The Single Tax MovementIn Revival. is no propaganda^ in proTuunr gresstve economics which has cornmanded such devoted and unswervinq loyalty of so intellectual a force of supportersas the Single Tax. Year by year, in serson and-out, the followerl of Henry George have preaehed and worked and- pressed rlreir case. They have made ir distinctly an intellectual cult. In contradistinction to the socialistic morernent! it has aimed to start at the top and pull the masses of the people up to ite ideal, rather than to start at the bottom and raise them from underneath. It has captured lirst the intellectuals; and to-day it has them, in starrling numbers, in every country. Japan is full of themA u s t r a l a s i a ,e r e l o n g , w i l l b e r u l e d b y them. Great Britain's Governmeni has adopted tte 6ret step in their programme by voting to impose a tax on the unearned increment in real .estate,landthe GerrrranGovernn.rentis moving in the same directior) as a r e s u l t o f t h e s u c c e s sc f r h e e x c e r i m e n t in many citiee of rhe Ernpire. t I : i I ir Thg $ingle Tax, in short, hag passed out ofthe realmofintellecrual specu'lation and into the domain of politics and adnrinistration. It is getting its test.f. If Henry George had r.ot been carled from his work st the moment he was be might have been. elected york _Mayorof New ; hi certainly would have been made, even ln. defea-t,a powerful force in that crty s rhooght snd life and politics. _ tlad he lived, rhe Siogie Tai Moverrent would u,rt be so far behind in America. But it is gaiuing g.oond once more. lt is announced that a millionaire Philadelphiao manufecturer who has been dtvrted to the cause lor manv years, tas offered $5oo,ooo ({roJ, ooo ) lor the conduct of a greai educational campaign In Austi^lia. New Zealand, Den,nark, Swirzerland, Canada, Uoited Srates of America a,nd Grert Britain, on condition that the Single Taxers in those countries raise a like amount. This nreans a vigorous effort to popularize th; movement ; to carr' it (iown to the people. ft will command attention (if such a campaign be madg) ,u"t as never bclore has been given to it. Conservatives who have i vague anrl entirely rnisraken notion of ibat irrs all about rill do wcll to inform themselves, for tlrey wrll [ave some very h a r d p r o p o s i t i o n sr o a n s w e r ,a n d r n e y will nccd ro start with a preity intelii ge.nt notion of what they are going to talk about.-,, The Timei," lfrash?n!-ton, U.S.A.