FTU Advanced Program Cohort 4 FTU-to-CSU 3+1 Plan This plan requires that the student get CSU credit for at least 3 of the 6 available upper-division CSU courses offered at FTU. A LL -U NIVERSITY C OR E C U R R IC U LU M R EQUIREM ENTS : 22 credits Category I. Basic Competencies Written Communication Crs 3 Algebra CSU Equiv FTU credit for transfer CSU credit at FTU at CSU 3 CO 300 U III. Foundations and Perspectives Biologicl & Physical Sciences 7 Usual options U Arts & Humanities 6 E 140 LFRE 200 Global/Cultural Awareness Tr (Waived) Writing Historical Perspectives CSU U CO 150 II. Addtl Commn Social & Behavioral Sci UD crs 3 TAN 111E TPH 104 Satisfied by Economics Department requirements 3 HIST 1++3D LSU 101E Satisfied by TRI 202E POLS 232 which also is in Electives E C O N O M IC S D EPAR TM ENT R EQ U IR EM EN TS : 63 credits (with Business minor) I. Additional Mathematics Calculus Statistics 3 3 MATH 141 STAT 201 TOA 104E TOA 301E II. Additional Social Sciences HDFS, HIST, POLS, PSY, SOC + various others 9 SOC 100 PSY 100 BUS 205 XHH 101E TLH 101E PLU 201E III. Support Option: Business Minor ECON 202-204 Satisfied by Economics course requirements Legal & Ethical Issues in Bus Satisfied by BUS 205 under Additional Social Sciences Accounting Management Finance Marketing Current Topics: Internl Busnss 15 Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics IV. Economics courses ACT 205 MGT 305 FIN 305 MKT 305 BUS 405B KET 201E QTR 303E 6 ECON 202 ECON 204 KTE 202E KTE 204E Intermediate Macroeconomics Intermediate Microeconomics 6 ECON 304 ECON 306 KTE 402E KTE 401E Political Economy Econometrics Senior Seminar 9 ECON 474 ECON 335 ECON 492 KTE 304E KTE 309E Other Economics courses 12 ECON ECON ECON ECON KTE 216E 440 442 460 3++ 3 U U 3 3 KDO 307E KTE 406E KTE 312E 3 U 3 3 3 3 alt* U 3 U 3 alt* 3 alt* 3 3 E LECTIVES : 35 credits V. Electives U Upper division 12 4 upper division courses Upper or lower division — transferred 23 TPH103(3); TRI104(2);TRI202E(30); MKT401E(3); TMA302E(3); TMA305E(3); TMA306E(3); TMA408E (3) 12 Totals 30 24+ * Students must transfer with at least 9 upper-division CSU credits taken at FTU, of the 18 upper-division credits offered. In the table above, FIN 305, MKT 304, and ECON 304 are listed, but ECON 335, ECON 440, and ECON 460 are alternatives. Tentative 3+1 Schedule for Cohort 4 Semester Courses Taught by CSU equivalent or 4 th year course Counts toward at CSU Fall 2011 at FTU Adv Reading Comprehension I Adv Speaking and Listening I General Sociology Princ of Marxism-Leninism I and II FTU FTU FTU FTU ----SOC 100 --- ----AUCC --- Spring 2012 at FTU Principles of Microeconomics Fundamentals of Accounting Adv Reading Comprehension II Adv Speaking and Listening II Calculus for Managemt Science First-Year French CSU FTU FTU FTU FTU FTU ECON 202 ACT 205 ----MATH 141 LFRE 1++ Major Minor ----Major Elective Fall 2012 at FTU Fundamentals of Marketing Fundamentals of Finance Principles of Macroeconomics Ho Chi Minh Ideology Second-Year French Policy / History of VN Communist Party CSU CSU FTU FTU FTU FTU MKT 305 FIN305 ECON 204 POLS 1++ LFRE 200 --- Minor Minor Major Electives AUCC --- Spring 2013 at FTU Intermediate Macroeconomics Intermediate Microeconomics Business Economics W orld History The Study of Literature International Marketing Electronic Commerce CSU FTU FTU Other FTU FTU FTU ECON 304 ECON 306 ECON 3++ HIST 1++ E 140 MKT 365 CIS 3++ Major Major Major AUCC AUCC Electives Electives Fall 2013 at FTU Econometrics International Economics I History of Economic Theories International Relations Statistics General Psychology Advanced Writing I / College Comp CSU CSU FTU Other FTU Other FTU ECON 335 ECON 440 ECON 3++ POLS 232 STAT 201 PSY 100 — Major Major Major AUCC Major AUCC --- Spring 2014 at FTU Development Economics International Business Transactions Logistics & International Freight Forwarding International Business Intellectual Property Legal & Ethical Issues in Business Fundamentals of Management CSU FTU FTU FTU FTU FTU FTU ECON 460 MGT 3++ MGT 3++ BUS 405B BUS 4++ BUS 260 MGT 305 Major Electives Electives Minor Electives Minor Minor Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 at CSU Natural Sciences (7 credits) International Economics II (3 credits) College Composition or Elective* (3 credits) W riting Arguments (or alternative) (3 credits) Senior Seminar (3 credits) Electives (12 credits, incl 3-12 upper division) CSU CSU CSU CSU CSU CSU Various ECON 442 CO 150 (or ...) CO 300 (or ...) ECON 492 AUCC Major AUCC (or ...) AUCC Major Electives *depending on Composition Placement Exam result