BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE (BPC) SPECIAL WORK SESSION Wednesday, March 7, 2012 3:00 p.m. Boardroom Agenda 1. Call Meeting to Order – 3:00 p.m. 2. Budget Update 3. Approve summary notes from February 26, 2012 4. Board request to review budget for added savings 5. Ranking spreadsheets 6. Upcoming FPC recommendation on 101 sites 7. Closing the loop 8. Adjourn CR Accreditation website: http://www.redwoods.edu/accreditation/ CCC confer is available for those unable to attend in person. PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 886-3951 > Enter your passcode: 685452 PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES *0 - Contact the operator for audio assistance *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE Special Work Session Sunday, February 26, 2012 12:00 p.m. Eureka Downtown Site Summary Notes MEMBERS PRESENT Rebecca Ashbach, MaryGrace Barrick, Bob Brown, Solomon DeCamp (phone), Michael Dennis, Tami Engman, Tim Flanagan, Pat Girczyc, David Gonsalves, Anita Janis, Lee Lindsey, Tami Matsumoto, Keith Snow-Flamer, Carla Spalding, Steve Stratton, Lorie Walsh and Maggie White. ALSO PRESENT Michelle Hancock (phone) CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by committee co-chair Bob Brown. DISCUSSION REVIEW OF BPC PRIORITIZATION PROCESS/MEMBERSHIP LIST BUDGET UPDATE Lee reviewed the committee’s prioritization process and membership list. He reminded everyone in attendance of the committee’s charge and role it plays in the planning process. Lee reported that the news from the Chancellor’s office continues to be pessimistic and there is also cause for concern regarding the tax measures on the November ballot. He explained the apportionment model noting that it uses estimates of tuition and property tax rates and the state’s revenue continues to be lower than expected, which means less funding. He also reported some good news regarding 2010/11 final recalculation apportionment from the Chancellor’s office noting that it will be $167,000 more than originally expected. Lee reviewed the Preliminary Draft CR Revenue Forecast handout which shows best and worst case budget scenarios. He noted that 4,548 is our FTES target for 2012/13 and it will be necessary for EMC to recalculate the FTES TLU Allocation Projections again. The handout shows on the revenue side a cut of $169,000 as best case and a cut of $1.5M as worst case. It is likely that the district will have increasing costs associated with state unemployment insurance and employee health benefits and the budget may be $1.9-$3M out of balance. There was discussion regarding closing the 101 Corridor sites and the impact it will have on the budget. There will be a cost savings associated with closing the Arcata and McKinleyville sites. We will attempt to re-negotiate the lease for the Eureka Downtown site which will need to be much less than it currently is in order for us to continue to occupy that site. The district needs to increase the revenue of its auxiliary programs (dorms, bookstore and cafeteria) so that they are self-sustaining. A Request for Proposals (RFP) for operation of both the bookstore and dinning services will be done to explore potential cost savings. The results of the SERP were not as positive as hoped and the cost savings will be less than projected. BUDGET FUNDING PRIORITY STATEMENT Lee stated that the president has requested that the committee provide a recommendation to cabinet to further reduce operational expenditures. After thoughtful discussion the committee agreed to make the following recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pay Concessions (e.g., COLA, Step Increase) Suspend Board Members Stipends Voluntary Leave Concessions Furloughs –contingent and proportional Benefit Modifications –contingent and proportional There was also discussion regarding the unallocated portion of the budget and the committee agreed that this should be a very conservative amount or zero. Discussion ensued regarding the possible cost saving associated with using the HigherOne card also as a Student ID card. It was noted by Solomon that his experience in dealing with HigherOne has not been very positive as they are difficult to reach and it takes up to a week to replace a lost or damaged card. After further discussion the committee agreed that it would not be in the best interest of students to change from the current Student ID card to the HigherOne card. There was also discussion regarding the possibility of decreasing funding to the Child Development Center (CDC) as a cost saving measure. It was noted that the CDC has downsized in the past year by closing one of their classrooms and they are really at a point where they cannot reduce anymore. It was also noted that this is a teaching lab and it would not be beneficial to students for this program to be reduced any further. LISTENING SESSION RANKING SPREADSHEET ADJOURNED SUBMITTED The committee closed the session by breaking items with identified cost saving on the listening session list into two categories: Category A – No Negative effect on Educational Outcomes Category B – Acceptable level of Negative effect on Educational Outcomes The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m. lw