Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group

Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group
Mr. Ron Stoffel
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources – Forestry
Wildfire Suppression Supervisor
402 11st, SE
Grand Rapids, MN
August 16, 2010
Dear Ron:
The Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group much appreciates the opportunity to
review the proposed ICS 224 – Crew Performance Rating form. Our response, which was
consolidated by Chair Randy Johnson of our Operations Working Team, is attached in the
form of a letter from the Operations Working Team to myself.
As the Pacific Northwest provides a large portion of the nation’s contract handcrews this
topic is of high and continuing interest to us. Please contact myself or Randy if we can be
of further assistance in completing this important task.
Our email addresses are:
Ken Snell at
Randy Johnson at
/s/ Ken Snell
Ken Snell