turabo University of Alaska-Fairbanks University of Central Florida University of Dayton Research Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Michigan University of Michigan Business Engagement Center University of Nebraska - Lincoln University of Oregon University of Wisconsin-Madison UOP LLC URV USA LLC US Army Corps of Engineers US Dept of the Army US Dept of Energy US Forest Service US Geological Survey Federal Railroad Administration US Dept of Transportation Waltonen Engineering Inc Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust Account Yokohama Tire Corp Total Grants & Contracts Receivable Current $ 140,324.82 $ 10,640.88 $ 14,687.50 $ $ $ 12,261.00 $ $ 37,855.00 $ 12,640.14 $ 1,167.11 $ 4,291.76 $ $ 5,542.19 $ $ 49,786.64 $ 39,346.00 30,000.00 $ $ $ 4,139.40 $ 61,512.00 $ $ 18,167.28 $ 11,520.00 $ $ $ $ 8,142.66 $ 16,141.92 $ $ 46,850.00 $ $ 18,555.00 $ $ 140,558.42 $ 2,800.00 $ 10,880.35 $ 9,823.60 $ $ 30,000.00 $ 20,250.00 $ 582,695.27 $ 534.19 5,315.09 $ $ $ 450.00 $ 15,850.00 $ 88,673.01 $ 48,553.32 $ $ 4,030.27 $ 830.96 23,332.00 $ 11,314.09 $ 115,690.50 $ $ 536.80 $ 5,457.32 $ 2,559.64 $ 13,907.68 $ 17,422.13 $ 11,730.17 $ 25,000.00 $ 13,082.00 $ 15,297.24 $ 1,109.89 $ 15,999.00 $ $ 80,558.27 $ $ 22,350.62 $ 573.51 $ 2,777.74 $ 8,851.58 $ 43,790.83 $ 8,314.74 $ 494.01 $ 21,512.00 $ 1,966,477.54 Age 30 Date $ $ 20,028.36 $ $ $ 42,848.00 $ $ 172.36 $ $ 6,508.72 $ 1,608.69 $ $ 3,541.67 40,412.00 $ $ $ 15,505.16 $ $ $ 9,695.00 $ $ $ $ $ 416.95 $ $ $ $ 1,443.66 $ $ 4,990.91 $ $ $ $ $ 82,582.99 $ $ $ 9,559.81 $ $ $ 7,667.13 $ $ $ 2,361.66 $ $ $ $ $ 6,616.31 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,829.52 $ 1,674.36 $ 2,559.65 $ 29,074.21 $ $ 24,112.98 $ $ $ 2,051.62 $ 1,266.64 $ $ $ $ 6,380.24 $ $ $ 4,225.48 $ $ $ 10,091.08 $ $ 21,912.00 $ 361,137.16 9 Age 60 Date $ $ 5,657.92 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 18,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,113.00 $ $ $ 22,266.54 $ 8,400.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 16,231.98 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11,618.63 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,455.44 $ $ 7,898.80 $ 2,620.73 $ $ $ $ $ 13,110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 110,373.04 Age 90 Date $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 90,631.20 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,093.51 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.16 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 102,724.87 91 Plus Days $ $ $ $ 3,276.64 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,219.00 $ $ $ $ 749.94 $ $ $ $ $ $ 24,998.00 $ $ $ 4,379.73 $ $ $ $ 25,369.00 $ $ $ 16,154.58 $ $ $ 132,754.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 70,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 278,900.89 Account Balance $ 140,324.82 $ 36,327.16 $ 14,687.50 $ 3,276.64 $ 42,848.00 $ 12,261.00 $ 172.36 $ 37,855.00 $ 19,148.86 $ 1,167.11 $ 5,900.45 $ 3,541.67 $ 40,412.00 $ 5,542.19 $ 65,291.80 $ 39,346.00 30,000.00 $ 9,695.00 $ $ 4,139.40 61,512.00 $ 1,219.00 $ 18,167.28 $ $ 416.95 $ 11,520.00 $ 749.94 $ 18,000.00 $ 9,586.32 $ 16,141.92 $ 4,990.91 $ 46,850.00 $ 2,113.00 $ 24,998.00 $ 18,555.00 $ 340,418.88 $ 11,200.00 $ 10,880.35 $ 19,383.41 25,369.00 $ $ 30,000.00 $ 20,250.00 $ 634,842.47 $ 534.19 $ 7,676.75 $ 132,754.00 $ 450.00 $ 15,850.00 $ 88,673.01 $ 55,169.63 $ 11,618.63 $ 4,030.27 $ 830.96 $ 23,332.00 $ 11,314.09 $ 115,690.50 $ 2,366.32 $ 7,131.68 $ 7,574.73 $ 13,907.68 $ 54,395.14 $ 38,464.04 $ 25,000.00 $ 13,082.00 $ 17,348.86 $ 2,376.53 $ 29,109.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 80,558.27 $ 6,380.24 $ 22,350.62 $ 573.51 $ 7,003.22 $ 8,851.58 $ 43,790.83 $ 18,405.82 $ 494.01 $ 43,424.00 $ 2,819,613.50 03/31/13 06/30/12 06/30/11 06/30/10 OTHER CURRENT ASSETS AND STUDENT LOANS: OTHER CURRENT ASSETS INVENTORIES: BOOKSTORE UNIVERSITY IMAGES CENTRAL HEATING OIL IT TELCOM CHEMISTRY STORES OTHER (UNDER $70K) TOTAL INVENTORIES $ $ DEPOSITS: WORKER'S COMP BC/BS OF MICH ADVANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS DEFERRED EXPENSES: MAIL SERVICE OPERATIONS MTRI RENT LIBRARY PERIODICALS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL DEFERRED EXPENSES TOTAL CURRENT OTHER ASSETS STUDENT LOANS: FEDERAL PERKINS LOANS, net TECHAID LOANS TOTAL STUDENT LOANS $ $ $ 717,718 $ 251,074 190,928 164,678 131,483 222,126 1,678,007 $ 544,506 $ 196,802 201,792 164,678 131,483 193,161 1,432,422 $ 657,176 $ 193,206 212,031 161,141 123,307 177,568 1,524,429 $ 20,000 49,998 20,000 0 20,000 0 20,000 0 69,998 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 13,524 1,084,000 96,109 1,193,633 2,941,638 $ 28,955 13,524 0 304,917 347,396 1,799,818 $ 40,301 13,524 0 0 53,825 1,598,254 $ 22,941 13,524 0 0 36,465 1,541,669 11,525,176 $ 1,059,874 12,585,050 $ 11,114,050 $ 1,093,163 12,207,213 $ 11,319,472 $ 1,134,936 12,454,408 $ 11,489,583 1,157,718 12,647,301 10 630,020 163,706 216,910 181,357 118,942 174,269 1,485,204 PROPERTY, PLANT and EQUIPMENT Nondepreciable capital assets LAND MINERAL MUSEUM EXHIBITS TIMBER CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS Beginning Balance JUL 1, 2012 $ 9,134,394 5,844,136 368,394 3,170,270 18,517,194 Depreciable capital assets LAND IMPROVEMENTS INFRASTRUCTURE BUILDINGS DEFERRED FINANCING COSTS EQUIPMENT LIBRARY BOOKS SUBTOTAL Total cost of capital assets Less Accumulated Depreciation CAPITAL ASSETS, net Additions, net of Disposals $ 9,267,620 5,844,136 368,394 4,717,928 20,198,078 1,645,508 5,137,017 353,640,281 1,429,111 37,788,359 909,339 400,549,615 0 57,521 113,482 0 2,761,063 0 2,932,065 1,645,508 5,194,538 353,753,763 1,429,111 40,549,422 909,339 403,481,680 419,066,809 4,612,949 423,679,758 (160,490,254) $ 133,226 $ 0 0 1,547,658 1,680,884 Ending Balance MAR 31, 2013 258,576,555 11 (8,687,192) $ (4,074,243) $ (169,177,446) 254,502,312 03/31/13 06/30/12 06/30/11 06/30/10 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable VOUCHERS MISCELLANEOUS SALES TAX & MISC BENEFITS PAYABLE ACCRUAL TOTAL $ 1,017,676 $ 38,091 9,168 1,045,040 200,000 2,354,745 $ 18,370 9,896 574,005 1,645,368 3,505,580 $ 19,183 11,108 530,481 2,239,281 6,197,823 55,386 13,195 490,863 2,284,212 $ 2,309,975 $ 4,602,384 $ 6,305,633 $ 9,041,479 $ $ 4,492,738 $ 200,155 3,454,321 (222) 797,368 4,049,533 12,993,893 $ 1,710,686 $ 451,590 1,561,619 (25) 677,682 4,049,533 8,451,085 $ 3,955,184 $ 490,261 1,615,818 (607) 680,571 3,733,268 10,474,495 $ 3,611,218 360,637 1,652,993 (36,687) 699,388 3,885,952 10,173,501 $ 2,895,653 $ 2,990,127 $ 3,032,505 $ 2,520,184 $ 2,627,420 $ 0 0 2,627,420 207,911 1,750,000 77,596 251,000 4,913,927 23,113,448 $ 2,240,000 $ 0 0 2,240,000 207,911 1,750,000 503,314 251,000 4,952,225 20,995,821 $ 1,585,000 $ 223,164 100,000 1,908,164 207,911 1,630,000 941,816 193,000 4,880,891 24,693,524 $ 1,320,000 213,861 500,000 2,033,861 207,911 1,652,086 837,601 168,000 4,899,459 26,634,623 Other accrued liabilities ACCRUED PAYROLL & TAXES DEDUCTIONS PAYABLE DEFERRED PAYROLL LIABILITY BENEFITS PAYABLE DEPOSITS PAYABLE & MISC VACATION ACCRUAL TOTAL Deferred Revenue Current portion of long term liabilities BONDS PAYABLE - UNDER 1 YR OTHER CAPITAL LEASES NOTE PAYABLE SUBTOTAL HEALTH & LIABILITY - CURRENT (& ESP) HEALTH & LIABILITY - IBNR HEALTH & LIABILITY - RSVP HEALTH & LIABILITY - W/C (& MUSIC) TOTAL TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $ 12 03/31/13 06/30/12 06/30/11 06/30/10 NONCURRENT LIABILITIES: Insurance and benefit reserves MISC - LONG TERM PORTION ESP LONG TERM PORTION OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS TOTAL DUE TO MICHIGAN TECH FUND $ $ 89,000 $ 0 942,704 1,031,704 $ 166,596 $ 0 942,704 1,109,300 $ 158,753 $ 207,911 1,009,984 1,376,648 $ $ - - - 13 $ $ $ 478,737 415,822 1,070,002 1,964,561 600,000 NOTES AND BONDS PAYABLE LONG TERM PORTION OF BONDS PAYABLE: March 30, 2013 June 30, 2012 June 30, 2011 June 30, 2010 June 30, 2009 2003 ISSUE 0 0 4,080,000 4,190,000 4,295,000 2004 ISSUE 0 785,000 28,695,000 29,430,000 30,145,000 2004 ISSUE PREMIUM 0 0 764,527 798,381 832,235 2,610,000 2,675,000 2,740,000 2,790,000 2,840,000 0 0 0 4,213 8,426 15,310,000 15,435,000 15,560,000 15,685,000 15,785,000 512,549 533,050 553,553 574,055 615,058 2009 ISSUE 16,785,000 17,160,000 17,525,000 17,885,000 0 2010 ISSUE 9,570,000 10,230,000 10,770,000 0 0 2012 ISSUE 32,475,000 32,800,000 2,569,729 2,658,342 $ 80,688,080 $ 71,356,649 $ 54,520,719 2006 ISSUE 2006 ISSUE PREMIUM 2008 ISSUE 2008 ISSUE PREMIUM 2012 ISSUE PREMIUM TOTAL $ 79,832,278 $ 82,276,392 14