Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Application Fee. Mode of Payment: Cash/ D.D. (Deemed University) Sl. No. of Application……………….. Amount:……….…………………... vkosnu i= la[;k Application Form for Non-Teaching and Technical Posts xSj&'kSf{kd vkSj rduhdh inksa ds fy, vkosnu i= D.D. No…………………..…………. Bank…………………………….…… (Please read the notes given at the end before filling the form) Please paste self attested passport size photograph here ¼d`i;k vkosnu&i= Hkjus ls igys var esa nh xbZ fVIi.kh i<+½s ;gka ikliksVZ vkdkj dk Lo;a lk{;kafdr QksVks fpidkb,A Post applied for………………………………………………………………………………………………………. in ¼ftlds fy, vkosnu fd;k gSA) Mode of Recruitment for which applied (Please tick as may be applicable) 1. By Promotion ftl in ds fy, vkosnu fd;k mlds HkrhZ dh fof/k ¼tks ykxw gks ml ij djsAa ½ 2. By Deputation 3. By Direct Recruitment 1. Name (in block letters):………………………………………………………………………………………… uke ¼Li’V 'kCnksa es)a 2. Father’s/Husband’s Name:……………………………………………………………………………………… firk @ ifr dk uke 3. (i) Date of Birth (in figures):…………………………………………………………………………………… tUe frfFk (in words):…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ¼'kCnksa es½a (ii) Age:………………………….Years:……… Months :………days………….. (as on date …………….) vk;q o’kZ ekg fnu ¼ ---------------------------------- frfFk dks½ Tel.No……………………….Mob.No……………………………Email ID………………………………. VsfyQksu ua-----------------------------------------------------eksckbZy ua-------------------------------------------------------------------bZ&esy%----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Nationality:…………………….Male/Female/Transgender:…………………Married/Unmarried:…………… jk’Vªh;rk ¼iq:’k@L=h@foijhr fyafx½ ¼fookfgr@vfookfgr½ 5. Postal Address:……………………………………… Permanent Address:………………………………… i= O;ogkj dk irk% LFkk;h irk% ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………. Pin Code:……………………………………………. Pin Code:……………………………………………. fiu dksM fiu dksM 6. Do you belong to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/OBC (Central List), PWD (VH/OH/HH). If yes, please indicate & attach copy of the certificate:……………………………………………………………………….. D;k vki vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr@fiNM+h tkfr ¼dsanhz ; lwph½ ;k fodykax ¼oh,p@vks,p@,p,p½ gS\ ;fn gka] rks bl laca/k esa izek.ki= dh izfrfyfi lkFk yxkb,A 7. Are you Ex-Serviceman/Disabled Defence Personnel/Dependant of Defence Personnel Killed in action? If so, attach copy of the Certificate:………………………………………………………………………………. D;k vki HkwriwoZ lSfud@viax lqj{kk deZpkjh@fdlh ,sls lqj{kk deZpkjh ds vkfJr gS tks fdlh lSfud dk;Zokgh esa ekjk x;k gks\ ;fn gka] rks bl ckjs esa izek.ki= dh izfrfyfi layXu dhft,A Page 1 of 4 8. Educational Qualifications (From Higher/Secondary School & onwards): 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk,a ¼mPp@lsds.Mjh Ldwy ,oa vkxs½ % Examination Passed ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ dh 9. Year of Passing mÙkh.kZ gksus dk o’kZ Division Js.kh %age izfr'kr Year of Passing mÙkh.kZ gksus dk o’kZ Institution laLFkku Division Js.kh Designation inuke Permanent/ Temporary LFkkbZ@vLFkkbZ Pay Scale & Total monthly emoluments osrueku ,oa dqy ekfld ifjyfC/k;k¡ Period vof/k From ls 12. %age izfr'kr Subjects offered ijh{kk ds fo’k; Experience, if any (Administrative/Technical/Any other): vuqHko] ;fn dksbZ gS ¼iz'kklfud@rduhdh@vU;½ Office in which worked/working dk;kZy; dk uke ftuesa lsok dh@lsokjr gSA 11. Subjects offered ijh{kk ds fo’k; Technical/Professional Qualifications: rduhdh@o`fÙkd ;ksX;rk,a% Examination Passed ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ dh 10. Name of the School/ College/University attended ml fo|ky;@egkfo|ky;@ fo'ofo|ky; dk uke Do you know typewriting/shorthand? If so, state speed: D;k vki Vad.k@vk'kqfyfi tkurs gS\ ;fn gka rks] xfr crkb,% English (vaxt sz h) Length of Experience vuqHko vof/k To rd Years o’kZ Hindi (fgUnh) Shorthand: vk'kqfyfi: ……………….w.p.m. 'k-iz-fe- ……………….w.p.m. 'k-iz-fe- Typewriting: Vad.k: ……………….w.p.m. 'k-iz-fe- ……………….w.p.m. 'k-iz-fe- Are you proficient for working on Computer? D;k vki dEI;wVj ij dk;Z djus esa dq'ky gS? Months ekg YES/NO Page 2 of 4 Nature of Experience vuqHko dh izd`fr 13. Any other information:…………………………………………………………………………………………. vU; tkudkjh ¼;fn dksbZ gS½% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. Indicate the time you will require to join, if selected:………………………….……………………………… ;fn pqu fy, x, rks vki dk;ZHkkj dc laHkky ldsx a sa\% 15. The posts in this Sansthan are transferable in any of its campus in India, are you prepared to serve in any part of India?.................................................................................................................................... .......................... bl laLFkku esa lHkh in Hkkjr esa fLFkr fdlh Hkh ifjlj esa LFkkukUrj.kh; gS] D;k vki Hkkjr ds fdlh Hkh Hkkx esa lsok djus ds fy, rS;kj gS\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. Have you ever been arrested/prosecuted/put under detention or bound down/fined or convicted by any Court of Law for any offence, if so give details…………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… D;k dHkh fdlh U;k;ky; ds vkns'k ls fdlh vijk/k esa vki fxj¶rkj gq, gS@vki ij eqdnek pyk gS@vkidks gokykr esa j[kk x;k gS] ;k vkidks ltk feyh gS ;k tqekZuk fd;k x;k gS\ ;fn gka rks mldk fooj.k nhft,A----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Have you ever been dismissed from service, if so give details……………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ¼v½ D;k vki fdlh ukSdjh ls c[kkZLr fd, x, gS\ ;fn gka rks mldk fooj.k nhft,A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. Are you free from debt? If not give details…………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ¼c½ D;k vki _.keqDr gSa\ ;fn ugha rks mldk fooj.k nhft,A------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. Are you related to any employee of this Sansthan? If so, indicate his name & designation……………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… D;k bl laLFkku esas vkidk dksbZ lEcU/kh gS\ ;fn gS rks mldk uke ,oa in dk mYys[k djsa\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dated:……………………… fnukad …………………………………… Signature of the Applicant vkosnd ds gLrk{kj Declaration: ?kks’k.kk I declare that the statements made in the Application Form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. eSa ?kksf’kr djrk gw¡@djrh gw¡ fd bl vkosnu&i= esa fn;k x;k leLr fooj.k esjh iwjh tkudkjh vkSj fo'okl ds vuqlkj lR; gSA Dated:……………………… fnukad …………………………………… Signature of the Applicant vkosnd ds gLrk{kj Page 3 of 4 For applicants in Employment dsoy dk;Zjr vkosndksa ds fy, No Objection Certificate by Employer fu;ksDrk dk vukifÙk izek.k i= Certified that Shri/Smt./Kumari……………………………………………………………..(name) is employed as…………………………..……..(designation) in the scale of pay of Rs……………..…………………..p.m. w.e.f………………………..….at………………………….……………………………….………………… (name of organization) and the facts stated in above application have been verified and found correct. It is also certified there is no objection to his/her application and he/she will be relieved in the event of his/her selection. There is no disciplinary/vigilance case pending or contemplated against him/her and he/she has not been awarded any penalty. izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd Jh@Jherh@dqekjh-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼uke½ bl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼laLFkk dk uke½ esa ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼in dk uke½ ds in ij :---------------------------------------------------------------osrueku esa fnukad-----------------------------------ls dk;Zjr gS rFkk bl vkosnu i= esa fn;s x, lHkh rF;kas dh tkap dj yh xbZ gS vkSj os lR; ik, x, gSA ;g Hkh izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd buds bl vkosnu ij dksbZ vkifÙk ugha gS rFkk budh fu;qfDr gksus ij bUgsa dk;ZHkkj ls eqDr dj fn;k tk,xkA buds fo:) dksbZ vuq'kklukRed@lrdZrk dk ekeyk yafcr vFkok visf{kr ugha gS rFkk bUgsa nf.Mr ugha fd;k x;k gA Dated:……………………… fnukad ……………………………………….. Head of the Department/Institution (with Seal) foHkkx&laLFkk dk v/;{k ¼eksgj lfgr½ Notes: fVIif.k;ka (i) Self attested copies of all relevant certificates, degrees, testimonials etc. should be attached with the application and the originals must be produced at the time of interview and at the time of joining, if selected. lacaf/kr izek.ki=] mikf/k;ks]a 'kalki=ksa vkfn dh Lo;a lk{;kafdr izfr;ka vkosnu&i= ds lkFk layXu dh tkuh pkfg, vkSj ewy izfr;ka lk{kkRdkj ds le; rFkk p;u ds ckn dk;ZHkkj laHkkyus ds le; izLrqr dh tkuh pkfg,A (ii) Applicants who are in employment should send their applications through proper channel. lsokjr vkosndksa dks viuk vkosnu&vius fu;ksDrkvksa ds ek/;e ls Hkstuk pkfg,A (iii) The incomplete application form will be rejected. viw.kZ vkosnu&i= dks Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA (iv) No T.A./D.A. will be paid for attending the prescribed tests and interview. fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk vkSj lk{kkRdkj gsrq mifLFkr gksus ds fy, dksbZ ;k=k HkRrk@nSfud HkRrk ugha fn;k tk,xkA (v) Attach additional sheets, if necessary. vxj vko';d gks] rks vfrfjDr i`’B layXu djsAa Page 4 of 4