UCL-Institute of Child Health Athena SWAN 15th Self-Assessment Team Meeting Tuesday 4th November 2014, 2:30pm – 4:00pm, June Lloyd Room, ICH Present: Professor Shamima Rahman (Chair) Professor Ros Smyth (Director) Dr Mona Bajaj-Elliot Dr Fani Deligianni (Postdoctoral Representative) Dr Steven Howe Ms Wendy Knowles Professor Gudrun Moore Professor Jenny Morgan Professor Pete Scambler Professor Jane Sowden Mr Michael Williams Apologies: Professor Maria Bitner-Glindzicz, Professor Andy Copp, Ms Lydia Leon (PhD Representative), Ms Natalie Mark, Dr Sara Mole (LMCB Representative), Dr Andy Stoker Minutes 1. LSF/BRC Open Day Shamima informed the committee that there will be an Athena SWAN stand at the upcoming LSF/BRC Open Day on Saturday November 15th at ICH and invited SAT members to attend. 2. IMT Update Shamima briefly discussed the update she provided at IMT on Tuesday 7th October and the feedback that was received. She relayed that members of that committee responded positively to the news that the ICH Research Excellence Award had been launched. Additionally, a suggestion was made at IMT that the ‘Women at ICH’ webpage should be updated to include all role models at ICH irrespective of gender. Michael to update the ‘Women at ICH’ webpage to reflect this suggestion. 3. ICH Research Excellence Award Michael informed the committee that 22 total submissions were received for the inaugural ICH Research Excellence Award. Of that total the breakdown is as follows: 17 female applicants, 3 male applicants (1 of whom applied twice), and 1 joint female/male application. Shamima highlighted the possibility more applications were not received as not enough papers had been published by the potential applicant pool in 2013 – 2014. Jane explained how the award will be scored and the final judging panel was determined to be: Jane, Jenny, Shamima, Gudrun/Maria, Nikhil and Pete. It was agreed that these awards will be presented by Ros at the ICH Open Day on Wednesday, 19th November, immediately following the awards for the poster competition. Ros has requested that a brief preamble is written to explain the purpose and significance of the award. Shamima suggested there should be a sub-committee meeting prior to the Open Day. Michael to distribute applications to the judging panel for scoring. 4. Postdoctoral Steering Group Update Fani provided an update on the upcoming ICH Post Doc Society Launch Event, scheduled for Monday 10th November in the Leolin Price Lecture Theatre and Winter Garden. She informed the group that 55 participants have signed up to attend and that this will be an opportunity to inform ICH Post Docs that a group for them exists. She also intends to address Athena SWAN and highlight their next event on the 13th of March 2015. 5. Athena SWAN Budget Michael provided a brief overview of the funding currently allocated to ICH Athena SWAN initiatives and it was agreed that the majority of this funding should be retained for the Maternity Research Funds. On behalf of the Postdoctoral Steering Group, Fani requested £250 to fund the upcoming ICH Post Doc Society Launch Event on the 10th of November and this was approved as a one-off expenditure. 6. Lectureships Update Ros briefed the group that the application to the Child Health Research CIO for funding for two new lectureships was approved. This funding has been allocated to the Genetics and Genomic Medicine and Population, Policy and Practice Programmes, both of which will develop business cases for these posts. 7. Website Michael briefed the group that some of the formatting and pages on the website are currently being updated, including the aforementioned ‘Women at ICH’ page. 8. Upcoming Action Plan Items 1.2B – Database to collate staff training activities Wendy to speak with HR about capturing this information from MyView. 1.2C – Gender balance of academic recruitment committees Wendy to look into whether this information can be recorded going forward. 2.4A – Development of an academic mentoring scheme Gudrun to follow-up on this. 3.1B – Career aspirations monitoring and exit forms Wendy to speak with HR about gathering this data. 3.3B – Postdoctoral career development advisors It was proposed to have this setup independently of existing programmes. 3.4B – Increase postdoc grant applications Michael to follow-up with R&I to acquire baseline data. Fani to look into what the postdocs are currently doing in terms of grant writing and report back to this committee. 3.4C – Identification of high performing postdocs Gudrun informed the SAT that this is being done by the Postdoctoral Steering Group. Shamima to circulate an appraisal form drafted by Natalie to the SAT. 9. All Other Business 4.2A – ‘Maternity Research Funds’ There was a discussion on this topic and it was agreed that a paper will be submitted to this committee with an application form. It was suggested that this is a light touch process but applicants should explain what the funding will be used for. Jane agreed to assist with this initiative. Michael to verify the number of individuals who would have been eligible to apply for this award in the past year. Annual Athena SWAN staff survey and Action Plan The survey was discussed briefly and it was decided another should be conducted soon; Mona has agreed to look into this. In order to assess progress on the Action Plan to date Shamima offered to create a new document in the shared drive collating accomplishments. Mona to draft new survey for review at January 6th SAT meeting. Shamima to create a new document in the ICH Athena SWAN SAT folder to keep track of Action Plan results and accomplishments. Membership and responsibilities Shamima recommended that Kathy Kennedy from PPP and Nikhil Thapar from DBC are invited to join the SAT. This was agreed. She also reiterated the necessity for everyone on the committee to take responsibility for part of the action plan. Shamima to extend invitations to Kathy and Nikhil. 10. Next Meeting: Tuesday 6th January 2014 2.30pm – 4.00pm June Lloyd Room, ICH