|v. mohodology ftis sdid <lesdib.s rlE ndhodolory u$d io i.sr 6c @jo. Lypoths ed 1hcn c@lldi6. V€ b.gi! with 6c turuirthl &d !.teri@ of p.niciFnrs folloved by a d.tailcd d€$dflid of the vdi.bl6 oFndoulir.d uder 0,c culMt sntdy dd rhe b'trlDots us€d to m6@ thm, 4.1 Sdection of Partlclpanas Dar. for this s:tudy w6 obtaincd rrtrcud s $erured q@riomn€ swey. Th€ parttctpets Irw rcmird in rhr!. difreEnr w.ys. Abund 40 orgeidtioB $e d &t€rt FMDIy &d oadizrlioN 450 qu6rionEiB rhreugb U€ir hads or se disribd€d to rhe {E Hl|ru R6ourcc l|l@sa in tbee Dcporlmenr !o b. fiUed in ln.n lcim d@ @l@brily. |E5 ponicipo.rs wr. co &i€d vi. mit srd ier.riolR md m cLdonic fom of ibe qEtiomiE ws srr io tlEn. A rohl of 250 -"""gs g* mtarted dEdy in irdivid@l &d gmup s{iugs ard tlq|sr.d to fil ard rcnD rh. fom !r th€i. @nvdiae. th6, d!l! I $Whl froo EE5 n1eg6 *o*jrg ar diffeEnt public sclbls, dd pnvale orSeiz.lioB thll inoludcd banb, uivmiiis, FMccs, NGos, hcpit.ts, HR insume ompejes, hish fifts 6laLmts, advenising fims, Mufactuing @Dpdies ed @nsmctiotr @mpsh' Most of th€e orgdiatiom l@ frcm l<mrhi (85%). The @st {erc contacicd fton hldabad (l0ro), rjho@ (2Zo). Norlhm AM (2%) md P6hiwa! (lol.). od.S6 conia.ied, complct dd. w.s avaitabt. fo 522 hMs€6 (252 ber ed 250 Mdfl) m*ing ar a 10*6, Did. . or scnio. tev€t of m@gdent &on tui€d public, govment, NCOS ed prisrc dgdiarions ii rrjor ci1i6 of pstjid H€ne Oul of885 rnc EspoM 6ie M appoxinar.ly 56.4 pcaqr and ws! gcnda batded. Ildivid!.ts 45 {r.d* -y qE dt rdi-E sE d-rd i6 dtri! kiit.qLlb ir teqc@06 -a?tos) v,t did rd rb.doElb did -b, tb !l?G E ndrC h Fiv:, tdb Eiir, d 1116.- nrdrir, rL b tF .qri. rr€ .Iro !r'd ie - ldie d.qidra.t qia r. g! tC db * -i t n rit F!C!, Frnr rr-.J JF.1b J[ Lba.d.tro cqt.i.c ..lt lL on r! irS-dr c.Wta i Tiac -. I d !rd.{ii.I-Lb it rqrdt.r4rn I de A, --r:qiL_r.-F-E-tEE a 2a 542 a: 5i @ tlant: 542 a2 102 16, rbhbiaD-iids-|rtd..dlii*t do. IH, lre rffi--- 8|tr r: &cin -dntcc&-vE Dina.iroas*L![ se hali d rr* l;. b, Ao.ndqrllE It r!edd.t! mFd baE FriiFBlltlrqr dFidF L.rrdof ti!t{- ]dt o|tl *lt t F of I I tEr 6.E|!g 25 -.155 of l]l tai Tk l tte Fli.i*, IOI ta E liir qd (92 6,60 G),43I t{ ti.l (56 @, 75 251X irr! ido. qlt lcvd r! €q! (l@ rlE, It5 c)d @).rt ldl€ e 2 -d sryes h. 3 id 4 EFtd rh. rEda wit -d te.f rididitdid ct nElant I di&d bEL Of r.rat: Fru i aa !|-t! Ltt.h {S-t d raq.rid rad 68 doair Ca&+Si. Deiti! ,fsi||1.'.1 of Serl @ llqaid rael FaE r.: A. CLr idiB Di*iL.t oas.4L&6M-arnrrrddTtFoa Olttidio E d. Qu.$ffcrthrB s.d!r. (7I l@ bd 78 w@I55.6% Ird i Fd. grdrll4 ri l/t3 *!lM), .d ll.r% h.d Fofi{idd saliiqlion q docrml Ftr cdqdor. 3l% hld degre (ll5 d.*G (lE 'm 29 mI 'n -d rrE.9. O- lronrG.&d. Dirdblbds.ot& @ t.d .. oaEllE s Occdd 3.cb.! A Ei.ry of @r.i8 !d ibb E! qd n &. rqb. A 6. hftrbiioo r{r.* . vd *tiy 0f lh. Fri.i6 tdqEd b tunid cYi.a (rsDd 25t() -d 6Crd.. d (l!ta' Ib daibri& oa rb r ndid in tlE t hL N 3 !d th. srlb e 6 raBr*. rb tuy dja !!"I'.* rrd ioh sd* E4.8 &db'b..rrCe 5t, rE-' rE:-' '|rr |1 btuadlDlbas+arhadldllrF.'. 5t 1.2 Proc.durc *@ Th. surey qu.3tiotuai6 d b rhr Mrs: a) rhrcu&h orseialioMl hads b) dned, 0brsh efuit c) diBt in pcmi. ndioir.ry ,rrlys.s Fv.sl€d m sigdnml difcEic€ of uing dif@nr @rbodr tur miring panjcipdts. Horvd, non-Bpoe d. w.s lighq for dail .onba (eud 60./0) as @hp!.€d to p€enat Ifre pemission for psnicipating @rra.&d dilE(y ,rd thei. disrlibut ir $e heads rllrdy I iought ton both ih. Bpond.nrs wber wh.n @!i&{.d indiErty. oblabed rh€ qesdomaiEs *€E eirhd one lh. Fmissiod E distrihd peM&lly, or in goup *nings $mugh th€n h.ads or el€ctrodcally !o rh.s€ peni.ipmrs in<tivi<tually, '['e 885 givd llruB€rs l[e Ehorion chosen non difl@nr pivai€ md public s*tor orgmiaions i Conpet€@ rdvdrory' (Sqt, 2002), e wft sbridgcd veNion orrhe 'wort Asper PFfcr.ne sst., (p.yor, t9S2), rbe.p@ived D€ned Abitity Fn Qu6lio@iE (Abdul Hdo, 1981) e.r [t n|!.3@ of m olenl .p.Ror-ENirclr|M1 Fit' (Saks ed Arhfonh, l9?). All ofp.dicipants wft sivo ihe ro owing insruclions: 'Ihisquqtiortur.Iocusesdhowpeopt ful abou ltei, eo an4 rtuNba at w* Ptee loIN tth.ctiob siven at the beettut,s oleach ycnon of the qwsiowire. f tou,eed alt .tdifcation, pt.6e @t Kirdly tuE thd all the infonation obtaiwd vil rdai4 'fts, th.y wd. cle{rly oblai&d sucd hight, conltd.ntiat, . r[. &dynig ad mf&ntialjry of .lt jofomEiior tteud thc queii{,@je. Thc insEucriors w@ sl$ ct@ty .xphiEd to th€ Fspoddls fo! of dh sedod of lhe qu6rioMir!. WlFn EquiEd, th. irBrMdoN *@ @Fated ov€r phonc ss well for psnicipa s stD @dv€d lh€ q@3doMair indftcdy_ 52 tlm .xplsirirg vcrbdly, the ilsrrdionr w! ale givo i! Fior bcfoE 6.h Ap&l qu.sri@iE fd cb.ity, Speift iDlrrxtim r!& 9w gih o6ly 8iv6 al@g wilh rh. tupL qu6rio@ire in th. at|MW. s€di@ of Milm e 'Ite porticipants took bcr*ter 40-tO BiDr&s io @bpl€l! qu*domiF (nd rine in All lonicipora lft (bri.f.d .hour rt a.|@l ,erss of rhc snldy dr€ir qEsti()mircs weE cotl6rcd, To app@i!r. rh€n F.ticiplrioq de birure = !n!r rhc @d itr 46.5). invaiig.lor promisd to shdc ihe Fsdi nnding! in lhe fom of sunDary wirh rh.m dd lheir @lrcls 0ddrKe wG sl$ obrair.d. Sod. prnicip.rrs .te Equ6tcd lo loow lb.i. i.dividual Bulrs etich qw GCEi d by rte invetigdor s ta @rir.d wirh Hay CmW IncO did not pe@ir th!r. 'IrE sr6 for @I suls.t of $e $|cslioMirc \N* cdcut.Ld &ed'n8 lo rhe for @h vdi'ble (d{.lcriptid qill foltN ij the @irbl6 *clion) F@d@ d{reaib€d fld th.n trca!€d sarhdcally Ttte debih ot ih ordq tor lo b. able to acc.pt oi rejecl oui hypothess. @h mcsw ed r!€ pbclde followed io $ore dd eatyz lhce 1.3 Varlabts a. ControlledVartable3 Individui u3 diftl!'B enat theh lte,{'ure€ in dcnogbpbic r..i.DlB e on6 Mi.rcd wilh bou .mdoal cmpelerd$ a rell a ilE pelq flvillm.it fii. To d.at wnh 1his pcjibililX Sender, edEarion. rh€ l.vel ol rnan.gement dd r}?€ of org&izltion (public or piilsr,e) w€r cdd$ kas cod€d poinr 8cd. s eirhd 0 (Mrle) or whft I = l.s thln 14 | (F.md€). Ed@tion sq es6d rrds ofdkarion (udcrgadlate), 2 = on . rhe l+t5 ye6 of 53 (gadul€), .nd 3 = 16 y€d of.ducdi@ (!on gradulo/pbf*iolrl). .n€ Megdid lwel *B hejsued on a thE-poi htiDs sc{tc wlEE I Ff€n€<t ro lo\r€r educalton nargd.nq rfcdld lo niddte mog.dtc! ed 3 rfdld ro sior ba@gclMl iftl'diDg the helde of oqEialio6. T!. orgoizaliG B@ cod.d 6 I (public organiatioB). 2 (Privar., lor Prcfit OglrizatioN), 3 o{on-Covem€nt / Non-prcfir OrSflizati@) ed 4 (Covelmd O.gejzliois) 6 mponded b! th. panicip&rb. Aolh ihc Non-Gov€Mcnr'l srd cov€mor OryejadoB \,ft sle Fn of public orS6iani@ d otcy exin rc tu rh. Dublic i .Gr. b, 2 Independont.ndDepend€ntVertabtes T[e ildepoddt !a.iru. trda sdy wre ill. Emrional ConpcGncics 6 def&d by D&i.l Gd@d (l9E). Ih. etrd of rh. ind.p.ndat veirblc E inv.nisaLd oi (r) lh. P.Mived reen " Envilomot Fi! (2) rhc Pe@ived Dmoad - Abinv Fit, md rh. (l) AcnDl Supply.Valu. Fii. The fo'm tM lr@ dier n€.sue of D.rn- .nvibnnor fit whctls ihe Ihid oe ws n4uEd indi@lly_ fhe aedenic qu.lifrcado4 l|]mg.rial ld€I, c.nd€r ud gac of cganiadons b.lonsed \@ q@incd ro which rhe DeniciDdrs B controt vdiabl€s. qEstiomiFs itulud.d s hief denogdphic prctile ed rou stf_ reFn iN6bn4. hstnmdrs x@ simil& in rh.n ordq of DEsntarim for a[ ih. pnticipets. MaslB inchded 9@ tc Ebori@nt CobFG@ ItrHrory - S.tf The @Dplete set of vadon (Sab, 2002); dF P*eiv€d Pctg Envirc.neld S.at. (SalG md Ashfonh, 1997); th. P@eiv.d Denand - Abiliry (Abd.l Haln, l98l ed e abridsed v6ion of ); th. Wo* A5!el Pcfcrcoc. Scale (P4!r l9E3). Me.lodtrg thc Edotiotrst Comper.Nh. To n6@ tE Ehotional Conp€t€eie of the managers, th. S.lf_V6ion Enrotio8l Cmr€is|cy lnvfttqy 2.0 (2002), dcvetop€d by F.bio Cmup, Mccl.lhld C. q for R€s€@b ald tmrErion TlE ECI 2,0 is originally a 360{€grcc rool B Sd of ph.D. ar rhe rhe Hly us.o. ro .ssess ur€ €norio..l by thc iidividul, the peu, design€d conpeten€is of iddivid!.ls md org&iariois ar pq@ived supdiss ed the subordidtes. tr h basc<t on €notional conpelacies idehlified bv Dr. Dari€l col.lM in woiking with E,notomt h.IjgeM (t998), srt o. the @bpeleeie ftom Hay,McBq's c€lcric CompeGncy Dicti@ry (1996) s wert s Dr. tuchard BotEeits S.laAss.ss|@r eucaiomft (SAe) ed lll€s about jO_45 hin to me6h €obplete. It ed 18 conFr€nci* uodq th. fou major dBleB of *lf@nD€ienci6 socirl conp.tenci.s dtroueh 72 ilens rnc6u.d on a 6 poini siing sale wh@ nqd dd 5 = dqsys. IteN Uar aE ooi .pplicabte @ sEd s 0. The foE I= clue6 n6urd e: L Sclf Ava@s;2. Sctf Mlargcnoq 3. Seial AwsFness;4. S@iat Skjlli siM w w* @nc{Ed wirh l[c slf lss.ssent of €norioral @nFrencies, w ordy Nd 'Irte q6w rhe slf vsio. has sjlh d (Dimtopouloq to 0.85 pove. b intenally conlisrent (cronbach.s alpha langing fion 0.61 .vcFg. of 0.?5) ad .temonsrlles a high levet of @Ntrucl ulidity speifc I E b€ 2001i Burckle,2OO0; MuMrs[y, 2000; Sala 2002), Thc ECI2.O nol @Dpo|e a silg€ the oflhe ECI 2.0 tor lhis paniculd sludy. dc dorionil iffetlig.E src. turbs, ir gives scoB (av.6c6) cmotionat @mp€i.rci6 wilhin ihc fou ctustqs enabling N to malc a dirffitiat arlysis. TrbL a: Trbr. shdh3 trrrmt cdstrtu'g ot hdtvtd!.t Bt ECI comFki6 a on nenriorcd b.low rhus .nd ri. ctrdB M€r.d 2,r, 55 Md.rirg nt folowing Blwlr& (1991). the lhFe dhrircr inrrumenls w* us€o ro n€4w tnG sp{i6c t}T6 of ni i,e., te p@ived p.sn{nvibm€nl fit at work mdured by Sats ard Asbfont's trc-it n sal€ of P.Mived pcen-EnviroM€nl Fir, ihc &nul supply- kyots woir Asper pEf.me s.jtc (1982) dd tt! F..ived dF""d ,.bitity fr 66$Ed by Abdel Hdm., (tgsl) fiE_ val@ i&m fit Dosuld by $ldt€d P@iild D.mrld-Ability cotuept in iis te deprh ed $bsbs nom Fir sqlc, TbG$ inv€sligaie atloxd ln. eeeh.r ro m€lle rlc $tui rFcific @ori@al @d!.r.nci6 e with ihe specific typ. of fit. Ir also ailosld rh. EsEehd to conp@ dirt l &d lint€d idiel 56 Or.nA D..d M.6@ of Pd.tu dP.^on-Ea rcn,n it Fi.(Sa*J and Ashforth, 1997) Pcc€9lioc of dF ongune bcte@ cmploye needs sd *o*plae wft m.durld usitrs Srls dd AsMonh s 09?) pa.ptioB of fir E.,sN. lbis is 3 didl lirEdE4 gloh€l n6w for Gselsins pqc.prim of EinfoMa $bj€ctive lEMnqvirenrna|l fit. T]G ilds m€asEd borh pason-job (P-J fi1) lld F.Mtr{4eiadon (P.o Fi1) compodcnts of th. lEenaviroM€nt fii. Itens irchde qu6ti6s litc "To $tut .xrelt do6 youjob me$w u! lo rhc kjnd orjob you w@ s€€ki!g?" Resro s @ sEd on ! five poirr Biing sle tuging Aom \l@ I (to av€rage{l tbr Hid eoB ! vE y lirde €xrmD lo 5 (to a v.ry tgrg€ cxldo. R.spoes I lolal s@e. $de FpE*nt d lbAl padicipdls rlon a berler lir. The pcM-job fir (co.fficidl dpha = .89) rrd p@rcrydianion fi! (co.ffici.nt on this .lrh = .92) rubsds .lso distlay ad€quie inten l cudi6 (s.k & Alhtun!, t9?). vslidity.bl. oD rht $aie EE @ltdr€d EoD participdis ir thc Sats &d Ashfonh (19?) snrdy s {ell Ls a s€p@t spl€ tnn rc triliz.d slely for vrlidiry dala Tle mulr, from both eudi6 .lcnoNlrat€d high lcvel ofco$lruct validily (turchie, 2006). The total scale ws uFd for $e preed snrdy, The eliabitjry coefficient obhined wos.l$ @isid.nbly bis[ (@mcicni alDhd = O.9l for p@.job ft and 0.92 for Posn-ors&iarion fii) conpaEd witb th. rcconm€nded rlph ld€l a@din8 to Numatty sld Bes.in ( l9"r). for ibjr s.nple 57 Dlrd ra.a'tte 4 Pec.J'.n F, ANU6 (Abdel Mru' Job lreture .rd tob Eotttus, IIsIc,n lgEI) fir wd h@u€d by Abd.l-Halent (l9si) nve-ite6 Dcrcdjved .lanrnd!{biliiy fit qB$ontuic, IiGm included ..t fel that ny wort ue! my tull $ilili.s" dd Myjobgiv€s n ! cbre b do rhe ftitrss r &.1 r do be1" (d = 0.74). Tt itens r4 n!.d oo r s-poi ele tusirs tm | (NGEi) ro 5 Th€ D-A (CoNisledly)- Tte @ d. 5 DA Fn s.oF E oti.in d by @bpud4.vdgc for tldnss i&Ds (Man = 4.3, SD = r.82). 'Ih. origind ede u!€d a ge@-poilr !c.t. wNch 9s modificd fo. rhis rcs.aFh inlo fiv€-point nting scde lo standldiz€ r.spose ets for all qu$lioDairc! as tnrch s posible. Rdtrb lhat @npard llc tM gps of nring sq!1. suggcai that 'd@ @ m signi6@i g.i$ ia sing moe tha 5 respoM alr.nstiv€r (Cotrv* ed PtE$, cr..n ed Rm, l! chrlB | 970). 1986; Ale, J..tiB &d Tabq, e of5-poid saste dd N@in. t9E5: pasimr, lDd t!d|c l9?7i Slem ilt.les @i A pilor ardysis (r = ?5) sroeed bish @Gtario (r = ?9, P<.01) b.tten the wB oblrincd on tlc 7-poin srd j-poinr *.tc for DA Fit. of TIE int nul @Bistffiy Eli.bitiry (dph.) for tbe rcvied pr.sali mple tud ihue ws acsDrable, Indtr.d mion n 6ue of Actt tI SrdJit{/t . fi, (Ditwion was .80 in rhe SpaiJtc) (p,r/or, I9E2) To I'*c Voll Daegdial job vatB Asp@t ued. Thb Prfel!@ iBlrmot Scate .id ri.ir suppliB in rhe o.gdizriotrs, thc (VAIS) CoBlncted by Roben p.yo. (19E2) ws is dcsiSi.d to se33 rh€ quatili* of rc* ll.r ildividlslg 'E @Nid.( imporralt ro rhm. S.dpL ir.s imlude,.At !vor*, you d€ slMys itl{iBirg you ttuvt.dg." od "Ar eort you hrvc . g@ ffic-. a a 52 ir.D qesli()Mire with rtlr.hdts Eted otr ! 5,poi s..le meine fon | (Naq) ro 5 (AlMyt .nd rat6 $out 15-20 hin|x6 to.ooplcc. crelba.h It ad 0,82 have bfto rtFn d suSg.sling hiel Flidbilily ed inteml @nsisiency (Eisl€r. 1994). coilnuct vdidny hs ben catablished tlwueh signis.mt positiw |ssiarioB *irh Inrerst Involoricst Abitity T€s1s, Pmndiry Ms@ and orher wolt volue 6cs@ {piyor, 1979 & 1986: M&@b & Fit2simons, 198?i C.ier, 1989: Eissl.r. 1994) ard rsulls stongly srpton the pbfeEd comeprdizdid of WAPS. The @ftmn ed cont ni alpb6 of 0,81 validity b d$ hiel !s &norstr.rcd (37 or, of 19 posiblc F_ valws sienificer ar 0.0i or 0.05 level). TtE Wo* Ap.ct PrefeE sc Scdc giv6 infomaijon on It mrk valu.s, AddirioMltx the turthq sales d€ dovetoped by @mputine $oes on difieFni sub$ales. For th€ purpos. of ou !!s@h! a i.tcl€d nmhfi of !atu6 q@ ,ncrude<l shich had lne pot rtial b be inflwnced by chotionsl comFkncics Sp@ilicslly, ihe following scatcs (Al!), ME b.ed on our Fsmh rcvi.w. lsed for ihe pupos ofou reseeh: Aliruism CG@*6 (Cow), Indepedd@ (Ld), Moiey (Mon), pBiige (pre), S*uiry (S.c), ed s.lf-D.!.topnor (SD) molg fi. basic $alcs dd Fr-itob (FF) and qlltM / Pdronal Corcm (Hpc) .mong the *cotrdary scat$ b D6ue ihe s_v fir for etonony, achi.wnoa 6rcn, !6uiiy, ed clarioNhiD vat@s. ft. wlues st€ sclded on lh. brsis of a Fview of 6.rrches invesliSaring fie vatue L\rl e noR eughl and in th. work .rvibM€ni. ,ft* five vdB v@ mn cosilr.dly pnf€.Ed md hene wE *talcd f@ rtis inv.sigalion (B.ltol ard luror. 1990; Malow, 1970i Heebd& €l sl., 1959; Tulor. 1986j Catdwelt P.rq ( l9E3) dmonstrared sisniticot int€dd @sisr€ncy for aI in ihe 1able b€low. For this studn th€ valud m€Nued by dd O,Riellv, I S90), subsrt* s ehoh thce scd€s dd lhei. inrenal rhe 59 dli.biny $ m6u€d rhrcu€i Cmnbeh Atph! e pEsor€d in labtc no. 5 hclow. OveEX. tl|€ subsc"rle, sho*€d moden& Itcmn nd.d inlqml coNisEncy but low€r ilDa rhe ldel !e pttgibd by Nurdry,trd Bdi.il (t994) dcDr fo.1h. s.rf rrbL !r Shorllg l!r.m.t Cotrd ercf Ip.cnd ft betw€e! indiedy the Fso.\ ot V.tu6 m.lurqt p,€feEncc ed by the WAIS !!h6cd6 or83lizaronar supptis w.s meburcd 6 avould by @31 e@he^ (Edwdds, l99l; xrisroi 1996) b@w th.y ce be(.r d€al with problm ofcorfounding dd consislency bis, Th€ in this Estarch iDdier n6lM€nt i.c., I[e sc,rr'@.ioB c trBqlEd @ th. $ppty &d ot suppty,latue fir Equirs that the n6u,€s e @meBurc rb€ vduc sid. (Knsbl 1996). 'ntcrcfoE, the *l€cred sca.l* foin WAPS .mued $at h€ Desues or supplies md EIB v@ oll]':rsuic &d 6vNm.nl vei.btci 1990). Foi (i.e., ir r€m Eflecrcd rhe thh r&po$. rhe it ms w. tu @cnr dimcGio6) $ thal De.son th€oEticat dit@siois (Edvr.d5 a c@D.r. of 0F fd @h $de w@ pe6l€d tw,e to oc Espoldot . Firn d!.y r€E asked |o Epqt how tqudrly e sF.l ir exp.riaced .| wort (t = ncvd,5 = alMyt md lheo they wde sked to rcpon hoB inpo(mr rhat 6p.ct @ for thcm {l = lorally uimponan! 5 = extcrcly inpoaao. Tlu! fo. @ch vdjablq ih. *oFs ww c er€d twj.q t61 for $e exp€d.nce ed th.n for the inpond@, 60 Blsed or $e Evicw of evral dncusiotu (FFncL 1993; EdsErds, 1994; 1982; Edqlrds, $B nasrBd otld b. include da difeFncc oFr.li@aljzed in $ocs oo ihe fiDctional foms of suprly_valu€ vimie.,2000) rh. Eiou posibt scruat supply_valuc ways. Th* fil fii Dosibiliti6 c.tcuhring rh. sq@€d difieen@ lfo_p)21, absolue difer€nce I O-P l, or algeb€ic ditr€€d@ [O.p] or the inte@rion soi* i..., detemining th. Glalionship b€twn rhe qlB qpdicDc.d lad @Niderd import d wort (Ocp). i.€_, frmiioGl nod.l for 6is Esarch ihlt bd deibd tlE Et.iiotrsbiD h€r*e lh. itrdivid@ls' vslB &d orgdiz"lional supptj€ B cbostr anq a sysr€nalic ddysis The folloving the f@tslcps of Oitl6?ie the lhF Dossible n.ihods !i* the me& K.?itrs ir €t d., (2003) considding eftlarions, n w th€ hee @relalions for aI abstut direMe Eo<tcl se opeDtio@tiud seply v6t@ fit fouid thar lhc wrt b€t sir€d for rhis reseeh purF*. TheEfoE. in dis Es.eh Mo.dinS ro the exlslr of iditfw.e' b.rw€en rhe ptu cnviomenlal feios. The lit ws n6urcd a! 1h€ absl e difi.sence thc $06 ,t md th. to,pj b€tw.n obtaiftd on ihe p€Mml pEfffi@ ed org&izriolrl avaitability of vsios vqk 6par. pEfcFnG urda @sidenrid. So, ir ihis tfs€dh, a s.@ of O (eslttina lioh subd!.dlg dp..h.rd froD pnf.nd v.t!6) wuld indic.re no .lif.mcc be|wem individual prcfmce dd organidioml supplies md a $or of 5 woutd similrily beNeeh exp.denced od dsired !al!es. Sine we wee looking ai ihc prE€dcnti of peen<nviomdt fit dd not rhe oulcones of i! we w@ nol dfcdcd by thc i e@lion bctGn rh. tw sG and rhcEfoE did no! h.re to @ the individual figu6 dd tleir Fodet in ou a.alysis. indicate no 4.1 Statisticd f.Eatn errt for Hypgthesis T$tjng B.sids deeiptive slatisti€s, I lesl ws ued to edysd dgnifimce of difl@nces belw€en groups ed rc8€ssion aalyses weG uled tor m€dms of asocilrion belween thc lwo sels ofwiables. Sp(ifically, simple lin@ Esr€sior q6 used to demine ihe 6l dd vdous foms of fir dr wo*. us€d to lsnain (h. @ndnions ud€r shich rhee @tnp€te.cies p.lr.n of nodendon, Modcr.phs Ere ued 6 62