Clen. MdteL mO\ 20, 4739 474a !]39 Low Temperature Synthesis of Nanocrystallized Titanium Oxides with Layered or Tridimensional Frameworks, from [fiEO1r(H2O)24]Cls.HCl.7H2O Hydrolysis Chia-Erh Liu,i Annabelle Rouet,l Hari Sùtrisno,t i Eric puzenat,l,$ Ilélène Tenisse,t Luc Brohaa.* r and Mireille Richard-Plouet*.r .les Maftnaw Je@ RM'L Uniùetsitë .k Nûie' CNRS 2, tue de Ia Houssilière 8p32229, 44322 NANTES Ceder, Frar.e, Depdftnteit of Chentisrr!, Frcul.! oJ Mathet@tic dnà Ndtûrdl kidce,, yoglakatta State Uûiqetsit,r, Kat@tgwlang, 55261 fogydkana, Indowsid, dkd IRCELYON lasiitut ile ret herchei sù la .dtdûîc et I'enuircnnewht àe Ltou, UMR 5256 CNRS-U|\ pr.tite Lwn2 Atp"tæ Alben Einncn\ 69629 Vi Ceàù. Frd l^ntut ft "urba:ine Re.eiùed March 11, 2008. Rerise.l Man^cipt Receit e.l May 5, 2008 A low-tempemture âqueous chemical glo*'tÏ proc€ss wâs developed ro Foduce nanomeric ritaûiùm oxide wiù cotrùolled size and structurâl vÂri€ry- cende hydrolysis of a commercial TiOCl, sôlùtioq in a controlled relative humidity, leâds to ûe fomation ôf single crysrals of ITisOrr(HrO),4lCls. HCI . ?HrO. UDdù aulogenous pressure ât 120'C, the hydrolysis of the latrer by reûamerhylamonium hydroxide (noted TMAOH) is mÂtuly govemed by the R = TiÆMÀOH molar mrio and thus by the pH value. Tvo values are particùlarly importanr R 8/9 and 8/17. The form€r con€sponds ro ihe bâlance of dre Ci jons of the titdium oxychlolid€ hydrare by TMA+ carions and the laner ro the sroichiometric nrio fol ùe fômation oi a lÂyered oxo-hydmnde CIMA)rTiror-,(CO:XOH)z.nHzO, x = 0.?, which is obrained under bâsic condirions. Above R 8/9, thar is, in an acidic mediunr the solvothermal neârnent at 120 oC direcdy leâds to rhe crystellizarion of anatase and rh€n rurile when rhË pH decreases. For inrermediare R values, the amorphous dried solid is rcqu:rËd to be rirsed and dried at I 10 "C to lead to the crysrêUizarion of nmometric riÉniâ, either datase or brookiie. TEM snrdies show thal titaria nênopadictes dhibit sup€rctluctures involving a doubting of rhe cell paramerers rhâr could oiginate from rhe âdsorprion of caÉonâte, hydrogen carbonare, or hydmxyl groups on rhe nanocrysiallte smfâce. trurirg evaporaiion of i]le solvent, these crysrallites can sef-assemble to form micromeEic plâtelers, : : Introducdon Among the technologies ftâking use of the properties of litanium oxide, the photoÂctiviry of TiO, is certÂinly one of the mosr aûactive properties. The cretion of an electronhole pâir under UV inâdiâtion on TiO, and rhe chemical or elecFon ûânsfer reâctions which follow âIe ât the hean of lhe deveioprnent of pholodevices. Furthermore, in addirion to the panicular applications connecred ro the exploirario. of this propeny. sùch ês oxidârion photocatâlysis of orgadc molecules, waterspiitting, ùd superhydrophiliciry, dtùium dioxjde also Rnds applicarions in pholovoltaic dcvices. The dye-sensitized solar ceils (DSSC)' consist of â ndosûucb.,red iilm oi titaniùm dioxidÈ (Iiôt coated otr a subsrare of conducrive glass. In such delices, ûe crucial role of rhe TiO lÂyer deposited on the Eansparent conducriv€ electrode has been demonstxated.2 The layer is reqùired on ûe one hând r +ti Cfrlspûding 740 37 39 96, p: e-mail niÊi]lriched@ùrs-im.n, Èt +33 240 31 39 95, L,B.: c mail lrc.bmbm @cùùfrn fr Àurhds. M.R. fu r.t +33 2,10 37 39 35, flr +13 240 3? 39 95. I UnileNùé d€ Nantes C\RS. r YôCysld, Shlc Unirdrily. I UMR t256 cNRSrrn,FÊ,a (r) (2) i L,i Tolb$. M : civ.t. M tlr4t Ma.210t. t:t, > 450 "C). This may be â drawbâck regâding adhesion of severe ûr liln on .he substrdl€ and nay also desEoy the initial self-orgùization. Àmong the diffeienr synlheses, the ùse lcEamerhyl- or teirâbuq,lanmoûium hydroxide to pmmore hydrolysis Ând condensation of Ti alkoxides leads to remÂrkable rcsùlrs regarding the control of rhe moryhology of riÉnia. In pfflicùlar, Chenseddine and Moritz have lepo{ed rhar alalase can be groqn either b( nsùrod, or spheres usrng TMAOH to hyd.ùlyze Ti isopropoxide ùrder reflux !o (l) t 1601. high tempe.ature (?' rvnn o'R.Câi. B.: (nârzêI, M. l\';ùrc !991,353,131. (.) 6rgg, B. A.r richor !.iFeffie, S-; Fields, C, L.J' PÀ)s Cnm. 1001, 10J, 1422. O) Nogueiia. A, F i Loqqo, C: De Pâo!, M A Coo.A Chen. Reu. ?,04, 2a8, 1a55. cl spi.dffirna, s, SmAid, G., Kotr.lik, to be dense to Âvoid any shor circuits between rhe electsolyre ând the electrode and on the olher hand ro be nanosnucBred to enllanc€ the collecdon of chÂrgc calriers. ln ùis particular applicatioq a thin dense titania layer has ùus been oprimized. Several methods have been reponed including sprây pyrolysi{3 electrodeposition,'?" dip coating,a and eyaporÂrion jnduced self:assembly leading to a rnesoporous tiraniaflm 5 GeDerally, crysÉlùzitrg tirania thermal treÂtsneût at 4l Kriiger, L: Plass, R ; Piccn.ùi, M.; C àu elj M,i Bæùt U ,4ppl n01. 79, 2085. Hd.l. : Medier. D,: aù.ne. Y. B.: Sinrr. C, Sp,!!.J, L I2t \ Chttu zn'J6,I, O2. \5r (âl Hou K,Tiû,E. Gmsso. LI L - BiM,7 Zl€o.D..Huee.C,J.tltar.rl ,'' Lr.elle-Belù u.8., t'ren; P.: so,chs, P, BLL.. P: mbei- 5: Cù.llel F.: BorrcE, C; t-h.ù.2405. 15 tÀ a C: Bcll.liue Pr)t D.; Sarchez. C. Cà.u. M"ls. 2j06,.18,6152. 10.1021/cû800716f CCc: 540.?5 () 2008 Amricân Chemical Sociéty Pùblistr.d on Web O6/24t2008