BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE Wednesday, October 31, 2012 2:00 p.m. SS 109 Draft Summary Notes MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Brown, Solomon DeCamp, Michael Dennis, Tami Engman, Tim Flanagan, Dave Gonsalves (phone), Utpal Goswami, Anita Janis (phone), Sharrie King, Lee Lindsey, Carla Spalding, Steve Stratton ALSO PRESENT Pat Girczyc, Bill Hole (phone), Roxanne Metz, Lynn Thiesen, President/Superintendent Kathy Smith CALL TO ORDER ACTION APPROVE SUMMARY NOTES The meeting was called to order by committee co-chair Lee Lindsey. DISCUSSION ACCJC VISIT UPDATE The summary notes from October 17, 2012 were not available. President Smith reported that at this point there has been a lot of positive feedback from the chair of the accreditation visiting team regarding the written report. She noted that he conveyed to her that the report addresses all of the recommendations except for III D which is related to finance. She also noted that there are going to be a limited number of team members available and they will not be able to do a complete comprehensive review and their report will be based mostly on the written report. President Smith informed the committee that the team will want to see a running total of what has been done so far to address the district’s financial concerns. She stated that they will also want to see that the Board of Trustees has given the administration authority to transfer funds from the Employee Benefits trust to the general fund if necessary. She also stated that the team will be looking for some indication from CSEA and CRFO that their groups understand the district’s current and future budget challenges and that the long-term solution includes a reduction in the workforce. President Smith continued by saying that by mid-December when the addendum to the show cause report is submitted we need to be able to say that there have been concessions from all employee groups. She noted that the message the team needs to hear is that everyone understands the district’s financial position and has some understanding of how it got there. Lee Lindsey reported that after receiving advice from bond counsel some expenses from the general fund have been moved to the bond fund which will help the general fund balance. Bob Brown asked for an update regarding non-resident tuition. Mr. Lindsey replied that the district will probably see a slight increase in revenue from nonresident students this year. BOARD ITEM EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST TRANSFER Mr. Lindsey explained to the committee that the request to transfer funds from the Employee Benefit Trust will be on the November Board of Trustees meeting agenda. This request will authorize the administration to transfer funds from the Employee Benefit Trust to the district’s general fund if necessary to maintain financial stability. He noted that the actual transfer may not take place if at all until after the district’s books are closed next year. This is a “backup plan” in the event that enough savings are not realized from the district’s budget savings efforts. PLANNING FOR AFTER THE NOVEMBER ELECTION There was discussion regarding proposition 30 and it was reiterated that we have already budgeted with the assumption that it will not pass. However, if it does pass enrollment growth money will come into play. It may be difficult to reach the FTES cap this year but we may be able to next year. Mr. Lindsey stated that he has heard rumor that if the proposition does not pass there could possibly be a midyear budget cut from the state. PROGRAM REVIEW UPDATE Mr. Lindsey stated that the Furniture and Equipment committee is being sun-setted as it has completed its purpose. This year we will try to have committees bundle projects under $5, 000 into groups so that it will decrease the total number of items to be ranked. There will be a few mandatory and/or regulatory items that will not be ranked. There was discussion regarding the processes that are currently in place for program review and it was noted that we will continue to see minor adjustments to help improve them. It was suggested that some sort of criteria or rubric be developed for use in the ranking process. It was stated by Bob Brown that he has become a proponent of doing two rankings which consist of a draft and then a final ranking. Bob noted that this allows there to be discussion if there are inconsistencies on any item ranked. ADJOURNED The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. SUBMITTED lw