UCL-Institute of Child Health Athena SWAN 11 Self-Assessment Team Committee Meeting


UCL-Institute of Child Health

Athena SWAN

11 th

Self-Assessment Team Committee Meeting

Tuesday 4 th

March 2014, 2:30pm, PUW 4, ICH


Dr Shamima Rahman (Chair)

Professor Maria Bitner-Glindzicz

Dr Elisa Fassone (Postdoctoral Representative)

Professor Gudrun Moore

Professor Ros Smyth

Professor Jane Sowden

In attendance

Chris Thalasselis

Apologies: Dr Sara Mole, Dr Andy Stoker, Professor Andy Copp, Dr Steve Howe, Miss

Heather Bailey, Professor Jenny Morgan, Professor Pete Scambler


1. Updates

ICH SWAN Handbook

Deferred to the next meeting – HR Committee Representative required to proceed. It was agreed that the handbook should be made available by July 2014.

ICH SWAN website

Website to be reviewed and updated on an on-going basis. It was agreed that all upcoming events will be publicised as and when they arise.

SWAN Activities of new Programmes

It was agreed that new Programmes would be encouraged to host at least two inclusive networking events per year. Maria Bitner-Glindzicz Bitner to prepare an action plan for circulation to Programmes upon completion of the ICH reorganisation.

MADs Forum

The next MADs meeting has been scheduled to take place on 31 st

March 2014.

Katie White has kindly agreed to give a presentation on HR family related issues such as Childcare Vouchers, Salary Sacrifice, Maternity / Paternity Pay, Flexible

Working, UCL Work Life Balance Policy, Employee Assistance Programme /

Childcare information.

Annual careers day

The next ICH Academic Careers day has been scheduled to take place on 17 th


2014. A timetable of events will be circulated in due course (SR/JM/GM)

2014 Athena SWAN Staff Survey

It was agreed that Jane Sowden and Maria Bitner-Glindzicz would begin re-drafting the existing survey in line with the finalised action plan. HR representation and input will be required. Professor Smyth highlighted the fact that we should consider the tim ing of the dissemination of this year’s survey as staff are also expected to complete the UCL survey. (MBG/JS/CT/HR)

Annual Athena SWAN Research Excellence Award

It was agreed we would put out a call via the Athena SWAN Web page and all staff email to advertise two awards in recognition of postdoctoral researcher achievements, raise the profile and support junior staff development. Highlight winners on ICH webpage. First awards to be made by October 2014. (Ros


Develop new appraisal checklist

It was agreed that an appraisal checklist should be created and enforced by HR. This document will need to include discussion of career prospects and criteria; flexible working; new mentoring scheme; equalities training undertaken; time spent on administrative/outreach/enabling activities; awareness of leadership schemes for women; eligibility for fellowship applications. Formal monitoring of data needs to be done systematically, this requires more thought and planning. (HR/Institute


2. Postdoctoral Forum

Professor Moore reported back on the results of the Postdoctoral survey. The committee was informed that Postdoctoral staff represent 1/3 of the staff at ICH.

89 of the 124 postdoctoral fellows are female. It was agreed that emphasis needs to be placed on the following:



Co-ordinated career management

Inclusion of Postdoctoral staff and PhD students on College Committees

Networking opportunities

The first Postdoctoral forum meeting will take place on 28 th

May 2014. It was agreed that the survey feedback would be presented to those attending in the form of a power point presentation. Senior academic staff representatives from each Programme will

be invited to attend to form a panel to which Postdoctoral staff will be encouraged to direct their questions and any concerns. Lunch will be provided for all staff involved to encourage networking. Heads of Programmes will also be invited to attend.

3. New Non Clinical Lectureship posts to be created within new Academic structure

Professor Smyth informed the committee that it is imperative for the career progression of Postdoctoral Research Associates to be fully supported. It is therefore anticipated that the implementation of a new lectureship scheme will be put into effect during this academic year. The initial proposal is to provide one lectureship per

Programme, every two years. Implementation is dependent on the Institute securing funding from external sources such as GOSHCC . The process will involve Heads of

Programme submitting a business case which should outline: Funding source, academic priorities, commitment to teaching and the identification of income the potential post holder will generate. Further updates will be provided. (Ros


4. Any other business

Maternity funding scheme

It was reported that there may be potential to set up a funding scheme within ICH to support staff at lectureship level to maintain the progress of their research during periods of maternity leave. This is a work in progress and the Committee will receive an update on progress made in due course.

Dissemination of Athena SWAN application

It was agreed that the ICH application for the Silver Award could be made available on the website following the announcement of the results of the November submissions .

5. 4 th

March Update – Andy Stoker

Exit questionnaires: I have contacted HR and they do not have any form of exit questionnaire in place. I am uncertain what Athena Swan specifically had proposed here, but it will be quite a job to persuade HR to put a questionnaire in place. It would be possible perhaps instead to draw one up ourselves and to ask them to hand it to leavers? Or they could give us names of leavers and A Swan could arrange for the leavers to receive the questionnaire.

Mentors: I have asked the group who run the new uMentor website at UCL for any ICH staff who have signed up . None so far. They will now provide me with monthly updates. Also, I am about to send out an email to ask all ICH staff if they have an interest in being a mentor for senior PhD students, so the ball may start to roll now in that area.

Hugh Kearns delivered his workshop on the imposter syndrome to a packed room (mostly women). It was deemed a success from the feedback I received informally.

Mums and Dads group for PhD students: The student mentor team have suggested that they instigate a parents group for students. This has started up now and run by Victoria Selby, and although only modest numbers have shown interest so far, it is a good start. They have also been linked up with Philippa and

Maria to share information and events where possible.

6. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Athena SWAN SAT will take place on 6 th

May 2014, 2:30 -

4:00pm, The June Lloyd Room (PUW 4 ).
