To: Shelby Gales Date: August 27, 2010

To: Shelby Gales
Chair, Safety and Health Working Team
Date: August 27, 2010
Subject: Task Order 1008-06, Improving ground medivac of injured fire fighters.
The PNWCG Steering Committee tasks the SHWT to develop recommendations for
extracting injured fire fighters via ground transport a waiting ambulance. The SHWT
should review the Dutch Creek fatality (Andy Palmer) factual report to help understand
issues related to removing seriously injured fire fighters.
The SHWT should:
Contact agencies that do a lot of search and rescue for ideas.
Canvass other geographic areas.
Contact MTDC to see what equipment may already be available to transport of
injured FF.
Coordinate your recommendations with the SHWT under NWCG.
Contact Recreation programs of the agencies to see if they have equipment that can
be cataloged and available for use during the fire season.
Review training requirements that may be necessary of any new equipment that
maybe recommended.
The steering committee encourages the SHWT to work with the OWT for operational
considerations for this task order.
Due Date: March 2011
If you have questions, please contact your SC liaison Ken Snell (503-804-9786).
/s/ Ken Snell
Ken Snell