جمهورية العراق وثق ما تفعل وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي وافعل ما توثق جامعة بابل كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات إدارة الجودة الشاملة قسم شبكات المعلومات الدراسات األولية 1:العدد :رقم المقرر الدولي Curriculum and Process Design Evidence WAN421 CAPDE (7-3-1.2.3.-02-01) استمارة خاصة الطالع الطلبة على المقرر OCT 2014 :التاريخ إجباري فصلي النوع - العملي 2 Course NO.: WAN421 (WAN Technology( WAN تكنولوجيا الـ النظري عدد الساعات االجمالي 2 2 الرابعة Wesam S. Bhaya وسام سمير عبدعلي بهيه اسم المقرر 1 عدد الوحدات 2 المرحلة الدراسية 3 اسم التدريسي أستاذ مساعد- دكتوراه الشهادة واللقب العلمي علوم حاسبات التخصص الدقيق انكليزي لغة تدريس المقرر 4 5 برنامج المقرر المقدمة اوال The primary focus of this course is on accessing wide area networks (WAN). This course covers the essentials of Wide Area Networking. Topics include common Wide Area Networking (WAN) technologies, WAN Frame Relay encapsulation formats WAN link options, WAN design including core, distribution, and access layers, traffic patterns, server placement, and router configuration, PPP, ISDN, and Frame Relay. It covers also the functions and operations of switching technologies. )1 - 1( أهداف المقرر ثانيا The goal is to develop an understanding of various WAN technologies to connect small- to medium-sized business networks. This course is to introduce you to fundamental networking concepts and technologies. The course materials will assist you in developing the skills necessary to plan and implement small networks across a range of applications. It focuses on WAN technologies including PPP, Frame Relay, and broadband links. WAN security concepts are discussed in detail, including types of threats, how to analyze network vulnerabilities, general methods for mitigating common security threats and types of security appliances and applications. The course then explains the principles of traffic control and access control lists (ACLs) and describes how to implement IP addressing services for an Enterprise network, including how to configure NAT and DHCP. IPv6 addressing concepts are also discussed. During the course, you will learn how to use Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) to secure a router and implement IP addressing services. Finally, students learn how to detect, troubleshoot and correct common Enterprise network implementation issues. مفردات المقرر او المحتوى Week 1 Overview of WAN Technologies and Devices Week 2 Introduction to WANs-I Week 3 Introduction to WANs-II Week 4 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Week 5 Frame Relay Week 6 Network Security-I Week 7 Network Security-II Week 8 Exam-1 Week 9 Access Control Lists (ACLs)-I Week 10 Access Control Lists (ACLs)-II )2 - 1( ثالثا مفردات المقرر او المحتوى ثالثا Methodologies طرائق التدريس المعتمدة لتنفيذ المقرر رابعا Week 11 Teleworker Services Week 12 IP Addressing Services Week 13 Exam-2 Week 14 Network Troubleshooting-I Week 15 Network Troubleshooting-II 12345- Power Point Data Show Lectures, A set of review-questions, Students short presentation in the class, Assessments, hands-on experiences (using Packet Tracer simulator) Credit Marks توزع درجات المقرر وفق لواحد أو أكثر مما يأتي Active participation, homework assignments, and attendance. Quizzes Howe Works Exams References المصادر والمراجع 1- Bob Vachon and Rick Graziani, Accessing the WAN, Cisco Press, 2011. وسام سمير بهيه. د.م.أ مدرس المادة ورئيس القسم )3 - 1( خامسا 5% 30% 15% 50% سادسا