T is file . About This File: w.as created by scanning the printed publicat ion . Mlsscans Identified by the soft ware have been corrected' ho.wever, some mistak s may remain. _ ) ' WESTERN RED CEDAR --DOES IT HAVE A FUTURE? Conference Proce dings. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. July 13-14th 1987. Sponsored by UBC Faculty of Forestry. (article citation given at start of each abstract) Organizing Committee: J.P. Demaerschalk, R.W. Kennedy, K. Klinka, J.H.G. Smith, N.J. Smith, G.F. Weetman. Session Chairpersons: K. Iles, R.W. Kennedy,D. Lavender, G.F. Weetman. Conference day volunteers: Lynn Husted, Val Le May, Margaret Penner, Elizabeth Schnorbus, Rick Fournier, Albert Nussbaum, Guillaume Therien, Jim Thrower. Conference editor and compiler: N.J. Smith. Editor's note: The common name of either western red cedar or western redcedar Gust 2 words) is left to the dis­ cretion of the authors. The full scientific citation is: Thuja piicata (Donn ex D. Don in Lamb.), with the "in Lamb." part as optional, as cited by E.L. Little 1979. Checklist of U.S. Trees. Agric. Handbook #541, U.S.D.A. For. Serv., Washington D.C. 375pp. (Thanks to Karl Klinka for this reference). Most of the papers were submitted as camera ready copies. However, these were all scanned or converted (as were many figures) to facilitate desktop publish­ ing. I apologize for any errors that occured during this process. I would like to thank the organizing committee, chairpersons and volunteers, as well as all speakers and authors, Hilary Stewart for the splendid dinner speach, and to the UBC Conference Centre (thank you Lauren Boni, coordinator). / .1 NUTRITION AND FER·TILIZATION OF WESTERN RED CEDAR existing second growth cedar could result in increased growth and rapid establishment of stands. Nutrition and fertilization information is important in prescrib­ ing effective management practices. Information on nutrition and fertilization of western red cedar is available from three types of studies: G.F. WEETMAN, M.A. RADWAN, JANNA KUMI, AND ELIZABETH SCHNORBUS. Department of Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5, USDA Forest Service, 362S--93rd Av., Olympia, WA 98502, Mac­ Millan Bloedel Ltd., 65 Front St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R SH9 and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5, respectively. ABSTRACT Weetman, G.F., MA. Radwan, J. Kumi and E. Schnorbus. 1988. Nutrition and fertilization of western red cedar. In: Western red cedar--does it have a future? Smith, NJ. (Ed.). Conference Proceedings, University of British Columbia, Faculty of Forestry Westem red cedar is considered to be a nutritionally demanding species although there is little specific infonnation about its nutritional requirements. A review is presented of the nutritional factors which appear to influence productivity. Foliar nutrient concentrations are presented for natural stands, fertilized stands, and seedlings grown in mineral nutrition studies. There has been little operational forest fertilization some preliminary data are presented. of tlae species; Introduction Western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) is an important commercial species, particularly in coastal areas where the majority of mature western red cedar occurs. Because of its exce.}lent properties such as high natural durability, weathering and decay resis­ tance and attractive appearance, and its many uses par­ ticularly its specialty uses, western red cedar is in constant demand and commands a high price. Its uni­ queness in the world market implies a continued impor.­ tance and perhaps increased emphasis on this species in the future. However, the western red cedar resource . in British Columbia and the United States is being depleted as a result of continual harvesting and little renewal. In response to this problem, management of 1. The nutritional characteristics of the sites where it grows naturally and where it has been planted outside its natural range. 2. Fertilization and mineral nutrition of planting stock in the nursery. 3. Fertilization of plantations and natural stands. In comparison to Douglas-ru, (pseudotsuga men­ zies;; (Mirb.) Franco), Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bo n g .) C a r r . ) and w e s t e r n h e m l o c k , (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.), its companion species in natural forests, little is known about cedar. Most of the information available is by repute, based on observation or inference. There are relatively few published studies on cedar nutrition and fertilization. Western red cedar has a wide ecological amplitude and a good competitive ability. It is not regarded to be as nutritionally demanding as its companion species, notably Sitka spruce. It is considered to be a 'calcium pump' and is associated with ground vegetation indicat­ ing high nitrate availability. Cedar grows best on sites which also are suitable for Douglas-fir. It is recom­ mended by some f or planting on nutrient rich and wet sites with no seasonal moisture deficit (K. Klinka, 1987 pers comm.). Others (Nystrom et al. 1984) suggest that planting of the species need not be limited to speciality uses as on wet areas or sites infected with root rot fungi, but can be established on mesic, well-drained upland sites. On such sites in even aged stands, it produces small limbed, untapered, unfluted stems with yields equivalent to those of Douglas-fir. In the Interior CedarIHemlock zone of British Columbia, natural stands on cutover land are often characterized by residual trees and advanced regenera­ tion with much butt rot. This has given rise to uncer­ tainty as to whether rot-free plantations can be produced (Corrin. and Peterson 1986). On the north­ ern coast of British Columbia in the Coastal Western Hemlock zone, natural and planted cedar on oldgrowth cedarlhemlock cutover land usually is chlorotic, slow growing, and has an understory of dense ,alai (Gaul­ theria shallon Pursh.). In this region foresters are skep­ tical about the future of cedar plantations. ·t 48 Contemporary concerns about western red cedar nutrition and fertilization include: 1. The nutritional requirements of the species; 2. The relationship between nutrition and certain stand conditions, such as the stag-headed dead tops characteristic of oldgrowth cedar and the interior stands, with high incidence of rot; 3. The influence of slash burning oldgrowth cedar/hemlock forests on productivity of secondgrowth plantations and natural stands; 4. Effective fertilization prescriptions for container seedlings, established cedar/hemlock secondgrowth stands, and chlorotic cedar regeneration in dense salaI. The purpose of this paper is to assemble and review literature relevant to nutrition of red cedar, and to sum­ marize results of the fertilization trials carried out both in the field and in the nursery. Site nutrient conditions associated with cedat· Krajina (1969) reporting on the ecology and silvics of B.C. forest trees applied an edaphic grid technique as an aid to express productivity in different ecosystems for each biogeoclimatic subzone. The edaphic grid consists of a nutrient gradient of five trophotopes (AE) along the horizontal axis and a moisture gradient of nine hygrotopes (08) along the vertical axis (Figure 1). Each hygr otope/ trophotope combination is an edatope. The productivity in each edatope is expressed by site index (S1). Krajina (1969) reported that maxi­ mum growth of western red cedar in B.C.(S1 45-51 m) occurs on the edatope 6/E (hygric/subeutrophic) in the following three biogeoclimatic subzones: the Wet­ ter Maritime Coastal Douglas-fir Subzone (CDFb), the Drier Maritime Coastal Western Hemlock subzone (CWHa), and the Wetter Maritime Coastal Hemlock Subzone (CWHb) (Figure 1). As Krajina (1969) points out, the growth class curves of the edaphic grids are idealized and smoothened and productivity levels must, therefore, be viewed as somewhat hypothetical. On the edatope 6/E, productivity of western red cedar will vary even further with the different biogeocoenoses, or plant communities, in each biogeoclimatic unit. To sum up the site nutrient conditions for optimum growth, Krajina et al. (1982) stated that western red cedar is edaphically very demanding, requiring nutrient rich soil with a well balanced supply of both Ca and Mg, and with N in the form of nitrate. Western red cedar has been reputed to be a calciphile (Krajina 1969), growing best on neutral to slightly acidic soils (Watts 1983). = Zit Uka JX" The special nutrient conditions associated with western red cedar that arc of particular interest include the higher pH and higher calcium content of soils under this species as compared with soils under other species. Alban (1967, 1969) compared soils under western red cedar and under western hemlock in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. The foliage of western red cedar contained 235 to 300 percent of the Ca content of western hemlock foliage and 50 to 75 per­ cent of the Mg content. In the organic horizons of the soil, Ca content was still higher under the western red cedar. The pH, cation exchange capacity, base satura­ tion, and total weight of the organic horizons were also greater under the western red cedar. These results in­ dicate that western red cedar may be an accumulator of Ca, rather than simply requiring or prefering Ca rich sites. However, Imper and Zobel (1983) found that m southwestern Oregon, western red cedar distribution was related to soil Ca:Mg ratios. Their findings suggest that western red cedar grows on soils with large amounts of Ca and N and high Ca:Mg ratios. Another special nutrient condition associated with western red cedar is the relatively high rate of nitrifica­ tion of the litter from this species. Harmer and Alexander (1986) compared incubations with or without starch amendments of LFH core samples col­ lected from beneath 16 conifer species growing on the same site. They found nitrification to be negligible ex­ cept in western red cedar where nitrate constituted 68 or 83 percent of the mineral N present after incubation with or without starch respectively. Harmer and Alexander (1986) suggested low internal Ca + 2 con­ tents may limit nitrification in litter from other species, although they acknowledge that other workers have found that addition of Ca + 2 by liming has generally depressed net mineralization, but not consistently in­ creased nitrification. They also suggested that nitrifica­ tion may occur in western red cedar as allelopathic inhibitors present in the material of other species are absent. This feature of Ca rieh litter that undergoes nitrification may give western red cedar a competitive advantage in the struggle for a limited supply of soil N. Nutrients and Nutrition Based on a review of several mineral nutrition studies of western rcd cedar and other North American coniferous tree species, Minore (1983) reported that, though nutrient contents of western red cedar foliage vary with season and site, generally, foliar Ca con­ centrations are relatively higher in western red cedar than in other species, while N and S concentrations are usually lower, as are P concentrations, with an excep­ tion (Smith et al. 1968). In a more recent study, Rad­ Jl&MJ&Z£nu:;;:;; 49 W,",r Mltilima CoUl,1 01111 MeI,lImo CO .... , Wilt"" Hemlock SublOn. I ,I 4 ,. / t /. , t .. .. to I r it I I '' ,,/ - ' I Wltl"n Hemlock Subzont I I t , I I /1'!. <1 f -1/./ ' I ,' I t , '" 'I Watt" MI"lImt cou,,1 Dougl .. ·ftf Subzone I i • .• _ \ " , , l.,\ \t, \ \ " " 1 1 ". ,I. 1'" - : -;'-I I hpllnllOty nolu , t , , , , HYQ'01op.1 Iv,.lttt' o I 1 l .. mUle "C e 1 .. .. '"'YQ"C lubhydr,( lIQPhOl0P" fhOluonul A .. ot.g01l0P •.. C o Sile index (SllC.,) lor Thuja pllCala i, a, loUow,' growth cia,s (, .. lubhygft(: .. tubUIIC .. IvbmUIC " " ,.1 • v"y .tftt la b Ua b " '" HC lubmuOlloph,t .. muollopl'lIC .. p"mUOHOph,( ( .. lub'vllOph,c to tul/cohlc IlIa b J\'a b \'n b melers 45·51 42 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 <15 leet 150· 170 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 < 50 Fig. 1. Edaphic grids showing isolines of site indices for western red cedar in three biogeoclimatic subzones (reproduced from Krajina 1969) wan and Harrington (1986) found that foliar concentra­ tions of western red cedar were low in Mn and Al and high in Ca and Mo, compared with known values for as­ sociated conifers. These values were based upon samples collected from the upper crown; they consisted of secondary lateral branchlets with their scale-like leaves. Minore (1983) cautioned the use of foliage nutrient concentrations when comparing species since the relative nutrient concentrations do not necessarily reflect the relative nutrient requirements for each species. Krajina (1969) suggested western red cedar may require very high nutrient levels for optimum nutri­ tion. Nevertheless, western red cedar does survive on poor sites (Gregory 1957) and is observed to be abun­ dant on such sites. While there is little specific information about the mineral nutrient requirements of western red cedar, some foliage nutrient levels reported for western red cedar are presented in Table 1. These foliar nutrient levels have been obtained from various field locations in British Columbia, northwestern United States and the United Kingdom. They represent levels in un­ treated trees and in trees following fertilization alone, or fertilization in combination with another cultural treatment. Also presented are the foliar nutrient levels obtained from greenhouse studies, with variable nutrient additions. Seedling macro-nutrient levels as determined in greenhouse studies with nutrients added are generally higher than field levels with or without fer­ tilization, with the exception of Ca which is lower than the field levels without fertilization, but very similar to the levels obtained in the field after fertilization. Micronutrient levels are variable and difficult to com­ pare. Generally, N concentrations determined from field studies are within the 1.5% deficiency level for see­ dlings (Walker ct al. 1955). While field fertilization will increase levels of N, P, and K, depending upon treatment, theN levels in the foliage are still within the deficiency level for some low N treatments on northern Vancouver Island, even for N applied at rates as high as 300 kg N(ha in combination with thinning in coastal Washington. Various nlltrient deficiency symptoms observed in western red cedar seedlings were described by Walker et al. (1955) and may be considered general­ ly applicable (see Table 2). --------- -- !'OLIACK Table 1. MUTll.IKNT LEVELS i.UOlI.TIrn FOil. WESn:u 'ilID-CKIlAll (nlUJA ----- % LOCATION AGE N (OD WT) P K Ca 0.06 0.52 1.78 -- --Mg S !,LICATA --Cu Zn DO\l]i KX. E. DON) PPM ---- - Mn Fe B SOURCE Field Locations 11 1.27 Western Washington Adapted 1 0.7 1 Coast:BC, Washington, Oregon 1.06 0. 16 0.48 0.66 0. 13 0.09 6 20 160 54 18 Interior:BC, Washington, Oregon 1.29 0.28 0.83 0.76 0. 15 0. 1 1 8 29 170 54 21 2 1 United K ingdom 1.22 0. 10 0.38 1.05 0. 16 58 Terrace, B . . C 0.73 0. 13 0.52 1. 16 0. 10 Western Washington 1. 13 0.08 0.53 1.33 0.93 Western Oregon 1. 17 0. 15 0.67 1.54 0. 15 19-30 19-34 100 0- 130 Radwan from: and Harrington, aL, 1950 1986 (mean values) Ovington, 0.07 !£ Gessel, Beaton, 1956 !£ ., Adaptedl from: Adapted from: 1965 Gessel, !£ ., Imper and Zobel, 1950 1983 (mean values) 36-169 Idaho, Montana, Eastern Washington Pacific Northwest (Litter) 0.90 0. 13 0.59 1.27 0. 10 0.62 0.09 0.36 2.24 0.04 0.04 5 16 13 1 159 14 Graham, Adapted2 1982 from: Tarrant, !£ . • 1951 Greenhouse Studies 1+ 0 Tank culture, complete nutrients 2.70 0.34 2.30 0.89 0.23 0.3 1 Seedlings Sand culture, complete nutrients 2 94 0.36 1.86 0.90 0.28 0.26 Soil culture, 224 N 0.90 0. 17 1.20 1.22 0.23 Seedlings P 196 K93 kg/ ha 66 163 1+0 seedlings, tank culture 2.74 0.33 2.72 0.80 0. 14 13 23 164 59 2+0 seedlings, tank culture 2.88 0.40 2.39 0.56 0. 19 14 26 102 139 3.29 0.44 2.92 0.74 0.2 1 10 63 2 16 120 1 2+0 / seedlings, sand culture (N,P,K ,Ca,Mg+ l Adapted from: Walker, al., 1955 33 Ry a n, 1983 (mean values) micro nutrients) To be cont 'd. �------ j (Cont'd) FOLIAGE ImllUmrr ILVKLS IP;POnED FOIl. ----- % AGE Field Studies: 4-6 N LOCATION 1.56 UBC Research Forest Fertilized N296-900, P18S-563, 2+0 K228-1339, S13-161 kg/ha 5-8 Northern Vancouver Island, B.C. (OD WT) --'---- K Ca Hg 0.58 0.12 S 0.13 0.62 (Na turaI) Cu Zn Hn Fe B SOtfRCF. Smith, et al., 1968 (m an valuc 2nd and t Control 1 .12 0.16 0.57 0.62 0.15 W p et ma n 1.41 0.16 0.60 0.67 0.14 for 1st grow!np, s Nl50 1.66 0.15 0.64 0.59 0.14 ferUl17:atlon) N225 1.98 0.15 0.59 0.65 0.13 N75-225 P75 1.62 0.25 0.54 0.75 0.14 N75-225 K75 1.46 0.16 0.70 0.63 0.14 N75-225 P75 K75 1.53 0.26 0.71 0.69 0.14 Control 1.21 0.18 0.74 0.64 0.16 NI00 P50 kg/ha 1.68 0.23 0.70 0.74 0.16 N200 P50 1.76 0.23 0.69 0.76 0.14 N300 P50 2.08 0.24 0.65 0.72 0.15 2.14 0.28 0.75 0.75 0.14 1.93 0.25 0.97 0.97 0.15 N300 PIOO + B,Cu,Zn,Hn & Fe 85 66 46 116 76 105 14 210 32 19 13 190 33 21 14 220 35 19 13 240 29 18 14 160 30 23 20 259 38 26 ( u npuh 1.) ( value s son following Weetman (unpubl.) (N, P, K, mean values of 1st, Ca and Mg - 2nd and 3rd gro win g seasons fol 1ow l n p, fertilization) Northern Vancouver Island, B.C. (unpubl.) (mean 1.09 0.18 0.75 0.59 0.15 Weetman Sala1 r emoved 3 1.36 0.20 0.81 0.64 0.15 and 2nd grow!ng se sons NO 1.24 0.22 0.78 0.63 0.16 1.70 0.21 0.74 0.66 0.15 PO 1.55 0.18 0.76 0.63 0.15 PI00 1.55 0.24 0.75 0.67 0.15 W i th salal of growing seasons) N75 kg/ha N300 Pl50 12-16 D<Mi EX. It. DOH) PPH --- 0.13 Northern Vancouver Island, B.C. 9 (THUJA PLICATA Fertilization (Plantat i o n) ( Pla nta tion) P R1I IIID....omAR. values of 1st following f ert iIi zaUon) N200 kg/ha4 20-22 Coastal Washington 1985 ( me an (Natural) Unthinned, unfertilized 1.02 0.14 0.57 0.79 0.12 0.11 Harrington and Wierman, (5900 sph) Thinned (1100 sph), 1.13 0.15 0.64 0.83 0.12 0.11 values of 1st, 2nd and Jrd growlnp, unfertilized 1.45 0.14 0.58 0.85 0.12 0.13 seaBons following fcrtilization nndl Thinned + N300 PIOO 1.43 0.23 0.55 0.97 0.12 0.14 or thinning) Thinned + N300 PIOO KI00 1.38 0.24 0.68 0.91 0.12 0.13 Thinned + N300 kg/ha 1. 2. Adapted from original data in meg/l00g converted to % - 3. from o ri g i na l data in lbs/acre. Abov -p'rotJnd salal m;lnually eradi,ated from 20 4. Nitrogl'n added as ammonium nitrate or IJrf'a:m .. an vnlues. 5. n. Adapted x 20 (meg/IOOg) x (atomic wt/valence)/1000. m plots. H"an v:Jlllf'S of I t ancl 3rd groIJing SE'<lSOn foll owin g f"rtili".,tion. V"lnc of 3rd growing Sf'ason follolJing fe['tili7. rion. Vl f-' 52 Table 2. Deficiency levels and nutrient deficiency symptoms in western red ce dar seedlings (from Walker, al. 1955). Macronutrients Symptoms Foliar Concentrations (%, dry mass basis) Nitrogen Phosphorus < 1.5 Foliage yellowish: stems reddish in young seedlings; dying of older foliage conspicuous but little shattering; roots a b normally long in solution cultures; foliage sparse. 0.4 Stems and older foliage reddish or purplish during the first year, turning reddish brown and becoming necrotic in older seedlings; old­ est foliage dies but does not shat­ ter: youngest foliage retains good green color • Potassium • 39 - .78 Sterns limber, foliage appears drooping, sparse, fourth-order branches apparently do not elon­ gate; branch tips a good green, but older foliage necrotic or dying and many lower-leaves and branches dead and brown. Calcium .10 - .20 Browning and drying at the tips of the leader and branch shoots' good green maintained in lower fo i iage: browning and dying of roots obvious in solution cultures • Magnesium Sulphur Micronutrients • 06 - .18 .08 - .16 Foliage yellowish; older foliage paler than normal, althou h not so yellowish as younger port10ns of the plants. Foliar Concentrations (ppm, dry mass basis) Youngest foliage quite yellow; old­ er foliage green; the difference more striking as the plants become . older. Iron Boron Good height growth; youngest foli­ age green, but older branchlets turn yellow or white then brown; a ) marked tendency to Shatter result­ ing in plants with a green tuft at the tip but bare branches below. (Other deficiencies do not seem to produce the white or yellow stage in necrosis characteristic of magnesium.) 15 Elongation in growing regions much restricted, so that needles are closely bunched, approaching the "rosette" in angiosperms; stems weak, upper parts of plant lop over: older foliage near normal; younger foliage "bronzed" in advanced stages; roots short with branches somewhat bulbous on the ends. 53 Nitrogen, when present at low levels, was found to be the nutrient that limited seedling yield the most in a greenhouse culture trial (Walker et al. 1955). Western red cedar seedlings were also shown to require more N than Sitka spruce, western hemlock or Douglas-fir see­ dlings for optimum growth (Krajina 1959). In a study of 19 coastal and interior sites in western Oregon, Washington and Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Radwan and Harrington (1986) found western red cedar foliar N concentrations to be within the deficien­ cy level of less than 1.5% for seedlings (Walker et a1. 1955) on most sites. They suggested N fertilization would likely result in improved growth of cedar on these sites. Nitrogen has been reported to be used more effi­ ciently by western red cedar in the form of nitrate than as ammonium in sand and solution cultures (Krajina 1971, Krajina et al. 1973). Minore (1983) identified the need for further work to dctermine the relationship be­ tween nitrogen form and growth of western red cedar in nature. Mineral nutrition studies do not explain whether the nitrate preference is real or, rather, in­ duced as a result of a relatively high proportion of avail­ able nitrate produced by nitrification of western red cedar litter (Harmer and Alexander 1986). Phosphorus, although it can b tolerated by western red cedar at lowcr levels than Douglas-fir and Sitka spruce (Krajina 1969), was reported by Walker et al. (1955) to be the second element, after N, to limit see­ dling yields when present at low levels. Western red cedar P nutrition problems have been observed in the United Kingdom; on Irish sod-peat bog where P fer­ tilization increased root growth (Carey and Barry 1975) and in upland British heaths where P and N deficien­ cies were believed to be the cause of plantation check (Forestry Abstracts 1964). In the Pacific Northwest, on a range of sites, Rad­ wan and Harrington (1986) found some levels of S, K, and Mg, as well as N, of western red cedar to be within the deficiency levels for seedlings (Walker et al. 1955). They recommended fertilization to enhance levels of essential elements such as N, S, P, B and Mo and to in­ crease western red cedar productivity. Minorc (1983) suggested that only low levels of S seem to be required by wCiitcrn red cedar. Sulfur fertilization in one study (Smith et al. 19(8) actually resulted in reduced height growth of young western red cedar, although this may have been a response to fertilizer induced pH changes. The requirement of western red cedar for Ca is un­ clear and complex. Western red cedar was reported to be less tolerant than western hemlock, Sitka spruce or Douglas-fir to low levels of Ca, Mg or both (Krajina 1959, 1969). It has been described as a calciphile (Krajina 1969) requiring Ca rich sites to grow on. Yet the high levels of Ca in western red cedar foliage and litter (Gessel et al. 1950, Tarrant et aI. 1951, Dauben­ mire 1953, Beaton et al. 1965, Radwan and Harrington 1986) relative to other coniferous tree species may be attributed to an ability of western red cedar to accumu­ late Ca in excess of its nutrient requirements, thereby, acting as a Ca pump to the site. Indirect evidence that western red cedar may act as a Ca accumulator was presented by Radwan and Harrington (1986). In a study of foliar concentrations and site productivityrela­ tions in western red cedar, they found that, with one minor exception, Ca concentrations were not corre­ lated with other elements while all macronutrients ex­ cept Ca were positively related to terminal growth. Similarly, Harrington and Wierman (1988) reported that five years after fertilization and thinning in a young western red cedar stand, the control, the treatment with the poorest growth, had the highest Ca concentration while the treatment with the best growth had the lowest Ca concentration, implying luxury consumption of Ca. According to Walker et aI. (1955), the ability of western red cedar to accumulate Ca is related to the availability of other nutrients as well as Ca in the soil. In sand cul­ tures, treatments with low Mg or low K resulted in the highest foliar Ca, while in tank cultures, treatments with low N or K resulted in higher foliar Ca. Foliar nutrient concentrations have been shown to vary significantly between western red cedar growing on the coast and in the interior of western Washington and Oregon and western Vancouver island, British Columbia (Radwan and Harrington 1986). Concentra­ tions of P, K, Ca, Mg and S were significantly higher in the interior than on the coast. This was attributed to differences in the contents of extractable minerals in the soils on the coast versus interior. Similarly, B, Zn, Cu and particularly Mo concentrations were sig­ nificantly higher in the interior, this being attributed by the authors to soil pH differences and effects on ele­ ment availability. To simplify the relationship between foliar nutrient concentrations and site productivity, Radwan and Harrington (1986) suggested that, based on significant correlations between some foliar con­ stituents and site index and terminal growth, COll­ stituents such as N, chlorophyll, S and B may be useful as indicators to assess site quality for red cedar produc­ tion. Thc intcraction of sitc conditions, foliar nutrient concentrations and western red cedar growth is an im­ portant relationship to understand in order to identify nutritional problems and prescribe appropriate cul­ tural treatments such as fertilization to improve growth. It will also be important in managing western red cedar to distinguish between adequate nutrition'and optimum nutrition. While western red cedar has been observed to outgrow other species without fertilizer, and, on the other hand, seems able to survive and grow on nutrient­ 54 poor sites, it is hoped that under optimum nutrient and moisture conditions, western red cedar may grow as well or better than other coniferous species. Field Fel'tilization Trials Table 3 summarizes the response data from four tri­ als. This very limited data suggest that cedar responds in a conventional way to nitrogen additions; urea seems to be equally or more effective than ammonium nitrate. There is no evidence to date of variable response problems to N additions as with western hemlock. There is some evidence for response to added P. The most longterm results are from an experiment con­ ducted by Harrington and Wierman (1988) with seven treatment combinations of thinning and fertilization, including a control, in a young cedar stand in coastal Washington. The two nitrogen sources urea and am­ monium nitrate were used and both increased growth. However, the urea treatment produced significantly greater five-year height growth than the ammonium nitrate treatment. Annual diameter growth was also consistently slightly above that in the ammonium nitrate treatment, but five-year diameter growth was not sig­ nificantly different. The larger and possibly longer response to urea was said to be related to the higher N concentrations present in the foliage of the urea treat­ ment. The addition of P in the form of dicalcium phos­ phate resulted in a further increase in growth above the response to N, but the further addition of potassium sul­ fate did not. Since increases in foliar N and P as­ sociated with the fertilization were still evident after five years, the response may be of long duration. Height response is difficult to measure because of indeterminate growth. However, Parker and Johnson (1987) have deVeloped a simple nondestructive techni­ que for aging western red cedar terminals for the pre­ vious 3 to 6 years (Figure 2). In western red cedar, a developing branch is often taller than the terminal. The main stem can be distinguished as having a greater number of leaf pairs between branches than does a lateral. Also, to determine past year's height growth, it is necessary to identify the overwintering point which is normally 1 to 2 centimeters above a branch junction. The distinction between one year's growth and the next is made on the basis of differences in colour and texture or presence of the stem leaves. This forms the basis of the terminal aging teclmique. The lack of determinate growth also makes it dif­ ficult to use end of first growing season foliar vector analysis to diagnose stand nutrient status and probable response to fertilization (Timmer and Morrow 1984). A test of seven shoot parameters (MacGregor 1987) to measure growth response in cedar single tree screen­ ing fertilizer trials, involving branchlet area, length and weight, showed branchlet weight to be most highly cor­ related with height growth. Figures 3a and b show the vector diagrams for nitrogen and phosphorus and Figure 3c shows the corresponding first-year height growth response surface. On the same sites, planted Sitka spruce showed first-year vector shifts and sub­ sequent 3 year matching basal response with a clear im­ provement due to P additions. This result suggests that cedar is less demanding of P than Sitka spruce. * ." ...",. .., ' - ·l · Fig. 2. Branching pattern in western red cedar (from Parker and Johnson 1987). The deficiency levels and symptoms listed in Table 2 can assist in the diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies in cedar based on foliar analysis. As with its companion species, there is still no reliable technique to accurate­ ly predict cedar response to fertilization. Early reliable measurements of fertilizer trials to detect foliage response to fertilization are difficult with indeterminate growth. Radwan and Harrington (1986) have shown that chlorophyll may be used to estimate N status of cedar. Their finding that interior and coastal cedar stands have differing foliar nutrient concentrations sug­ gests different fertilization strategies for these areas. To date, because very few cedar stands have been fer­ tilized, it is not possible to develop any guidelines. On the northern coast of British Columbia, the ability of cedar to grow in dense salal dominated sites led to the first aerial fertilization of cedar at Port Mc­ Neill in December 1986. The fertilization prescription ,-.-- --- -- -- - ------ ---- ---- FKlitTILIZK1t RESPONSE JB WKSTElUi 21m CKIlAJt Table 3. Stand and Site Age Location Treatments Characteristics Response Reference 2-year height growth 1) Northern Vancouver Island, 5-8 years B.C. Planted 1000 sph; 30-35 m; SI (100) height: 1-2 m; thick humus, well drained NO 44 cm (100)a N75 kg/ha 57 cm (130)b NlS0 61 cm (139)c N225 63 cm (143)c Weetman (unpubl.) 2-year height growth 2) Northern Vancouver Isl an d , 12-16 yrs B.C. Natural, 5000 sph; SI (100) No salal removal 83 cm (100)a 30-35 m; height: Salal removal 108 em (130)b 2-4 m; Weetman (unpubl.) thick humus; well drained NO 82 em (100)a N200 kg/ha 99 em (121)b (ammonium nitrate) 105 em (128)b N200 (urea) J) 3-year height growth Northern Vancouver Island, 9-years Control 79 em (100)a NI00 PSO kg/ha 112 em (143)b 1-3 m; thick humus; well N200 PSO 122 em (1S4)b drained N300 P50 130 em (16S)b N300 P150 112 em (142)b Natural, SI B.C. 5000 sph; (100) 30-35 m; height N300 PlS0 K91 + B, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe 4) Weetman (unpubl.) 124 cm (157)b 5-year height and diameter growth Coastal Washington 20-25 yrs Natural, 5900 sp , 51 (50) 18-22 m; thin humua; poorly drained 170 cm (100)a 3.2 em (100)a Harrington " 280 cm (165)d 5.8 cm (181)e (submitted for 210 cm (124)b 4.3 cm (134)b thinned + N300 (u) 270 em (l59)d 6.3 cm (197)d tryinned + N300 (an) thinned + N300 (an) 250 em (l47)e 5.9 em (184)cd unthinned, Wi erman, 1987 unfertilized unthinned + N300 (an), PIOO, KIOO thinned (1100 sph), publication) unfertilized PlOO thinned + N300 (an) 280 em (l65)d 6.8 em (212)e 280 cm (165)d 7.0 em (219)e PI00 KI00 lJ1 lJ1 '/ 1 1 1 " j 56 I a) I RELATIVE SHOOT WEIGHT 220 Z 0 a:: IZ UJ 0 Z 0 () UJ > -' UJ a: 150 100 350 300 250 200 l.!eatment 200 2 3 4 5 6 180 160 7 8 140 CIt 120 Legend NO o Nl 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Codes NO NOP NOK NOPK Nl NIP NIK NIPK N2 N2P N2K ,:1N2PK NJ N3P NJK NJPK 6. N2 100 o 100 ·200 300 400 500 RELATIVE CONTENT N3 700 600 Fig. 3a. Cedar regeneration fertilization screening trials at Port McNeill, B.C. Relationships between concentration, shoot weight and shoot-nutrient content at end of first growing season following fertilization for nitrogen RELATIVE SHOOT WEIGHT b) 240 Z 0 a: lZ UJ 0 Z 0 () 150 100 220 300 200 350 180 160 - Treatment I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UJ 140 - t:( -' 120 9 > UJ a: 250 200 0 NO 0 Nl 100 - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Codes NO NOr NOK NOPK Nl NIP NIK NIPK N2 N2P N2K 11N2PK NJ NJP N3K NJPK 6. N2 80 0 N3 100 200 300 400 500 600 RELATIVE CONTENT Fig.3b. Cedar regeneration fertilization screening trials at Port McNeill, B.C. Relationships between concentration, shoot weight and shoot-nutrient content at end of first growing season following fertilization for phosphorus. 57 Ix AX IS 11 - NO N1 i2 13 - N2 ! N3 : 4 Y AXIS 1 - POKO 2 - PIKO 3 - POKI PIKI 4 - Fig. 3 c. First year height growth response to fertiliser treatments where N l, N2 and N3 are 7 5, 150 and 22 5 kg N per ha, respectively, P is 7 5 kg P per ha and K is 7 5 kg K per ha. of 300 kg N/ha and 50 kg P/ha was based on results from singletree fertilizer screening trials and foliar vector analysis. The objective of this fertilization is to ac­ celerate crown closure of the plantation in order to smother the salal. This study is part of a larger project the SalallCedarlHemlock Integrated Research Project (SCHIRP 1986) concerned with maintaining the productivity of cut-over old-growth cedar/ hemlock forests. Fertilizer may be an essential cultural treat­ ment to overcome N and P deficiencies of plantations established on such cutovers. emphasis is being placed on micronutrients such as boron and zinc. Cedar is being grown experimentally under lngestad's concepts of steady state nutrition, and the interactions between nutrient levels and botrytis are just some of the areas where work is progressing. Nub'ient Cycling and the Decline of Old Growth There is a paradox between the apparently nutrient demanding features of western red cedar, its role as a "calcium pump" and its natural occurrence on coastal salal dominated sites on folisols which are deficient in N and P. While nutrient demanding, it also appears to have a wide nutritional ecological amplitude with an ability to take up nutrients on mor humus soils. So lit­ tle work has been done with soil/site relationships, nutritional studies and fertilization that it is difficult to draw any firm conclusions about cedar nutrition. Cedar Stands Ancient cedar forests in the wet maritime climate on the northern coast of British Columbia are commercial­ ly very valuable. They are characterized by living trees of up to 1000 years old wit h dead tops, growing wit h hemlock and Sitka spruce in dense salal in deep lUor humus layers. Interestingly, these stands are inter­ spersed by younger fast-growing stands of hemlock and silver fir with a history of repeated blowdown. There is a side by side contrast of vigorous blowdown stands with active and relatively rapid nutrient cycling, with decadent slow-growing cedar dominated stands with slow nutrient cycling in ericaceous dominated mar humus layers in regulating seedling morphology. More Discussion The apparent breadth of its ecological amplitude and its apparent responsiveness to fertilizers and its ability to outproduce Douglas-fir on sites are all very positive features of the species that require further ex­ ploration. Since the mineral soils are the same, it is sug­ 58 gested that periodic windthrow may be an essential re­ quirement to rejuvenate and maintain vigorous nutrient cycling in oldgrowth stands. Bormann (1987) has also made similar observations and recommendations for oldgrowth forests in the Tongass National Forest in Alaska. Whether or not the decline in individual tree vigour and the dead tops of old cedar is related to a progressive decline in nutrient availability is yet to be determined. "Check" in cedar and other conifer plan­ tations on heathland-dominated soils is a well known and much studied phenomenon in Britain (Zehetmayr 1960, Read 1984). "Environmental stress" of an un­ known nature has been suggested by Shaw et al.(1985), as the cause of death of Alaska cedar (Chamaecyparis Ilootkatellsis) over the last 15 years in southeastern Alaska. Nurselj' Nutrition The number of red cedar seedlings produced in British Columbia crown and private nurseries has grown from 2.8 million in 1981 to a 1987 sowing request of 6.5 million. Operationally, cedar has been grown under similar fertilizer regimes as Douglas-fIr. Starters and fmishers with higher phosphorus concentrations (10-52-17) are interrupted with a more balanced NPK fertilizer (20-20-20) during the period of rapid growth. Cedar has acted like a nitrogen collector under this regime. Whereas Douglas-fir may have a nitrogen con­ centration of 2.5% N, cedar will have concentrations approaching 4 to 5% N. This phenomenon has led to problems with cedar stock being tall, unbalanced in root:shoot ratios and prone to disease. This past year, new initiatives in research and opera­ tiona procedures have begun to look at the nutritional regimes under which red cedar should be grown. Nur­ series are attempting to drastically reduce nitrogen levels. 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