oFFICE OF THE JWNL, CHATRMAN DTSCOMS, AWNL , WNL VIDYUT BHAWAN, JYOTI NAGAR, JATPUR_3O2OO5 No. JD . chai rman Di scoms /TA/F .oO/D. e I dt . 7.h reb. ZO]4 QBDER rhe turnkey tenders/contracts perceived to be on hi gher rates shar r , henceforth, be regu-rated by the three oiscoms as under with immediate effect:- ar r I such contracts shar r be reviewed and reanalyzed by the respective purchase committee to assess the reasonable rate. rf rates are found to be real y on hi gher si de, then the same shal I be discussed by the said purchase committee contractor, executing the work, to bring with the the same down to the r ever of reasonabr e rate. rhereafter enti re case be put-up to the respective goard, for deci di ng further course of action. rn case the revi ewed/ reassessed rates are not accepted by the contractor(s), a retter to this effect be obtained from them and thi s fact may ar so be brought i nto the notice of the goard while taking a view, ds stated above. nl 1 rhe revi ew/reanalysis of ail the above be carried out by the competent purchasecaseashail latest by 2gth reb. 20L4, positively, committee so as to curtail delays jn executjon of ordered works. (*-') (n. ct G,486----'CHATRMAN DISCOMS Copy to the following for information & needful:- (1) The uanagi ng D-i rector , lvvNL, laipur/ njmer/ :odhpur (2) rhe Di rector(pjnance), AVVNL, ld - wNL, JVVNL, AWNL, ld.vvNL, Ja-tpur/ xjmer/ :odhPur (3) The Di rector(rechni cal ) ,lwNL, AWNL,ld.vvNL, tatpur/ a3mer/:odhPur (4) The chief/oy.chief rngineer( ), JPD '(5) rhe chief Accounts officer(FM-w&M/ATR/rA), JPD, la-i pur (6) rhe Secretary (7) (ndmn. )/company Secretary' IwNL/AVVNL / td .wNL , I ai pur / qmer / todhpu r P. S. to the Chai rman Di scoms, lai pur. Yr-l (n.r.:oshi) CAO ( FM_W&M) ]WNL