Febrruary 28, 2014 4 Vollume 3, No. 3 3 O On the web aat: www w.prevention.pssu.edu Wellcome to PR‐eV Views, our new w source of internal news forr the PRC comm munity. This n newsletter willl be distributeed on a bi‐week kly basis to o share news, iinformation, up pcoming events, and other ittems with PRC C staff, faculty y and research tteams. Please sen nd news or ann nouncements tto prevention@ @psu.edu. Com ming Up in tthe Spriing 2014 Sem minar Series Wedn nesdays, 4 p.m m., 022 B Biobehavioral Healtth Building NIH H News NIH H Grant Ann nouncementts NSF Grant Announcements Regiistration No ow Opeen for . . . Savee the Date/1 Savee the Date/2 March 5: Chad Shen nk, Ph.D., Asssistant Professsor of Humaan Developmeent and Family Studies, Pe enn “Translating B Basic Science on Child Malltreatment intto Optimized d Prevention aand Intervention State, “ Techno ologies” March 26: Kerry An nne McGeary y, Ph.D., Senio or Program O Officer, Researrch and Evalu uation Unit, Robert Wood Johnso on Foundatio on, Title TBA Notice of Salary Lim mitation on G Grants, Coopeerative Agreeements, and C Contracts (NO OT‐OD‐14‐05 52) / Notice of Legislativ ve Mandates iin Effect for F FY2014 (NOT T‐OD‐14‐053) / NIH Fiscal Policy for Grant A Awards FY 20 014 (NOT‐OD D‐14‐055) / NIIH Request ffor Informatio on (RFI): Input on Future Directiions for the S Science of Beh havior Chang ge Common F Fund Program m (NOT‐RM‐‐14‐007) NIH Roadm map Initiativess and The Com mmon Fund/O Office of Straategic Coordin nation Researrch on Compa arative Effecttiveness and Implementattion of HIV/A AIDS and Alccohol Interve entions (R01) (RFA‐AA‐14 4‐004) NIAAA A / NIDA Avaant‐Garde Aw ward Program m for HIV/AIIDS and Drrug Use Research (DP1) (R RFA‐DA‐15‐0 04) NIDA Buildin ng Communiity and Capaccity for Data‐‐Intensive Reesearch in thee Social, Behaavioral, and Econom mic Sciences and in Educa ation and Hu uman Resourcces (BCC‐SBE E/EHR) Full P Proposal Deadlin ne Date: Marcch 3, 2014 Pro ogram Guidellines: NSF 14‐‐517 2014 PA ATHS Intern national Confference, May 15 and 16, Clleveland, OH / Penn State’’s Third Annual Conferrence on Chilld Protection and Well‐Beeing, May 5 an nd 6, Nittany y Lion Inn, “Faamilies at Rissk: The Ro ole of Parentin ng and Family y Processes in n Child Maltrreatment and Intervention”” Colloq quia by Candiidates for the e Directorship p, Bennett Piierce Preventiion Research h Center: Thursd day, April 3, 3 3:30 p.m., Ricchard Crosby y, Ph.D., Univ versity of Ken ntucky; Tuesd day, April 8, 3 3:30 p.m., S Scott Gest, Ph h.D., Penn Sta ate. Both collo oquia will be h held in the Living Center aand will be availab ble via Adobe Connect for those who caannot attend iin person. Mo ore details to ffollow. mHealth Challenge e with Collegee of Health an nd Human Deevelopment aand Informatiion Sciences a and ology, April 7 7th—more deta ails to follow.. Techno Savee the Date/3 Commonwealth Pre evention Alliiance Annuall Conference,, June 11–13, Nittany Lion Inn Sum mmer Fello owship Opp portunity The Na ational Resea arch Center on Hispanic C Children is a h hub of research to improvee the lives of Hispan nics across thrree priority arreas‐(1) poverrty reduction and self‐suffficiency, (2) heealthy marria age and ressponsible fath herhood, and (3) early caree and educatio on. The Centeer was establiished by a 201 13 cooperative agreemeent from the O Office of Plan nning, Research and Evalu uation within the Admin nistration for C Children and Families to C Child Trends in partnershiip with Abt A Associates and d universsity partners ‐‐ University o of Maryland‐C College Park,, University o of North Caro olina ‐ Greenssboro, and Neew York Univ versity. The n newly launcheed Center is o offering a neew 12‐week Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health Summer Research Fellowship program open to those currently enrolled in an advanced graduate program (Masterʹs, Ph.D., or ABD) who wish to carry out policy‐research in an applied setting, and in ways that can impact both policy and programs serving Hispanic children and families. Applications for summer 2014 research fellowship should be submitted by March 7th, 2014. 2014 Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (TIDIRH), July 21–25, 2014, Harvard University, Boston, MA. Applications now being accepted through April 6, 2014 for a 5‐day training institute that will provide participants with a thorough grounding in conducting dissemination and implementation research in health. Faculty and guest lecturers will consist of leading experts (practitioners and teachers) in theory, implementation and evaluation approaches to D&I, creating partnerships and multi‐level, transdisciplinary research teams, research design, methods and analyses appropriate for D&I investigations and conducting research at different and multiple levels of interventions (e.g., clinical, community, policy). This training is designed for investigators at any career stage interested in conducting Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) research. To be eligible, participants must NOT have current R18, R01 or R01‐ equivalent funding as a PI for D&I research or received such funding in the past five year(s). Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate experience with, or potential for, working effectively in transdisciplinary teams and who have strong partnerships with—or are embedded within—healthcare delivery, public health or community‐based networks. In addition, to be eligible, participants must meet all of the following criteria: (1) hold a doctoral degree (PhD, ScD, MD, DrPH, DO, DVM, DNSc, DrPH, etc.); (2) have demonstrated experience and expertise in health science (e.g., medicine, behavioral medicine, nursing, medical anthropology, health economics, public health, health policy); (3) have a feasible D&I research concept to bring to the institute and develop throughout the week—this should be a project the applicant is seriously interested in conducting and/or submitting for funding; and (4) be willing and able to pay your own travel expenses (round trip airfare, ground transportation, and some meals) and attend the entire training 5‐day institute, if accepted. Applicants are NOT required to be citizens, permanent residents, or non‐citizen nationals of the United States. There is no fee to apply to attend the institute. However, all applicants are responsible for arranging and paying for their travel to attend. Send news about awards, new and forthcoming publications and reports, presentations, grants, and other information of interest to the PRC community to: prevention@psu.edu •Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center•College of Health and Human Development• The Pennsylvania State University•314 Biobehavioral Health Building•University Park, PA 16802•