1 The Saturn hydrogen plume 2 D. E. Shemanskya , X. Liua and H. Melina 3 4 5 6 a Planetary and Space Science Division Space Environment Technologies 320 N Halstead St., Suite 110 Pasadena, CA 91107, USA 28 Images of the Saturn atmosphere and magnetosphere in H Lyα emission during the Cassini spacecraft pre and post Saturn Orbit Insertion (SOI) event obtained using the UVIS experiment FUV spectrograph have revealed definitive evidence for the escape of H I atoms from the top of the thermosphere. An image at 0.1 × 0.1 Saturn equatorial radii (RS ) pixel resolution with an edge-on view of the rings shows a distinctive structure (plume) with FWHM of 0.56 RS at the exobase sub-solar limb at ∼−13.5◦ latitude as part of the distributed outflow of H I from the sunlit hemisphere, with a counterpart on the antisolar side peaking near the equator above the exobase limb. The structure of the image indicates that part of the outflowing population is suborbital and re-enters the thermosphere in an approximate 5 hour time scale. An evident larger more broadly distributed component fills the magnetosphere to beyond 45 RS in the orbital plane in an asymmetric distribution in local time, similar to an image obtained at Voyager 1 post encounter in a different observational geometry. It has been found that H2 Rydberg EUV/FUV emission spectra collected with the H Lyα into the image mosaic show a distinctive resonance property correlated with the H Lyα plume. The inferred approximate globally averaged energy deposition at the top of the thermosphere from production of the hot atomic hydrogen accounts for the measured atmospheric temperature. The only known process capable of producing the atoms at the required few eV/atom kinetic energy appears to be the direct electron excitation of non-LTE H2 X 1 Σ+ g (v:J) into the repulsive , although details of the processes need to be examined under the constraints imH2 b 3 Σ+ u posed by the observations to determine compatibility with current knowledge of hydrogen rate processes. 29 1. Introduction 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Images of the Saturn magnetosphere in H Lyα emission have been obtained utilizing system scans using the Cassini UVIS FUV experiment (Esposito et al., 2004) from pre orbital insertion (SOI) in 2003 and 2004 and the early post SOI period in 2005. In the latter period an image obtained with the spacecraft viewing direction aligned with the ring plane, with image pixel size 0.1 × 0.1 RS , shows remarkable structure in the region extending outward from planet center to ±5 RS indicating the outflow of atomic hydrogen in a distinctly asymmetric distribution from the sub solar atmosphere. This 2 D. E. Shemansky 64 high quality image from a unique observation geometry provides definitive evidence of the atomic escape process at the top of the Saturn atmosphere. The implication of the observed phenomenon and inferred flux is that the energy contained in the hot hydrogen is sufficient to account for the high temperature at the top of the thermosphere. The argument that the heating required to account for the temperature at the top of the thermosphere arises in the physical chemistry of H2 is not new. Imaging obtained with Voyager 1 UVS experiment system scans revealed a broad distribution of H I with a local time asymmetry, showing a broad maximum abundance at dusk extending to the orbit of Titan, and a minimum in pre-dawn longitudes (Shemansky & Hall , 1992). This distribution was explained by Shemansky & Hall (1992) as sub-solar ejection of H I from the top of the sub-solar thermosphere, primarily the result of electron impact dissociation of H2 . Shemansky & Hall (1992) further argued that the magnetosphere, based on the ambient plasma temperature, must contain neutral species, OH in particular, with suitable radiative cooling properties to provide the needed plasma quenching. Shemansky et al. (1993) discovered OH in the magnetosphere the following year in an inferred orbiting torus distribution centered near 3.5 RS . It is now clear that the Saturn magnetosphere is dominated by neutral gas, with the Cassini UVIS observation of atomic oxygen (Esposito et al., 2005; Melin et al. , 2009). H I is much more broadly distributed in the Voyager 1 image, extending out to the orbit of Titan, and latitudinally to ±16 RS above and below the orbital plane. The Voyager UVS image, however, was limited by the 1 RS X 1 RS pixel size and a low signal to noise ratio (S/N). The images reported here have much higher spatial resolution and S/N, and show orbiting H I extending beyond ±45 RS expanded latitudinally ±20 RS surrounding the orbital plane. The Cassini UVIS H I images allow a direct estimate of the energy contained in the flux of gas out of the thermosphere, based on the shape of what can be described as a plume originating in a south latitude range in the sub-solar atmosphere surrounding − 13.5◦ . The observed structure is definitive, but the explanation of the physical processes is not evident and will require a substantial research effort. 65 2. The Cassini UVIS Saturn system images 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 The full extent of current Cassini UVIS maps of the Saturn magnetosphere are described by (Melin et al. , 2009). The image considered here is part of the sequences of system scans that began in December 2003 prior to the insertion of Cassini into the Saturn system. Figure 1 (Melin et al. , 2009) shows the image of Saturn in H Lyα emission in a surface contour plot from a spacecraft viewing angle edge-on to the rings. The H Lyα emission is dominated by solar photon flux fluorescence everywhere in the system except in the planet polar regions where emission is forced mainly by particle impact. The bright regions near the planet are moderately optically thick (∼1). This image was accumulated in the period 2005 DOY 74 through DOY 86 over a spacecraft(S/C)-planet range of 24 to 44 planet radii (defined as the equatorial radius)(RS ). The subsolar latitude is −22.3◦ with the sun on the right side of the image at a phase of 77◦ . The spatial pixel size in the accumulation matrix is 0.1 RS × 0.1 RS . The figure shows a bright feature extending outward from the sunlit thermosphere at an angle of 13.5◦ below the ring plane, as outlined by the image brightness contours. The H Lyα brightness of the peak contour is about 1100 The Saturn hydrogen plume 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 3 R. The contour lines off the sunlit southern latitudes show atomic hydrogen escaping at latitudes below the auroral regions. The anti-solar side of the planet shows an asymmetric distribution consistent with a combination of an orbiting and ballistic hydrogen source on the sub solar thermosphere, and consistent with the conclusions drawn from images obtained using the Voyager UVS (Shemansky & Hall , 1992). Quantitative brightness slices of the Figure 1 image along lines of constant planetocentric latitude are shown in a series of figures beginning with Figure 2 from planet center to 4.8 RS . Figure 2 contains data at selected latitudes from pole to pole on the sub-solar side. The polar plots in Figure 2 encounter the auroral oval at a single point in the image matrix, indicating the projected oval width is less than 6000 km wide. The north polar peak is a factor of 6 weaker than the brightness of the south pole peak. The polar peaks occur at 0.9 RS , within a pixel width of the polar nominal 1 bar radius. At a radial position of 1.1 RS , as shown in Figure 2, the polar plots show the brightness reaches a near constant value extending to 4.8 RS . The signal in this region, as will be discussed below, is mainly emission from the extended distribution of long lived orbiting atomic hydrogen, and not part of the gas population in the near Saturn environment, defined here as the region inside 5 RS . The plot for latitude −90◦ shows a dayglow brightness on the planet body of ∼800 R, compared to ∼200 R for the latitude 90◦ . Given that the signal in the north polar plot is primarily from the broader magnetosphere foreground, emission from the planet body along the north polar line is below the detection limit, consistent with all previous observations of the Saturn darkside below the auroral ovals. Figure 2 includes plots at latitudes, 0◦ , −13.5◦ , −27◦ , and 27◦ . The Figure 2 plot at −13.5◦ lies along the peak of the plume that constitutes the most prominant feature of Figure 1. The Figure 2 plots at −27◦ and 27◦ indicate that the main source of ballistic and escaping atomic hydrogen from Saturn is contained near the central −13.5◦ latitude. The brightness distribution for 0◦ (Figure 2), falls almost a factor of 2 below the plume peak in local hydrogen abundance at 1.5 RS and then merges with the −13.5◦ distribution above 2.2 RS . This property is indicative of the broadening of the plume with radial distance from planet center, and the confinement of the source in the atmosphere. The Figure 2 plot for latitude 27◦ shows that the source of escaping and ballistic hydrogen at this north latitude is very much weaker than the plume region. At the south latitude, −27◦ shown in Figure 2, the peak emission near the limb is actually brighter than at the plume core latitude, but drops well below the latitude −13.5◦ brightness in the region above 1.3 RS . The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the plume structure is shown in Figure 4, indicating an approximately linear increase in width from 0.56 RS at 1 RS from planet center to 1.7 RS at 4 RS from planet center. The brightness image cannot be treated as in a uniform linear relationship with the line-of-sight (los) abundance of gas. This is because the emission in the auroral oval is for practical considerations entirely produced by precipitating electron excitation. These objects cannot be reduced to abundances without undertaking a detailed analysis of the entire hydrogen emission spectrum, beyond the scope of the present paper. Moving downward in latitude from the auroral oval, the emission source transitions to dayglow, which on the planet below the exobase is a combination of solar photon fluorescence, photoelectrons, and inferred electrodynamically heated electrons. Above the exobase the hydrogen abundance can be obtained by assuming the emission is entirely conservative scattering of the solar H Lyα emission line. As indicated in Figure 2, the emission brightness shows a transition to a 4 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 D. E. Shemansky much lower slope in the regions above the poles, which is background/foreground to the local emission, that extends to high latitudes. The background/foreground is interpreted here as long lived orbiting H I that forms part of the extensive distribution described by Shemansky & Hall (1992). Figure 3 shows the approximate latitudinal boundaries of the auroral and dayglow regions. It should be noted that the plot lines of constant latitude are limited by definition to the region above the nominal 1 RS location. Because of los projection effects, the pixels along radial lines in the region r < 1 RS cross lines of latitude on the planet surface, except at 0◦ . As in Figure 2, Figure 3 includes the pixel brightness along the rotational axis as a point of reference. The plot labeled 76.5◦ in Figure 3 marks the latitudinal limit to the north auroral zone. The plot line in Figure 3 at latitude 63◦ marks the first indication of dayglow sourced atomic hydrogen emission and first evidence of ballistic/escaping atoms. At south latitude the Figure 3 plot at −81◦ marks the outer edge of the auroral oval. Note that the auroral region brightness distributions show no evidence of measurable atomic hydrogen in escape or ballistic trajectories above the background/foreground of the long lived orbiting atoms, beyond 1.4 RS . It is assumed that the depth of auroral deposition combined with the increased energy required for escape does not produce a measurable atomic escape phenomenon. The plot in Figure 3 at −81◦ shows a peak emission at 1.1 RS suggesting high altitude electron excitation of atomic hydrogen, where this species is the dominant neutral component. This phenomenon does not appear in the north polar region. The line plot in Figure 3 at latitude −40.5◦ marks the onset latitude of measurable ballistic and escaping atoms. The distinctive feature of the −40.5◦ line is the very bright emission leading up to the 1.0 RS location from planet center. Here again is a suggestion that electrodynamics may be driving electron excited emission at moderately lower altitudes below the exobase. The latitude 0◦ line on the subsolar side is included in Figure 3 for comparison. Figure 5 shows 4 E-W image slices of the Figure 1 image at −0.2 and at ±1.0 RS , above and below the orbital plane, and one slice through the plane. The slices at ± 1 RS pass through the polar auroral regions and show sharp peaks close to the rotational axis, that merge into the broad background/foreground of orbiting H I. The background/foreground signal is almost constant at ±1 RS (N-S) in the E-W range ± 5 RS because of the large extent of the gas in this dimension, compared to the N-S dimension. The slice in Figure 5 passing through the center of the planet shows the local gas above the background/foreground signal with a large sharp peak just beyond 1 RS on the sub-solar side. This central slice shows a sharp dip in signal at −1 RS caused by shadowing of the H I gas close to the planet. It is evident from Figure 1 that the plume feature on the sub-solar side of the planet has a counterpart on the anti-solar side indicating a consistent off-center tilt to the orbital plane of about 13.5◦ characterizing this feature. Figure 6 shows H Lyα brightness along radial lines on the antisolar side of the planet, including the equatorial subsolar and antisolar distribution identical to the the 0.0 RS slice in the Figure 5 plot. The radial line at −76.5◦ marks the outer edge of the auroral oval, to be compared to −81◦ on the subsolar side shown in Figure 3. The Figure 6 plot line at −67.5◦ marks the first appearance of ballistic atomic hydrogen on the antisolar side. Figure 7 shows an image of the extended atomic hydrogen distribution obtained by Cassini UVIS in 2003 providing a measurement reaching ±45 RS in the orbital plane. The Saturn hydrogen plume 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 5 The reader is reminded that the image in Figure 7 is a projection on a plane at the planet tilted 13.5◦ relative to the image plane in Figure 1. The Figure 7 image shows the local time asymmetry in the distribution of orbiting gas, similar to the result obtained using the Voyager 1 UVS (Shemansky & Hall , 1992) in system scans at a 25◦ elevation to the orbital plane (compared to the Cassini observations at low elevation). It is evident that the magnetosphere contains a substantial population of orbiting long-lived atomic hydrogen as well as the short-lived ballistic distribution inside 5 RS of planet center. Table 1 shows the derived total number of H I atoms (see Killen et al., 2009, for methodology and solar model) in the system, and the estimated loss rate to escape and photoionization. Table 1 includes current status for other neutral species in the system, O I, OH, H2 , H2 O, and N I. The loss rate for H I in Table 1 is calculated for photoionization and escape, and does not include the ballistically limited population. The tabulated loss rate therefore does not represent the production rate at the source in the Saturn atmosphere. The rate of H2 loss from Titan (Cui et al., 2008) is 0.3% of the hydrogen photoionization loss in the system, and is therefore a negligible component. Based on the distinct structure of the H I distribution inside 4 RS of planet center, and the physical limits of the activated H2 source (Section 3), this component of the total population is considered to be mainly ballistic and therefore short lived. 2.1. H2 band emission properties The imaging of the hydrogen emission described here includes the entire (restricted) spectrum of the UVIS instruments. In earlier dayglow measurements (Shemansky et al., 2009) where the range to the planet and image pixel size was substantially larger, it was assumed that the electronic H2 band system emission was uniform over the central dayside atmosphere. It has now been found that the emission brightness of the H2 bands as well as the spectral properties change significantly with location on the sunlit hemisphere correlating with the distinctive features in the atomic hydrogen image discussed above. Spectra of the emission corresponding approximately to the latitudinal H Lyα plots in Figures 2, 3, 5, and 6 have been extracted to further the physical interpretation. Figure 8 shows the FUV spectrum in the 1175 Å – 1375 Å region, at locations 0.9 RS and 1.1 RS on the H Lyα plume latitude, −13.5◦ . The spectra shown here are limited by Cassini data volume restrictions in which the spectral vectors are windowed and compressed, reducing the spectral resolution below instrument capability. The spectra inside and outside the 1 RS boundary show H2 band emission that is unlike normal electron excited band structure. The spectrum shows strong features described here as resonances superposed on the broadly distributed complex of overlapped electronic band transitions. The phenomenon of resonance effects in non-LTE H2 has been recently reported in FUSE comet observations (Liu et al. , 2007). The spectrum of the region outside the 1 bar radius centered at 1.1 RS shown in Figure 8 shows the resonance features significantly reduced relative to the underlying continuum of bands, compared to the spectrum inner region. The resonance features are most prominent at the plume latitude, where they constitute about half the total brightness of the bands. Figure 9 shows the H2 pre SOI mean dayglow spectrum from Shemansky et al. (2009) compared to the spectrum at 0.9 RS at −13.5◦ latitude. The resonance features are not evident in the mean dayglow spectrum in Figure 9, but some features are visible in the original higher resolution version of the same spectrum 6 D. E. Shemansky 235 shown by Shemansky et al. (2009). Figure 10 shows the H2 spectrum at the edge of the south auroral region at 1.1 RS and latitude −81◦ compared to the spectrum at 0.9 RS at −13.5◦ latitude. The −81◦ spectrum shows the presence of the resonances at 1183, 1255, 1337, and 1352 Å, but the features in the spectrum at −13.5◦ at 1237, 1262, 1317, and 1363 Å are not evident in the −81◦ spectrum. The broadly distributed H2 bands at −81◦ are significantly brighter than the spectrum at −13.5◦ . Figure 11 shows the spectrum at 0.9 RS , −13.5◦ latitude, compared to the model calculation by Shemansky et al. (2009) in the 100 km wide vertical segment at altitude 1950 km in the 1d model, scaled upward by a factor of 33. The model calculation in Figure 11 contains solar forcing only, and contains the resonance features associated with pumping by solar H Lyβ line. Other resonances with solar discrete lines are not visible in this model because excitation of H2 X state populations are limited by the excitation process. Possible identifications of the resonance transitions are indicated on the Figure 11 plot. There are numerous levels of the H2 X state connecting to electronic states in resonance with the solar H Lyα line, that could be responsible for pumping emission in the observed features, but rate processes affecting energy deposition into the H2 X state are not fully developed in the present research program. Figure 12 shows the south pole aurora in comparison to the spectrum at 0.9 RS on the latitude −13.5◦ peak in the plume phenomenon. The auroral spectrum in Figure 12 shows the presence of resonances at two (∼1190 and ∼1337 Å) of the 7 spectral locations recognized in the plume spectrum, indicating the apparent physical complexity of the excitation processes affecting the H2 X state vibration-rotation populations. The relationship and absolute brightness of these features are discussed below in Section 3. 236 3. Physical interpretation 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 The H I plume described in Section 2 is an unanticipated feature of the outflow from the top of the thermosphere. The correlated variation in H2 Rydberg emission properties was also previously not anticipated from past observations. The physical chemistry of activated hydrogen is known to produce kinetically hot H I products, as discussed below, so the primary physics can be addressed. The production of energetic atomic hydrogen, however, must take place within a scale height of the exobase for the majority of the upward going atoms to appear as the ballistic and escaping components observed in the magnetosphere. Otherwise the exothermic energy released in the activation would be delivered directly into thermospheric heat without showing observable evidence in the magnetosphere. The challenge in interpreting these observations is as follows: 1. A large flux of atoms is confined to a plume structure centered at latitude −13.5◦ showing a FWHM source region of 0.55 RS at the exobase limb. The outward FWHM expansion is approximately linear with radial distance (Figure 4). In addition the peak brightness of the plume decreases proportionally to the FWHM, indicating that the total number of atoms confined to the plume structure in any given N-S image slice is approximately unchanged from the 1 bar limb (1 RS ) to at least 4 RS . If, as the observations indicate, the source of atomic flux in the plume is confined to the sunlit atmosphere, the explanation of the confinement in latitude needs to be developed. The Saturn hydrogen plume 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 7 2. The energy contained in the atomic flux out of the atmosphere, as discussed below, is at least a factor of 10 larger than the direct deposition from solar photon flux, and furthermore most of the solar energy is deposited far below the exobase. The required energy deposition process and mechanism within a scale height of the exobase needs exploration. 3.1. Properties of ballistic atoms launched from the exobase The escape of atomic hydrogen from the top of the thermosphere requires a translational energy ranging from 5.5 eV at the equator to 7.2 eV at the poles. The forcing must be electron impact (Section 3.3), but the mechanism for inserting energy into ionospheric electrons at the top of the atmosphere is not evident. At the equator approximately 0.5 eV in translational energy is provided by atmospheric rotation, and has an enhanced latitude dependent effect on the ballistic property, in addition to the gravitational effect of Saturn’s oblate shape. The lifetime of a vertically launched sub-escape atom for two selected energies is shown in Figure 13 as a function of launch latitude. The lifetime shortens rapidly with increasing latitude, as shown in Figure 13, in which a 3.06 eV atom has a ballistic lifetime of 10 h at the equator (apogee = 3 RS ) compared to 3.6 h at 40◦ latitude (apogee = 2 RS ) and 2.2 h at 85◦ latitude (apogee = 1.7 RS ). For this reason, depending on the energy distribution of the atomic hydrogen product in the activated gas, a significant latitudinal restriction in the flux distribution of atoms can develop apart from possible spatial variation of the activation of the gas. Figure 14 shows the vertical launch energy required to achieve ballistic lifetimes of 5 and 10 h as a function of latitude. A 10 h lifetime at latitude 85◦ requires a launch energy of 5.8 eV, compared to 3.06 eV at the equator. 3.2. Energy content of ballistic H I The shape and abundance of the H I distribution inside 5 RS and the ballistic properties discussed in Section 3.1, allow a rough calculation of the mean flux and energy bound into this system. Table 2 lists the relevant quantities. The total number of H I atoms in the magnetosphere inside 5 RS contained in the ballistic component is calculated to be 5.7 × 1034 . Based on the finding that most of the H I atoms in the inner magnetosphere are concentrated in the dusk region of local time (Shemansky & Hall , 1992), a mean lifetime of 5 hours is applied to arrive at a rate of 3 × 1030 atoms s−1 for the ballistic component. Assuming that half of the total energy is contained in the sub-escape population of atoms, the globally averaged energy deposition rate at the top of the Saturn atmosphere is ∼0.1 erg cm−2 s−1 . This is the approximate magnitude of the energy deposition rate into kinetic energy required to explain the temperature at the top of the atmosphere. It is known that the upper thermosphere temperature has a strong latitude dependence (Shemansky & Liu , 2009a) and a global mean temperature is not established. It is found that the high upper thermosphere, 407 K, found by Shemansky & Liu (2009a), at low latitude (15.2◦ ) correlates with the low latitude concentration of energy deposition by atomic hydrogen, and the temperature found at −42.7◦ , 320 K, is a region where much weaker fluxes of escaping atoms are observed. 8 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 D. E. Shemansky 3.3. Hydrogen physical chemistry and the ionosphere This section discusses the limits of physical conditions necessary to provide a plausible explanation for the observed hydrogen atomic flux out of the the top of the thermosphere. The fact that H2 is homonuclear, and the ion products in an activated system develop a feedback system that tends to increase the rate of dissociation, makes the realistic calculation of the state of the gas for any kind of forcing complicated to develop. Hallett et al. (2005a) (see Hallett et al., 2005b) describe a detailed method that calculates the non-LTE state of the gas using reaction rates specific to the individual molecular vibration-rotation levels. This has allowed the development of a 1-d ionosphere model for Saturn (Shemansky et al., 2009) that is used here as a reference, in comparison to extensive observations using the Cassini RSS occultation experiments as well as from earlier spacecraft encounters (Nagy et al., 2006). The Shemansky et al. (2009) work is limited to forcing by solar photon deposition only, which accounts for < 10% of the energy required explain the observed flux of atoms injected into the magnetosphere or the measured temperature at the top of the thermosphere. The Cassini UVIS dayglow mid latitude observations show a spectrum that is explained entirely by solar radiation deposition in both spectral content and absolute brightness (Shemansky et al., 2009), with the exception of distinct features in the higher resolution spectra in the pre SOI period described by Shemansky et al. (2009), that indicate some H2 X vibrational levels are highly populated. It was assumed prior to examining the high spatial resolution spectra in contained in the image of Figure 1, that the dayglow was relatively uniform. This, however, is not the case as demonstrated in the results described in Section 2.1. The Voyager observations required a dominant high altitude electron excited source to explain the spectrum in 1981 (Shemansky & Ajello, 1983). A comparison of the Cassini and Voyager quantitative results is given in Table 3. The non-LTE model calculations fitting the observed Cassini mid latitude mean spectrum predict a short lived (∼1 hour) plasma population dominated by H+ 3 (Shemansky et al., 2009). The solar forced ionospheric model, however, cannot predict the observed H2 band emission in the atomic hydrogen plume region, as shown in Figures 9 and 11. The Shemansky et al. (2009) model calculation providing the fit to the data departs radically from previous ionosphere calculations such as Moore et al. (2006), in which large amounts of H2 O are required to quench the ionosphere. Shemansky et al. (2009) (see Hallett et al., 2005a), however, point out that the previous model calculations compensate for seriously flawed hydrogen physical state calculations through the device of injecting H2 O as a quenching agent. Limits set for the mixing ratio of H2 O by UVIS stellar occultations and the actual reported observed vertical abundance fall 1 or more orders of magnitude below the calculated mixing ratios of the H2 X(v>3) population responsible for quenching H+ (Shemansky & Liu , 2009b), as described in the following discussion. The primary reactions controlling rates in pure hydrogen are: 1 + e + H2 X 1 Σ+ g (vi : Ji ) ↔ e + H2 X Σg (vj : Jj ) + 1 H + H2 X Σ+ g (vi : Ji ) 1 + H2+ X 2 Σ+ g (v : J) + H2 X Σg (v : J) ea + H3+ ea + H3+ H2+ 2 Σ+ g (1) (vj : Jj ) (2) → H3+ + H → H∗ + H∗ + H∗ ∗ → H2 X 1 Σ+ g (v : J) + H (3) (4) (5) → H+ X The Saturn hydrogen plume 9 3 + es /ehν (Ei ) + H2 X 1 Σ+ g (v : J) → H2 b Σu + es /ehν (Ej ) 3 Σ+ u ∗ ∗ H2 b → H +H 1 + H + H2 X 1 Σ+ g (vi : Ji ) ↔ H + H2 X Σg (vj : Jj ) H + + H ∗ → H +∗ + H 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 (6) (7) (8) (9) , where ea refers to the ambient electron population, es /ehν (Ei ), is the multiply scattered photoelectron population in state i, (v : J) refers to vibration/rotation state, and ∗ refers to kinetically hot. The full list of reactions in the model calculations are described by Hallett et al. (2005a). The state and lifetime of the hydrogen plasma depends critically on the level of activation in H2 X. The critical limiting reaction (1) (∼9600 electron excitation/deactivation transitions) is not present in any of the earlier work (see Hallett et al., 2005a). Reaction (2) limits the population and lifetime of H+ , but is exothermic and rapid only with H2 X(v>3) states. The reaction chain (2 – 5) along with reaction 1 constitutes a bootstrapping process by generating highly excited H2 X(v:J) that would end in a runaway reaction loop were it not for the limiting reaction (4). The reactions (4 – 7) generating kinetically hot atomic hydrogen deposit heat and excite H2 X(v:J) further through reaction (8). The rates for these reactions with the exception of (8) are established and applied in Hallett et al. (2005a,b) and Shemansky et al. (2009). The state of the weakly ionized hydrogen plasma cannot be resolved without the inclusion of reactions (1 – 7) which require that the populations of H2 X(v:J) and H+ 2 X(v:J) be calculated at the rotational level. The activation state of H2 X is also affected by solar photon fluorescence (Liu et al. , 2007). H+ 3 is the dominant ion throughout the Saturn ionosphere to at least 2000 km in the Shemansky et al. (2009) calculations. Upper atmospheric heating is produced in the exothermic reactions (4 – 8) that must take place within 1 - 2 scale heights of the exobase by electron forcing if the observed outflow of H I into the magnetosphere is to be explained. In order to understand the constraints on the hydrogen system model calculations, it must first be understood that if a pure hydrogen volume is excited by electron forcing without the loss of mass from the volume, replaced by inward diffusing H2 , the gas will relax to an [H]/[H+ ]/[e] end-point, with a very rapid transition to [H+ ]/[e] if the forcing electron temperature is higher than 10000 K. The partitioning of the species in Figure 15, [ehν ](multiply scattered photoelectrons above 1 eV/electron), [ea ] (ambient electrons), + + [H+ 3 ], [H ], [H2 ], [H], and [H2 ], therefore depends on the loss and acquisition of mass in the volume as the excitation process continues. The primary volumetric loss in this system is H, which is produced kinetically hot in reactions 4, 5, and 7. Differential ion diffusion is neglected here because of the intrinsically rapid recombination process. Mass loss in the model calculation is H, which is replaced by diffusion of H2 into the volume. The state of the gas in the 1-d calculation is then determined by the penetration of solar flux, constrained by the known H2 vertical density distribution, which the model code must match, the measured [ea ], and the calculated relaxed steady state multiply scattered photoelectrons [ehν ]. The steady state photoelectron distribution is calculated in a multiple scattering (elastic and inelastic) relaxation system that feeds the population of relaxed ambient electrons (Shemansky et al., 2009). H+ 3 is the major ion throughout the modeled vertical profile shown in Figure 15. The energy distribution of steady state multiply scattered photoelectrons feeding the ambient electron population determines the 10 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 D. E. Shemansky excitation rates for the system, and constitute the core loop in the calculation, as all rates and state populations in the system are heavily coupled to the electron differential energy distribution. As noted above, solar photo deposition cannot account for the required heat input at the top of the atmosphere. Figure 15 includes the weighted statistical averages of the Cassini RSS experiment results in the dawn/dusk measurements (Nagy et al., 2006). Nagy et al. (2006) report significant variations in the electron density profiles, and the statistical variance in density from the average are typically factors of 2. The model calculations shown in Figure 15 are limited to an altitude of 2000 km above the 1 bar level, where the ability to match observed H2 density with the electron density forced by observation fails. The observed profiles show substantial electron densities measurable to 5000 km (Nagy et al., 2006) . It is not possible for the Shemansky et al. (2009) model to fit the observed structure above 2000 km with a pure hydrogen system using solar forcing alone. Table 4 shows the rates and Table 5 shows atmospheric rate quantities used in the present calculations to explore energy deposition and the state of the gas. Note that the globally averaged energy deposition rate in Table 5 differs slightly from the value given in Table 1 because the computational basis is different in the two cases. At 2000 km the electron/H2 mixing ratio ([e]/[H2 ]) is in the range (0.8 – 6) × 10−6 , depending on whether the measured dawn or dusk averaged data is used, and 0.9 × 10−6 if the Shemansky et al. (2009) model value is applied (see Table 4). Above this altitude, the [e]/([H] + [H2 ]) projected mixing ratio rapidly rises, inferring the need for substantial electron heating and energy deposition in model calculations in order to match the state of the gas. This has not been explored in detail in using the present (Shemansky et al., 2009) model. The mixing ratio [H]/[H2 ] is also a rapidly rising quantity at 2000 km ([H]/[H2 ] = 0.01) in the model calculation, and the values given in Table 5 are uncertain for the ambient H I profile because they depend on the limitation to solar forcing in the Shemansky et al. (2009) model. Projection of the H2 model to 3500 km based on the Cassini UVIS occultation measurements (Shemansky & Liu , 2009a) is shown in Figure 15 with the electron profile from Nagy et al. (2006). [e]/([H] + [H2 ]) ∼ 5 × 10−4 (dusk) to 9 × 10−4 (dawn) in Table 5 at 3500 km, but the density of H I below the exobase has not been extracted from the Cassini UVIS occultations to date. [H]/[H2 ] = 0.03 in Table 5 at 3500 km, where [H] is equally partitioned between ambient and hot atoms. The kinetically hot H I produced as part of the hydrogen physical chemistry diffuses upward and downward from the reaction volume, and in the Shemansky et al. (2009) model the H I density is constrained by the volumetric diffusive loss parameter determined by iteratively adjusting diffusive loss until the observed H2 density is matched by the model calculation. The production of hot atomic hydrogen in the solar forced activation of the gas is several orders of magnitude below the rate inferred from the observed outflow into the magnetosphere. Furthermore the recombination of the dominant ion, H+ 3 , in reactions 4 and 5 also falls short of the required deposition energy at any ambient electron temperature (see Table 5). The only possible source for the hot H I, if it is to be explained through hydrogen physical chemistry exothermicity, is the excitation of the repulsive H2 b state by electrons in reactions 6 and 7. The solar forced activation of the hydrogen gas, however, produces an ambient population of electrons close to the temperature of the H2 because of the large sink of electron energy in momentum transfer and the large cross sections for excitation/deactivation of vibration-rotation in the H2 X state in reaction The Saturn hydrogen plume 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 11 1. The rapidly rising ratio of electrons to neutrals above 2000 km (Figure 15, Table 5) indicates that the neutral population above the exobase is depleted by ionization at rates much higher than solar input can provide. The implication is that the Saturn H2 density profile is overestimated above the exobase because the hydrostatic model takes no account of dissociation loss. The region between 2000 km and 3500 km is evidently a region of + transformation from an H+ 3 dominant ionosphere to H dominance, and an intrinsically longer lived plasma (see Table 5). The exobase at latitude 15.2◦ is 2210 km, below which the solar flux controls the formation of the ionosphere. In the kinetic collisional region below the exobase, the plasma is dominated by H+ 3 according to the model, and the lifetime of the plasma is of the order of 1 hour. This plausibly explains the fact that the dawn electron profiles at and below 2000 km are depleted on average by an order of magnitude relative to the dusk profiles(Figure 15). At 3000 km the dawn/dusk electron densities are similar, but at 4000 km the dawn average is consistently factors of roughly 2 above the densities at dusk (Table 5; Nagy et al., 2006). At the peak of the observed plume the H I density is 1.4 × 104 cm−3 (at an altitude of ∼4000 km) assuming a base radius of 0.56 RS . This density refers to the kinetically hot component which according to the approximate conservation of atoms in the plume is the dominant atomic population at ∼4000 km. 3.4. Energy distribution of the atomic products of dissociation The recombination of H+ 3 (reactions 4 and 5) produces discrete energies/atom because of the state specific products. The dominant product is complete dissociation to atoms (reaction 4), which produces 1.59 eV/atom for H+ 3 X(v = 0). Reaction 5 produces atoms at energies ranging from 3.18 eV/atom to 6.15 eV/atom. The probability distribution of the discrete energies is plotted in Figure 16. H+ 3 is assumed to be in the ground vibrational state in these calculations. The energy deposition rate in H+ 3 recombination is not significant in the present calculations (Tables 4,5). The reactions 6 and 7 produce continuum distributions of kinetically hot atomic hydrogen. As discussed in Section 4, the electron temperature required to produce the observed flux of atoms through these reactions in the present simple calculations results in a prediction of emission in the H2 Rydberg systems that that when combined with solar forcing, agrees approximately with observation. It is clear that the partitioning of these two quantities depends on the level of activation of the H2 X state. The H2 X state is expected to be significantly non-LTE if the main deposition process is near the exobase, and this is indicated by the observed spectra in the plume region (Figure 8). If the electron temperature is in the order of 20000 K, the populations in H2 X will be forced toward equilibrium with the electrons through the reactions 1. The relative rates of electron excitation of the H2 Rydberg systems and the dissociation process will depend on the H2 X(v:J) distribution. The rates given in Table 4 refer only to excitation from H2 X(0). The rates for the excitation of the Rydberg states are accurately known and modeled. The rates for reaction 6 for H2 X(v>0) are not determined because of the unknown electronic form factor, although Franck Condon factors for the continuum distribution have been calculated to provide the energy distribution of the atomic products. These calculations are shown in Figure 17 for electron impact on H2 X(v<6) at asymptotic energies. Photon excitation of this transition is electron spin forbidden. Energies limited to about 7 eV are 12 D. E. Shemansky 466 indicated for electron impact on the H2 X(v<6) levels. The distributions shown for the levels in Figure 17 are normalized, and relative H2 X(v) strengths are not established. 467 4. Discussion and conclusions 465 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 The images from the Cassini UVIS system scans reported here show that atomic hydrogen is flowing out of the top of the Saturn atmosphere in a mix of ballistic, orbiting, and escaping components. Analysis of Voyager 1 UVS system scan observations also arrived at this conclusion (Shemansky & Hall , 1992), but the spatial resolution is 10 times higher in the UVIS image of the near planet region, giving much greater detail. A plume of hydrogen is observed at the sub-solar limb centered at ∼-13.5◦ with FWHM 0.56 RS in the latitudinal plane, expanding outward to FWHM 1.7 RS at 4 RS from planet center. At 1.05 RS the H I density in the plume feature is 1.4 × 104 cm−3 assuming the effective path in the orbital plane is 0.56 RS , and 1.5 × 103 cm−3 at 4 RS (Table 5 gives mean values over the plume fan). On January 17, 2006 the measured H I density between the spacecraft (x,y,z= −5.50, −1.13, 0.562 RS ) and Enceladus (x,y,z= −3.22, −2.225, 0.441 RS ) was 1.6 × 103 cm−3 at a Saturn solar phase of 61◦ . The density of H I at Enceladus will depend on Saturn local time of day according to these observations, and will vary from ∼450 cm−3 to ∼1.6 × 103 cm−3 . The measured density of O I in the January 17, 2006 observation event is 530 cm−3 . H I is flowing out of the sub-solar atmosphere at other latitudes also in an asymmetric distribution and there is an evident broader distribution filling the entire Saturn system to well beyond the bow-shock. The amount of energy in this process, an estimated globally averaged deposition rate of ∼0.1 erg cm−2 s−1 , is sufficient to maintain the temperature at the top of the thermosphere (Shemansky et al., 2009). 4.1. Kinetically hot atomic hydrogen source processes The only plausible mid latitude source of the observed several eV/atom atomic hydrogen entering the magnetosphere appears to be in the rate processes that take place in an H2 dominated gas activated by electrons. The analysis of the Saturn dayglow from the Cassini UVIS experiment (Shemansky et al., 2009) shows H2 Rydberg emission (319 R)that is explained by solar deposition alone. These results differ from the Voyager encounter results which obtained an H2 dayglow brightness of 916 R (Shemansky & Ajello, 1983) , dominated by electron excitation, when the estimated upper thermosphere temperature was 440 K (Shemansky & Liu , 2009a). The Saturn dayglow in H Lyα emission is ∼1100 R in the Cassini observation, compared to 4900 R at the Voyager encounter (Shemansky & Ajello, 1983). These comparative results are shown in Table 3. The insolation deposits a globally averaged energy rate of ∼0.01 erg cm−2 s−1 . The required deposition rate at the top of the atmosphere is ∼0.12 erg cm−2 s−1 to maintain a mean 320 K upper thermospheric temperature. This is the energy flux involved with the present observed magnetospheric atomic hydrogen, within uncertainties in the calculation. The H2 Rydberg system emissions corresponding to the H I plume structure differ from the mean mid latitude spectrum in containing much larger resonance components that are not currently modeled, as discussed in Section 2.1. These features double the total H2 band emission brightness relative to the mid latitude spectrum. The calculations shown in Table 5 gives the electron excited H2 band emission rate required for excitation by 20000 K electrons The Saturn hydrogen plume 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 13 corresponding to the rate of energy deposition from the measured H I distribution in the near Saturn environment. This calculation is based on excitation of H2 X(v=0) into the repulsive H2 b state. This is therefore only a crude estimate of what is required for electron temperature in the exobase region, that would provide an explanation for the hot H I production. The current detailed physical chemistry model that predicts H2 band emission properties does not predict the observed spectrum in the H I plume region, and will clearly require more research to investigate reactions that may be responsible for the distinctive H2 X(v:J) population distribution responsible for the emission properties. A physically plausible result is, however, obtained here because the current combined H2 solar forced model and the electron excited component required to produce the hot H I atoms gives a total predicted emission rate (for 20000 K electrons) just below the observed H2 band emission rate in the H I plume structure. The physical considerations that require further investigation beyond the scope of the present work are as follows: 1. The suggestion that the existence of the atomic hydrogen plume, confined to the near equatorial region and orbiting in a displaced latitudinal plane at ∼ −13.5◦ , is at least partially explained by the combined centrifugal effect of rapid rotation and the oblate shape, needs further investigation. Empirical simulations of the observed distribution need to be made to definitively establish the source distribution in the atmosphere. The activation process is not understood, and is almost certainly non uniform. More reduced UVIS system scans are needed to establish a 3-d image of the atomic hydrogen distribution. 2. The subsolar upper thermosphere is subject to apparent electron impact excitation, delivering 10 times the energy flux of insolation. The forcing of this system is not understood. Rough calculations of emission in the H2 Rydberg systems that would be expected along with the energy required to produce the kinetically hot H I, give a total emission brightness that corresponds to the observations. The non-LTE H2 X(v:J) populations required to reproduce the observed plume region spectrum certainly are not predicted by the rate processes in the current model, and this is the main uncertainty presented by the observations described here. Collision strengths need to be developed particularly for reaction 8, which are not contained in the architecture developed by Hallett et al. (2005a) (see Hallett et al., 2005b). In addition absolute cross sections for reaction 7 are needed for electron impact on H2 X(v>0). If the phenomenon is to be explained by the reactions outlined in Section 3.3, it is necessary for substantial energy to be accumulated internally into H2 X in order to predict the necessary energy/atom to match the observations. The viability of this process as an explanation will hinge on the range of states of the gas and detailed energy budget that can be established in physical chemistry theory with known rate processes. The mechanism for the forcing of the strong resonance structure evident in the H2 plume emissions is not apparent. Further laboratory experimental work with hydrogen is necessary to guide rate process development. 3. The Cassini RSS results (Nagy et al., 2006) reporting the measured ionospheric electron vertical profile provide important insight into ionization rates, although more detailed model calculations are necessary. The ionosphere model calculations 14 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 D. E. Shemansky by Shemansky et al. (2009) (Figure 14) indicate that the observations can be modeled using solar deposition alone up to a limit of about 2000 km, although this is somewhat misleading at the top of the atmosphere because of the clear presence of a large flux of atomic hydrogen. In this calculation H2 O plays no role because the mixing ratio cannot compete with reaction 2 (Shemansky & Liu , 2009b), and the ionospheric density is limited by reactions 4 and 5. The lifetime of the ionosphere is 1 hour or less at and below 2000 km. The (Shemansky et al., 2009) model, limited to solar input, cannot account for the observed ionosphere above 2000 km. At 3500 km the neutral atmosphere is dominated by atomic hydrogen according to the combination of observation and model, and the plasma is about 2% of the gas density (Table 4). At 4000 km the electron density is still about 400 cm−3 in the dawn average, and ∼200 cm−3 at dusk. The depleted average electron density at dawn relative to dusk below 2000 km is compatible with the model calculation of a ∼ 1 hour lifetime. It is certain that above 2000 km the dominant ion transitions + from H+ 3 to H because of the rapidly rising [H]/[H2 ] mixing ratio. This results in an unavoidable dramatically increased intrinsic plasma lifetime, while on average the electron density drops by a factor of 2 during the 5 hour day above 3000 km. The only reasonable explanation for a plasma lifetime less than 5 hours at 4000 km is transport loss. Under ordinary circumstances this would be very hard to explain given the confinement of the rotating magnetic field. A rough calculation, however, gives a vertical flux of H I of 2 × 1010 cm−2 s−1 . This flux charge captures with ionospheric H+ (reaction 9; Table 4) at a calculated rate of 2. × 108 cm−2 s−1 or volumetrically about 0.02 captures cm−3 s−1 . The newly created H+ will have an energy of roughly 3 eV on average, but a fraction of the population will be near flat pitch angle with the magnetic field, and loss will be confined to the part of the population at higher pitch angle. The vertically extended charge capture process implies that the H+ population will be exchanged out with a time-constant of ∼6 h (Tables 4, 5), so this is a plausible mechanism. The H+ transport loss time-constant would then be slower than the charge capture rate by some indeterminate factor. If that is the case, the upward diffusing atomic hydrogen would be converted to new ions at a rate ∼7.5 × 10−9 cm3 s−1 by electron impact. This rate requires an electron temperature of Te ∼13 eV. If a plausible time-constant of 10 h is assumed, an electron temperature of Te ∼ 8.6 eV would be required. An electron temperature this high requires an electrodynamic acceleration process. 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Shemansky Table 3 Comparison of Cassini and Voyager Saturn dayglow/auroral observations Quantity UVISa UVISb UVISc UVISd I(H Lyα) (R) 1140. 1127. 1026. 1199. I(H Lyβ) (R) 2.9 – – – I(H2 Rydberg) (R) 319.i 606. 270. 468. I(H Lyα)/I(H2 Rydberg) 3.60 1.86 3.80 2.56 a Cassini Apr - May 2004 mid latitudes (Shemansky et al., 2009) b Post SOI −13.5◦ latitude at 0.9 RS c Post SOI −13.5◦ latitude at 1.1 RS d Post SOI −45◦ latitude at 0.9 RS e Post SOI −45◦ latitude at 1.1 RS f Post SOI −81◦ latitude auroral peak at 1.1 RS g Post SOI −90◦ latitude auroral peak at 0.9 RS h Voyager i Emission UVISe 633. – 156. 4.06 UVISf 1398. – 547. 2.56 UVISg 1781. – 1096. 1.63 UVSh 4900. 10. 916. 5.35 1 dayglow mid latitudes 1980; H2 foreground (molec cm−2 ) = 5.× 1014 (Shemansky & Ajello, 1983) attributed to solar deposition (Shemansky et al., 2009) Table 4 Hydrogen rate processes Te a H2 (b)b −12 (K) (10 cm−3 s−1 ) 350 – 500 – 1000 – 5000 – 10000 0.85 15000 32.1 20000 208. 22300 340. 25000 648. 30000 1390. a Electron temperature b Reactions cH 2 e + H+d cm−3 s−1 ) – – – 6.82 4.18 3.15 2.51 – – – (10−13 E(H∗ )f (eV) 0.2 1.0 2.0 4.0 – – – – – – 6 & 7 product rate; includes cascade from a,c,d,e states; derived from Khakoo et al. (1987) 9 recombination rate (Osterbrock, 1974) e Reactions 4 & 5 product rate (2.5 atoms); derived from Larsson et al. (1993) translational kinetic energy g Charge e e + H+ 3 −3 cm s−1 ) 92.5 79.0 56.5 11.6 8.5 – – – – – (10−9 (B,C – X) emission rate; approximation to Liu et al. (1998) d Reaction f H∗ H2 (B,C – X)c (10−12 cm−3 s−1 ) – – – – 0.00124 0.183 2.32 4.70 10.9 31.1 capture rate; Barnett et al. (1990) H∗ + H+g cm−3 s−1 ) 2.91 5.70 7.50 9.90 – – – – – – (10−9 The Saturn hydrogen plume 19 Table 5 Atmospheric partitioning and rates hb (km) 1570. 2000. 2500. 3000. 3500. 4000. 6000. [edn ]c (cm−3 ) 490. 684. 928. 935. 500. 436. – [edk ]d (cm−3 ) 3329. 4838. 2009. 679. 270. 199. – [Ha ]e (cm−3 ) 3.5+07a 8.5+06 8.1+05 7.7+04 8.0+03 8.8−02 – [Hh ]f (cm−3 ) – 7.0+03 6.9+03 6.8+03 6.6+03 6.4+03 5.7+03 Flux and emission rates F (Hh k ) F(Hhr )l F(Hhb )m (atoms cm−2 s−1 ) 1.70+10 1.1+07 1.75+10 a Read 3.5+07 as 3.5 × 107 . b Altitude I(H2 (B,C))n (R) 195. [H2 ]g (cm−3 ) 7.8+09 8.8+08 7.2+07 6.1+06 5.4+05 5.0+04 – [H]/[H2 ]h – 4.5−03 9.7−03 1.1−02 1.4−02 2.7−02 1.5−01 – above 1 bar at 15.2◦ latitude. RSS mean dawn electron density (Nagy et al., 2006) equatorial. d Cassini RSS mean dusk electron density (Nagy et al., 2006) equatorial. ambient H density from Shemansky et al. (2009) 1-d model. f Measured gH 2 [edk ]/[N]j – 4.2−07 5.5−06 2.8−05 1.1−04 4.9−04 3.5−03 – Ehr o Ehb p erg cm−2 s−1 4.2−05 9.8−02 c Cassini e Nominal [edn ]/[N]i – 6.3−08 7.7−07 1.3−05 1.5−04 9.0−04 7.7−03 – mean hot H density (2. – 7 eV) in the plume structure; scale height 19500 km; present work. density at 15.2◦ latitude (Shemansky & Liu , 2009a) Hydrostatic model does not account for loss to dissociation at high altitude. h Mixing ratio total nominal H density, lower limit values. i Dawn electron mixing ratio to total neutrals, lower limit values. j Dusk electron mixing ratio to total neutrals, lower limit values. k Calculated l Flux flux from H Lyα image data. from reactions 4 and 5 for Te = 20000 K. See table 4. m Flux from reactions 6 and 7 for Te = 20000 K. See table 4. n Predicted emission rate from electron excited (Te = 20000 K) H2 Rydberg systems from 1 scale height below exobase (2210 km). See table 4. o Calculated energy deposition rate for reactions 4 and 5. p Calculated energy deposition rate for reactions 6 and 7. 20 653 654 655 D. E. Shemansky Acknowledgements This research was supported by the University of Colorado Cassini UVIS Program contract 1531660 to Space Environment Technologies. The Saturn hydrogen plume 21 2 Rs 0 2 4 hlya_post_01tt , fft 2 0 Rs 2 4 Figure 1. Cassini UVIS image in a surface contour plot in H Lyα emission showing the escape of atomic hydrogen in a non uniform asymmetric distribution from the top of the Saturn atmosphere. Image accumulated 2005 DOY 74 – 86 at S/C-planet range of 24 – 44 RS . The image pixel size is 0.1 × 0.1 RS . The edge-on view of the rings is indicated; sub-S/C latitude is 0◦ . Range in the virtual image is indicated at the frame of the image in units of RS , where 0,0 is the position of the planet center. Contour lines of constant brightness are shown on the plot. Quantitative brightness values are plotted in following figures. The sun is off the right side of the plot with a sub-solar latitude of −22.3◦ . Auroral emission is apparent at the poles extending over the terminator. Solar phase is 77◦ . 22 D. E. Shemansky 1800 lat 90o lat -90o lat 0o subsolar lat 27o subsolar lat -27o subsolar lat -13.5o subsolar 1600 1400 (R) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 r (RS) Figure 2. Selected latitudinal slices of the image in Figure 1 on the west (sub-solar) side of the planet at radial distances ranging from planet center to 4.8 RS , showing the distribution of the expanding plume of H I atoms into the magnetosphere. The vertical scale is H Lyα brightness in Rayleighs. The horizontal scale is radial position relative to planet center, where negative latitudes refer to the southern hemisphere. The plots show emission brightness along lines of constant planetocentric latitudes above 1 RS . Some pixels are empty because of incomplete coverage of the image matrix. The local interplanetary medium has a brightness of about 40 R in this pointing direction. The rings are edge-on at latitude 0◦ , and show no measurable reflectivity. The brightness data is plotted as filled circles for north latitudes, open circles for south latitudes. The latitudes of the plotted curves are given in the plot legend (see text). The polar latitude plots and the north 27◦ latitude plot terminate at an approximate constant value of about 300 R just above 1 RS . This signal is the forground/background of extended atomic hydrogen orbiting the system mainly beyond 4.8 RS , as may be observed in the large scale image of Figure 7. The Saturn hydrogen plume 23 1800 lat 90o lat -90o lat 0o subsolar lat 76.5o subsolar lat 63o subsolar lat -81o subsolar lat -40.5o subsolar 1600 1400 (R) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 r (RS) Figure 3. Selected latitudinal slices of the image in Figure 1 on the west (sub-solar) side of the planet (see Figure 2), showing the approximate latitudinal boundaries of the aurora and dayglow. The latitudes of the plotted curves are given in the plot legend (see text). The plot line at −81◦ marks the approximate south auroral outer boundary on the subsolar hemisphere, and the line at −40.5◦ marks the onset of the dayglow process measurably ejecting atomic hydrogen. The plot line for 63◦ marks the onset of measurable atomic hydrogen ejection at northern latitudes. 24 D. E. Shemansky 1.8 1.6 FWHM (RS) 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 1 2 r (W) (RS) 3 4 Figure 4. FWHM of the atomic hydrogen plume on the sub-solar side of the planet, derived from the data in Figure 2. The expansion slope is 0.36. The Saturn hydrogen plume 25 1400 -0.2 RS 0.0 RS -1.0 RS 1.0 RS LISM 1200 (R) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 E-W (RS) 2 3 4 5 Figure 5. East-west slices of the image in Figure 1 passing through the north and south polar aurorae (open circles), the center of the planet and at -0.2 RS where the peak of the H I plume occurs at the limb. The latter slice falls off the northern edge of the plume at about 3 RS (see figure 2) and merges into the brightness profile of the r = 0.0 slice. The ±1.0 RS slices plateau off the auroral peaks to a background of about 250 R. Solar flux is from right to left. The interplanetary background is indicated by a dashed line. 26 D. E. Shemansky 1800 lat 90o lat -90o lat 0o subsolar lat 0o antisolar lat -63o antisolar lat -76.5o antisolar lat -67.5o antisolar 1600 1400 (R) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 r (RS) Figure 6. Selected latitudinal slices of the image in Figure 1 on the east (anti-solar) side of the planet (see Figure 2), showing the approximate latitudinal boundaries of the aurora and dayglow. The latitudes of the plotted curves are given in the plot legend (see text). The plot line at −76.5◦ shows the aurora peaking at 1.1 RS as it does on the sub-solar side at −81◦ . The plot line at −67.5◦ marks the approximate south auroral outer boundary on the sub-solar hemisphere with a peak at 1.0 RS , and the line at −63◦ marks the onset of the dayglow process measurably ejecting atomic hydrogen. The plot line through the north pole shows the distinctive effect of crossing the terminator onto the dark atmosphere where the combined atmospheric emission and foreground fall below the brightness of the foreground/background in the region above 1 RS . The Saturn hydrogen plume 27 Figure 7. Contour plot of H Lyα in the pre SOI image of the Saturn system obtained Dec 2003, showing the extent of atomic hydrogen occupying the magnetosphere. The solar phase is 62.5◦ , subsolar latitude 23.1◦ , and sub-S/C latitude 13.2◦ . Image pixel size is 1.4 × 1.4 RS . The sun is located above the upper frame of the image. The image plane is tilted 13.2 degrees to the rotational axis. The scale is given on the plot frame in units of RS . The 20 RS wide ridge in the center of the image surrounds the orbital plane. The major peak in the profile is slightly off planet center because it is concentrated on the sub-solar hemisphere. The zero base plane is indicated in brown. Measurable emission is obtained to ±30 RS above and below the orbital plane. The image in the E-W direction extends ±30 RS . Measurable emission from the system extends beyond 45 RS downstream from the sun. Local time asymmetry is evident. The small peak above the orbital plane is a star. 28 D. E. Shemansky 1.00 UVIS fuv lat -13.5o 0.9 RS UVIS fuv lat -13.5o 1.1 RS 0.90 S (c s-1 px-1) 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1175 1195 1215 1235 1255 1275 1295 1315 1335 1355 1375 λ (A) Figure 8. UVIS FUV spectra of the atomic hydrogen plume image pixels located at latitude −13.5◦ and radial positions 0.9 RS and 1.1 RS (Figures 1 and 2). The spectra are significantly degraded in spectral resolution and spectral range relative to normal UVIS function because of spacecraft limits on data volume during the observation sequences. The superposed spectra are identified in the plot label. The spectra contain the H Lyα line and blended H2 electronic band transitions. The strong resonance features have not been previously observed in Saturn spectra, and are stronger at the base of the plume than at any other location on the planet. The Saturn hydrogen plume 29 1.00 0.90 S (c s-1 px-1) 0.80 UVIS fuv lat -13.5o 0.9 RS UVIS fuv mid lat dayglow pre SOI 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1175 1195 1215 1235 1255 1275 1295 1315 1335 1355 1375 λ (A) Figure 9. Comparison of mean mid latitude FUV dayglow spectrum from Shemansky et al. (2009) with the spectrum at the base of the plume at 0.9 RS (see figure 8). Resonance features are not visually evident in the mid latitude dayglow spectrum shown here, but the un-degraded version of the spectrum shown by Shemansky et al. (2009) does contain visible resonance features that do not appear in the solar forced model. 30 D. E. Shemansky 1.00 0.90 UVIS fuv lat -13.5o 0.9 RS UVIS fuv lat -81o 1.1 RS S (c s-1 px-1) 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1175 1195 1215 1235 1255 1275 1295 1315 1335 1355 1375 λ (A) Figure 10. Comparison of the FUV emission spectrum at the auroral peak in the sunlit atmosphere at 1.1 RS ,latitude −81◦ , with the spectrum at the base of the plume at 0.9 RS . The strong high altitude auroral H2 spectrum shows evidence of the same resonances as the −13.5◦ latitude spectrum at ∼1187, ∼1336, and ∼1354 Å but not for the other strong features in the plume spectrum. 0.20 0.10 RB 2(6,7) 1365.21 PB 1(6,7) 1365.66 PB 4(11,9) 1365.36 RB 2(0,4) 1335.12 RB 2(5,6) 1335.6 PB 1(0,4) 1335.87 PB 2(9,8) 1354.58 0.30 RB 2(6,6) 1315.56 PB 4(14,9) 1314.43 0.40 PB 3(5,5) 1290.15 PB 1(10,1) 1289.0 PB 1(10,7) 1290.3 RB 1(2,4) 1289.27 0.50 RB 6(1,3) 1271. 0.60 PB 1(6,5) 1265.7 0.70 QW 6(8,12) 1257.8 S (c s-1 px-1) 0.80 H Lyα α 0.90 PB 8(1,1) 1183.3 QW 6(8,9) 1188.0 1.00 31 PB 8(1,2) 1237.9 PB 7(15,7) 1235.97 QW 6(8,11) 1238.75 The Saturn hydrogen plume 0.00 1175 1195 1215 1235 1255 1275 1295 1315 1335 1355 1375 λ (A) Figure 11. Comparison of the model calculation of the solar forced Saturn emission spectrum calculated for the 1d 100 km vertical segment at 1950 km altitude (magenta line), with the spectrum at the base of the plume (green line) at 0.9 RS . The model spectrum is scaled upward by a factor of 33. The model shows resonance peaks corresponding to fluorescence of the solar H Lyβ line but there is no evidence of the other resonances observed in the plume spectrum. The plot shows possible H2 transition identifications corresponding to the resonances, using standard nomenclature, but the correspondence is not inclusive of all possible contributors. 32 D. E. Shemansky 1.00 0.90 UVIS fuv lat -13.5o 0.9 RS UVIS fuv lat -90o 0.9 RS S (c s-1 px-1) 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1175 1195 1215 1235 1255 1275 1295 1315 1335 1355 1375 λ (A) Figure 12. Comparison of the FUV emission spectrum at the auroral peak in the sunlit atmosphere at 0.9 RS , latitude −90◦ , with the spectrum at the base of the plume at 0.9 RS . The strong auroral H2 spectrum shows evidence of the same resonances as the −13.5◦ latitude spectrum at ∼1187, ∼1336, and ∼1354 Å, but not for the other strong features in the plume spectrum, as in the spectrum at −81◦ (Figure10). The Saturn hydrogen plume 33 10 Evert= 3.06 eV τ (h) 8 6 Evert= 2.55 eV 4 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Lat (deg) 70 80 90 Figure 13. Calculated lifetime of vertically launched hydrogen atoms at 3.06 and 2.55 eV as a function of latitude. 34 D. E. Shemansky 6 W= 10 h Evert (eV) 5 W= 5 h 4 3 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 lat (deg) Figure 14. Kinetic energy of vertically launched hydrogen atoms to achieve ballistic lifetimes of 5 and 10 h, as a function of latitude. The Saturn hydrogen plume Altitude (km) 3500 2500 35 ehv H3+ H H2 H2+ H+ UVIS H2 ea e RSS dusk e RSS dawn 1500 500 10-4 10-2 100 102 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 Density (cm-3) Figure 15. 1-d model calculation of the Saturn ionosphere (Shemansky et al., 2009) based on solar forcing, constrained by the range of the measured electron and H2 profiles. The model fails to converge on measured electron density above 2000 km. Electron density [ehν ] is the multiply scattered solar photoelectron population with energy above 1 eV. The Electron population labeled ea is the ambient relaxed population. The temperature of the ea population is close to the atmospheric temperature because of the large cross sections for reaction 1. H+ 3 is the dominant ion up to 2000 km. The modeled ionosphere lifetime is 1 hour at 2000 km. The mean electron densities from the dawn and dusk Cassini RSS experiment (Nagy et al., 2006), identified on the legend, are plotted to 3500 km although the RSS data extends to 5000 km. 36 D. E. Shemansky 100 7 5 4 3 p (atom-1) 2 10-1 7 5 4 3 2 10-2 7 5 4 3 2 10-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E (eV) Figure 16. Discrete probability distribution for dissociative recombination of H+ 3 . The dominant reaction path is 4, giving 1.56 eV atoms. Recombination to H2 X(v) + H produces the distribution shown at higher energies. Based on the measurements and calculations of Strasser et al. (2001). The Saturn hydrogen plume 37 Normalized Probability (eV-1) 0.5 V=0, J=1 V=1, J=1 V=2, J=1 V=3, J=1 V=4, J=1 V=5, J=1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 E (eV/atom) 6.0 7.0 8.0 Figure 17. Probability distributions of H(1s) kinetic energy of reactions 6 and 7 for electron impact at asymptotic energy on H2 X(v = 0 -5, J=1). Note that excitation from v = 6-14 levels is not shown. The calculation is based on the X state potential energy curves of Schwartz & Le Roy (1987) and b state potential energy of Staszewska & Wolniewicz (1999).