Center Manger Conf Call April 7th ROSS-ICBS Interface Dan Last week’s activity in the SW brought issues to light in the interface between ROSS and ICBS. ROSS wants to be proactive and do a web-based training. Dan with get with Beth and set up dates for the training. Mob-Guide Up-Dates Dolly Everything coming in looks good. Next week polishing it up and then off to publish it. Any changes in your organization get to Dolly next week. Update from the NCSS Call Dan Jon Skeels is working on the cleanup of water tenders in ROSS. Not much of an issue in the NW and will have it accomplished by the end of April. Outlook Migration and screen saver suspension request; if someone has not gotten them back to Dan let him know he might be able to squeeze it in. BIA is already using it and it is Continuing resolution and GACC staffing. SW is requesting keeping the entire center on during the possible furlough. Both Meteorologist positions are vacant at NICC. Ed Delgado is going to be a great addition to predictive services. Center Managers Meeting- Wildcad is becoming the national cad program and the group is formulating a letter to NWCG to support it. COOP Template- feedback was positive and it is now included in the Redbook and on the NICC webpage. In 2012 it will be adhered to nationally. Center Manager Involvement at the national level; May 2nd is the target date to start the relationship; however NW is already there with Katie and Renae. Two key points are to a) build a relationship and b) bring up issues at GACC levels that need national attention. EICC Park Service All Hazard and Law Enforcement dispatch center does all the dispatching for the Park Service via pencil, paper, and e-mail, no ROSS. Issues from Deepwater were the separate layers which caused confusion. The GACCS would like them to come up in ROSS. Continuing Operations during Furlough Dan Dan met with Ken Snell and has decided that NWCC will have a Duty Officer available via phone. They will ramp up as the situation warrants. Not a lot of activity or orders. Dave would like to know what each center plans to do if it is different than having a DO. Aviation Awareness Meeting Katie Staffing is different amongst the offices and the group was shocked by the non standardization. Would like to see aviation refresher training in each office. The form we agreed to had positive feedback and they will try it out and let us know how it works. New IAT guide has a crosswalk that states D-312 will meet the requirements for the Aviation Dispatcher in there. NWCC-Go-To-Guys Dan/Dave Contracting questions contact Dave or the Logistics Coordinators. If they can’t help they will find the right person or helpdesk. Working on rebuilding skill sets they have lost in some way or another. Terri has an issue about how we decide what we status in ROSS. Terri needs to draw up a short issue paper and send it to Katie and cc to Dan and Renae. Vacant Positions BMIDC: Both assistants will be vacant by midsummer. Central Oregon: Center Manager looking at flying a 1 year NTE. Lakeview: Assistant, but looking to fill internally, has a lead on a floor leader and the other floor lead will fill with a temp or AD. Vale: Assistant but hopeful to fill soon Puget Sound: Assistant is open looking at detailing In region do we have the ability to help each other out? Please send a list of your vacancies to Dan, even if it’s only a temp position. Strategic Thinking Group Dan This group meets once a month with SORO/FLT throughout the GACC but also has others from Aviation/Operations/SORO/Units. It consist of 8-10 people that address issues that are hounding the NW and the agencies. They provide a means for moving the NW forward in terms of policy and practices. They are not a technical group. Dan proposes the Center Mangers Group do something like this. The group decided to have Renae, Katie and Dan do this for the time being and regroup later. IC Meeting Renae Presentation on landowners perspectives and how the IC’s are working with them. Relationships are getting better. IC/AC Meeting discussed the IMT modules. Would like everyone to fill out the questionnaire on the NWCG webpage. They feel the current model isn’t broken but might need fine tuning to “right size” the team for the current incident. They are working on getting the Agency Administrators more involved. Would like to have all agencies working from one set of policies rather than some 310-1 and some 5109.17. SOP’s throughout the entire IMT community is making good progress. Incident within an Incident guidelines; really important that Agency Administrators and FMO group have a plan to how they will respond for Type 3-5 fires. The plan shouldn’t look much different than the teams as the same EMS services will be utilized. IHC group is moving to the Rotation process for dispatching. Incident Business Management protocols; nothing new but will see hang-ups with Dozers and Toilets. Who’s Who in the Zoo Terri Terri feels there are many groups which have dispatch representation and would like to see a complete list of them with contact information. Terri has volunteered to gather this information for posting to the NWCC webpage. Dispatch Workshop Katie Katie thanks everyone who put the workshop on this year. There was a lot of positive feedback and it was an overall success. Open Forum Steve: Wondering what the status is of the task order from the last Center Managers meeting? Katie is working on getting a conference call set up. Kenton: Dave/Dan there is a boundary meeting in May, anyone from NWC going to be there. NorthOps are sending a representative. Meeting is May 17. NWC will send someone if they can. Katie: The Taking Care of Your Own class was an excellent program that helps clarify what to do if you have an accident or fatality. She highly recommends it to Center Managers.