UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Notes from the Athena Network Group Held on

Notes from the Athena Network Group
Held on
Thursday 25th June 2015
Claire Algar, Larbi Alili, Sandra Beaufoy, Rachel Brogan, Sue Burrow, Jo Davis,
Tracy Horton, Charlotte Moonan, Deepa Patel, Naila Rabbani, Stephanie Schnurr
Minutes from the meeting held on 7th May 2015
(a) S Beaufoy confirmed that the Anne O’Rourke from the HR Systems team and Sam
Cole from the Strategic Planning and Analytics Office will have the Athena data
ready by Mid-August. Priority for data will be given to those departments
submitting November.
(b) SB met with to discuss the ECU Charter Mark logos and potential costing
packages, noting that for some years two different Athena logos may have to be
used. will notify of charging packages once they are available.
(c) The new ECU logo is inclusive of all Charter Marks, but it was unclear how this
would be available to institutions who did not have both Athena and the Race
Charter Marks.
Minutes of the meeting held on 7th May 2015 were approved.
HeForShe Campaign
REPORTED: (S Beaufoy)
a) That the Vice Chancellor is keen for the Institution to progress the HeForShe
Campaign. Pam Thomas and Sandra Beaufoy plan to meet with the new
Students Union President to discuss the campaign and to gain SU support.
Further information can be found at:
Athena Publications/Publicity
a) The School of Engineering have produced a brochure to promote Women in
Engineering which they intend to use in their Outreach activities but also for
academics to take with them when they visit other establishments to
promote their Athena work. Other departments were encouraged to think
about producing a similar brochure to promote their Athena work.
b) Sandra Beaufoy had been contacted by Joanne Garde-Hansen from the
Centre for Cultural Policy Studies who had recently visited Kings College
London. Joanne had been very impressed that Kings had a large frieze in their
reception area entitled ‘Meet the Professors’ – which profiled all the female
professors at Kings.
This may be an idea for departments to implement on their web pages or in
their entrance hall screens.
Department updates
a) School of Engineering
The School of Engineering have run a competition aimed at school girls, to
write an essay/PowerPoint presentation on Inspirational Women in
Engineering. The initiative is aimed to engage with school girls in the local
area and as a prize, Engineering will give the winner an opportunity to visit
the Diamond Light Source. The school with the most submissions will also
win a prize.
b) Physics
Restructuring the Athena Action Plan to use ‘traffic light’ colour coding and to
add a column entitled ‘What we do next’.
c) WMS
The school is trying to improve its recording of events and initiatives in its
different medical areas so that precise information can contribute to the
Athena action plan. It is also hoped that this request will help to improve
communication across the School.
Any Other Business
a) The date for the International Women’s Day event has been booked for
Wednesday 9th March 2016 and will be held in The Chancellors Suite, Rootes
Date for the next meeting
The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 19th August 2015, 12 – 1pm, MOAC
Seminar Room.