Notes of Meeting Athena Network Group Date: Thursday 22nd October 2015 MOAC Meeting Room Present: Claire Algar, Sandra Beaufoy (chair), Jo Collingwood, Richard Crossman, Ann Dixon, Rachel Harrington, Serena Johal, Charlotte Moonan, Faizan Nazar, Juliet Raynsford, Alison Rodger, Charoula Tzanakou 1. Minutes from the meeting held on 22nd September 2015 Sandra Beaufoy reported that have advised the price for use of the Athena logo on University adverts (up to 600 per year) is £3000 pa. Sandra had taken this to the Athena Steering meeting last week for discussion. The Athena Steering group recommended that rather than use the logos, that departments advertise in the body of their advert or further particulars, that the University is a Silver Institutional Athena award holder. Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd September 2015 were approved. 2. Athena Subscription REPORTED: (Sandra Beaufoy) The Vice Chancellor has written a letter to ECU committing the University to the new principles of the Athena SWAN Charter, and has informed ECU of Warwick’s intention to pay the subscription charges for 2016. The subscription charge has been confirmed as £16,225 which is based on the HESA income. 3. WISE / other initiatives Departments will have received an email from C Algar regarding initiative campaign ‘WISE’. WISE advises and encourages girls between the age of 11 -14 years to determine what A-Levels are required if they would like to study at University for a career in Engineering/Sciences. The WISE initiative might be useful for departments to use in relation to their Outreach activities. If departments have any other outreach initiatives that they would like to share with the network, please let Sandra/Claire know. 4. Purpose of the Athena Network Meetings (Alison Rodger) A brief update was given on why the Athena network and Steering group was started. Over the years the number of departments involved in Athena has increased and due to the amalgamation of the Charter Marks this year, membership now includes Non-STEM departments. Members were asked if they still find the format of the network meetings valuable and if so, what they would like included in future meetings: Members responded: To receive updates on ECU and what other departments are doing Members stated it can feel isolated when working on departmental Athena submissions and that by attending Network meetings, helps to keep motivation and work on track. Best practice can be discussed. Useful to have visiting speakers and information gathering (data presentation) Useful for Non-STEM departments to hear best practise Sharing of outreach work initiatives Claire Algar advised that the Athena web pages are being refreshed, and encouraged departments to send any success stories that can be included in the update. 5. Progress on Departmental Actions Plans I. Philosophy – Rachel Harrington Philosophy has just started working on its Athena submission, which it is hoped to submit in April 2016. An Equality and Welfare committee has been established and the first meeting has been held. Philosophy would like to have 2 members of staff trained as Dignity contacts, and will contact C Algar for further information. II. Mathematics – Faizan Nazar Faizan is a new PhD student who has an interest in Athena work and has already approached the department about joining the Athena Network meetings and the departmental meetings. Faizan confirmed that the Women in Maths Group recently held an event for female researchers. III. Chemistry – Alison Rodger Alison is currently undecided on whether to disband the current Welfare and Communications committee to enable the Athena agenda to be included into all other Committee meetings, so that Athena becomes embedded into everyday business. This would ensure that there is input from a wider range of staff members but concerns that there would be insufficient attention paid to the action plan with no direct lead. IV. WMS – Sunita Palmer Sunita explained that there had been a lot of changes in the department’s committee structure. WMS now have a separate Self-Assessment team who meet on a monthly basis and reports to the formal Welfare and Communications committee. WMS will be applying for Silver renewal in April 2016 using the new paperwork. V. Statistics – Richard Crossman Richard is a new member to the group, taking over from Larbi. Currently there is little that he can report, but informed that Statistics were considering using the services of Sean McWinnie, who is an external consultant, with a thorough knowledge of Athena. Statistics will be applying for Silver in November 2016. VI. WMG – Serena Johal WMG will be applying for a Silver award in November 2015, so are in the process of writing their submission. VII. Engineering – Joanna Collingwood Engineering will be applying for a Silver award in November 2015. They have experienced some problems obtaining Student Data which has caused a delay in writing their submission. Athena is now a standing item on all staff meetings agendas. 5. AOB Sandy Sparks, from the Learning and Development Centre, wanted the following sessions bought to the attention of members: The leadership in action course – 3 sessions scheduled for 16/23/30 November 2015. One day career development course – managing your academic/research career 11 November for women only. Mixed session planned for 24 January 2016. ACTION: Claire to circulate a copy of LDC Newsletter 6. Do any departments provide an annual report on their Athena Action Plan progress? This is a good way to keep staff and students within the department informed and updated on Athena work/progress. A publication was circulated recently showcasing the work female academics do in another institution. Ann Dixon is keen for this initiative to be replicated here at Warwick – Ann will discuss this further with Professor Pam Thomas (Chair of the Athena Steering Group) and report back to the network. Date of the next meeting The next meeting will be held on Thursday 26th November 2015, 12:00 hrs, MOAC