BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE Monday, July 2, 2012 3:00 p.m. L107 Summary Notes MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Brown, Solomon DeCamp, Tami Engman, Tim Flanagan, Pat Girczyc, Dave Gonsalves (phone), Utpal Goswami, Anita Janis (phone), Sharrie King, Lee Lindsey, Tami Matsumoto, Keith Snow-Flamer, Carla Spalding CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by committee co-chair Bob Brown. SUMMARY NOTES The summary notes from May 9, 2012 were approved and will be posted on the BPC website. REVIEW DEVELOPMENT OF 2012-13 BUDGET SHORTFALL DISCUSSION STATE PAYMENT DEFERRALS/ TRAN Lee presented a detailed synopsis of today’s meeting agenda which he reviewed with the committee. He noted that there is a budget shortfall of $550K due to recent legislative action and an additional $472K due to unresolved pay concessions within the district. He asked for suggestions from the committee on how to close the approximately $1M budget gap. The following suggestions were discussed: Hold vacant positions open More pay concessions o Should we rely on savings that are contingent on successful negotiations? Reduce services Lee reported that recent news from the Chancellor’s Office indicates cash payments to the district from July 2012 to January 2013 will be 44 percent less than last year. The district will participate in a Tax Revenue Anticipation Note (TRAN) and will also do another TRAN mid-year. There was discussion regarding tax measures on the November ballot and what impact there will be on the District once the outcome of the election is determined. Concern was expressed about having a plan in place in the event that the tax measure fails and how it will look to the accrediting commission if there is a $1M budget deficit. If the measures do pass cash payments will not improve until June 2013. LATE REIMBURSEMENT It was noted that reimbursements for bond projects from the state are running late and it was necessary to notify the general contractor of the new academic building that the project may receive a “stop work notice”. STATE MANDATED COSTS There are costs associated with certain things that the district is required to do by state law, these costs are considered mandated. The state actually reimburses the district for some mandated costs i.e., costs related to collective bargaining, and complying with the Brown Act such as publishing meeting agendas. The district is currently owed approximately $1M from the claims dating back to 98-99 fiscal year. There is currently a bill at the legislature that, if signed, would provide a flat rate for reimbursement of mandated costs based on district FTES. LOCAL BOND ISSUANCE DRAW CLOSING THE LOOP ADJOURNED SUBMITTED The district will issue the remaining $7M of measure Q bond funds. With all bond funds allocated and projects in progress it is time to draw down the remaining funds. Lee will send out a reminder on the BPC assessment and collate ideas. The committee will meet again before the end of the month in order to provide guidance at the August Board of Trustees meeting. The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. lw