Carbon storage and functional importance in moss/lichen ground layers Robert J. Smith, Sarah Jovan and Bruce McCune Oregon State University Today: 1. Carbon storage in the moss/lichen ground layer 2. Functional roles of the moss/lichen ground layer 3. Measuring carbon and function: Ground Layer Indicator 4. Preliminary findings from interior Alaska Carbon storage Carbon storage Photos: US-BLM and John Shaw Functional roles Lichens Functional group Ecosystem functions Forage lichen Wildlife forage N-fixing lichen N-fixation Other lichen Invertebrate habitat, bare site colonization Crust lichen Mosses Liverworts Sphagnum peat-moss Soil-trapping, water infiltration, undisturbed indicator Carbon storage (peat), water regulation, decomposition slowing N-fixing feather moss N-fixation Feather moss Rainfall interception Turf moss Soil accrual, bare-site colonization Liverwort Soil- and detritus binding, water infiltration Forage lichen N-fixing lichen Crust lichen Other lichen Feather moss Turf moss N-fixing feather moss Sphagnum We asked: 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? We asked: 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? 2. How do biomass, C, N differ among habitats? We asked: 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? 2. How do biomass, C, N differ among habitats? 3. How do functional groups differ among habitats? We asked: 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? 2. How do biomass, C, N differ among habitats? 3. How do functional groups differ among habitats? 4. How time-efficient is our sampling method? We asked: 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? 2. How do biomass, C, N differ among habitats? 3. How do functional groups differ among habitats? 4. How time-efficient is our sampling method? 5. What are minimum sampling requirements of our method? We asked: 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? 2. How do biomass, C, N differ among habitats? 3. How do functional groups differ among habitats? 4. How time-efficient is our sampling method? 5. What are minimum sampling requirements of our method? 6. What is the potential species capture of our method? Method: FIA Ground Layer Indicator Subplot 360° Measure depth and area, live+dead, × 32 microquads 2 Transects Exclusion zone Microquads (cryptogam sampling) 180° 1 270° 45° 4 225° 90° 315° 3 135° Biomass/C/N calibration 0.15 3 Density (g cm ) 0.10 N = 150 samples 0.05 0.00 0 5 10 15 Depth (cm) 20 25 30 Implementation plots Subplot 360° N = 81 plots (× 32 non-destructive samples ea.) among 8 habitat types 2 Transects Exclusion zone Microquads (cryptogam sampling) 180° 1 270° 45° 4 225° 90° 315° 3 135° Alaska Upland black spruce Lowland black spruce Alpine tundra Mixed forest Oregon Montane forest Coastal forest Steppe Dry forest Alaska Oregon 25000 1 Moss biomass (kg ha ) Results 20000 Moss biomass 15000 10000 5000 0 1 Lichen biomass (kg ha ) upland mixed alpine coastal montane dry forest steppe 1500 Lichen biomass 1000 500 0 upland 400 ) low land low land mixed alpine coastal montane dry forest steppe Lic 0 upland Results low land mixed Alaska alpine coastal montane dry forest Oregon steppe 2 Mean cover (cm ) 400 300 Area cover 200 100 4 Mean functional richness Sample functional richness 0 upland low land mixed alpine coastal 3 montane dry forest steppe Functional richness 2 1 0 upland lowland mixed alpine coastal montane dry forest steppe Functional groups -1 Estimated biomass (kg ha ) 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Time efficiency Habitat State N Upland Lowland Mixed Alpine Coastal Montane Dry forest Steppe All AK AK AK AK OR OR OR OR – 9 10 11 9 7 7 10 6 81 Reported numbers are means ± SE. Time on plot (minutes) 47.2 ± 3.2 59.0 ± 5.4 45.5 ± 3.6 75.6 ± 13.2 96.4 ± 7.5 95.0 ± 8.6 36.0 ± 2.1 45.8 ± 3.1 60.4 ± 3.4 Species capture 70 Species number 60 whole-plot microplot 50 40 30 20 10 0 alpine Cumulative Whole-plot Microplot N 90 74 2 upland lowland 53 33 2 74 52 2 coastal 42 20 2 montane 16 8 1 dry forest 30 28 3 Minimum sampling requirements: SE of cover (9999 bootstrap reps) upland lowland mixed alpine coastal montane dry forest steppe 200 150 2 SE of cover (cm ) 100 50 0 200 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 N microplots 20 30 0 10 20 30 Summary 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? FIA Ground Layer Indicator Summary 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? FIA Ground Layer Indicator 2. How do biomass, C, N differ among habitats? Interior AK is nationally important! Summary 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? FIA Ground Layer Indicator 2. How do biomass, C, N differ among habitats? Interior AK is nationally important! 3. How do functional groups differ among habitats? Interior AK is functionally rich! Summary 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? FIA Ground Layer Indicator 2. How do biomass, C, N differ among habitats? Interior AK is nationally important! 3. How do functional groups differ among habitats? Interior AK is functionally rich! 4. How time-efficient is our sampling method? Avg 60.4 min / plot Summary 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? FIA Ground Layer Indicator 2. How do biomass, C, N differ among habitats? Interior AK is nationally important! 3. How do functional groups differ among habitats? Interior AK is functionally rich! 4. How time-efficient is our sampling method? Avg 60.4 min / plot 5. What are minimum sampling requirements of our method? 32 samples / plot Summary 1. How can we non-destructively measure biomass, C and N? FIA Ground Layer Indicator 2. How do biomass, C, N differ among habitats? Interior AK is nationally important! 3. How do functional groups differ among habitats? Interior AK is functionally rich! 4. How time-efficient is our sampling method? Avg 60.4 min / plot 5. What are minimum sampling requirements of our method? 32 samples / plot 6. What is the potential species capture of our method? Recommend whole-plot surveys for biodiversity inventories Challenge: deep/permafrost peat Photos: ; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Nørnberg et al. (2004). Acknowledgements Lab work Mike Amacher (USFS) Advising/field assistance Trish Wurtz (USFS) Teresa Hollingsworth (USFS/UAF) Project support Doug Daoust (USFS) Allison Nelson (USFS) Field assistance Nick Lisuzzo (USFS) Shalane Frost (USFS) Facilitating field work Jamie Hollingsworth (UAF/LTER) Habitat State Upland AK Lowland AK Mixed AK Alpine AK Coastal OR Montane OR Dry forest OR Steppe OR All – Reported numbers Biomass: N moss+lichen (kg ha-1) 9 21904 10 9694 11 6163 9 4006 7 847 7 470 10 231 6 287 81 – are means ± SE. Biomass: moss only (kg ha-1) 21649 9399 6045 2830 841 466 186 265 – Biomass: lichen only (kg ha-1) 255 295 118 1177 6 4 45 22 – Sample time (minutes) 47.2 ± 3.2 59 ± 5.4 45.5 ± 3.6 75.6 ± 13.2 96.4 ± 7.5 95 ± 8.6 36 ± 2.1 45.8 ± 3 60.4 ± 3.4 Cover cm-2) (cm21000 353.3 ± 14.2 140.9 ± 7.3 194.5 ± 11.7 112.8 ± 5.5 107.1 ± 11.1 61 ± 7.7 20.5 ± 2.7 20.9 ± 2.5 143.5 ± 3.6 Depth (cm) 15.8 ± 0.4 10.4 ± 0.3 6.2 ± 0.3 4.9 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.1 0.9 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 6.6 ± 0.1