UCL-Institute of Child Health Athena SWAN 7 Self-Assessment Team Committee Meeting

UCL-Institute of Child Health
Athena SWAN
7th Self-Assessment Team Committee Meeting
Tuesday 17th September 2013, 4:30pm, PUW 3, ICH
Dr Shamima Rahman (Chair)
Professor Pete Scambler
Professor Jenny Morgan
Dr Andy Stoker (PG Representative)
Dr Elisa Fassone (Postdoctoral Representative)
Miss Heather Bailey (PhD representative)
Dr Sara Mole (LMCB Representative)
Dr Steve Howe
Harriet Jones (Athena SWAN policy Advisor)
Ms Chris Thalasselis
Apologies: Andy Copp, Jane Sowden, Ros Smyth, Maria Bitner-Glindzicz, Mark Tiwarri
1. Application
Harriet Jones joined the meeting to provide feedback on the first draft of the
Feedback and action points as follows:
Letter of endorsement from the head of department is very strong
Minor changes to be made to the self-assessment process section (SR)
Section 3 – Picture of the Department: Elaborate on Professor Copp’s
Directorship, identify and discuss examples of good practice introduced
during his Directorship. (PS)
Discuss the implementation of ICH’s restructuring from Themes to
Programmes stating that the process has not as yet been finalised
All graphs need to be double checked to be sure most up to date versions are
in the master draft of the application (EF)
Include gender balance data of Leadership Award applicants (HJ)
Include more information about the culture of ICH (JM & SH)
Gender balance of invited speakers to Otto Woolf Lecture Series required
Update the Athena SWAN webpages. Update to include: Role Model
Biographies/HR Updates/Minutes the Application and Action Plan in due
course (CT)
Circulate case study reports to the committee (CT)
Request the following for inclusion in the application from R&I
 Number of applications by gender
 Grant success by gender
 Percentage of success according to applications – do fewer women apply
but have a higher success rate?
The overall feedback received from Harriet was encouraging. The data exists but requires
editing to reflect how areas identified as in need of improvement, tie in with the proposed
Action Plan. An emphasis needs to be placed on ICH’s exemplary Leadership to date and
what the next steps will be to continuing the good practice already in place.
2. Data
Incomplete data set for 2012/12 to be provided by Harriet Jones
3. Role Models
To date 8 members of staff have provided a biography and have agreed to act as
informal mentors. Their details will be made available on the Athena SWAN web
page as soon as possible.
4. Any other business
5. Date of next meeting
15th October 2013, 3:30, LGSR, ICH.