UCL-Institute of Child Health Athena SWAN 13th Self-Assessment Team Committee Meeting Wednesday 9th July 2014, 2:30pm, Lower Ground Floor Seminar Room, ICH Present: Dr Shamima Rahman (Chair) Professor Ros Smyth (Director) Professor Tessa Crompton Professor Gudrun Moore Professor Pete Scambler Professor Jane Sowden Dr Andy Stoker Ms Natalie Marks Mr Michael Williams In attendance: Dr Sara Mole (LMCB Representative) Apologies: Professor Maria Bitner-Glindzicz, Ms Wendy Knowles, Professor Jenny Morgan, Professor Andy Copp, Dr Khalid Hussain, Dr Heather Bailey (Postdoctoral Representative) Minutes 1. Programme Steering Committees Shamima provided information on the current gender equality in the programme steering committees. She then reiterated for the SAT that, in accordance with the ICH Athena SWAN Action Plan, all programme steering committees will need to have equal representation from both genders by 2016. 2. Feedback from Faculty Equality & Diversity Committee Tessa provided an update on the work currently being undertaken by the Faculty Equality & Diversity Committee, including development of a database to record diversity in applications and unconscious bias training. 3. 50/50 Committee Shamima gave a brief overview of this committee which is chaired by Provost Professor Michael Arthur and is attended by the Faculty SWAN Leads. 4. Women at ICH – further call for role models? The topic of encouraging additional role models for the ICH Athena SWAN website was discussed and it was suggested an email is circulated to ich-all users asking for volunteers or nominations. 5. uMentor Sara Mole provided an in depth explanation of uMentor, the online UCL mentoring tool, and encouraged all Athena SWAN SAT members to sign-up. uMentor is a method for staff to serve in the capacity of either mentors or mentees for their colleagues. It is primarily aimed at academic/research staff at all levels. Anna Furmanski will be delivering a presentation on uMentor at the upcoming Academic Careers Day. 6. Unconscious Bias Training - for all? Shamima spoke to the recent ‘Unconscious Bias Training’ she attended and suggested this would be valuable for all staff. Holding this training at ICH in the Kennedy Lecture Theatre as an open event for all staff was discussed. 7. SAT Membership It was addressed that there is currently no ICH student representation on the SAT and it was suggested this be resolved by inviting two new student members, one of each gender, to join this committee. Postdoctoral staff representation was also discussed and it was again suggested that this level of representation should be expanded as well to include two members, one of each gender. Michael to extend invitations as appropriate to increase PhD and Postdoctoral representation. 8. Brief Action Plan updates: ICH SWAN Handbook The proposed handbook was discussed and it was decided it should be a very straightforward document for new starters available as an electronic download. Michael to meet with Steve to discuss the format of the handbook. ICH SWAN website The committee was informed that Michael will be taking over the role of updating the ICH Athena SWAN website. Michael to process website updates. ICH SWAN research excellence award The scope and timeline of this award was deliberated by the committee and it was agreed a nomination form would be drafted with an aim to announce the award in November 2014. Jane to draft the nomination form. Appraisal checklist The current appraisal process was addressed and it was advised this should be amended to include additional elements pertaining to Athena SWAN. Postdoc/early careers forum The first meeting of the Postdoctoral Steering Committee is scheduled for Monday, 14 July 2014. Postdoc career development advisors Pete advised that those seeking mentors for career development should utilise uMentor. Annual survey The group was informed that the last Athena SWAN survey took place in April 2013 and the last UCL staff survey was undertaken in November 2013. Michael to contact Harriet Jones regarding the survey results. Annual Careers Day The Annual Careers Day is scheduled for Thursday, 17 July 2014. 9. All other business It was agreed that a subcommittee will be convened prior to the next full meeting of the SAT to review the current progress on the Action Plan. Michael to organise subcommittee. 10. Next meeting: Tuesday 9 September 2014, 2.30pm